Euphoric Love | Jeongguk Fanf...

By kokoandkookie

13.8K 1.3K 1.5K

Jeongguk loves Soa. Soa loves Jeongguk. It's the kind of love you see in movies, read about in fairytales. Th... More

Before You Read.
ONE - 일
TWO - 이
FOUR - 사
FIVE - 오
SIX - 육
NINE - 구
TEN - 십
EPILOGUE 1: The Babies
EPILOGUE 2 :The Toddlers
EPILOGUE 3: The Teenagers
EPILOGUE 4 : Scary Daddy
EPILOGUE 5: Merry Christmas
Epilogue 5: Not Fair
Epilogue 6: Love you, Goodbye.
EPILOGUE 7: Infedility


207 24 17
By kokoandkookie

I sigh as I watch Jeongguk throw angry punches. The punching bag being a replacement for what he wishes would be his grandfather. Maybe in another life I would've been watching the snake of a man get his face beat in. Unfortunately, this life is not the one.

His anger is an effect of the old man pulling out all investment and shares from Kim Group as a way to show his power. Maybe it's a threat or maybe he's just really trying to run Jeon Corp down. I wouldn't be surprised if his reasoning was the latter.

Of course the first person to take the fall was Jeongguk. Being the CEO and main decision maker in the company, the media had it coming for him and not in a good way.

"I think you've had enough now, Jeon." I speak over the intercom, watching as he stops hitting. Face pulled into a look of frustration, sadness and exhaustion as he crouches. Mouth agape as he heaves for air. His long hair is pulled into a little sprout, but his expression takes away from all the cuteness.

Ambling past his instructor, I make my way toward Jeongguk who stares at me with a blank face. One that means whatever I say is going to hit a brick wall. He's more than angry.

"I'm not in the mood right now, Soa." He grunts, taking a sip from his water bottle while his eyes stay trained on my own.

"We don't have to talk about it. I'm just coming to get you." I shrug.

"I'm not done yet." He retorts, making his way back to the punching bag. A determined expression on his face.

"You've been going at it for four hours now. I'm bored, hungry and tired. Let's go eat something and go home-"

"Leave without me." He interrupts, causing me to roll my eyes at his behaviour. As expected, he's more stubborn.

"I'm not leaving without you, Jeongguk." I sigh, "You're doing to much now and it's worrisome."

He ignores me and starts punching furiously again. This time his moves are slower, but the anger and adrenaline makes them seem as though they're fast. His ignorance causes me to sigh as I move toward his instructor.

The man bows toward me, a questioning look on his face. I nod toward Jeongguk, motioning for him to go and throw a few punches of his own. Mike shakes his head, eyes wide with fear. The fear of being fired.

"All you need to do is give give him one good punch." I state, patting his arm.

The scene kicks in quite terribly. Said instructor is a bundle of nerves as he edges toward Jeongguk. I can see the sweat forming on his forehead and it causes me to roll my eyes. With shaky arm, legs and hands he manages to land a punch. Only, it has no force and zero effect on Jeongguk who stops and turns toward Mike. Eyes swimming with anger.

Of course, Jeongguk casually shrugs him off, turning back to his business. For a moment, I feel bad that the man can't even find it within himself to hit Jeongguk. Money really does talk. Not to me though.

I remove my heel, hoping it'll be effective in getting my message across. In another life, I wouldn't dare throw my heels at Jeongguk, but like I said, this life is not the one.

"Freaking stop it!" I let out, watching as my shoe falls against his arm. His pain is obvious by the sound that escapes him.

He rubs his face, eyes rolling to the back of his head at my action. "Soa, I'm not in the mood-"

I throw the other, with more force. "I said stop it!"

He moves toward me, "I'm not playing this-"

Thwack, I slap him in hopes that he'll retaliate. Judging from the sound and his red skin, I'd say he felt that one. His drawn eyebrows and deadset eyes are enough to make me want to cave.

Jeongguk winces, not breaking eye contact with me. His nostrils flare the longer we stare at each other.

"I don't know what the f-"

"Language, baby." I interrupt, slapping him again. I watch with worry as Jeongguk walks toward the set of weights on the floor. In the background Mike yells something incoherent.

Glass breaks as Jeongguk throws a weight toward the mirror facing us. Spiderweb cracks spread all across the surface. It's the perfect illustration of the anger that has managed to spread within his being. An anger I can't sit still and observe.

Mike jumps in, "Mr Jeon-"

"Not now."

"Then when, Jeongguk?" I ask, "We've been here for hours and your temper still hasn't settled. You're out here hurting yourself, when you should be exerting that energy on cleaning up the mess around you."

He turns to me, "There you go again. Running your mouth on matters that don't concern you. Did I not tell you to leave?"

"May I remind you, that your grandfather pulled out of my company? If anything, we've both made losses. But unlike you, I have Taehyung to carry the weight with."

