JoJo's Bizzare Ships

By The_Blue_Hearted

11.9K 442 1K

Welcome to the world of, JoJo where everyone has amazing powers and are super gay, and full of depression! T... More

Take Me Down
Which Flower Do You Pick First?
He Lies, He Bluffs, He's Unreliable
A Man's Purest Form of Sin
Sunshine & Lollipops
A Lingering Shadow
StarGay Crusaders
Sadness Batch (1)
A "Hairy" Situation
Too Fucking Close
To Tame A Beast
Wilting Flower Bloosoms
The Line Between Love and Lust
Bottom of the Bottle
Here, Batter, Batter!
The Snapping of a Rubber Band
A Man?!
Never Enough
Heart of the Sea
The Talk
No Need For Words
Luxury in Hell
Fall To Your Knees
When A Star Dies
Luxury in Hell (Part 1.5)
Luxury in Hell (2)
Sing to Me
The Kakyoin Dilemma
The Kakyoin Dilemma (2)
Roommate Scuffle
To Save a Stray
To Befriend an Eldritch
What A Wonderful World
Holiday Rendezvous
Too Little, Too Late

A Very Bizzare Father

173 7 16
By The_Blue_Hearted

This was meant to be crack: but ended up serious. Dedicated to my Dragon Ball obsessed  girlfriend.

So, meet my crack-AU:
Goku is Jotaro's father.
Vegeta wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead as he walked down the hallway, using the hand towel he had to do so. He had been training, as he always does: but today, he had done something lighter - the reason? Goku had been missing all morning. The man hated to admit it, but training wasn't the same without that idiot to push him further, or just piss him off enough that he went beyond his limits just out of sheer anger alone. Anyway: the strange disappearance of the younger Sayian made him a bit - antsy. It wasn't like Goku to just run off without a word to anybody, yet, not even ChiChi knew where he had run off too.

And the idiot was a magnet for trouble. So, the slightest hint of concern had filled him all the while he trained in the gravity room. The Capsule Copration also felt pretty empty without him running about and yelling. Goku and his wife were visiting for a couple of days - which of course had been suggested by Bulma. Vegeta had begrudgingly agreed to this, mostly only because his wife had been insistent that they needed to hang out with the pair more. He,honestly, thought she just missed being able to talk to another woman.

He felt the reappearance of Goku's presence before the door next to him, slowly opened up a crack. Vegeta sighed deeply, and he was already starting to get a bit irritated - now the other man was sneaking about. "Kakarrot, I know you're here. You really need to work on hiding your presence better."

Goku shook his head a bit, which was peeking out the door. "I can hide my presence perfectly well, you're just too in tune with me!"

The Sayian prince put the hand-towel he had around his neck, and he tilted his head at Goku. "You better have a good explanation for ditching me this morning."

"Awe,"a silly loopsided grin was shot at the shorter man, "Did you miss me?"

"Not a single bit, " Vegeta shot back. "Now: Kakarrot quit stalling and tell me what the hell you're hiding behind a door for?"

The taller of the pair glanced up and down the hallway, he looked up at Vegeta. He seemed, a bit nervous and that made the prince more curious. He wanted to know know was going on and soon as possible.

"You can't tell Bulma. Not while ChiChi is around."

Vegeta rose an eyebrow at that, now: he was definitely interested. If this had to do with something Goku's wife couldn't know about - then it was bound to be interesting. He just hoped this wouldn't be a waste of time, and if it was he'll make the younger Sayian pay for that missed training session. He waved the other aside, who grinned. Goku hadn't expected the prince to hear him out: he had expected to be lectured about missing training.

Goku opened the door, and allowed Vegeta to enter. It was a spare bedroom, currently housing boxes from storage. He stood there after the prince closed the door, struggling not to just spit out the story already. He waited until Vegeta was situated to start rambling about his current, predicament.

"I want you to hear me all the way out before you freak," he began and cut Vegeta off before he snapped at him. "Just: listen, okay?"

Goku looked rather serious, and the shorter man found himself once more itching with curiosity. "Alright, fine, I'll hear you all the way out before commenting. No promises though."

