Remain Nameless | Bts x reader

By taesty95

59.7K 4.2K 707

The night held them in a loving embraced. They were the darkness and all the life it held. Feared and forgott... More

Prologue (The travellers)
Into shadows
King of the forest
And so it begins
Last breath of her
Sun streams
Compassions of nightmares
A place called hope
Chained arms and cold floors
Keep Looking
Comfort in strangers
Blood and gold
Faded off-white and overripe peach
The Abbots fall
Choice pt 1
Choice pt2
Mirrorball Moon
Rabbit heart
Secret๏ฟผ Ceremonials
Property of a Lord
The need to control
Gift an inch more of night
Lord and soldiers
The Cloud, the Island and the Sea
Remain nameless: As the world falls down
How and owl can cause a tantrum
Bigger than us
Blue pulled over
No Now, All future
Brambles grow
Half shadows
Small pleasures
No more wrong words
Glass beading on skin
Inked the words away
Great and holy plans
Perfect storm
Grassland birds
Come down
Does it glisten, the blood?
Belly of the beast
Fruit of all mankind
What am I without you?
Hares on the mountain

New girl

898 86 7
By taesty95

Jimin sat on his knees over a decent-sized vegetable patch. He towed at the roots of a weed and pulled out the cursed plant, adding it to the pile of its fallen brothers next to him. Opposite the vegetable patch sat the new girl. She was pulling at a weed. A small smile of victory tugged at her lips when it finally came free. (y/n) looked up briefly before going to another plant.

"Can I ask you a question?" She suddenly said.

It caught him by surprise. (y/n) hadn't spoken since they duelled earlier that morning.

"Sure," He replied.

"How did you do that thing where the strike came from everywhere?"

"Oh, that I thought that would catch you out," he said with an airy laugh.

"It did."

"You handle it better than the others do. They usually try to block it and end up getting hit." He didn't have much to go off other than Jin and Taehyung, but whenever he did it, they freaked out and tried to do the impossible task of blocking every strick. They had guessed correct a couple of times but, it was just that. Guesswork. There was a way to do it, but he had kept that a secret. Jimin enjoyed playing with his friends.

His mind travelled from fond memories to (y/n). All he knew was the girls' name. She had sparked a new curiosity in him. She was a skilled swordsman, and it was clear she hadn't learnt how to fight in Hope.

"How old are you?" she asked.

"Nineteen, you?"


"Well, nice to meet you properly and not while trying to stab each other with swords." He said with a smile that seems so, genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness and unexpected warmth. " What did Doeksu have to say to you?"

"He said I have a lot to improve on." She returned the smile. Her small hands brushed mud around what looked to be a carrot.

"I could help if you want?" Jimin offered. He wanted to get to know the girl and feed his curiosity. He just felt that something was magnetising about her. Her presence had been on his radar since she arrived in Hope, where it had flicked from strong to weak and back many times.

He wanted to know why.

"I guess you could," she replied, pulling out the carrot and holding it up to the sun. "I thought I'd never say this, but I miss these vegetables. It's been ages since I've had fresh food and not that crappy stuff in the monastery." She muttered to herself, earning a small chuckle from the older


Jimin stood up and brushed the dirt off his clothes. He stretched his hand out. "Come on. We'll finish this later. I want you to show me that tree thing." She hesitantly took his hand, letting it

pull her up.


Two moons later (y/n) sat in the corner of the monastery, her head resting on Jin's shoulder, ignoring the prying eyes of all the monks and students. "I don't get why we have to come back to the monastery just because he's gone for a few days. I've never seen you have to do it when I was stuck in here by myself." (y/n) complained. Her head bobbed up and down as Jin laughed.

"It's more than a few days, Doeksu is going to be gone for two moons, and you know that the Abbot doesn't trust us to be alone. Anyway, we've had to this before you came along."

She let out an unsatisfied groan. She had become close friends with the moon - she was reluctant at first, but she gave in to their pestering and found herself enjoying their company more and more.

"Where are the others? "

"Jimin's bathing and Taehyung with the younger students."

As if on cue, Taehyung sauntered over to where they sat, sweat dripping from his hair. He moved between the monks, feet almost silent of the grass still wet from the spring rain.  Under the warm evening light, the courtyard lay still. The heat of the day, replaced by a cool breeze. He sat with all the grace of a sack of wet cement next to the other two. His face seemed to slacken and sink as if pulled by an invisible string gently downward. 

"I hate those children," Taehyung said through laboured breath.