"I'm trying to help you carry yours, but as always you refuse. This boxing is unhealthy and you're fixing nothing by doing it and I will not leave because you tell me to!"

He grimaces, throwing his gloves to fall somewhere behind me. An action that should have made me wince, but I don't because I know he'll never lay a hand on me.

"All of this is because of you! You made him angry and now my reputation has to pay for it!" He yells, pulling at his hair. "Do you ever just shut up? Because I'm losing way more than you are right now!"

"I'm not having that conversation again. If I'm such a problem in your life, then I'm leaving, but just know that if I walk out alone, we're over for good."


"Why did you bring him here?" Mother yells, catching all attention, as usual. Her shrill voice rings through the room, ending every single conversation. With her eyes set on me, she continues. "Did you think we'd want to see him after the ruckus he's caused today?"

My eyebrows pull into a frown at her. "If you don't want to see him you're welcome to have your dinner elsewhere, Mother."

She slams her fist on the table, "I will not be disrespected-"

"Mom, please. Just let him stay for dinner." Taehyung appeases, his big eyes soften her as she contains herself. "He's had a rough day and you're doing nothing but adding to it."

She is silent. Everyone is silent.

My mind can only recall the scenes I'd witnessed this evening. The anger Jeongguk had inside could never escape my mind. So raw, real and loud. Violent in every single form of the word. Red, hot, flashes of emotional buildup. It can't escape me. Not even when he rests a hand on my lap, body crouching down to meet my eyes.

"Soa?" He calls, pulling me back.

I see him. Eyes no longer holding their usual glint. Instead there's seriousness, sadness and still a tuft of anger. He's still red.

"Dear, are you okay?" Grandma asks, pulling my attention off of Jeongguk. Her eyes move between the two of us. Worry swims in them. Judging by how she looks at him, I know she sees it too. The anger and heat.

"Taehyung, accompany your sister in getting my wine." She orders.

Taehyung wants to retaliate, but one look from her and he knows now is not the time.
With swift movements and fake smiles, the two of us leave the dining room. A tear rolls down my face when we're alone.

"I know Grandma did-Soa? Why are you crying?" Taehyung stops, resting both his hands on my face. Wide eyes turning into puppy pools of empathy. "Did something happen?"

"He's angry at me, Tae. I can see it. I can feel it-"

"No, why would he be?" Taehyung comforts, rubbing my head like he always does.

"He thr-threw a weight at a glass wall. Who the-" I wail, the trauma of that moment only now kicking in. "He blamed me to my face too. I know he's ma-"

"Soa?" My body freezes in Taehyung's hold. The voice that once used to be my source of comfort is now the reason for my fear. If only I left like he said. Now the man I love is also a man I fear.

My hands scrunch up in Taehyung's hold. A sign that he dare not leave me in the presence of a still angry Jeongguk.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asks, meeting my eyes. The sight causes my tears to fall even more intensely. No sound. "Taehy-"

"You should go back to dinner, Jeongguk."

"Why is she crying?" He inquires, voice going deeper as his annoyance picks up again.

"Our grandpa is dying." Taehyung lies, but it works. Jeongguk immediately softens and starts reaching for me. His bruised hands, stroke my hair.

"Can you give us a moment?" My brother requests, to which the other agrees.

"I'll save dessert for you." He replies, moving swiftly through the corridor back to the dining area, while I weep into the arms of my brother.


It's been an hour since our awkward supper. Jeongguk is in my bed, chest exposed, reading articles out loud. His voice still carries an edge at all the allegations he's being being put under.

I sigh, patting at my puffy eyes in hopes that they'll subside by morning. The last thing either of us needs is more rumours. I can already see titles of abuse filling every front page.

"Can you please calm down? It's late at night and everyone is alseep."

"She speaks." He replies, throwing his phone onto the pillow beside him. With his head now resting in his hands, in a way that portrays the cockiness he must be feeling in the moment. "You've been ignoring me all evening. Namjoon pulled me aside and all I could say was that I didn't know."

"Jeongguk, please. I'm tired-"

"Why? I thought you wanted me to speak my mind more, baby. One sneak peak at that and suddenly you're afraid? Isn't this what you wanted? You didn't have to give in to grandfather after all. In fact, you've gone and won the whole match. Still have your title, reputation, shares and money."

"So don't tell me to calm down and don't you dare cry at the sight of my anger. If you had-"

"So you're getting back at me by making me fear you? That's what you want? Because if that's how you deal with your emotions then I'd rather end this relationship right now." I reply. A part of me not surprised that I can't hold my tongue.

"So you are afraid." He states.

"I now know why you hate your grandfather so much. It's because you're just like him and I'm sorry, but I refuse to sleep beside a man who can't control his anger." I seethe.

"Get out."


Hope you enjoyed. ❤️

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