Why Me, Not Her? || Reader In...

By Midnight_Melody906

179K 8.2K 8.5K


Prologue | 0
One | 1
Two | 2
Three | 3
Four | 4
Five | 5
Six | 6
Modern | Special
A Question For You Readers!
> Chapter 7 <
> Chapter 8 <
> Chapter 10 <
> Chapter 11 <
> Chapter 12 <
> Chapter 13 <
> Chapter 14 <
Character list
Character list pt.2
Fanart β™‘
> Chapter 15 <
> Chapter 16 <
Fanart #2 β™‘
Crush Killer | A Special
Seven-teen | 17
Eighteen | 18

> Chapter 9 <

6.6K 382 487
By Midnight_Melody906

"Draft" - Talking

Draft - System talking

Draft - Thoughts

(Draft) - Me talking

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures used in this story unless stated otherwise, I only own the cover, plot, and my original characters

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

~ Your POV ~

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > 

You sat at the desk that was in your room, the moonlight and the candle beside you being the only things allowing you to properly see in the dark.

In your [Small/Large/Etc] hands was a letter that was apparently addressed to you.

You flipped the letter over and just raised an eyebrow at the symbol that was stamped into the red melted wax.

Ho? What does he need from me?

Opening up the letter, you slid out the pieces of paper before unfolding it to look at the contents.

'Dear [Y/n],

How have you been? I haven't seen nor heard from you for a month now and I couldn't help, but worry about your well-being. Is the castle treating you okay?

I heard that you are the girl who was sent from the Gods personal knight. Which in my personal opinion doesn't seem that believable, after all she just randomly falls from the sky and into the castle's garden which is heavily protected and could possibly be from another kingdom sent to spy on us, but oh well, what is done is done.

I do hope that you visit me sometime soon and if you do, please inform me first so I can arrange something where my siblings won't be there. They always hog you whenever you come and I want some time alone with you. Oh, and the reason for this letter however, unfortunately isn't about how much I miss you even though I terribly do.

Lucas has fallen ill and nothing we or the healers do cures him and whenever he is conscious, the only thing that comes out of his mouth is your name. Everyone is sure that you are the only way that he will heal, so I hope you come to the mansion soon. I have sent a separate letter to His Majesty the King and I'm sure he'll allow you to come.

I truly do wish that we could meet again under better circumstances, but unfortunately luck doesn't seem to be on my side.

Love, Athen Raymond'   

You sweat dropped as you read the letter.

He made it sound like you already agreed, but then again, he probably already knew you would.

A deep sigh left your [Lip color] lips, as you lazily leaned back on the chair.

Athen Raymond, one of the main love interests and also the oldest full son of the Grand Duke being twenty, almost twenty one in a few weeks.

(Athen ^)

Normally you would have never even interacted with him, but Athen's yandere route was one of the hardest, so you weren't too worried about him going all yandere.

Although, it seems like he fancied you as did most of his siblings who weren't part of the original harem so you weren't that against befriending his siblings, just the fact he and the others are smitten with you and not the protagonist, but you were sure that would change soon enough.

Oh, and there was also the fact that without him and his siblings, you would have never gotten to where you were now.

After all, the only reason why the original [Y/n] Porter became such a high ranking knight was because she befriended Athen and showed him genuine kindness - *Cough*Only because the System gave you a mission where the punishments were absolutely horrid*Cough* - quickly gaining his favor and therefore quickly raising the ranks.

Besides, the Grand Duke's sons weren't that bad if a tad bit clingy and possessive as you were literally there only friend since all the siblings were from different mothers and therefore aren't that, well, fond of each other and only semi-tolerated each other if they were their full sibling or you were there.

Hopefully the birthday party where Athen turns twenty one will happen soon and therefore Ovia will meet the siblings and get them to fall for her, therefore freeing you from their protective and clingy ways.

