Feel the adrenaline (Midoriya...

By MarieNoels

124K 3.6K 912

The first chapter is a little info about this book so I'm not gonna put that here lol. Just wanted to give my... More

Pussy boy
What the hell
You really are a kind person
Let's fucking do this
Midoriya isn't quirkless anymore
Welcome to your hero academia
What was that..?
Show em what you've got
I'll be by your side
Nice shoes shortstack
Wake up
Emergency exit Iida
F in the chat for Iida
Do I like him?
Obstacle course
Cavalry Battle
Kira's new ability
Kira is very swag
Izuku vs Todoroki
Kira vs Tokoyami
authors note
First kiss
Kira vs Bakugou
Rivals and friendships
Internships pt.1
face reveal
Internships pt.2
Tears and messages
Monoma's an asshole lols
Final exams pt.1
Final exams pt.2
Daddy issues?
Two heroes: pt.1
Two heroes: pt.2
I'm sick :(
Two heroes: pt.3
Two heroes: pt.4
Two heroes: pt.5
Pool day
I love her
author's note: PLEASE READ
Relentless training
Darkness takes over
League of Bastards
info on Kira
Class 1-A
Back on track
Provisional License pt.1
Provisional License pt.2
Provisional License pt.3
Author's note: new story!
House arrest
Deku vs Kira
author's note: PLEASE READ
The big three
Valentines Special
See you later, Midoriya
Calm down
The choice is yours
Author's note
Keep fighting
My favourite hero
Final decision

Bakugou vs Midoriya

2K 66 3
By MarieNoels


Kira anxiously bit her fingernails as she stood in the monitor room with the rest of her classmates, watching the first fight go down. Everyone seemed pretty excited, but they didn't know how bad this actually was. Usually Kira was there to back Midoriya up if Bakugou lost his cool, but now he had to fend for himself. 

Kira thought that was okay, because Midoriya could handle himself. Plus, this was his fight, not hers and she knew that, but she couldn't help but worry for him. Over time, she's gotten close enough to Midoriya to know just how much he looked up to Bakugou. But she also knew how dangerous Bakugou could be. He would let his personal feelings take over and charge straight for Midoriya, Kira knew that much.

As All Might gave them the okay to start the match, Midoriya and Uraraka carefully made their way inside the building. He kept a cautious eye on all of the blindspots, and just as Kira expected, Bakugou made an appearance from behind a corner and blasted the wall where Midoriya stood, the latter narrowly avoiding the blast by jumping away with Uraraka.

Kira took a deep breath, steadying herself for the fight to come. She had hope for her sweet friend, she'd seen the notebooks he kept with him and she was sure he'd use those to his advantage. 

As the smoke cleared, it was clear that half of Midoriya's mask was ripped, destroyed by the blast. Bakugou said something to Midoriya but unfortunately, nobody could hear them. Kirishima complained how a sneak attack like that wasn't manly at all and All Might responded by saying Bakugou was just acting like a villain, playing his part. Kira knew better than that.

Bakugou advanced towards Midoriya again, ready to blast another one of his explosions until it backfired. Midoriya grabbed his arm, pivoted on his right foot to turn his back towards the blonde, and threw him over his shoulder onto the ground. Kira silently cheered for her friend. 'So he did use the information from his notebooks, I knew it. He's trying to avoid using his quirk since it's still unstable.'

All Might explained some stuff about the capture tape and about the earpieces they wore to communicate to their teammate but Kira was focussed on what was happening on the screens. Bakugou seemed extremely pissed because of Midoriya's sudden move, and Midoriya didn't seem to wanna back off either.

Bakugou blasted his way towards Midoriya while Uraraka made a run for it. Kira figured she'd go after Iida since Bakugou probably wouldn't let Midoriya leave. The blonde tried to land a kick to Midoriya's right side, but much to everyone's surprise, he took that chance to start wrapping the capture tape around others leg, much like Eraserhead did with his scarf. Bakugou tried firing another blast, but yet again, Midoriya saw it coming and swiftly dodged the attack.

"Wow, he's holding his own and he hasn't even used his quirk yet!" Kira listened as her classmates made comments of astonishment about her friend and she couldn't help the tinge of pride she felt in her chest. She was right, Midoriya could hold his own now, he didn't need her to protect him anymore. 

Next thing she knew, Midoriya made a run for it, leaving Bakugou enraged and alone, although he soon went looking for the other as well. Bakugou looked pissed as hell, that much was clear.

"That guy has some major anger issues, kinda scary", said Kaminari. "Heh, you should've seen him in middle school. Nobody dared to speak up against him, let alone look at him. He's always pissed", commented Kira, earning a few snickers from her classmates.

Once she looked back at the screens, she noticed how Uraraka had found Iida. He soon noticed her after she made too much noise and revealed to her how he had moved every object in the room, rendering the girls' quirk completely useless.

