7. Memories of a Better Life

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Sam awoke the next morning in his room, on his bed. Some time last night he must have gotten up.
He changed out of his rumbled clothes and left his room.
Once again, out of instinct, he headed towards the angel/demon secure room.
For a second he considered going around but he wasn't in the mood and just wanted something to eat.
Gabriel's wings were hanging limp in the chains, his head hanging. Blood dripped from where the cuffs had cut into his skin from struggling and pulling at them.
Sam walked around the holy fire, silently. He was almost at the door when his foot knocked a empty spray can. The can bounced noisily across the room. "Seriously?" Sam mumbled.
Gabriel woke up. He looked at Sam. Sheepishly, Sam picked up the can and set it back up, near the wall.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you," San said, "Wait, I thought angels didn't need to sleep." Gabriel shrugged. "Doesn't mean we can't."
Sam nodded slightly he couldn't think of anything else to say so he left.
Ruby looked up at him. "I'm sorry Sam," She said. Sam went into the kitchen to notice the Ruby had made him breakfast.
"Am I forgiven?" Sam smiled, "Thanks Ruby." He ate happily.
There was a knock at the door and Ruby went to answer it.
"You look horrible Chuck," She told him. Chuck sighed. His hair was messed up and he had bags under his eyes. "I got demoted."
Sam offered him some food. Chuck shook his head. "I already ate."
Sam looked at the case that Chuck pulled along with him. "What's that?"
"Gordan left me a present. I mean besides getting me demoted."
Sam curiously walked over, unlatched it, and opened it.
Inside was the single wing. It was white with tan speckles.
Sam looked at the engraving and then looked at Chuck.
"You're giving Gordan that Archangel," Chuck said.


The light was attacking him. Coming from everywhere, the bright blinding light seemed to sear into his eyes.
He wanted to close them but if he did he wouldn't be able to open them again.
Samandriel couldn't feel anything. Just a dull ache. He eyes stared down at the polished floor that reflected the light above him
As his mind cleared the ache became a sharp pain.
The feeling became more and more painful until it was running through his body in waves.
Samandriel gritted his teeth. His right shoulder felt like someone had taken a knife and twisted and then did it again and again.
For all he knew that's exactly what happened.
He moved his wings as far as they would go.
Until he realized it wasn't plural.
His one wing twitched in the restraints.
He heard footsteps approach him. Since he was on his stomach and couldn't move his head he couldn't see who is was.
Something sharp slid across the skin on his left shoulder.
Samandriel bit his tongue. The object was pulled away.
There was the sound of clicking, like metal gears. The clicking stopped.
There was a loud sound and something snapping. The pain was unbearable.
The restraints had pulled his wing, snapping the bone that connected it to his body.
Just as everything started to fade a voice spoke. "If his stats lower any more, kill him."


Sam closed the case. He felt sick.
"He's right Sam. Gordan is powerful and connected. You don't want to
piss him off," Ruby said.
Sam looked back at Chuck "I can't do that."
Chuck sighed. "Sam. Listen. It's not worth it. Is this is about Lucifer-"
Chuck went silent. "Think about it. This doesn't just effect you anymore."
Chuck picked up his case and left. Ruby looked at Sam. "Are you alright."
"I'm fine," Sam said. He felt the need to call Dean, to talk to him. But he couldn't do that. Groaning Sam went the long way to his room. He just didn't want to see the Archangel right now.
He went into his room and locked the door. He went to his dresser and opened the middle drawer. He moved aside some shirts and picked up a framed picture.
The picture was of a family. The mom with her blonde hair was smiling widely, holding a young boy. Next to her was her husband. He was squinting in the sun but still had a smile of his face. A boy, older than the other one, was standing in front of the adults. He had a baseball mitt and had a small smile on his face.
Sam wiped a tear away. The family had been so happy. He gently touched the glass above his moms face. He could vaguely remember her.
She would let him watch her cook and sometimes they'd have a flour war. The kitchen would be covered with flour. They'd laugh at each others flour covered faces.
Sam looked at his father's face. It wasn't scarred in that photo.
He eyes were gleaming as the sun hit them. Sam missed those eyes. Now they were cloudy and unfocused.
Sam put the picture back. His throat tightened. He fell onto his bed and stuffed his face in the pillow.


Dean had calmed down by the time they arrived back at the factory. Mark got out silently and took the cases inside.
Dean followed him. He went straight to the cafeteria. Becky waved at him from the table.
Charlie, Jo, and Mark where all off doing something else.
Dean took his tray over and sat down.
Ash instantly started talking about his boyfriend who was sitting next to him.
The other man gave him a small wave. "I'm Andy."
"Dean." They both ignored Ash as he continued to talk.
"How was Bela's? I hear she's a bitch." Christian asked.
Dean nodded. "Yeah."
"Doesn't she have that Archangel, ummmm Gabriel i think."
"Michael," Dean corrected, going tense.
"Yeah that was it. I was thinking about the story about the other Archangel. Apparently Gordan flipped out on the buyer."
"Yeah. And evan after the Archangel beat up a guard."
"Who does that?"
Dean looked down at his food. He felt sick. His hand curled around the fork he was holding and his fingernails dug into his skin.
"Dean." The voice spoke softly through the rest of the group. Dean looked up. Andy was watching him with a concerned look. "I'm fine." Dean said.
"I just need to get my mind of things." He got up and left the group no one else even noticing his disappearance.
Dean went back to his work table and sat down. He ran a hand through his hair.
Part of him wanted to call Sammy but he didn't know what to say. Someone tapped their fingers against his table and he sat up.
Andy looked at him. "Umm hi Andy. I thought you'd be with Ash."
"He's busy," Andy said.
"Oh." Awkwardly Dean picked up a few tools.
"Ash's birthday is coming up and I want to get something for him. What do you think he'd like."
Dean smiled as he remembered his own birthday was coming up. The smile faded when he remembered his fight with Sam. "Ash has been complaining about his tools, Rufus sells some good ones."
"Thanks." Dean picked at some paint on the table. Andy shifted to his other foot.
"I don't want to pry but why did the topic of Archangels make you so tense."
Dean's head snapped up. "What?"
Andy sighed "I'm hyper observant."
"Dean. Did you have something to do with the buying of that Archangel?"
Dean felt a weird feeling inside him. Tears started to flow down his cheeks.
He put his head in his hands.
Andy put a hand on his shoulder. Even though it was small, the gesture helped.

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