You weren't above sacrificing Ovia if it meant that the plot will go back to normal and you'll be freed from their admiration and affection. (Too bad you were weak against touch starved people)

Besides, Athen wasn't the type of yandere to hurt their darling.

You were sure he'd rather cut off his own hand than willingly harm Ovia, so you suppose her getting with him wouldn't be too bad for her, not to mention she's completely, and I mean completely oblivious to the toxic behavior.

Even if Athen was hardly a yandere, he was still one in the end.

And you weren't that attached to Ovia anyway with you being aloof and all and you only giving short answers to her questions made her back off, even if she did it subconsciously, so there was really no chance for her to even try getting close to you.

A sigh left you as you took a piece of parchment to start writing your reply.

After you were done, you folded it in half neatly before tucking it into the envelope. You took the [Color] candle, and tilted it over the side so the melted wax would fall onto the parchment.

You then waited for it to harden just a bit before pulling out a necklace that was hanging around your neck to take the ring that was hanging on it as it was too big for your fingers.

Athen had given you this custom made ring so he would know immediately if it was sent from you, it was a nice gesture and that saved you both time and money, so you took it without complaint.

The ring was stamped on it and held there for a bit before you took it off. On the envelope was a [Color] wax keeping the envelope together with a [Design of choice] stamped on it.

The envelope was set to the side for a bit for the wax to fully harden while you were cleaning off all the excess wax that was on the ring.

You soon stood up before walking towards the balcony door.

One of the reasons why you're grateful you were born with wind magic was because they could send letters very fast and nothing could stop it as it would just fly away and avoid anything in its way.

Unless someone had fire magic and managed to hit it, then the letter will burn away, but you're pretty sure that won't happen.

The cool night air caused you to shiver for a bit, but you ignored it in favor of walking towards the railing.

Your eyes shut for a second before they reopened to see the letter floating above your hands.

" Go to Athen Raymond"

The letter circled around you a few times before shooting off and disappearing from your sight in just a few seconds.

You then turned around and walked towards your room, your hand grasped the balcony handle and was about to open it, but you paused when you heard something whispering in your ear.

You could feel no breath brushing over your ear as it would have if someone was there, so you knew someone actually wasn't there, but you still whipped around on instinct.

There was nothing.

Maybe I'm hearing things, ya, probably

You just shook your head before entering your room once more, the words you heard dancing all around your head.

What did they mean by 'Help them'? Who's 'them'?

You just brushed it off before entering your room.


You shrugged on a cloak before tying it so it wouldn't fall off.

It was rather windy today and you were supposed to be going to go check up on Lucas as the king gave you his permission.

After all, he can't have one of his most powerful allies want to betray him.

Ovia was supposed to have another knight to take care of her for the day and if the plot was like the original, she would meet up with Leondro and spend the rest of the night with him therefore gaining some affection points. And if she makes the right decisions, she may unlock a special scene where she and him dance for the rest of the knight like Cinderella did.

"You ready [Girl/Boy/Etc]?"

Your [Color] horse let out a snort and rubbed it's head on your hand, so you took that as a yes.

You swung yourself on top before starting to leave towards the area where the gates are.

The gates opened and you left it, waving at your fellow knights that were on gate duty.

The ride was completely uneventful with only the System chatting your ear off - Well mind - being the only semi-interesting thing.

(Both of us completely forgot that this story even had a System =D)

After a couple of hours, around 3-4, the gate that led to the place you needed to be finally came, good thing too as you were getting kind of impatient.

The guards stopped you and told you to state your business, so you just took off your hood and showed them the letter.

They immediately apologized and bowed at you before opening up the gate.

A sweat dropped formed on your head as you entered with your horse behind you.

No matter what you did, the guards, maids, butlers, anyone living at this mansion who wasn't part of the Raymond family feared you because the last time someone disrespected you, they were immediately fired and thrown behind some bars, only leaving the cell because you told them to let them go and when they did, that person got thrown immediately into the streets, literally, with no remorse whatsoever.

