TORTURED SOUL, general kiriga...

By -tothelakes

229K 9.5K 11K

COMPLETED, liliya was an inferni and one of general kirigan's closest advisors. she was not the conventional... More



2.5K 107 190
By -tothelakes


Liliya's footsteps echoed down the empty corridors as she headed towards the study. She didn't know what Aleksander was doing, if he was busy but she didn't care. She simply wanted to see him, she had missed him and she looked better so wanted him to appreciate it. Her hips swayed and the kefta hugged her perfectly as she pushed the office door open.

Aleksander was sat at his desk, hunched over slightly and he seemed to be mulling over plans. His hands resting on the desk before he sat back and pushed his fingers through his hair. He was so lost in thought that he didn't realise she was there. Not until she was practically sat in his lap.

"I missed you," Liliya said as she cupped his cheek with her hand. Her legs adjusting to more comfortably straddle him in the chair. She could feel the wooden arms digging into her but she ignored it. Aleksander met her gaze, blue clashing with brown but his face softened. The frown lines on his forehead eased up and his eyes lit up at her appearance.

"You look better," He said as he moved his hand to rest against her hips. She smiled and nodded, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Her nose nudged his before she just rested, her eyes falling closed. His followed suit and they just listened to each other breathing for a moment before Aleksander pulled back, "I will be back in the room earlier tonight. I promise," He said. His words were almost dismissive and Liliya sighed. Slowly, she moved off his lap before nodding.

"Okay," She mumbled. She tried not to show her annoyance but it seeped into her appearance slightly. Not that Aleksander noticed. Instead, he just went back to his work and Liliya walked back to the room. A huff escaped her lips as her back collided with the bed, her hands covering her face as she kicked the bed frame with the heel of her foot.

A soft cry of pain escaped her lips and when she opened her eyes, Aleksander was stood at the door. An unimpressed and slightly confused look on his face. He quickly dismissed her actions and instead, closed the door before walking over.

"What's wrong, milaya?" He asked as he discarded his kefta on the dresser. Liliya shook her head and stood up, pulling her own off. They both needed to get ready and she didn't want to unload her issues onto him. He had every right to be busy but a large part of her just wanted his attention. Wanted all of his attention, "Liya. We agreed," He reminded. The redhead sighed, her hands resting on the buttons of her undershirt.

"I feel neglected. I miss you and I want to be around you. I love you but most of this past year, I haven't got to see you as much and it's been made worse with Alina being found. I wanted us to work together but I feel like you are distancing yourself. I don't want to lose you," Liliya said, the words tumbling from her lips without her even intending them to. She didn't want to rant at him but that's what she did. A soft sigh escaped her lips and she shook her head, "I didn't mean that," She mumbled. Aleksander stared at her for a moment before he removed his last layer of clothes from his torso. He then walked over.

His arms wrapped around her waist and he pulled her against him, hugging her tightly. His lips pressed a kiss to her temple and then her forehead before he sighed. Liliya tentatively wrapped her arms around him in return, letting herself relax under his touch. He always had a way of making her feel better and she didn't understand or know how he did it.

"I did not intend to neglect you, milaya. It has just become busy," He said before he pulled back. His hands cupped her cheeks and he then pressed a soft kiss to her lips, "You went to Genya just to impress me. I couldn't deny you now," He mumbled as he began to press soft kisses against her jaw. Liliya was stunned, unsure what to say but then he began to kiss her neck and she let out a soft moan at the feeling. She didn't realise how touch-starved she had truly been. His hands then moved to her thighs and he pulled her legs around his waist.

The two landed on the bed, Aleksander hovering above her as he kissed down her chest. Her shirt was quickly discarded on the floor and he kissed along her shoulders before looking down at her arms. He instantly noticed how the redness had gone and he looked up at her.

"Did Genya heal this?" Aleksander asked as he ran his fingers across the skin at the top of her arm. Liliya nodded and Aleksander sighed so the redhead sat up. Her arms wrapping around her chest as she rested her head back. Aleksander sat back and watched her for a moment, unsure and confused.

"I thought you'd be glad," Liliya said as she tried to relax but she was anxious. Her worries that had been so neatly tucked away were unravelling at the seams and eating her alive. Isaak had changed everything and she wished he had stayed dead.

"What's wrong?" He repeated his earlier question. Though this wasn't just a question, it was a demand.

"Nothing. I just, I'm worried and stressed and I look like a mess all the time," Liliya decided, attempting to conceal her feelings or at least make them less dramatic. She didn't want him worrying, if he even cared. That thought hit her like a bag of bricks and she stared just to the left of his head. Her face contorting from confusion to anxiety to sadness.

"I don't care what you look like, milaya," He responded as he shuffled closer. He reached his hand out but Liliya didn't take it. Her fingers pushed through her hair before she took a long deep breath and looked back at Aleksander again.