"Then why did you go play with them? " The older began questioning the youngers motives. Jin knew he enjoyed playing with the kids Taehyung, just didn't want to admit it. Most of the children here had been brought up by the monks.  They grew up hating the nightblades much as the monks did. Though somehow, Taehyung had slipped through the gap.

"It's fun."

"Only if they like you?"

"Everyone here hates us." (Y/n) butted into the conversation.

"Not me." Taehyung smiled happily.

Rolling her eyes, she gave Taehyung a playful shove. (y/n) watched over the grounds. She hadn't realised how much of an outsider she had become. How separate she was from the day-to-day life of the monks. Nothing was binding her to the monastery anymore.

Her new training had a powerful effect. She knew she was stronger than any monk, the once supreme aura they held now felt meaningless. (y/n) understood the skill set of the monks. Deosku had taught her about their strengths and weakness. If it was necessary, they could kill them. Hyuk was the leader of the pack. Not because he was strongest, but because he was cruel and the Abbots favourite.

The Abbot was a different matter. She didn't know the affinity of his power. (y/n) had yet to witness it in its full strength. So she couldn't assess. She tried to think back to when she fought him, but it was no use trying to recall memories she'd much rather forget.

Her lessons with the boys and Doeksu and her uncertainty had put her in an awkward place. Her desire to leave was still there, and she was sure she could get away without pursuit. But something was stopping her, she didn't know how to get back to the hut, and she didn't want to leave her new friends. Yet here in the monastery, she was a traitor.

She was angry at first by the label, but (y/n) soon realised the people there were just as uncomfortable as her. She had gone against the man they lived by and looked up to. They left her alone, ignoring her as if she was a ghost, and that was fine by her. 

She spent her day's combat training in the morning and expanding her sense in the afternoon. It was a slow process. One step at a time, tendrils would flicker out and reach new distances, taking in all life, big and small. Then she would force it a little further till her mind could comprehend all the information. It was tedious work, but over the two weeks with the boys (y/n) - had reached a further dozen or so paces. She could now cover three times the area of the monastery.

(y/n) had also become an expert observer of the monastery. She often spent time with Jin watching the lives play out. A few days ago, Hyuk had left in a joyful mood. She assumed he was off hunting for a new prisoner. Nobody enjoyed ripping children away from their parents as much as he did.

The sound of hoves crashing on the ground filled the air. Hyuk sat proudly on his horse with a girl tied up slung over the back. There was rarely any reason to tie someone up as he did. Yet, he lacked certain confidence and sought it necessary. She watched the situation and threw out her sense.

The girl was boiling with rage. (y/n) didn't need to use her sense to understand that. Something was off with hyuk as well. He was moving with pain like he was injured. Putting two and two together, it was clear the girl had gotten the best of him, somehow managed to cut him. He wasn't just injured. He was furious. The thought of hyuk getting the drop from the little girl brought a grin to her face. She already like this girl.

The girl was just like she was when she came. Only, the girl wouldn't see that. To the girl, she was part of the system, just like any other monk.

Hyuk jumped off the horse and cut the rope attacking the girl to the animal, but he didn't untie her hands or ankles. She slipped off the horse, trying to land on her feet, but they were well tied, and she didn't have her hands to break the fall. (y/n) winced as she landed harshly on the grass.

Hyuk laughed and (y/n) stood up. She could not become like the other monks and let this happen. Scanning the monastery, she saw everyone else ignoring Hyuk and his cruelty.

"I'll be back in a moment," she muttered out to no one in particular. She took a deep breath and crept upon the man. She decided she wasn't going to be the one to attack first. She wasn't sure where she stood in the monastery, but killing Hyuk wouldn't end well in her favour.

Her only goal was to remove the girl from hyuk.

Hyuk hadn't noticed her still - she cleared her thoughts. (y/n) smiled as hyuk jumped in his skin. He spun around as realisations hit him. His hand reached for his sword but, he saw she was not ready for a fight. Prepared but not threatening.

"Untie the girl Hyuk."

Hyuk didn't reply. She could see the cogs in his brain going round in circles. He had a higher status than (y/n), yet her voice said she didn't care. It wasn't an option. It was a demand. If he didn't do it, he knew he would have to fight her. Fear flashed in his eyes, she was the better opponent, and he was injured.

"She cut me. She is a danger to everyone here."

"Untie her Hyuk."

"She needs to have an audience with the Abbot. You know the procedure we can't let her in if she's a threat to him."

(y/n) didn't reply, her posture strong. Hyuk frantically looked around for another voice to back him up. Everyone else was still too busy ignoring his cruelness to see his current plight. He bent to her will and untied the girl.

