Why Me, Not Her? || Reader In...

By Midnight_Melody906

179K 8.2K 8.5K


Prologue | 0
One | 1
Two | 2
Three | 3
Four | 4
Five | 5
Six | 6
A Question For You Readers!
> Chapter 7 <
> Chapter 8 <
> Chapter 9 <
> Chapter 10 <
> Chapter 11 <
> Chapter 12 <
> Chapter 13 <
> Chapter 14 <
Character list
Character list pt.2
Fanart β™‘
> Chapter 15 <
> Chapter 16 <
Fanart #2 β™‘
Crush Killer | A Special
Seven-teen | 17
Eighteen | 18

Modern | Special

5.7K 263 112
By Midnight_Melody906

Dayum, me publishing the special just a few hours after I published another chapter?

Am I being possessed or sum?

Lol, maybe XD

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures used in this story unless stated otherwise, I only own the cover, plot, and my original characters

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

~ Your POV ~

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

A few years after you got out of that weird (And not that you would ever admit it, scary.) ocean, the warm place which you had suspicions about and met the System, you were absolutely horrified to find yourself in ''Won't y♡u be mine?: Modern AU!'.

This version was much worse than the original fantasy version of 'Won't y♡u be mine?', believe it or not. Death, and gore was everywhere and not once was there a scene where one of the male leads didn't do something bad.

It could range from killing someone, threatening someone, making a subtle, but rather dark comment, thinking of something dark and sinister (Thanks devs, don't know why anyone would ever need to know that but thanks anyway.) and last, but definitely not least, tormenting [Y/n] Porter just because she knew Ovia.

Although, it wasn't you specifically even though that's technically your name now, but the character you are playing as or got reborn as would describe things better.

And because of all the memories of the various cut-scenes of what they did yo her, you decided that there was no way in Hell you'd go to Kingdom Academy, a school that you go to at around the ages of sixteen (16) all the way to twenty-one (21).

You may be confused, this isn't a (Surprise, surprise) regular type of school, but what did you expect from a game about the modern version of the OG game filled with yanderes left and right?

Being the most prestigious school in [Country name] and one of the best in the whole world, if not the best because of course it is, it wouldn't fall under the rules of basic and normal schools.

Anyways, it's basically like every other prestigious school you'd see in any other show expect they got lots, and I mean a lot of money so that meant a lot of expensive things and a very good education, so they don't go and just accept anybody.

You had to be the best of the best in a certain subject or thing and all your other subjects must be good as well or you could only ever dream of getting accepted. Oh and there was always a very, very large chance that you wouldn't get accepted in even if you met all the requirements because of course, why not, which may I add there was a lot off and listing them all would take way too long, so I just wrote down the very basic's.

And because they didn't just accept anybody and having only around twenty to fifty (20-50) students wouldn't be enough for a whole school, they accept anybody from ages sixteen (16) till twenty-one (21), so it was like high school, but longer.

But the good thing was was that the second you graduate, which was very hard, you'll immediately be getting job offers from all sorts of places and even if you stay at Kingdom Academy for even a year, it'd do wonders for you.

That is, if you don't get expelled, die or leave before then.

[Y/n] Porter had gotten accepted for her swordsmanship (No surprise there as she was a knight in the fantasy/original version) and since in this world her family is much better off and not poor, you were going to be average as average goes as to not get accepted in.

A normal and regular school is good enough for you and you could always just inherit your family's business if you needed too.

So here you were, being fifteen (15), almost sixteen (16) and walking towards the grocery shop for some food your mom needed, but forgot. She gave you some extra money for you to buy something for yourself as a little reward though for the trouble which was rather nice of her. 

You could already feel yourself drooling at the thought of [Favourite treat], but you snapped out of it and relaxed your face into what your classmates called '[Y/n]'s infamous resting bitch face'.

It wasn't your fault your face looked like you wanted to beat someone up when you actually didn't! You blamed your dad for giving you his face and he was a scary lookin' fella though he didn't act like one. 

But you suppose your face does make people leave you alone and therefore they all just naturally part for you whenever you walk by. Ah~ It feels nice not having to push and shove people out of the way to get to your classes or a certain destination anymore!

But on the downside, you didn't have many friends and by that, I meant you had none except your childhood friend who lives far away but you're not gonna count them. Sure you had acquaintances and people to partner up and hang out with whenever you needed to, but that was it. Although, you weren't too sad about it.

What you were sad about was that you had fangirls and boys.

Yes, you read that right.

Fangirls and fanboys.

But hey, at least that meant they'd take care of anyone who had any bad attentions towards you and you'd get free food and chocolate all the time!

