Hidden Secrets {season 2}

By f0reverAlways

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You are a young girl very popular with very dark secrets, but what happens when those secrets start to become... More



415 4 3
By f0reverAlways

Finally an update.
Sorry for the wait.
I had a softball tournament this week and 2 weeks ago i had my finals.
I also i am living in a extreme heat wave and i don't want my IPad or phone to overheat.
Hope you understand.


Season 2, Episode 3 -The Watcher In The Woods- [Part 2]

I sat there at my desk drumming my hands on the table as our teacher talked about a book i have already read.

"Fahrenheit 452, by one of my favorite authors, Ray Bradbury." Mr. Phillips said, holding up the book as he walked around the class. "Let's start with the title, can anyone tell me it's significance?"

"What? Damn it!" Sweet Pea shouted as he walk out of the room. I laughed a little at his out burst.

"People, come on. There's a burning book on the cover." I looked anywhere but the front of the class room.

"Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which paper burns." Jughead called out. I looked over at Jughead and sighed, closing my eyes. "It was a pleasure to burn." He said quoting.

"Indeed. Thank you, Mr. Jones and welcome to hell." Mr. Phillips nodded. The bell then finally rang for lunch and students hurried out of the class. I started to put my binder away asking my time not caring, when I realized Jughead wasn't next to me. I looked up to see him talking to the teacher. I grabbed my bag and walked up to the two.

"I was wondering what happened to the Red and Black?" Jughead asked, he turned his head to see me standing behind him and smiled, intertwining our fingers.

"Drugs and Gangs came to Southside High." Mr. Phillips sighed. "It's hard to get students into those type of things into the school paper."

"I'm into it." Jughead nodded. "And i have experience as well. Y/n, and another girl and I wrote for the Blue and Gold back at Riverdale, y/n is a really good photographer."

"Are the articles online?" Phillips asked, Jughead nodded with a smile. "I'll take a look at them and let you know."

"Thanks, it means a lot." Jughead said before we walked out.

Finally school was over and Jughead and i were walking down the hall together, hand in hand when Mr. Phillips called out our names. The two of us turned around to see our teacher jogging towards us.

"Mr. Jones, i've read your work, I'm impressed. As well as you Ms. Queens, your photographs are excellent." Mr. Phillips said complimenting us. "So much so, that i'll consider reopening the Red and Black on two conditions, One, no gangs and two, no jingle-jangle. If you even write about them, if i see you trafficking, we're done." "

"He That won't be a problem." I said with a small nod.

"The old newspaper room is just down the hall, follow me." Phillips said, leading us towards the room. Finally we reached the door and Mr. Phillips unlocked the door, opening it. "You two might have to bring a duster.... and a vacuum."

"Obviously..." i muttered looking around the room. Mr. Phillips left the two of us alone as i let out a huff of air as the dust flew around. "Are you up for this?" I ask.

"Yeah, it will be fun, plus it means more time with you." Jughead said grinning. I looked down with a smile and a slight blush crept on my cheeks. Jughead shut the door behind us, as i pulled a sheet and dust went flying in the air again. I coughed slightly, waving my arm around fanning the dust away. The door opened again and Toni walked into the room.

"Wow, i'm shocked. You must be really into this, Jughead. And you y/n/n never thought i would see you doing this." Toni said looking around.

"i have to find away to keep him out of trouble some how." I said pulling of more tarps.

"There's a lot to be done." Jughead said.

"Ain't that the truth." Toni and I said laughing, looking around the room, shuffling through things that had been shoved in boxes.

"It's no New York Times." Jughead nodded with a small smile.

"True, but hey, congrats on finding your safe place Snowflake." Toni laughed.

"Yeah, i already have my world-class photographer ready to as she puts it 'expose people'." Jughead said, mimicking me as I rolled my eyes, and pulling out an old camera. Suddenly footsteps could be heard and i looked up, seeing Sweet Pea and some of the other teenage serpents with him.

"Topaz, let's bounce." Sweet pea said, he looked over to Jughead and I then tilted his head, "You guys wanna come? We're going to the quarry."

Jughead looked to me, i just shrugged, signalling him that it was his choice. "Um... i don't have my beach bod." Jughead said uneasily.

"What about you, queen?" Sweet-Pea asked me.

"Next time, yeah?" I asked with a small nod. Sweet Pea turned to look at me with a small smile and then back to Jughead with a frown.

"So you'll ask for help from the Serpents when you need it, but you can't hang out with us?" Sweet Pea scoffed. I sighed, shaking her head. "Don't come crawling to us, hat in hand when some Ghoulie decides he wants to earn his stripes by taking out the Serpent queen's ma-"

"Enough, Sweet Pea." I stated, glaring at the raven haired serpent.

"It's okay." Jughead said looking over to me, then back to Sweet Pea, "And duly noted, thank you, Sweet Pea." Jughead nodded, "I appreciate everything you and the serpents have done for me and my dad, but i'm done. Okay?"

Sweet pea clenched his fists and then took a step forward, i moved in front of Jughead and Toni took a step in front of me making sure i didnt do anything that i would regret.

"Hey, hey he's made up his mind. Leave them alone okay?" Toni glared.

"Get the hint Pea, he's just not into you." I said smirking.

"Let's motor." Toni laughed, pushing Sweet Pea out of the room. "See you later, Queenie. Jughead." Toni waved, walking out with the other serpents.