In the meantime, Bakugou had finally found Midoriya, and let's just say he looked about ready to kill someone. Like he was actually going to end Midoriya's life. Bakugou started talking as he pointed one of his gauntlets towards Midoriya, seemingly ready to set off a huge blast. "Young Bakugou, don't do it! You'll kill him!" shouted All Might. Now that got Kira worried. 'Just what in the hell is Bakugou doing?!'

Kira could hear a faint voice from All Might as Bakugou spoke. "He'll be fine as long as he dodges!" As soon as he said that, he pulled the pin, releasing an enormous blast that covered the entire hallway as it blew Midoriya away. The entire building shook from the impact and shouts of surprise and panic were heard among the students. 'What the fuck man, how can anyone dodge that?!' thought Kira as she furrowed her eyebrows.

Kira gasped as she saw Midoriya sprawled out on the floor, the entirety of his mask and his right sleeve now completely burned off. "Young Midoriya! Come in young Midoriya!" 

Bakugou walked through the smoke, a malicious smirk on his face. "Jesus christ, he's insane..." muttered Kira as she plucked at her fingernails. Uraraka apparently failed an attempt to get to the weapon, which made her tumble down to the ground after trying to float herself.

"Sir, isn't this getting out of hand? That Bakugou is acting real crazy, he's gonna kill him", reasoned Kirishima as he glanced towards All Might, who all the same refused his suggestion to end this round. "Bakugou, use that move again and I'll stop the fight. Your team will lose!"

That seemed to get Bakugou's attention as he temporarily looked away from his victim, who was still talking in his earpiece. 'Huh, so he's got something planned.'

"Hey Yamari, you doing okay? You look kind of anxious. You have been the entire time actually." Kira turned her attention to the red head and gave him a small smile. "Yeah I'm good. It's just that Bakugou has always had a problem with Midoriya and I knew he'd go after him like that, but I didn't expect him to go this far." Kirishima nodded in understanding before offering her some comfort by placing his hand on her shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. 

Kira looked forward again, muttering a thanks to her friend who squeezed her shoulder one more time before dropping his hand. 

Midoriya positioned himself in an offensive stance as Bakugou blasted his way towards him and raised his right hand, seemingly going for another right hook. But before Midoriya could react, Bakugou used a small blast to smoke Midoriya in the face to move behind him and blast him on his back. "Oh shit.." gasped Kira, not having expected that at all. Even she thought he'd be going for a right hook.

"He doesn't come off as a guy with a strategy, but he's actually quite intelligent." Kira perked up at thatand looked over her shoulder to find the source of the rather monotone voice. 'Todoroki spoke??' she thought in surprise before adding her own observations. "Yeah, he changed his trajectory in mid air, using a blast that doubled as a smoke screen. Bakugou doesn't come off that way, but his strategic thinking only adds to the strength he possesses."

Todoroki spared her a glance, his eyes devoid of any emotion. He seemed to observe Kira for a second before nodding his head, signalling that he had made the same observations. Kira turned forward again, just at the same time that Bakugou had grabbed Midoriya's arm and used small explosions to pivot on his right foot, throwing Midoriya over his shoulder and on the floor.

Kira winced at that. 'Man, that landing must NOT have been pleasant.'

"This is hard to watch! All he has to do is wrap tape around him, not kill him!"

"I thought Midoriya was great in the beginning, but he's completely outmatched in terms of combat power."

"Bakugou sure looks like a villain."

That last comment made Kira a bit irritated for some reason. Sure Bakugou is going way overboard and she dislikes him with a passion but he's anything but a villain. Kira came to that conclusion a while ago. He may be aggressive and foul mouthed, but he's willing to do anything to be at the top. He's aiming to be number one and going all out is his way to prove that.

Although she did come really close to changing her mind after watching this fight...

All of a sudden Bakugou and Midoriya simultaneously dashed their ways toward each other. Midoriya raising his fist while Bakugou readied an explosion. "He's gonna use his quirk!" Kira blurted out. 

As Bakugou sent a blast right to Midoriya's face, the latter changed his stance which made him punch upwards. The force of his quirk made the building fall in on itself, creating a huge hole in the ceiling and shattering the glass. Uraraka took advantage of this and touched a pillar that came loose, making it weightless. She swung it forward, making a bunch of debris fly towards Iida. At the same time she jumped over the big hole and onto the weapon, successfully retrieving it. 

Kira's mouth hung open from shock as Midoriya was finally visible again. His right arm entirely broken and small scratches on his face from the explosion. He collapsed not even a minute after, leaving Bakugou to stare at nothing but air. He seemed really shaken up, almost as if he panicked. Nobody dared to even speak as All Might declared the heroes the victors.

Though in her eyes, that wasn't even close to a win. Both of them beaten and bruised while the other team hadn't a scratch on them. 

'That Bakugou... He is one crazy dude.'


Didn't know it would take me this long to write this episode lolol. It's freaking 1AM.

Thanks for reading!

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