And since you knew what it felt like to have something you worked very hard for get thrown away by someone you like, you make sure to read all the letters no matter what and try your very best to not hurt their feelings whenever a confession came along your way. 

Unfortunately, it was quite often and even though you don't mean too, you end up breaking their heart anyway (Thank God that they're reasonable and understand it's not your intention.). Sometimes they'd ask to be friends but you'd always decline. You weren't that dumb and knew they'd still feel hurt and being friends would just break there poor hearts even more, so you never offered that. 

Sometimes though, you did however lead them towards someone else who does like them and you were sure wasn't bad for them.

*Cough*Being a yandere*cough*

And so, you were nicknamed '[Y/n] the school sweetheart and matchmaker who was also cold as ice'. I know, I know, long right? Your fellow classmates didn't have that much skill when it came to naming things. But you guess it did kind of describe you.

You were kind and nice to everyone, but at the same time kept your distance making you sometimes come off as cold or what your fans called, a tough 'guy' who was just a softie on the inside.

Yes, yes, you were cross-dressing as a male just for the heck of it. You've experience what it was like to live your life as a female, now you wanted to see just different people would treat you if you were a male. 

And so after telling your parents who spoke to the principal who then spoke to the teachers so you would never have to change in the same room as others for gym and would excuse you in any activity that may expose you for being a girl, everyone who wasn't apart of the staff thought you were a guy. 

Don't ask how that works, it just does and cause well... how else am I gonna make life more difficult for modern [Y/n]? You don't see much of it, but if this story was set in place in modern world oh ho ho, do I have plans for you all. But it isn't so hurrah for [Y/n]!

Ahem, anyways so- the staff were also very nice and understanding so they never tried to expose you and would stop others if they were getting too close to the truth. Not that they would really have too actually since everyone in this school was actually decent human beings and had manners.

Basically the best school ever, so you were kinda sad that you now have to leave it for High School.

Back onto the main topic, you were currently just entering the market, the cool air coming it making a couple of goosebumps form on your skin, a large contrast the the hot weather outside. It made you sigh in content at your body finally cooling down, before you started to walk towards the area where the things you need are.

You glanced at the list before looking back up again.

'- Apples or oranges

- Just a few onions

- One carton of eggs

- One jug of milk

- One small packet of sugar

There's some extra money for you

to buy something for yourself just

in case you forgot you can :)'

Smiling a little at the smiley face that was scribbled at the end of the list, you walked towards the fruit and vegetable area to go get the required fruit.

Hm, I guess I'll go for [Apples/oranges] then since she wrote down 'or'

Putting the packet of [Apples/oranges] into the plastic basket that the grocery store provided, you moved down a couple of aisles to get to the area where the onions are held at.

Picking up a few and putting them in a bag, you put it beside the [Apples/oranges] before checking it off the list using the [Color] pen you brought with you.

Next stop, eggs

As you left the fruit and vegetable area, you noticed that the aisle that the sugar was usually held at was just a bit away, so you decided to go get the sugar first.

Once the bag sugar was carefully placed in the basket as to not make any holes and make any of the sugar spill like you've accidentally done inn the past, you noticed a person wearing a large black hood looking at the different types of cake mixes.

Normally you wouldn't pay much attention to them, but this person looked like they've never seen cake mix or even been to a grocery store before. It was fairly obvious with the way they awkwardly stood and stared at everything in confusion. 

You saw them picking up a cake mix and once you got a glimpse of the title and design, you quickly ran over to that person with a slightly panicked expression that was soon taken off your face.

"Wait! I wouldn't get that one if I were you."

The person turned around to look at you and you noticed they had pitch black sunglasses and a mask on (that one gave you flashbacks) along with some hair peaking out from the hood. It was a light purple mixed with some darker purple in it and you could even see a small bit of grey at the tips but didn't pay much attention to it. Colourful hair was common in this world, heck, even your childhood friends hair was solid. pink. His siblings weren't any better. 

"...Why not?" A robotic like sound came from them after a few seconds and you immediately understood that it was a voice changer rather than there actual voice.

What's up with them?

Mentally shrugging, you opened you mouth to continue speaking while hoping that you weren't actually talking to a serial killer on the loose. What? You lived in a world that was literally based off of a yandere game, you could never know!

"That cake mix is no good. I bought this a couple of times before and everyone who even took a bite was sick after that. I had even tried using it multiple times in fact and the results were always the same. Instead, I think you should get this one."

Picking your [Favourite cake mix], you showed them it.

The person stared at it long enough for the atmosphere to become awkward and just when you though that they were going to continue ignore you and was about to excuse yourself, they nodded and gave you a small bow of gratitude. 

