Up To My Neck In You (Sequel...

De vampirewerewolves

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After leaving the tour and estranged 'love of her life,' Suzie-Q made her way directly back to Australia with... Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Sixx
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine

Chapter Fifty-Sixx

402 16 23
De vampirewerewolves

With almost half the bottle down the hatch, without alcohol - as Tommy was freaking out if I was pregnant. I slowly made my way to the toilet with Tommy hot on my heels. Axl continued to stay in the lounge room and as Carrie had finished, he intended on putting on another movie.

"So you've obviously used one of these before, right?" Tommy asked as I backed into the toilet and struggled to undo my pants.

"Well yeah, remember when you and Nikki were convinced I was pregnant last time?" I huffed, finally lowering down onto the toilet, feeling ready just to let go.

Tommy's eyes focussed on me and he nods his head. "I guess we have had a few scares over the years with you, huh?"

My eyebrows knitted together in a frown and pursed my lips together. "And how have they been scares to you? This isn't a scare because I know I'm not pregnant."

Tommy didn't respond, he just opened the box, pulled out one of the tests and opened the wrapper before handing it to me.

Taking the test from his grip, I pulled the lid off the end and held it between my legs, just under me. Tommy continued to stand there and simply stare at me, which drove me crazy.

"Do you mind?"

Tommy stares at me for a second longer before he sighed and turned around, continuing to stand in the toilet with me.

"So what are we gonna do if it's positive?" Asked Tommy.

While peeing on the stick, I stared down at my knees. "I don't know, Tom. What are we gonna do?"

"Would you wanna be with me?" Tommy rests his hands into the back pockets of his jeans.

"I guess that would be something we would have to discuss if this came back positive." I pulled the test out, placed the lid onto it and dropped it onto the ground.

"Do you want a baby, Sue?" Was his next question.

"Maybe one day." I say while I wiped and attempted to stand up.

"So you do, just not with me." Tommy turned back around and helped me stand as I got my undies and pants back up.

"I didn't say that." I stared into Tommy's deep brown eyes.

"You were thinking it." Tommy snorts, kneeling down and picking up the pregnancy test.

"Tommy, are you a mind reader? Can you actually read minds? I don't think so." I snapped. "Don't try and put words into my mouth and don't even try to tell me what I'm thinking."

Tommy didn't look at me, he just looked at the pregnancy test in his hand. "I'm sorry, Sue. I'm just kind of freaking out."

"You don't need to freak out, because I can promise you, I'm not pregnant."

"I'll be the judge of that." He wriggled the test in hand.

"Can we leave the toilet now, or are we gonna stand here and wait for the test to determine my HcG levels?" I leaned on my crutches and reach back to push the button to flush the toilet.

"Is that like a drug or something?" Tommy backed out of the toilet, allowing me to exit.

I couldn't help but laugh. "No! It's a hormone. That's what those tests test, to see if there is any of that hormone in your pee. It's generally known as the pregnancy hormone. Did you learn anything at school, Tom?"

"Of course!" Tommy says in a confident tone.

"Like what?" I watched him with half a smile.

"That all the shit I learnt in school was exactly that, just shit. When has anyone had to use fucking trigonometry for something? Never. But how to make a battery out of a potato, that's fucking cool." Tommy had that same toothy smile plastered across his face.

"What else did you learn aside from turning a potato into a battery?" I asked amused.

"How to pleasure a woman." He winks.

With my cheeks flushing red, I turned away from Tommy and left him standing there. I was not going to encourage him, let alone react to that, it would only cause something that neither of us needed.

"How'd you go? You knocked up?" Axl casually asks, still sitting on the lounge.

"Tommy has the test." I come back over to the lounge and take a seat close by Axl. "I guess we will find out shortly." I rested the crutches down onto the floor and stared back at the TV. "What did you put on?"

Axl's green eyes lingered back to me and he held a smirk. "Lost Boys."

Watching as the movie started, I found myself thinking it looked all so familiar. Everything about it, even Axl being here, it was almost like deja vu.

"Have we watched this before?" I turned my attention back to Axl.

"As a matter of fact, we have." Axl chuckled. "Don't you remember? Our date that got crashed by Nik and Tom?" Axl looked amused, back then he wouldn't have been.

It took me a moment, but my mind finally flashed back to the memory. I hadn't thought about that for so long.

