Broken and Burned

By fallen161angel

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What will happen when Sam Winchester buys a feisty archangel at the Angel and Demon Slave Trade? He might get... More

Broken and Burned
2. Final Seconds
3. Moment Before the Storm
4. The Pain in the Truth
5. On the Edge
6. Just Around the Corner
7. Memories of a Better Life
8. Alone
9. Speak the Truth
10. Good Luck
11. There is Always a Price
12. Deal or No Deal
13. Angel with a Shotgun
14. The Power to Heal
15. Eyes of the Past
16. Never Leave You
17. Dark Side of a Demon
18. Just a Kiss
19. I've Given My Heart
20. Burning on the Outside Too
21. Flames Are More Than Fire
22. Leap of Faith
23. Lean On Me
24. You May Need Convincing
25. Changes In the Air
26. I'm a Hunter. Surprise!
27. Warm Water Memories
28. Broken Glass and Cold Showers
29. The Silence That Screams
30. Blood is Thicker
31. The Hunt
32. The Savage Contagion
33. Benny Lafitte
35. Example
36. Angel of the Lord

34. How Scars are Formed

48 4 1
By fallen161angel

So I know it has been forever since my last update.... I've been busy and distracted. You probably don't remember what is happening so this chapter wil be focused on clearing up the past. 

All the comments have been great. I love hearing your thoughts even if it's just a "lol". Any feedback you have please comment. If you're confused or concerned or fangirling or loving it let me know so I can write the things that make you guys happy and share with all your friends, lovers, and that one person who won't stop messaging you. 

Also I have been writing some other things and trying non-fanfiction. If you're interested in anything or have any ideas or things you would love to see written, fanfiction or not, please message me. I'm always looking for more things to write. 

Enjoy! :)

The Savage Contagion began like most diseases. Somebody gets sick and some fool doesn't wash their hands after dealing with them. And so it spread. The biggest problem was that it went dormant for long periods of time before rearing its ugly head. Sometimes it would hit towns in waves while others would be wiped off the map in days. 

The cure had been discovered by Henry Winchester when he saw that angels could temporary eliminate the symptoms. It took a long time to recreate the society that had been ripped down by the choas of the disease but the human race managed. They didn't know, of course, the disease had not been naturally started. It had been created to do a simple job. It had nearly succeed too. After all, wiping out the human race might take a little bit more. 


Sam and Dean Winchester, born from Mary and John Winchester, were special. Neighter knew it at first, and the way they found out was crippling. 

Lucifer was an angel with a purpose. This terrified people. He would walk into a town and two days later it would be burning to the ground. Angels followed him as their savior. Demons followed him as their savior. And humans, well, they just locked the doors and prayed to the God they knew had abandoned them long ago. 

Lucifer started in a smal town. It was little and cut off from the rest of the world. It was perfect. Hell ran through those blood stained streets, and Lucifer moved on to bigger places. The human race began to fear for their lives. This was what they got for imprisioning God's angels. Lucifer ripped through the world and gathered a bigger and bigger following.

Mary and John Winchester didn't stop to pray to God. They met at a meeting in their town's small town hall and planned. That very day an explosion destroyed half the buidling. Young Sam and Dean were inside. Both survived and their mother and father too. They were lucky. Others were not. Nearly everyone from the town had been inside that hall. Bobby lost his wife. Mary lost her father. And countless others were lost. 

After that the town sunk in on itself. People were scared to leave their houses. The towns around them were beaten to ruins but their little hurt home reamined standing. 

Until Lucifer came to walk its streets himself. 

Hell was unleashed that day. Fire licked the air and bodies decorated the streets. People hid in locked rooms with the lights out. Lucifer didn't care about them. He cared about the scared little boy hiding in his room with his brother in a dinky house. Sam Winchester.

Lucifer discovered that the boys parents were fighters. They couldn't stand back and listen to their neighbors getting slaughtered. John left Mary to stay with the kids then grabbed a shotgun and went to go fight.

Sam remembered Dean begging his father not to go and Mary telling them both to go back and hide. And they did. But they could hear people getting killed in their front yard. So Dean had grabbed a gun and snuck out to help his father. Sam had tried to get him to stay back and when realizing that he wouldn't, insisted on going with him. Dean commanded that Sam stay. That he stay safe. 

But Lucifer had walked right in. Poor Mary tried to stop him, but Lucifer would not be stopped. He had driven his arm right through her chest. With her body turning the carpet a new color he had called for the younger Winchester boy. Sam had stayed quivering in his room with a small gun in his hand  and listening. Finally, he realized that he had to have the braverly of his brother and face the monster in his living room. He had shot the gun twice. Both missd. Lucifer had been amused. He told the cowering boy to enter the room. He told him he wasn't going to hurt him. 

Sam had shuffled in and saw his mother lying dead on the carpet. Her eyes were open and staring and blood seeped from her mouth. He was in shock at first, as anyone would be upon seeing their mother dead. Then he shot the gun until it had no more bullets. One of them grazed the angel. Sam had turned on his heels and raced farther into the house in an attempt to run but the bigger man had no trouble keeping up with him. 