They soon straightened up and put the cake mix back before taking the cake mix from your hand, the slight brush of hands making you immediately uncomfortable for some reason. It made your skin crawl and you knew something was up with this guy since you've never reacted like this before. Ever. 

"Thank you."

Smiling a tense smile at them, you waved your hand in a 'It was nothing' kind of way before putting it back down.

"No problem, I'll be going now, goodbye."

Turning around, you quickly left the aisle before walking towards the frozen area where the milk and eggs were held at and along the way, you grabbed a few of [Favourite treat] and put them in your basket, the milk being held in your free hand.

Phew, that guy was giving me the creeps.

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

[Y/n]: Don't worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.

Literally anybody: I think you mean cards.

[Y/n] pulling knives out of their sleeves: No, I do not.

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

You were currently chilling on the couch watching a show along with your siblings, Rose, the youngest was laying her head on you lap, snoring away, but you didn't mind it since she at least wasn't drooling on you unlike the twins. You still remembered the sheer amount of times you had to wash/change because they drooled on you.




You glanced at the entrance and was about to go open it, but seeing you mom leave the kitchen and walk toward the door, you relaxed back into couch once more before carefully moving Rose until she was laying on the empty side of the couch instead of your lap since it was about to fall asleep. 

You then took a blanket that was on the couch and draped it over her so she didn't get cold.

"[Y/n]?" Looking up at your mother, you hummed softly under your breath to show her that you were paying attention.

"You got a letter."

I do?

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and you stood up from the couch and walked towards you mom who had an in her hands that had your name written in gold at the middle. 

Taking it from her, you flipped it over and you felt your blood run cold when you saw the that was stamped on the melted wax that was keeping the envelope shut.

It was two swords crossing each other with a crown sitting 'innocently' at the top.

The envelope fell out of your hands and fluttered towards the tiled ground, forgotten as you ran towards the bathroom with a hand clasped over your mouth as you tried to get rid of all those scenes that were dancing throughout your head, as if it were playing with you.

Your skin paled even more and sweat started to build up along your temples and slide down your face and onto the ground. You could faintly hear your family calling you out through your ears that wouldn't stop ringing.

You threw up in the toilet again, the various gory images and cut-scenes of what had happened to [Y/n] Porter dancing around your mind. You didn't know what was wrong with you, these images showed up a bunch more times so how come now you were reacting so strongly? 

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

*Leandro and _____ sitting in jail together*

_____: So who should we call?

Leandro: I'd call [Y/n], but I feel safer in jail

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

You could barely register what was going around you as you were too busy groaning in pain to pay attention to your surroundings. Your body felt like it was in a fire and your insides were boiling and felt like they could and would burst at any given time. It made you wish you didn't even wake up in the first place to experience this.

Your hot and wet breath left your swollen and parted lips, making the skin around and on your lips uncomfortably tighten as your wet tongue darted out of your mouth, covering you lips in a thin sheet of saliva so the skin would loosen up, only for the cycle to repeat once again.

Sweat was building up all around your body making your already wet and soaked clothes stick onto your skin even more, creating a disgusting feeling all along you skin that you desperately wanted to get rid off and take a shower to get rid of that filthy feeling you were feeling.

Another pained groan left you as you felt the burning hot hand of someones being placed on your forehead. You tried to see through your blurry eyes only seeing fuzzy blobs of colors moving around the blinding white room that you were sure was a hospital room.

You closed your mouth as to try to breath through your nose but only face to face with a clogged and stuffy nose forcing you to open you mouth again as to get the oxygen your body needed to survive.

Something cool and wet was pressed against your forehead soon and you almost moaned in relief, but didn't as your throat was scratchy and itchy and that would only irritate it more.

"- fever....st.......ed.......med...ne.........ress?........uma.......weak bod...... -elp.."

Those were the only things you could make out through your ears that were still ringing before your eyes forcefully shut on it's own, making you black out.

'Oh [Y/n], why did this have to happen to you?'

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

Leandro: *Kicks the door down looking panicked*

[Y/n]: What did you do?

Leandro: Nobody died.


< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

A couple of days later, you were no longer sick, but you could still feel your family, schoolmates and teachers giving you worried glances.

You could understand where they're coming from, you did just randomly start to throw up before fainting just a few days ago, but you'd prefer it if they stopped. It just reminded you of your bodies condition and how weak you were. 

Well, at least you were feeling better now and no longer had a raging fever and when you finally managed to convince yourself, you finally decided to open up the letter with a lot of hesitance.

To: [Y/n] Porter

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Kingdom Academy.