'"I tried to make it as comfy as possible Sue, and I even got us some wine to drink together. That is if you don't mind." Axl rounds the corner of the lounge with his hair tied back messily and only wearing white tight pants he would wear on stage.

"No, no, that's fine." I reply, my eyes quickly taking in his appearance as he shuffled some pillows and blankets aside so that he could sit down.

"So I s'pose you saw what we're gonna watch? It's a fairly new movie out, I haven't even seen it myself." His arm rests against the back of the chair, his finger tips at my opposite shoulder.

"I've never heard of it to be honest." I hand him the tape in it's hard plastic cover.

"That's good, it's gonna be a first for the both of us." He opens up the cover and removes himself from the lounge before stopping in front of the TV, putting it into the VCR machine. He quickly started the movie and turned up the volume before yet again sitting beside me. Waiting for the advertisement of other movies to pass on by, Axl snuggled closer to me and covered the both of us with a thick blanket. I had to say, I appreciated his effort. He was trying, he wasn't just trying to pounce on me and get between my legs. He was putting in effort, trying to capture my attention from Nikki if you will.

"Oh shit the lights." He mutters kicking off the blanket and leaping towards the front door, switching them off, leaving us both in darkness. The only light source was the screen of the TV and the bathroom light that was behind the closed door.

"Thanks." I whisper, feeling his shoulder press against mine as he got back under the blankets. It was fairly cold inside and besides the blanket, Axl was another heat source for me. Watching as the film began to begin, I sunk deeper into the lounge, finding myself leaning my head against his bicep. I could be comfortable around Axl, I could be a slob if I so wished. I had that same feeling with Nikki, but at the moment I hadn't of been so cozy. I was constantly tense and for once it felt like my body relaxed.

"I'm sorry about earlier today, with you getting knocked around a bit with Duffer and Izz." Axl murmurs to me as the movie slowly progressed.

"It's okay, I didn't mind. I just didn't want to see then hurt each other like they were. You and Slash were clearly struggling to hold Duff and I knew if I didn't step in, the entire lot of you would be fighting sooner or later." I answer, my eyes glued to the screen. Just by the starting and the music, my eyes were glued to it. I was hooked from the very beginning. Axl slowly moved his arm and wrapped it around my shoulder, obviously doing what men did. Making their move. I didn't take any notice of it, personally it didn't do anything to me like it did to girls in the movies. It's just an arm.

Suddenly the door barged open revealing Slash, Tommy and Nikki, this startled Axl and myself.

"What do you think you's are doing?" Axl pipes up over the film.

"A lil' birdie told us it was movie night. And you think we'd miss out?" Nikki answers as the door slams shut.

"You can't come barging in here! The movies for Suzie-Q and I. I don't specifically remember inviting any of you." Axl grumbles. But of course, the three men didn't seem to take any notice.

Almost straight away, Nikki took a seat to the left side of me, his body tightly squeezed in against mine. Slash managed to take a seat on the opposite side of the lounge, down at the arm and Tommy stood directly in front of Axl and I, slumping down and landing on both Axl's and my leg. This forces Axl to shuffle aside, having him remove his arm from me.

"This is fucking bullshit." Axl growls, sounding in a rage.

"Shut up Ax, the movie's just getting good!" Tommy exclaims.

"Hey baby girl, miss me?" Nikki whispers huskily in my ear. I gritted my teeth and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Who do you think you are? Think you can just barge in here on Axl and I? You had no right! Besides it is bloody rude on your behalf." I hiss.

"I'm so bad baby I don't care. You really think I'd let you be alone with him? You've got another thing comin'." Nikki replies, turning his head to face me, pulling my head in closer and kissing my temple. Rolling my eyes and ignoring Nikki, I kept watching the TV. This was very unfair to Axl and I and to be honest I was sure they had this planned. They were intentionally trying to ruin it.

Nikki's arm ran passed me and nudged Tommy's shoulder. Keeping my eyes on the TV, I listened in to what Nikki was going to say to Tommy.

"Thanks man, for everything." Nikki whispers to Tommy.