The second you got to the front door and were about to open it, they slammed open and there were some butlers holding the double doors with their heads bowed and eyes trained on the ground.

In front of you were all the children of the Grand Duke and his wives, there being nine in total.(Nine children, not wives)


You stepped back as a few of the kids jumped on you and you struggled to carry all of them.

Just when you were sure you'd drop to the floor - They weren't exactly light and you didn't have the time to properly hold on them - a dark voice was heard.

"Let him go this instant!"

The kids got off you and you saw scowls and them narrowing their eyes at Athen who was openly glaring and sneering at them like they were an annoying stain on his favorite outfit despite being related.

You let out a small sigh of relief before looking at Athen with exasperation.

"Your Grace-"

The pinkette snapped his head in your direction with a dark look on his eyes and you immediately corrected your mistake.

"- I mean Athen, please treat you siblings nicer"

He frowned for a second, before sighing.

"If it makes you happier, I'll tolerate them"

Knowing this was the best answer you were going to get out of him, you just nodded at him before handing your cloak to the butler behind you.

"So, where is Lucas?"

You could literally see the jealousy that was immediately radiating off of them the second they heard their brother's name, but decided to pretend like you didn't see it, like you usually do when this happens.

"In his room, I'm sure you remember where it was?"

You nodded at his question before heading off in the direction you remember his room being.

The sound of footsteps came from behind you and you caught on to Athen saying, "Don't you have classes and things to tend?", And some grumbling following after.

You glanced behind your shoulder and saw only Athen, Luciano, Lucia and who were smirking smugly at Athen who was obviously irritated that he couldn't get rid of them. Luciano and Lucia were obviously twins, well triplets as Lucas was the last and youngest triplet.


(Lucia ^)

(Lucas ^)

Pretending like you didn't know what happened, you feigning a confused look.

"What happened to the others?"

All of their faces were immediately replaced with an innocent one making you sweat drop at the sudden mood change.

"Oh! They had things needed to be done which is why they aren't with us right now"

This time it was Luciano who answered you with a bright smile that was rarely ever seen on him.

Well, seeing any of the Grand Duke's sons smile was rare unless it was a polite fake one.


You didn't bother asking anymore as it would only make them more jealous and when they were jealous, they were moody and I mean moody, moody, like they will literally be in a bad mood for a long time.

Once Fynn, was so sulky it had taken a week, lots of attention from you, and tons of cake just to make him semi non moody! 

(Fynn ^)

*Shiver*, you don't want to go through that again.

The door that led to Lucas's bedroom finally appeared and you were about to open the door only for a panicked man to slam it open leaving you just hanging there with your hand out just like what happened at the entrance.

"You're sir [Y/n] right?"

"Umm, yes?"

The slightly wrinkled man let out a deep sigh of relief and pushed you into the room surprising you with his strength.

"I'm terribly sorry Your Grace's, but I'm afraid you'll have to stay outside of the room"

You could see them protesting and the man gave them a glance filled with sympathy.

He clearly thought that they were worried about their sibling when in reality they didn't want to be parted from you and you knew that.

"He has been calling out your name and he just woke up, so I would like it if you go talk to him and maybe you'll be able to find out what's wrong.

You nodded at the man who left the room to give you privacy.

Turning around, you saw Lucas staring out the window, he probably didn't hear that you entered the room.

"Lucas?" You called out hesitantly.

The males head snapped towards you and you could see his hand reaching out towards you.

"[Y/n]? Is...Is that you or am I dreaming? Yeah, I must be dreaming"

His head turned back to look at the window and you sighed before walking up to him and standing right in front of him. The bed sunk slightly because of the weight and you grabbed his cold hand making you mentally wince.

"You're not dreaming, I'm right here in the flesh"

The male stayed silent and just stared at you before pulling your hand.