Do not worry about paying the fee(s) as you are getting a fully paid scholarship, so all you have to do is worry about yourself.

We would hate for you to get sick again.

Your uniform(s) and textbook(s) will be sent to you in a couple of days after you accept attending our school.

For any questions or concerns, please call

### - ### - ####

Or email


Once again, we hope to see you on [Date].

- Mr. Black, the headmaster

The letter didn't even say why you were even getting accepted in and you vividly remember the letters always having the reason why they got accepted in. Besides, when did you ever register? You don't just randomly get acceptance letters if you don't register for that school. Kingdom Academy was no different. 

A few minutes after you were wondering why and how, you sweat dropped when you looked at the email.

Damn, they even got 'official' in the place 'gmail.com' usually goes at.

And when you brain finally register exactly what the letter said, you nearly started to have a panic attack, forcing you to sit down and close your eyes, taking in deep breaths through your mouth and nose in a slow, slightly shakily pattern.

How....Just how did they know I was sick? They sent this before it even happened

Bile once again rose and you ran towards the bathroom once more, thoughts and theories dancing all around your head not giving you a break.

The last thing you saw before you blacked out was the [Color] painted walls of the bathroom and you sliding of the toilet and onto the cool ground. Before you did, you mentally cursed at your stupid body for getting so sick easily. 

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

Lily, texting Luna: Luna! Help I'm being kidnapped

Luna: Where are you?

Lily: I'm with some strange person. In a car. Help.

Luna: I'll call [Y/n].

[Y/n] answering their cell: Y'ello?

Luna: Where's Lily? They texted me that they were being kidnapped.

[Y/n]: Lily? Whaddya mean, they're right next to me-


[Y/n]: I'll call you back. *hangs up*



< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

A young male sat behind his desk, staring out of the window with a blank gaze. A barely there frown was on his lips and soon a small sigh left him, being released into the world he loathed very much. 

"Did you do it?"

The male slowly turned around on his chair before staring and his elderly butler who was off to the side, a look of sadness on his wrinkled face. 

"Of course, Young Master." He whispered gently and watched the young boy he called master. 

The male didn't show any signs of hearing him as his gaze was focused on a picture that was carefully framed and sat neatly and gently at the desk showing that it was taken very well of and prized.

It was, after all, a very precious thing to the male. Only after what seemed to be years did he do anything other than stare.


As soon as that one word was said, the butler deeply bowed and left the room, shutting the double doors behind him with as little force possible as to not make a loud slamming noise.

The master's gaze soon found itself back to the photo and he stared at it.

Had anyone else been there, they would have thought that he was a beautiful statue that was carved out of the finest materials, but the gentle rise and fall of his chest proved otherwise that he in fact, was a real and living human being.

Well, as human and alive you could get when you were basically an empty void to everyone expect one person.

And that person wasn't even in his family, not even his sister who everyone who knew him was one of the few things he cared about. Hell, he had only known that person for a single day and yet, he felt alive for once whenever he was around them.

It...It was nice. It was nice feeling alive, feeling like maybe this world was actually worth living in. 

His hand stretched out and gently wrapped itself around the framed picture pulling it in. A dainty, but strong finger traced around a childish face with absolute longing and love sickness. 

I finally found you my dear....


Hope you liked this chapter and feel free to give your opinion ^^

Word count: 4095

(I'm finally done this special! *Lets out sigh of relief and dramatically flops onto bed*)

(Anyways, in the last chapter (Chapter 6) I mentioned at the very beginning that I had something to say and it's about the System)

(Aka, moi 😌💅)

(Yes, yes, him. Anyways, the System is actually a real human being!)

(Were you or were you not surprised? Don't be shy, let me know ;) )

(Oh, and he's unfortunately my friend and classmate 👊😔)

(What's that supposed to mean?!)

(What do you think you dumb hoe? 🙄)


(Ahem, anyway that's all I needed and wanted to say, so y'all can continue with your life now :) )

(Bye, bye readers! You'll definitely will see more of me ;) )


(Next time I see you I'm gonna tackle you to the ground)

(I'd like to see you even try too, I have a flamethrower right beside me 🙄💅)

(Hol up a damn second, is that you outside my house?)


(Don't tell me my mom let him in - Annnnd she let him in)

(*Sigh* I gotta go hide since this hoe is like two feet somethin taller than me and would easily be able to throw me to the ground)

(Don't worry, I got my flamethrower beside me 😃)

(So like, bye I guess)


I do not support actual yandere behavior, this story is purely for my entertainment and yours as well, should you know someone who shows those types of behavior, do not hesitate to seek help.

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