"Do you still love me?" She asked. Aleksander nodded. He never liked to say it, he didn't say it often but she needed to know. She just had to hear him say it, "Say it, Aleks, please," She mumbled softly. Aleksander sighed and moved to sit down, his back against the headboard. He then took her by the waist and pulled her to straddle his waist.

His hands cupped her cheeks and he looked into her eyes. The look of adoration that she had grown so familiar with on his face. Liliya couldn't help but melt under his gaze. Her forehead leaning agaisnt his.

"I love you, Liya. I don't care what you look like. I don't care about anything. It's just us. Nobody else," He proclaimed. His words felt and seemed genuine but some part of Liliya still doubted it. The old fears creeping back in, making her wonder and question. It was exhausting but he could help fight them off.

"I love you too," She mumbled before he moved his hand down to rest against hers. Liliya pulled back and lifted her hand so they were palm-to-palm. The black rings on each of their fingers pressing against each other. Her smile widened at that and she looked back at him. Aleksander was staring at the rings, just looking. Liliya wanted to know what was going on in his mind but she didn't ask.

Instead, she leant forward and kissed him. Her lips pressed against his in a slow yet loving movement. Aleksander intertwined their fingers before tilting his head slightly so he could get a better angle for the kiss. It quickly grew intense. His free hand gripping her hip and flipped them over. He just wanted to be with her, be near her. He had missed her and just hoped that she would understand that when they had their bodies pressed together.


A few days had passed and Liliya continued to observe Alina in her training. Liliya never approached or rarely approached. If she did, it was to correct Alina or give her a tip on how to fight a particularly tricky opponent. This would mostly consist of Arina or Roma. Liliya knew exactly how to take them both down and she enjoyed watching Alina try to do the same.

But Liliya couldn't always be at training. Aleksander had tried his best to make up for his absence and kept her to himself for a few hours whenever he was free. He liked to show his appreciation and Liliya had never been more thankful. The connection seemed stronger and now they just had to work on Alina.

Aleksander had only spoken to her a few times by this point. After Zoya nearly killed Alina, he wasn't sure what to do. So, Liliya refocused the efforts. She allowed him to plan while she distracted the brunette. A smile on her face as she strolled up to the brunette who was walking to training.

Nadia and Marie weren't with her that morning and that was the perfect opportunity for Liliya to swoop in. The redhead slid in beside Alina and sent her a warm smile. The brunette was startled by her appearance.

"Good morning, Alina. How are you?" Liliya asked, a genuine look of curiosity on her face. Liliya was severely dressed down that morning. Rather than wearing her kefta, she simply wore her blouse and pants with her combat boots. There was no need to wear her kefta for now.

"I'm... fine," Alina said, hestating over her words, "Where did you come from?" She asked, her eyebrows pulled together. Liliya smiled and glanced back at the Little Palace before back at Alina. Her hair had been tied back in a simple but cute hairstyle. Her blue kefta fit her perfectly.

"The Little Palace. I was hoping to catch you," Liliya explained, keeping her tone casual. She knew what she had to do to get closer to Alina, she just couldn't cause any suspicion or doubt. It had to look like a genuine relationship and connection to everyone, including Alina, Roma and Arina. Maybe even make Aleksander a little jealous.

"Why?" Alina asked, the confusion lacing her tone. Liliya's smile widened a little more, meeting the brunette's gaze briefly.

"I wanted to speak to you. See your progress. Check on you," Liliya explained, using her hand to emphasise her point. Alina thought for a moment before she nodded and pursed her lips. She then shrugged.

"I'm fine. Just tired," Alina decided. Liliya knew that Alina was likely lying. Her words were exactly what Liliya used to say when she was the opposite. When she was sad and wanted nothing more than to seek comfort with someone but she decided to take it at face value. For now.

"That is understandable. Training is exhausting when you first start out but it will get easier," Liliya reassured as she lifted her hand to gently squeeze Alina's arm. The redhead then continued to walk in time with Alina. Heading down the wooded path towards the large training area.

"I doubt you had anyone trying to kill you when you started," Alina mumbled, a hint of bitterness to her tone. Liliya was surprised by it but found herself nodding in agreement.

"No, not when I started but when I was learning how to use my shadows, I had plenty of people trying to kill me," Liliya explained. The words were so casual that it caught Alina off-guard. The brunette paused for a moment, her face contorted. Liliya chuckled softly and nodded her head. Liliya wasn't entirely sure what had caused Alina to be so dumb-founded. But she took a guess on which option it was and spoke, "It was only last year that I discovered I had this ability," She explained as she lifted her hand. The shadows formed in her palm. A small ball of darkness that Liliya was able to manipulate to travel up her arm before it disappeared into nothing.

"A year?" Alina asked. Her gaze fixed on the spot where the shadows had been before she gathered herself. Liliya smiled and nodded.