"They're not always like that... promise." I said sighing and going back to cleaning.

After hours upon hours of cleaning the room was finally starting to look better. I just finished filling up another trash bag as I looked up seeing Jughead sitting there, rummaging through a box of who knows what.

"Oh yeah, just sit there, that's totally fine. Let your girlfriend do all the work." I said playfully.

"Do you need or want any help?" Jughead asked, quirking an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes as i went back to filling the garbage bag as jughead sighed standing up and walking over to me, pinning me against the table. He bent down, placing a finger under my chin forcing me to look at him as he pulled me into a kissing. I gave into the kiss, my hands let go of the table and finding their way up to the back of Jughead's neck. He grinned as the kiss got heated, his hands gripped onto my hips, pulling me closer.

He pulled away and i groaned slightly at the lose of contact, he grinned, pulling me back into a slower kiss and then walking us backwards till we hit the edge of the table again. He picked me up swiftly and set me down on the table, standing between my legs.

He started to trail down my neck and to her collar bone, placing light kisses, neither of us realized the door had opened until Toni screamed.

"Oh my god! Put a sign or a sock the door... Something!" At that point, i had already pushed Jughead off of me.

"Sorry..." i muttered, fixing my now crinkled shirt. Jughead sat there scratching the back of his neck and sighed.

"Um, well i brought you two something." Toni said awkwardly, opening her bag, pulling out a coffee pot. I grinned and jumped off the table and walked over.

"You are a angle sent from hell." I said, walking over and taking the coffee pot and hugging it.

"Aren't angles sent from heaven?" Toni asks.

"Yeah, but hell seems more fun. And you my friend aren't a devil you are an angle sent from hell."

"Y/n/n's one true love." Jughead laughed.

"Always, i gotta go, i just wanted to drop that off." Toni smiled walking out of the room. I placed the pot down and then turned to Jughead and sighed.

"Want to continue were we left off?" Jug asked with a smirk.

"Nah, Toni ruined the mood." I said. "Pop's?"

"Definitely." Jughead smiled, closing his laptop and placing it in his bag. I turned off the light switch and then the two of us walked out of the room. We walked hand in hand. I started to feel that there was something off, i kept looking around the halls.

"What's wrong?" Jug asked.

"Nothing..." I said looking over my shoulder. We started to near the exit and then a door slammed from behind them. I stopped walking, turning around slightly.

"Come on." I urged, starting to pull him forward. "Follow me."

"What?" Jug asked, slightly confused and concerned. I shook my head, pulling him faster to the door. When they reached the door i groaned seeing to chained shut.

"Lookie, lookie what we have here. The serpent queen and the prince." A guy taunted from behind us. We both turned around, i was calm, i was never actually scared to fight someone, jughead on the other hand was full on panicking.

Someone came from behind us pulling me back and holding onto me before i could get my switch blade as one of the other guys, pushed Jughead to the ground. I soon realized that the ass-holes were the Ghoulies. I struggled against the guy that held me, i then finally kicked up my leg, kicking his shin making him let me go.

I pulled out her switch blade, then one of the guys went to reach for me again but before he could i slashed his palm making him cry out in pain. I pulled Jughead up and the two of us ran out of the school.

After the fight, Jughead and I made our way home or at least to my house. As soon as we got in I threw my serpent jacket to the side of the room and let out a huff of air, running my hand though my hair.

"Do you want to stay here the night? It is getting late." I say turning to face jughead. "We can clean the cuts up tomorrow before the start of school."

"Sure. That works for me." Jughead said as we made our way up to my room.

The next morning Toni came by with some medical supplies to help Jughead clean up his injury's from the night before.

Toni and Jughead watched as i continued pace around the room in anger. I huffed out in anger, shaking my hands still not over the fact that i let jughead get hurt.

"Y/n/n, hey, nothing bad happened. It's just a couple of scratches and bruises." My father said as he tried to calm me down. I just glared at my dad to tell him to shut up. Most people knew not to go after me when i was angered. I got some anger issues from my mother.

"You did way worse to the other guys that what happened to me." Jughead said as he also tried to calm me down. I looked to him and let out another shaky breath trying to calm myself down. "I'm okay." He said, getting up and walking over to me, taking my hands.

"You are okay?" I asked softly still trying to calm myself down. He nodded, resting his forehead on my head.

"This still shouldn't of happened..." i said shaking my head. "I said i wouldn't let this happen. And it happened. You got hurt because of me."

"All the serpents said they wouldn't let this happen. But we can't help it if the Ghoulies just sneak up on us like that." Toni sighed, trying to also comfort me.

"She is right, y/n/n." My dad said softly. I looked at the two and then back to Jughead and sighed.

"Let it go... for me." Jughead mumbled, i looked away for a second and then nodded.

"Only this time." I stated, "Next time, they're dead."

"Also how did you manage to get a switch blade inside school?" My father asked me.

"Will, you see... uh, mmm... ahh, i just did." I said and gave a cheesy smile.

The next couple of days after jughead and i got into the fight with the Ghoulies he started sitting with the group, the Serpents. Although i knew he was not going to follow in his father footsteps it was nice to know that he was some what protected.


Those kids in the fairy tales who go into the woods they don't come back the same. They are always changed in some fundamental way. Sometimes for the better. More often the worst. That is the common misconception about fairytales. They are very rarely have a happy ending.


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