Not Just a Summer Love (One D...

By Crazymorninglove

4.6K 113 61

Britney is just a small town girl. She's been through a lot this year and summer is finally here but is her l... More

Not Just a Summer Love (One Direction)
1. The Drugstore
2. Hangout
3. Rejected! lol
Author's note..
4. Getting Ready
5. The Date
6. Little Things
7. Ian or Zayn?
8. Hi, nice to---OW! you?
9. He's mine!
11. Butternut? Is it really you?
12. Hi, I'm Trey Summers.
14. More chocolate?
15. It all makes sense now.
17. Stalker much?
19. No signal.
20. Screw That
21. MY HARIBO!!!
22. Announcements.
AUTHOR'S NOTE!! PLEASE read or baby manatees will eat your nandos
23. Let you go
24. Dream about it
26. When Will This End?
27. To be honest...
Author's Note! Read if you must
30. Step on my feet
31. I don't love you too

10. Expect the Truth Unless You Pick Dare.

124 4 3
By Crazymorninglove

hey, so I know I haven't updated in a while but I'M SORRY OK!! gosh. you people expect so much from me! I CAN ONLY GIVE BIRTH TO SO MANY PREGNANT WATERBUFFALOS AT A TIME!!!!! (As you can tell, I am still in werewolf mode)


xx M

Macy's POV

Harry had spun. And it had landed on me.. That's it, I'm screwed.

Harry is smiling cheekily at me and Liam... I know what Haz is thinking so I try to tell him no by doing what I would call  the "I will slit your throat" movement while mouthing NO NO NO NO. But Harry just smiles wider before asking,

"Macy, Truth or Dare?"

Um...I have two choices, and either way, Harry will embarrass me...  "Truth?" I say, going for the less physical option...

"ok, If you could make out with anyone in the room right now, who would it be?" He says, obviously knowing the answer and just wanting me to say it out loud.

"umm..." I can feel my cheeks getting red...more like scarlet. "l-liam..." I barely whisper.

"What was that? Say it again" Harry asks trying to look innocent but ruining it by smiling his cheeky smile. I clench my teeth, my grip on Liam's hand making me quite nervous.. "Liam." I say louder, everyone hearing it this time, causing Liam to look down at me with a gleam in his eyes. I quickly look down, not wanting to face him. Awkward... And so the game continues, I spin and it lands on Zayn.

"Zayn!" I shout since I needed to get his attention which isn't possible when he's making out with Haleigh! He turns his head so I ask my question.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Dare" he says. He's gonna regret it.

"I dare you to not touch Haleigh at all for 20 minutes because I don't think you can." What? It's true, I actually do think that. I see Zayn's jaw drop and Haleigh starting to pout but I am seriously enjoying this.

Zayn finally agrees and spins. It lands on Jeanne but Zayn insists on it being Jeanne and Lily since they were best friends or whatever... We all just gave in because most of us didn't care really, the other half was drunk.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Dare" they say at the same time. Followed by "Jinx! Double Jinx! Triple Jinx! Grr! Stop That!..."    I finally calm them down and tell Zayn to go ahead.

"I dare you both to lick peanut butter off Louis stomach!"

That's disgusting...

Lily and Jeanne both have grossed out looks on their faces.. I actually feel bad for them.

Lily's POV

Eww... I really don't know... It can't be so bad... I mean, he probably has abs.. Snap out of it Lily!!!   "Ok I'll do it."

Did I really just say that?

Jeanne's POV

Did she really just say that?

I can't let her do it on her own... I have to do this dare because I NEVER chicken out. EVER

"I'll do it too"

I'm getting up to go get the peanut butter when I hear "Don't Cha" by the Pussycat Dolls. Britney. She always has the most hilarious ring tones.

Hmm... Chunky or Smooth? Smooth is always better [A/N always.]

Britney's POV

"Hellllooo...?" I answer with a giggle and a hiccup

"Hey gurl!!!!!! It's ALEXIS!  Are you drunk???? Why didn't you invite me over!"

"NO! I amm nott! Youuu ssshould totally come over right now!!" I squeak

I feel Haleigh take the phone away from me... NO! BABY COME BACK TO ME 

Haleigh talks to Alexis, my crazzzy cousin! Sshe left when we were younger but she visits all the time and we get WASTED cuzz we too fly to care!!!!

My head hurts.

"Um... Alexis will be coming over soon ok Brit?" Haleigh tell me. I nod "Yes Mommy"

I walk into the living room to see Lily and Jeanne llicking peanut butterr off Louis chest... Weeirdooos...

There I a knock at the door so I try to run to it but trip and fall on my face :( Nialler helps mee  up and gives me a peck on the lips.

"WHOA GURL WHOA" I hear from the door " YOU JUST... KISSED THAT GUY... I NEVER EVEN KNEW THE DAY WOULD COME!" I run up to her and hug my attitude-crazed friend

We sit down in the circle again and it's Lily's turn to spin. The bottle lands on Alexis (who by the way is sitting in between Harry's legs... Dang that was fast)...

"Expect the truth... unless you pick dare" Louis cuts in making us all laugh. Sommmebody'ss drunnnk....

"Truth or Dare?" Lil says smiling while we snicker.

"umm.... Dare!" Alexis says

"I dare you to play 7minutes in heaven, with Harry." She says still smirking. I never knew Lily could be that evill! I like it.. Alexis nods and Harry picks her up, wrapping her legs around the waist as he opens the door to the closet...

EWww. Remind me to bleach it later.

Liam's POV

While Harry and Alexis are in that closet doing who knows what I decide it would be a good time to talk to Macy. I just can't believe she feels for me.. I can't be sure because she won't look at me! Does she hate me?

Anyway, I take her hand and she gives me a scared look. Is she scared of me now?

 We are on the patio and we sit down. I look into her eyes and she nervously bites her lip turning away. She is so cute when she does that...

"Macy. Macy please look at me" I plead. She looks at me. "Mace, you don't know the effect you have on me..." I pause. "Does the truth still apply?"

She stares at me a bit confused but understands and lightly nods. I lean in and kiss her softly on the lips, she stands there dazed but smiles before saying, "so I'm guessing you feel the same?"

"Of course"

SO... I am pretty sure this chapter makes no sense.. Hope ya liked it! Vote Comment & Fan :)

xx M

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