"Anytime, any place, anywhere. I'm on your side. I've got your back bro." Tommy returns, turning back to watch the TV. Nikki did the same, this time he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me against his body. His clothes were semi drenched after changing and still sweating. Not bothering to fight Nikki off, I shifted my position and rested my hand against his thigh and nuzzling my head into his chest, for which he chuckled quietly. No matter how annoyed I was at Nikki for ruining something Axl had set out and put in so much effort for, I couldn't really stay mad at him. I enjoyed him holding me in his arms even if I growled and hissed, I didn't like being pushed around but this dominant side of Nikki was much better then what it previously was. Honestly? It was rather sexy and a turn on also.'

I found myself smiling at the memory. Axl was so pissed off at Nikki and Tommy and I was a little annoyed too, but somehow I didn't mind either. I was curious if Slash had been ripped a new one over joining Nikki and Tommy? I assumed he was the one who spilled the beans.

"So you trying to recreate the date?" I licked my lips.

"Babe, even if I tried, you and I both know it would get crashed again." Axl smirked, leaning further into the lounge. "And like I said, I like us being friends."


"Sue?" Tommy came out scratching his head.

"What's up, Tom?" I watched him walk over to me.

"I-It's positive."

I let out a loud laugh. "Now I know you are fucking with me."

Tommy's eyebrows knitted together and he slumped down onto the lounge beside me, holding onto the pregnancy test.

"It's positive, Sue." Tommy's voice drew quiet as he shakenly handed me the stick.

With the pregnancy test in my grasp, I stared at the little blue lines, I felt Axl lean in close as we both examined it. Like Tommy had said, with the two blue lines, it was positive.

I felt myself become suddenly faint. No fucking way.

"Uh Sue, I hate to break it to you, but that looks positive." Axl intervenes.

Hearing the front door open, I gazed over to the front door feeling extremely giddy. As always, with the worst timing, in walked Nikki.

"Oh fuck." I heard Axl groan.

"Movie date? Where was my invitation?" Nikki's green eyes landed on the TV and back to the three of us on the lounge. I'm sure the three of us all looked like we had just saw a ghost, pale faces, wide eyes. "What's wrong? What's that?" Nikki finally noticed our expressions and what was in my hands.

"Uh Nik, you might wanna sit down." Axl suggested, patting the spit by him.

"What? Why?"

"Just sit down." Axl demanded.

Nikki with a frown did as he was told and sat down beside Axl, he then leaned over and snatched the pregnancy test from my hands and stared down at it. For the first second or so, Nikki looked calm and just wanted to know what was going on. It was when he actually realised it was a pregnancy test that he looked horrified.

"B-But we haven't had sex." Nikki stuttered, sounding all too confused.

"You and Sue haven't..." Axl tried to hint.

That's when it must have dawned on him and he dropped the pregnancy test into his lap. Snapping his head towards the rest of us on his left, he opened his mouth looking like he was about to explode, but then closed his mouth.

"Is it possible that the test is wrong?" Axl questions.

"I-I don't know." Tommy responded.

"Well this is just great. Once I start thinking me and Sue are gonna be okay, in comes Tom with a fucking bomb to drop." Finally Nikki spits out.

"I didn't piss on the stick, Nik. Sue did." Tommy retorts.

"I don't fucking care, you knocked her up."

I leaned down and picked up my crutches from the floor, using them to aid me in getting off of the lounge, I left the three men sitting on the lounge together.

I was freaking out and I had to leave them sitting there. On the way through, I spotted the box of pregnancy tests and grabbed them. I was going to try and pee on some more tests, to see how accurate the first test was. But that still didn't make me feel any better. I guess I was in shock.

Was I actually pregnant? Yes? No? I was practically shitting bricks - metaphorically. I know I was calm when talking to Axl about if this did happen, but right now I was the complete opposite. I was so scared that it was positive. The fear though, I wasn't sure if it was over the idea of being pregnant, or if it was because Tommy was the father, or that I could lose Nikki. I assumed it was a mix of everything.

Shutting the toilet door behind me and locking it, I managed to get my pants down and sit back down on the toilet. I drank half a bottle of coke, sooner or later I would need to pee again. It was the waiting game.

Not even a minute later, I had to rush unwrapping two pregnancy tests and quickly put it in line with my pee stream. I was going to get a confirmation of if I was or wasn't.

"Sue, can we talk?" Tommy's voice sounded from the other side of the toilet door.

I didn't answer, I just sat there in complete silence, waiting for the pregnancy tests to determine a result.