Much to the girls' character, she attempted to hit him as soon as his back turned. It was subtle, but (y/n) caught it and grabbed the girls wrist.

"He's not worth it, trust me."

The girl stared with hatred deep into (y/n)'s eyes. She returned the gaze, hoping her calmness would settle the girl's anger. She had no bitterness, no resentment, and even some sympathy to this girl. She seemed to pick up on this and relaxed, but she could sense it was only skin-deep. Hate still burned within her.

When she was confident the girl wasn't planning on trying anything again, (y/n) let go of the wrist. Hyuk, still clueless of the events that had just happened, was blabbering on about procedures but was cut off mid-sentence by (y/n) glare. She led the girl to Abbot's quarters. She could feel him start to show his power. Waves of energy passed through the monastery.

She gazed at the girl. (y/n) could not tell if she could feel the Abbots energy or not. Whatever the case, the girl was doing an exceptional job at holding herself together.

"What's your name?"

The girl was silent.

"My names (y/n). My friends and I want to get out of here too, but it's very hard. I will need your help. The people here are powerful, epically the one you're about to meet."It was a white lie. The girl couldn't help escaping the monastery, but if it would allow the child to open up to her, she didn't mind telling a lie. The girl was young and wanted an ally.

"My name's Heeyoung, " She decided to trust(y/n).

"That's a pretty name, I'm going to take you to the man in charge. He's not a nice man, but if I don't, we'll get in trouble. I'll stay there the whole time, don't worry." The little girl nodded and followed (y/n) across the courtyard. It was clear she now fully trusted her and would do anything (y/n) said.

She led Heeyoung to the Abbots grand building - the golden wall brought haunting memories to the front of her mind. She quickly shucks them off, not wanting o to dwell on it. The procedure of introducing the new girl to Hope began, as promised (y/n) stayed and watched the whole time. The Abbot was happy to show off his strength to Heeyoung, but he was distracted. The meeting rushed, she expected a small interview as she had, but nothing such took place. Heeyoung was welcomed, the Abbot introduced himself, and they were sent off.

(y/n) took Heeyoung over to her friends. "This Heeyoung," she turned to the girl. "There were the friends I told you about. This is Taehyung. He will show you where to go to rest." (Y/n) faced Taehyung with a pleading glint in her eyes. He nodded slightly and took the small girls hand. They walked to the quarter where the younger student slept and disappeared into the building.


Later that night, two men huddled together sheltered by gold and expensive wooden carvings, lit by candles. The incident with (y/n) that day had brought Hyuk closer with the Abbot. Hyuk had realised a long time ago, he had no true abilities - or powers, nor did any of his cohort. He believed the only way he could raise was to befriend the Abbot. For however many cycles he had been carefully listening to every command and teaching, every word the Abbot gave he followed. Found every opening to show his worth to him.

But the Abbot never seemed to notice. He saw him as just a servant, nothing or nothing less. This did not stop Hyuk dedication to the man.

It all changed on the day (y/n) had bested him. It was peculiar how his failer was the gateway to his wish. Ever since then, Hyuk was the one the Abbot would confide in. Their conversation grew longer and more frequent as time passed.

"Did you see what happened today, master (y/n) she..."

The Abbot interrupted him. "Yes, I sense it all. what she did was unacceptable."

"What shall we do now, master?"

The Abbot flinched at the word but kept himself calm.

"I can no let this behaviour continue, but I cannot just kill her over a minor issue. She is one of Deoksu's students. He has the ear of Akira."

Hyuk hung on every word like a mouth to light. Maybe he would have a role to play, something that would cement his worth to the Abbot. As he hoped the Abbot looked directly at him, realisation dawned as a plan formed in his mind.

"The only way around this is to get the girl to commit a transgression so heinous, an act so awful we have no choice but to kill her." He gazed meaningfully at Hyuk. " I believe you will have to play a key part to play for my plan to work. In the meantime, I would like you to train the new girl Heeyoung. She has exceptional promise, and only you can train her. You must use whatever method deems right ."

Warmth spread through Hyuk.

For cycles, he had been treated the same as everyone else, but now he was given a task, only for him.

The Abbot laughed softly as the other man left his quarters in glee. It was a simple but genius plan. He would train the girl to catch (y/n) attention. It was guaranteed, she would kill him. Then he would be given no choice but to kill her. He would be rid of both Hyuk and (y/n). Two heads would roll with one stone.

(Hello, thank you all for reading, I really appreciate it xxx)

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