A sigh of relief left the taller's lips, before he started. "So, you know those seven years I was dead? Well: there was one piont I ended up in this alternate reality-" he could already see Vegeta starting to form words, and he gave him a pleading look. Sometimes, the prince really and a hard time just - keeping quiet, or at least, when it came to when Goku was talking. "I met a woman there...she was pretty, and nice..."

Goku had never seen his companions eyebrows arched higher. "One thing led to another before I even knew what was happening - and apparently...I um-"his face began to flush. He swallowed, this was it: the strangest part of this entire tale, or the worst part. "Got her pregnant."

There was a moment of silence, and then Vegeta spoke up again, "Could you - repeat that for me? You cheated on ChiChi in an alternate reality..."

"And got a woman pregnant." Goku confirmed again, and he sighed. He had a smile on his face. "I knew you'd understand."

Vegeta rolled his eyes, "Of course I do, Kakarrot. It's not like this is a problem for me, however: one thing concerns me..." he gave Goku a hard look, who squirmed a bit under it. "Where is this kid now? And why are you bringing this up? If this bastard child stays in their own universe nobody has to know-" he stopped, realization struck him and he was now glaring. "You didn't."

"I um, kinda did..." Goku llaughed, trying to ease the rising tension in the air. "Hey, Jotaro, you can come out now!"

A deep, rough voice spoke up from the back of the room. "Son of a bitch," a tall box rustled and broke apart, revealing a towering form of a - man? Teenager? It was difficult to tell, as he stood up. "You have no idea how fucking cramped it was in there."

The Sayain prince couldn't help but stare: it was hard not to. First of all, this boy, looked nothing like Goku, save for the thick black-hair, and maybe a bit in the face other than that, you had to question if he was his son as all. Though: as Vegata starred longer, he started to find other small similarities- like their builds. Height, well, that certainly had come from the human's mother's side. The younger Sayain was tall but not that tall.

"And, you have brought this cub to us," Vegeta frowned. "Why?"

"Oi, oi," the teenager spoke up, he tilted the brim of his strange hat up. "Who are you calling cub, old man?"

Goku stepped between them, he had already seen foe himself: that this son if his had quite the temper on him. "Well, you're always concerned about the Sayian race dying out so, I brought him here: because, there's a chance he has enough blood in him to - possibly- mean something?"

The teenager got fed up with being talked about like he wasn't there, by two strange men: one of which had shown up in his house - claimed to be his father a second later, and then, teleported him to God knows where. So, he wasn't having the best day. Like this morning: he had ripped one of his favorite manags. And in the afternoon, this strange man had kidnapped him. So, this, was the last straw for Jotaro.

"Alright, listen here!" He growled put, his voice grabbing the attention of both Sayians. "I am not, whatever the fuck you called me. "He shoot a heated glare at Goku. "And, you're not my father. I've met my father- he's a jazz musician. Also: I want you to do that weird teleport shit again, and take me home this instance or we..."

An aura flared around Jotaro, and Vegeta paused. A small flicker of a smirk formed on his features, maybe the idiot had a piont. This half-breed cub may carry a bit of Sayian blood after all. The aura's color was strange though, radiating purple rather than gold, which intrigued the prince. He tried to gague what the brat's power level was - but frowned. This wasn't ki that was being admitted from the teens body, it was something: strange and foreign. Vegeta had never felt anything like it before - akin to ki in a way, but there was something strangely, chilly about it. It was a lot colder than the usual high-energy warmth of ki, yet, resembled the signature of focused life energy.

"Well, well. Looks like the cub wants to try and fight the alpha,"Vegata stood up and he cracked his knuckles. Goku shook his head and stepped right up to the shorter Sayian.

"Vegeta, I know you want to gage his power, or something- but he's half-human. There's no way he'd survive you attacking him!" The taller tried to reason, and the prince snorted.

"You act like I was going to use my full-power on him. Unlike you, I'm not an idiot Kakarrot. I was just going to give him a little smack, barely even tap him." He shoved the other man away facing Jotaro, he wasn't indmitdated by the other's hieght: he had met far taller in his years.

Jotaro shook his head, "Good grief...So, I have to fight you to get home? Alright: but you alien bastards asked for it."