"Sue we need to talk about this, if I'm gonna be a Dad, we need to sort this out."

If? That got to me. I knew it shouldn't have and it had no reason to hit me, but it did. I guess it was my mind at the moment, racing and coming to every possible conclusion.

"I mean, I'm gonna be a Dad. So can you please talk to me? I'm as freaked as you are, maybe talking about it will help?" Tommy jiggled the locked door knob.

I kept quiet and stared down at the two tests that were pretty much finished with giving me a result. Fuck.

With the two visible lines on each pregnancy test, I stared in shock and horror. They were positive and not a faint positive, big fat fucking positive lines. How could I be pregnant? I didn't even feel any different, I didn't feel sick, no sore breasts, no cramping. I just couldn't understand it. I didn't have any of the symptoms that came with pregnancy. For christ sake, the last time Nikki and Tommy thought I was pregnant, I would have thought I was then, compared to now.

"Sue, are you okay?" Tommy knocked on the door.

With the tears dwelling up in my eyes, I quietly sniffled and peered away from the tests. Why I was so upset or scared, was confusing. I knew Tommy would be an amazing father, no matter what he would be there for his kids and move mountains for them. As for Nikki, I guess I was truly scared that he would just walk away for good. But I couldn't ever blame him for doing it. Kids were a buzz kill, I suppose. Especially when it's not your own.

Placing the pregnancy tests into my pocket of my pants, I quickly wiped, pulled up my undies and pants and flushed the toilet. On the way out, I came face to face with Tommy. Tommy's expression was hard to figure out, or at least it was through my teary eyes.

Stopping right in front of him, I reached into my pocket and handed him the two other pregnancy tests. "I-I don't want to talk right now, Tom. I need some air. We can t-talk later." I leave him standing there in the hallway.

After washing my hands, I disappeared out the back door and took a seat at the wooden table. For comfort, I just wished I could smoke a joint or drink a strong alcoholic beverage, but considering the three positive pregnancy tests, I wouldn't let myself. I'd never do anything to potentially harm my unborn baby.

Well this is what you get for not using protection with Tommy, so now I was facing the consequences. Sitting there in utter silence with my warm salty tears rolling down my cheeks, I sniffled every now and again, as if I had been forgetting to breathe.

Hearing the back door open and close, I was expecting to see Axl or even Tommy. So when I realised it was neither if them, that it was Nikki, I was surprised and also a little intimidated. I didn't want to deal with Nikki if he was only going to yell at me, or call me all the names under the sun. This wasn't the time for that.

With the chair beside me pulling out, Nikki soon slumped down onto the chair. I didn't bother looking at him, I just continued to stare ahead at the green grass beyond the concrete.

"S-So, this kind of puts a wedge between us." Nikki cleared his throat.

I wasn't sure why he came out here, whether it was to make me feel better or worse.

"You really know when to rip my heart outta my chest." He forced a chuckle. "Especially when I know that I'm not the one who got you pregnant."

There was no way I answering him at the moment, I didn't really want to talk to anyone right now. I was in shock and I think I needed some time to comprehend it all.

"Was this some sort of payback, Sue? You getting yourself knocked up by Tom, just to get back at me for all that I've done?" Nikki shuffled his chair around, so that he was facing me.

I couldn't not answer him over that question. "No, this isn't some fucking payback. How about you stop looking at things I do as some sort of revenge or payback." My voice quivered.

"I had to ask, cause some fucking payback this is." Nikki combs his black hair with his fingertips.

"For once, can you not revolve everything around you?" I snapped.

Nikki shut his mouth and stayed quiet for a couple of minutes. I, beside him, continued to silently cry. The tears just kept pouring out of my eyes and they weren't slowing down.

"Sue, where does this put us?" Nikki's voice sounded once again.

"I-I don't know." I struggled to respond. Turning my head, I faced Nikki who kept his green eyes locked on me. "I figured you would just walk away." I added.

Nikki looked at me longingly, his green eyes completely fixated on me. I had no idea what he was going to say next, the suspense was killing me.

"Maybe I should." Was his answer.

I immediately veered my attention away from him, I couldn't look at him, not after what he said.

"Well I guess no one is stopping you." My voice broke.

Nikki's warm hand rested over the top of mine and he gently gave my hand a squeeze. "You're wrong, someone is. You are."

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