13. Angel with a Shotgun

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"What? Absolutely not! Sam!"
"Hey, I called it!"
Sam groaned, "Ruby gets shotgun."
"What? No fair, I called it."
Ruby smirked at Gabriel. Sam shrugged "I trust her more than you."
Gabriel pouted.
"Just get in the back."
He sighed and climbed in.
"And don't break anything, it's a rental."
Sam and Ruby got into the van and Sam started the engine. The radio turned on and started playing. Ruby reached over and turned it off.
"Sam I know you're worried about Dean but this is crazy."
Sam gripped the steering wheel tighter. "He has bracelets on, it'll be fine."
"You'll have to take the bracelets off for him to heal Dean."
"I'll keep a taser with me."
"And how well did that work last time?"
Sam sighed "Listen Ruby I know the risks but if there's a chance that he can heal Dean, I have to take it." He turned the radio back on and continue to drive.


Sam parked the van and him and Ruby got out. He went around and reached for the doors to the back. Ruby grabbed his arm "Sam you're trusting him more than me. I've been by your side for four years."
Sam pulled away and opened the doors. Gabriel jumped out and landed lightly on his feet.
"Show'm " Ruby said.
He held out his arms, showing the bracelets. "Happy?" She glared at him.
Sam went inside followed by Gabriel and Ruby.
Jo met him at the door. "Sam....." She had tears in her eyes.
Sam felt his entire body go cold. He ran past her an into the room.
Dean was lying in the bed, his eyes staring up at the ceiling. His breathes had turned to desperate gasps for air.
Sam ran to his side and grabbed his hand. "Dean, it's ok it's me."
Deans eyes moved to him. "Sam."
"Dean it's going to be okay, I promise."
Dean slightly turned his head. Ellen went to Sam's side. "Sam don't make promises you can't keep."
Sam looked up at her. "But he will be okay. Angels can heal." He nodded to the door where Ruby and Gabriel were standing.
Ellen sighed, "Sam there is no reason for that angel to help you Sam. Don't get your hopes up and don't take the risks."
Sam stood. "I don't care that he's a liar or maybe even a murderer; Dean has to live."
"Umm hello. Standing right here," Gabriel said from the door.
"Don't Sam," Deans voice said softy. Sam turned to look at his brother. Dean reached up and grabbed Sam's arm. "Don't."
"He'll kill Dean and probably you too," Ellen said.
Sam looked at them both.
Gabriel sighed. "I think you're missing the point. Dean is going to die. You can take that chance that I'll help. Which I will. Or you can play it safe and let him die."

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