Vegeta took a fighting stance, "I, Vegeta, the Prince of all Sayians-"

The air shifted: he didn't see it - but he felt the blow being thrown at him. He was taken a bit by surprise, he hadn't seen Jotaro move - only felt it. He dodged the attack, but found that his face was still nicked by the edge of well, likely a fist. He stood there analyzing what happened. Goku was hanging back trying to figure out if he should stop them without, a) making Vegeta mad at him and b) making Jotaro mad at him, more than he already was. The prince stood there and touched his cheek lightly feeling a small dribble of blood form on his fingertips.

He looked up, and found Jotaro hadn't moved an inch from where he stood. It hadn't been an energy blast either, he would have seen that. Some kind of phsyic attack, invisible to the naked eye? Vegeta focused on Jotaro, who in turn was analyzing the Sayain as well - trying to learn his next move. The man tilted his head narrowing his eyes. He really focused on the aura around him. Then, as if someone had flicked on a light switch - he saw not just tongues of swirling power, but: a shape.

A strangely humanoid shape. Vegeta blinked, and it was gone.

He took a step back, " have quite the interesting power." He watched as the cub remained stiff, only relaxing once Vegeta himself settled back down into a sitting position.

"I'm suprised you could dodge [Star Platinum]." The human rose an eyebrow, "What exactly are you two?"

Goku let out a huff of air, finally taking a breath. He had been holding it since the moment Vegeta got confrontational. "To put it simply, we're a race of people called: Sayains. And you're likely, one-half Sayian."

Jotaro sighed and he sat down, in a brief second he had a cigarette lit and pursed between his lips. Vegeta blinked, so, he really was fast. The teens deep voice was rough, "Well...whatever you are, I don't appreciate being kidnapped. Also, I'm straving. Do you have any food?"

The prince spoke up now, "We do. But first: I belive that Goku owes both an explanation - a real one, as to why he bought you here at all. I mean," he tilted his head. "You don't even have a tial."

"Tail?" Jotaro rose an eyebrow.

Suddenly: the door slammed shut, the noise startling all of them. Goku paled a bit, "Please, don't tell me that was ChiChi."

Vegeta stood and he sprung at the door, he cuaght the easedropper by the arm before they could run. He let go quickly, as he discovered it was Bulma, who looked a bit shaken. She stared at the Sayain, and hissed in a half-whisper, but mostly a yell: suprised.

"Goku has a bastard son!?" The bluenette glanced inside again, and she paled a bit more. "Why is he so - so tall?!"

Vegeta sighed, "I don't know. Ask, Kakarrot. He made him."

"Why is he here!?" Bulma began, and her husband simply shurgged his shoulders.

"Ask Kakarrot. I'm only interested in the cub cause he might be Sayain." He turned towards the taller man, and gave him a look. "Isn't that right?"

Goku was rubbing at the back of his neck, and he gave his long time friend a look. "You gotta help me Bulma. I - I want to, well, fix the mistake I made. As best I can. And if Jotaro is Sayain - I had to bring him here!" He began to raise his voice a bit, it wasn't often he didn't take problems with an aloof additude: but, this was a major problem. "With the existence of other univseres, there was a possibility some villain could have tracked Jotaro down: and threaten his Earth! And he wouldn't have had any idea of how to deal with it! I brought him here to prepare for that-"

Jotaro cut him off, "Excuse me: old man. I have already faced unimaginable things, alright? So don't talk like I can't protect myself: got it?" He walked past Goku, and all the rest of the adults. Bulma was gaping at him still, trying to process. While, Vegeta was looking at him with intrest, he was starting to like this brat.

"Now, where can I get some damn food?" The half-Sayain growled out: as ash fell from his cigarette onto the floor.

Bulma blinked, and she turned to Goku. "Well: you're his father! Go make the boy some food!"

"Me?" The man bulked, "I don't know how to cook!"

Jotaro grumbled at the woman, "Not a boy. I'm seventeen."

Vegeta agreed with his wife, finding it fun thay for once: he got to see Goku with the short end of the stick. "That's right, take responsibility: and if ChiChi asks who he is, well -- let's hope you're a good liar."

Goku looked sickly pale, "This was a bad idea...wasn't it?"

The shorter Sayian snickered, "You just figured that out - Kakarrot? You really are an idiot..."

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