A small yelp left you that was cut short because he had wrapped his hands around you super tightly so you hardly had any oxygen in your lungs.

"You're here, your actually here"

You mentally sighed before awkwardly patting his back.

"Y-yeah, but you're squeezing me-"

His grip on you immediately loosened and you took that time to get some much needed oxygen in your lungs.

"Why didn't you visit? You didn't even send a letter, why? Do you not like me anymore? Is it the way the servants treat you? I'll get rid of them if you wa-"

You cut him off before he could go into full ranting mode and fire all the servants in the household.

"No, it's not that. I've just been busy with work and the servants treat me perfectly fine"

You completely avoided the 'Do you not like me anymore?' question for obvious reasons and it seemed like he noticed that, but luckily didn't say anything.

"If you say so"

He rested his head on your chest and you almost screeched in surprise and panic, he would have felt any bumps if you didn't wear one of those things that hold your stomach in, but you used it on your chest instead.

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod, don't tell me he's suspecting anything!

When he didn't show any signs of saying anything, you almost let out a sigh of relief but contained it in.

"Lucas?" You said hesitantly.

"Let's stay like this for a bit"

Just when you were about to give an excuse, you heard a familiar 'ding!' that you haven't heard for awhile.


Mission 948, stay with Lucas Raymond until he Let's go!

Rewards: Nothing!

Failure to do the mission will result in suspension from the System for 5 years, all stats and abilities will permanently turn to zero, loss of all affection/fondness points forever and death!

Time: Until Lucas Raymond let's go

What the Hell?!?!?!

What? It's your first mission since, forever so I might as well make it you will have to complete it unless you want all those things to happen 😉

Have I told you that I hate you?

Yes! Many times in fact! 😁


While you were mentally questioning if the System was mentally okay, you noticed that Lucas's breathing had smoothen out and his eyes were shut.

Is he...asleep?

Deciding to take a risk, you brought a hand out and poked his cheek which was surprising squishy. He didn't do anything for awhile, so you poked him one more time and got the same result.

Just as you were about to poke him one more time, his hand grabbed yours and you turned to go look at him to see his soft yellow eyes staring at you.

Well sheeeeet

Giving him the most innocent expression you could muster in a second, you started batting your eyelids in a way to say 'I'm totally innocent!'.

Luckily for you, Lucas didn't say anything and just flopped backwards onto the bed therefore pulling you with him.

His arms wrapped around you tightly enough so you wouldn't be able to get out of his grip, but at the same time not be enough to hurt you.

Why is this my life? What have I done in my past, past life for this to happen to me? You thought while making a face that Lucas didn't see as his head was burrowed into your chest.

"Go to sleep with me" Was all he said before he closed his eyes once more.

That's suspicious-

A few seconds later, you poked his cheek, but instead of getting no results or him opening his eyes, a soft snore left his lips making you deadpan.

I forgot how quickly he falls asleep

A sigh left you once again as you just stayed in his grasps because you didn't want all those punishments to happen to you. 

The only thing you could do was wait until either, 1. He wakes up and lets go of you, 2. One of his siblings come in and forcefully take him off you, or 3. You were blessed by Lady Luck today and he lets go of you while he is asleep.

You were hoping for either one of them as at this point, you just wanted to get out. His pastel blue hair - The Raymond family was known to have pastel hair colors, it didn't really matter what color it was, it was always a pastel or light colored - was tickling you and you didn't want to pat his hair out of the way as he would lean into your touch therefore tickling you even more.

You knew by experience after all.


Hope you liked this chapter and feel free to give your opinion ^^

Word count: 3575

(So like, I totally forgot all about the missions and stuff, so I like just threw it in)

(Even I forgot the reason why I'm even in this story and I was the one who told her about putting a System in😅)

(Same XD)


I do not support actual yandere behavior, this story is purely for my entertainment and yours as well, should you know someone who shows those types of behavior, do not hesitate to seek help.

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