Hidden Secrets {season 2}

By f0reverAlways

9.8K 138 23

You are a young girl very popular with very dark secrets, but what happens when those secrets start to become... More



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By f0reverAlways

Season 2, Episode 4 -The Town That Dreaded Sundown- [Part 1]


Everyone is afraid to say it. So, let me be the first. There is a serial killer amongst us. San Francisco has the zodiac killer. New Orleans have the axman. Texarkana, Texas, had the phantom killer. The list goes on and on. And to add to the ranks Riverdale's very own psychopath, the black hood.


Jughead and i walked up and down the isles at Riverdale's local library trying to find anything we could on serial killers, that had good aim and got the job done. I was able to find 4 books and jughead found 5. We walked up to the Register a placed our books down on the counter.

"Are these for research for school?" The librarian asked us.

"Research. Just research." I say giving the older lady a tight smile.

"Not for school, though." Jug added on.

"There are some terrible things going on in this town. Sadly it is not getting any better." The old woman said stamping out our books.

"Who would have thought it? Uh?" I say looking around the library. "A serial killer in a small town like riverdale."

The librarian looks up at us. "I am not just talking about that. I am also talking about that awful video those put up this morning." I turn to jughead not knowing wha to say.


There it was. Terror was seeping into the bedrock of Riverdale. A town hall meeting has been set up by our own Mayor McCoy. People were afraid to walk the streets alone, especially when dusk approached. Shops closed early, locks were added to doors and people started to heir security. Suspicions between the North and South Side deepened getting fanned into flames by Alice Cooper. As everyone wondered what danger lurked in the dark and when we were going to hear from the Black Hood next. Along with, how far into darkness would Archie Andrews go on his quest to avenge his father and to stop the black hood?


I had decided to go to school early today just so i could spend some time with the serpents. I was at my locker, pulling out my math, science and history books. I turned around, noticing a couple of Ghoulies staring at me and i shrugged it off like normal. I then heard a bang from beside me and pulled out my blade pressing it to the persons throat.

I realized it was Sweet-Pea. "Asshole." I muttered as I glaring at Sweet Pea.

"Good morning to you too, y/n/n." He joked, rubbing his neck and rolling his eyes. "Why do the Ghoulies keep staring at you?"

"I had a run in with them last night. I cut one of their guys up pretty good." I said smirking. Sweet Pea started to laugh.

"Fangs wants his stripes." Sweet Pea said as we walked to our gang.

"So what is he gonna do for them?" I asked as we continued to walk to the table.

"Well, you see there is some stupid video, you gotta see it by the way. It is of these kids on the Northside who created this group looking for the black hood. I think and this is a thought, he gets the head of there little gang, knocks him around a bit and then he's in." Sweet Pea suggested with a smile. I laughed a bit and shook my head.

"Sure, why not." I shrugged not really caring, "I do want to see that video though."

Pea smiled. "Definitely, topaz has her laptop." He nodded, the two of us walked into the cafeteria and then walked past the gated section towards the table. "Hey, T. Show queenie over here the video."

Toni laughed, opening her laptop as i sat next to her.

"This is a message for the coward who calls himself the Black Hood.' " my eyes widened when i realized who was talking and who's head Fangs would be knocking. "You think you can attack us from the shadows, but Riverdale is stronger than you. we are not afraid." I shook my head at the Andrews boy, maybe fangs should knock him around. Maybe it will give him some sense. "See, there's only one of you, but we're a legion."

"Is this kid insane." One of the serpents laughed. Others broke into laughter soon after and i huffed.

"We're called the Red Circle, and we're coming for you." He stated, Reggie walking up to the camera cracking his knuckles. "We will find you, we will hunt you, and we will end you."

People began to roar in laughter as i sat there shocked. "How many views does this thing have?"

"No clue, they took the original video down. This is just a repost, but i have to say probably everyone in Riverdale, maybe even Greendale." Toni shrugged.

"I'm guessing we're not watching funny cat videos." Jughead frowned, walking up to the group.

"Look at this." Sweet Pea laughed, turning the laptop around. Jughead started to watch the video,

"Some sick in the head Northsider posted this crazy video, and me and y/n/n were talking..." Looking back to me.


"Fogarty wants to earn his serpent striped, y/n/n and i agreed that if he knocks around the Northsider a bit, he's in." Sweet Pea smirked.

"I'm down with that." Fangs nodded. Sweet pea laughed banging on the table.

"That'd be too easy, now that i know who it is." I stated, standing up. Sweet Pea and fangs looked over and gave me a questioning look. "He goes to Riverdale Height, a total waste of time. He's a football player with an ego the size of Texas."

"So what are you saying?" Fangs asked.

"I say we give you something harder. Get rid of the register, they are the source of all our problems. After that, then your definitely in." I said smirking. "But you can also go for the red head. Maybe it will give him some sence." Fangs nodded with a smile.

"Alright, alright, i'm down with that." Fangs grinned.

"Or, you can go after the Black Hood." Jughead suggested. Sweet Pea scoffed, glaring at the raven haired boy.

"Why would we do that? The Black Hood is going after Northsiders, who do nothing but blame the Southside for everything. We're sick of it, Black Hood is doing our work, he's a hero."

"He's gone after four people within the last few weeks who yes, all happen to live on the Northside. But we don't know who he is, so how do you not know he won't cross over and kill someone on the Southside." Jughead stated, i looked away sighing, if i sided with the Serpents, Jughead would be mad at me, but if i sided with Jughead, the Serpents would lose respect for her. This is a lose, lose, Situation right here.

"No one knows who this guys it, and that's a big problem. He could be some psycho from Greendale for all we know." Jughead continued.

"He does have a point." I said. "But i can promise you, if he comes after anyone on the southside, especially a serpent, we will find him and we will do what this, red circle won't do and can not do. We'll kill him."

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