Lucifer dragged Sam back into the living room and thrown him to the ground next to his mother's body. 

"Don't look at her, Sam. Look at me." Sam looked at the new star of his future nightmares. "You and me. We share a connection. We're alike." 

Sam felt like he was going to throw up. He had glanced around praying that someone would help him. He father, his brother, anybody. 

Lucifer continued to talk. He would pace sometimes while others he would stand directly in front of Sam. He talked about how they were similar and how Sam was weak. About how he needed to understand how to be alone and how to be strong. He talked and talked and would walk around Sam's dead mother. 

Meanwhile, in the front yard Dean had saved his fathers life from a demon weilding a weed wacker. John had stared in shock at his younger son. He screamed and demanded to know what he was doing out of the house. "Helping you," Dean had responded calmly. 

After blowing the brains out of a couple more demons, John noticed the door to his house was wide open. The fear that entered his heart was more than he had ever experianced in his entire life. His heart skipped a couple beats. He raced inside and was greeted with the Devil himself standing over his wife's body and speaking to his son. With a crushing anger, John had fired the shotgun repeatably at the angel. Irritated, Lucifer sent John flying through the air and into a wall decoration that severed the flesh on his face. He then turned to Sam with a frown. "This isn't over, Sam. You and me... we're just dancing destiny's dance. And I am truley sorry for what life has in store for you, but we will meet again." And then he was gone. Dean had entered his home to find it was not his home anymore. 

Once again the human race had to fight off an impossible enemy. Lucifer was eventually driven down by an army made of angels. Angels forced to fight and kill their brothers. After the war was over the governement decided to disband the angel army. Most were sent to slaughters so no one would know about the army. Nearly half were killed while others were sent to prisons to rot. 

~~~8 years ago~~~

A young man stood quietly as he stared out toward a boat rocking softly in the waters. "It's a nice one." 

The man turned to face the other man. His hand fell to the gun in its holster around his thigh. "Not mine."

"No need for that," The other man said as he motioned to the gun. He waited until the man took his hand away then set his briefcase down on a picnick table. It open with a click and inside were several vials of a dark yellow liguid.  The man with the briefcase took one out and handed it to the other. 

"So this is it?" 

"Yep. You know what you have to do."

The young man turned the vial over in his hands and watched at the liguid slushed around. "I don't know..."

"Listen, Cole. You're a family man so I know you understand what people will do to save someone they love."

Cole put the vial down. "They're threatening you too?" He asked in a whisper.

The other man simply smiled. "I just don't want to see another innocent family being buried. And your wife and son are so... defenseless against the dangers out there." Then the man handed the briefcase to Cole. "Just give these vials to the people. They will be doing the real dirty work." After saying that, he turned and talked away. 

Cole swallowed nervously as he looked down at the case. The word "Leviathan" was imprinted into the side. 


Sam Winchester sat in the chair by his father's side. John was sitting in the bed with a bandage around his face and his one good eye on the ceiling. Dean was trying to start a conversation with their father but he couldn't get a response. 

"Dean...," San said. Dean sighed as he sat down on the empty bed next to his dad's. 

"Come on, Dad. Talk to me." But the older man remained silent. Dean put his head in his hands and squeezed his eyes closed. 

Sam focused on staring at the beeping machine by his fathers bedside. "Sam."

Sam looked over at Dean. "Yeah?"

Dean looked up, "I didn't say anything."

"Sam."  Sam frowned as he looked around. "Sam."

"I need to go to the bathroom," Sam said as he got to his feet and hurried away without looking to see if Dean heard. 

Shaking, Sam entered the bathroom and glared into the mirror. 

"We share a connection, Sam."

"Leave me alone," Sam spit at the mirror.

"I'm not here to drive you insane. You're just like me, Sam. You just need to see it."

"I'M NOTHING LIKE YOU!" Sam slammed his hand onto the counter. Somebody entered the bathroom so Sam rushed out and went back to where his father was. 

"You alright, Sam?" Dean asked.

Sam considered telling Dean, but he realized that saying that he heard Lucifer's voice inside his head sounded crazy. He would just ignore it. I would go away. "Yeah. I'm fine."


The Angel Prison had blinking lights that never got fixed. Somewhere down the long hallway somebody was yelling something that invovled more cuss words than anything else. Gabriel pressed his face to the bars and glared out at the cell across from him. It was empty.

Groaning he turned his attention to the wall between him and the cell next to him. "How long you been here?"

There was a pause then, "Longer than you."

"Ooookkkaaayyyy..." Gabriel streatched his wings out and tapped them agasint the wall. "I'm Gabriel." He heard only silence. "Hey." Gabriel pressed his face to the bars again and tried to look into the other cell. He could see a silver wing wrapped around one of the bars.

"Were you in the army?" Gabriel asked just soft enough for the angel to hear him. The angel finally turned to look at him. The man had short black hair and ice blue eyes. 

"Yes." And that was all he said to Gabriel to after that.

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