"General Kirigan is a wonderful teacher," Liliya explained simply before putting her hands in the pockets of her pants. Alina was quiet, unsure what to say so Liliya restarted the conversation, "You are lucky that nobody has hurt you. I had at least four attempts on my life," She explained. Alina nodded, trying to comprehend that. Her hands resting against her kefta.

"Four?" Alina muttered under her breath, in disbelief. The girl had only had one attempt and she was already left with nightmares and fears. Liliya was glad that things were different for Alina.

"Yes. Four. That is why the security is so much better. We can't have a Shu man coming in and stabbing you, can we?" Liliya joked. The light-hearted tone completely contrasting what she was speaking about. Alina was still staring off in disbelief. Her face flickering through so many emotions as she processed. Liliya found herself smirking, "I see I have left you speechless," The redhead teased. Alina shook her head and composed herself.

"I would have never expected it," Alina explained, turning her gaze to Liliya. The two of them meeting gazes before Alina looked away. The brunette was unsure of what to do with herself and Liliya could see it. See the anxiety and nerves. Even after nearly a week in the Little Palace, she was unsure. Liliya knew the feeling.

"Many don't and that is one of the many misconceptions. We are in just as much danger as the First Army," Liliya explained. Alina scoffed and looked up at the training area that wasn't far from view now.

"The First Army die," Alina mumbled. Her words were meant to be defiant and thought-provoking but Alina knew nothing on the subject. Liliya - on the other hand - had been at the first hand of much of the warfare Ravka had faced. She knew the reality that the First Army failed to teach.

"As do we," Liliya corrected. The sad smile appearing on her lips before she composed herself.

"I've never heard of the Grisha dying," Alina said, attempting to explain her own ignorance. Liliya nodded and smiled as a way to placate the girl's nerves.

"You witnessed it yourself, Alina. The Grisha died to protect you and multiple of my friends have died over the years. War kills us all," Liliya shrugged. Alina frowned and turned her head away. The redhead watched with curiosity. Ignoring the path ahead. The look on Alina's face was far more interesting. It looked something akin to guilt.

"I never wanted that," She muttered. The redhead quickly realised what was happening and Liliya sighed. Her fingers pushed through her hair before she paused and grabbed a hold of Alina's arm.

"But you are special, Alina. People would do anything to be in your good graces. I am among those people," Liliya explained. The two had stopped and were now facing each other. Alina looked into Liliya's blue eyes and found herself unsure what to say. Her eyebrows pulled together before she shook her head.

"I don't want special treatment. I'm just a mapmaker. I'm not the saviour of Ravka," Alina said quickly, almost stumbling over her words. Liliya sighed and let her hands rest by her sides. A part of her wanted to touch Alina's cheek to reassure her but she knew it was better to save that for later. Alina was only just becoming comfortable.

"And that is where you are wrong. You are special. Much more special than you have ever realised," Liliya responded. Alina shook her head and stepped back. She pulled on the sleeves of her kefta to fix them, frustrated. Her movements were harsher than necessary. She was frustrated.

"I'm not," Alina said defiantly before she began to walk. She turned away from Liliya who stared for a long moment. She didn't exactly know what to do and how to deal with this situation. It was slightly worrying. If Alina did not believe she was special, there would be some difficulty allowing anyone in. Especially the two most important people of Ravka.

"Would you like me to personally train you?" Liliya asked. The words escaped her lips before she could even stop herself. She hadn't meant to ask. There needed to be a method to what she was doing. This wasn't a method. This was reckless and not part of the plan but here they were. Liliya just had to dig herself out of the hole she had thrown herself into.

"What?" Alina asked, turning back slightly. Liliya took a few steps forward quickly, catching up with Alina.

"Botkin is overbearing at times and he is good but I can teach you things that he couldn't. Would you like me to train you? We could do it in the evenings or in the early mornings. I could speak to Botkin and we could have an allotted time during your lessons with him. I want to know you, Alina," Liliya explained. Her words seemed genuine, even a hint of flirtiness along with a smirk. Alina stared for a moment and seemed dumbfounded, "Don't feel pressured. Come back to me and I can arrange whatever you want," Liliya said before she began to walk away. Alina just stared for a moment before finally coming back to her senses.

"I want to train with you. We can do it in the afternoons. You could help me with studying too?" Alina asked quickly. The words spilling from her lips quickly and without fear of consequences.

"Of course. I would be glad to," Liliya grinned as she met the brunette's gaze. Alina nodded and then the two headed into the training area. Liliya had never been more thankful for a mistake. Well, there was one mistake she was much more thankful for but she didn't like to think about that.


author's note! this took far longer to write than i wanted but here we are! it's written and probably a little chaotic but yes! we have some slightly more vulnerable liliya, that was not intentional but i feel like it makes sense. THEN WE HAVE ALINA AND LILIYA(!!!) WHO I AM VERY EXCITED FOR, their dynamic is gonna be beautiful, i can feel it and i cannot waitttt to write more. but yeah, i hope you enjoyed! thank you for reading bbys! <3

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