Izuocha one shots

By Author-kun77

680K 14.8K 25.7K

Come read the best one shot book for MHA along with the best ship ever! #1 in Dekuraka 7/18/20 #5 in Izuocha... More

1-Until I die
4-Eri catches Izuocha
5-Izuku tells Ochako
6-Izuku's birthday
7-Izuocha as Villians
8-Ochako has had enough
10-Break up
11- 7 minutes of heaven
12-Ask out the customer
13-Ochako is pissed off
15-No more vanilla
18-Old times
19-Old times (Reverse)
20-Out shopping
23-Double date
24-Drunken wake up call
25-Villian Ochako
Villian Ochako (2)
27-I love and hate you
32-Sinful dating
33-Moving in
35-Online dating
36-Amazon Women
37-Truth or dare
39-Pucca Izuocha
40-Paper boy
42-Izuku leaves
43-Poor Ochako
44-Izuku fails
Amazon woman 2 (50k special)
45-Skyrim Izuocha
47-Halloween 1-Trick or treat
48-Among us
49-Halloween 2-Eris trick or treating
51-Ochako got hit
52-Halloween 3- Scary movie
54-Prank war.
Vampire Izuocha 2(100k special)
56-Paper airplane
57-Christmas 1-Christmas Night
58-Stress relief
59-Christmas 2-Christmas break
60-Sending pics
61-Ochako's birthday
63-Arranged marriage
64-World war 2
65-Secret dating
66-Pockey game
69-Drawn to life
71-Legend of zelda
72-Mini shots
74-Valentine's day
75-Ochako's crush
Sending pics 2(200k view special)
Traitor part 2
76-Fake dating
78-Teasing master Uraraka-san
79-School project
81- Gardening
82- Apocalypse
83- Too long
300k special sinful dating part 2
85- College roommates.
87-Dinner with the Midoryias
88-The teacher
90-Cute polls
91-Bleeding out
Memory loss part 2
Traitor part three
98-Movie Night
99-Eri ships Izuocha
Mini shots 2
100 - Izuocha
The End
Snow cone -Mini one shot

84-Memory loss

3.4K 100 38
By Author-kun77

If you ever get tired of waiting for new chapters,go back to the previous ones and look at the comments. My favorite ones are from the Eri catches Izuocha.

Izuku's eyes slowly opened letting him see for the first time in who knows long. His body felt weak,he felt hungry,and he felt confused. He had no idea what was going on.

He didn't have enough strength to move his whole body so he instead looked around.

He noticed that he was in a bed and that the room also seemed to be a hospital one. He looked at his arm and it was hooked up to several objects. He didn't feel much pain though and he didn't feel sick. Just tired.

He finally noticed that there was a table with lots of flowers that were dead,with some that were new. There was also cards, balloons,and some candy as well.

But he had no idea what he was doing there. He didn't remember what happened and if the dead flowers were for him, then he was in here for more than just a few days.

He found a remote connected to the bed that has some features like make it go up or down. But the one he needed was the call for a nurse and he pressed it. A nurse cane into the room in just twenty seconds.

"Oh my god! You're finally awake!" She came up to Izuku and turned off the small alarm.

"F-finally awake? I don't understand" His eyes have shut as he looked at her,not having much strength still.

"Don't worry. Let me go get the doctor. You're going to be alright" She immediately left leaving Izuku alone in his bed.

'I don't like this. I don't know what's going on or why I'm here...and where is my mother at!?' He thought as he tried to lift himself from the bed but he was unable to do anything.

In another minute the nurse came back this time with a doctor.

"Hello. It's good to see you're finally up." The doctor greeted Izuku as he walked to the side of his hospital bed.

"W-what is going on!?" Izuku asked still confused.

"I know you have questions,but we have to make sure of a few things. I need you to please answer some questions. Can you tell me your full name?" The doctor asked as the nurse held a clipboard.

"I-izuku Midoryia." Izuku calmly answered.

"Alright. Do you know where you are currently at?" The doctor asked his next question.

"I-i am pretty sure I'm in a hospital" He answered again.

"Good. Now. Do you remember what happened to you before you blacked out?" The doctor asked another.

"N-no...I don't....I don't even remembering blacking out...ah!" Izuku's head felt a sharp pain as he tried to remember and he grasped his head from the pain.

"It's alright Mr Midoryia. Please don't think too hard. Nurse please give him some medicine" The doctor said as the nurse grabbed a pill and gave it to Izuku along with some water.

"Alright. Now then. What is the last thing you can remember before you woke up?" The doctor asked another question.

"I...I think it was when I was with my....friend...at school" Izuku gripped the blankets tightly.

"Do you know his name and what school?" The doctor asked.

"I...his name is Bakugo, although I call him Kacchan and he calls me Deku. As for school... Aldera Junior high" As soon as he finished answering the doctors face turned into a face of worry.

"Hm. I see. Mr Midoryia. You don't remember anything about going to U.A.?" The doctor asked his last question.

"U.A.? No. I always wanted to go there but..." He didn't want to tell the doctor that he's Quirkless.

"Oh no...We will have to do some more test,but I think you may have endured memory loss" The doctor started to wash his hands after his questions.

"M-memory loss!?" Izuku couldn't believe it.

"Yes. Of course we will need to do some test first just to be sure. We should begin immediately" The nurse grabbed a few things.

"W-wait! I want to see my mother!" Izuku demanded.

"I know you do but it's best we do this first. We will have someone call her immediately while we do this. Let's begin' The doctor put on some gloves.

After some time:

" It will take a few hours for the results to come back. Until then you must stay here. Since you are in no danger or harm we are allowing some visitors,but only your mother as well as your girlfriend" The doctor informed him.

"G-girlfriend!? I-i have a girlfriend!?" Izuku had a blush grow on his face. He doesn't even remember talking to a girl.

"It seems like that may be something else you have forgotten but maybe seeing her can help you remember. And normally it's only family allowed,but she was really stubborn that one. She refused to give up until we allowed it." The doctor threw his gloves away as the door room opened up.

"IZUKU!!!!!" His mom yelled as she saw her poor baby on the hospital bed.

She ran over to him and immediately embraced him, but making sure to be extra careful to not cause him any harm.

"I'm so so happy you're alright! I've been worried for three months about you!" She cried while she held her son.

"T-three months!?" Izuku was completely shocked by that info.

"You got into a fight with a villain! It was so horrible Izuku! You got knocked into a coma because of it! I almost thought you wouldn't wake up! But I'm so happy to see you're finally awake!" She didn't stop hugging him but Izuku just laid on his bed in complete shock from the news.

He looked past his mom to see a brown haired girl standing a few feet away with tears pouring from her eyes and her face mixed with regret and joy.

An he thought she was cute despite all that.

Once I heard you were awake I sent a message to some people and came straight to see you Dear. Look who else is here with me" Inko looked back at her and Ochako came up to him on the other side of his bed.

"Hey Deku" Her voice was pretty quiet and filled with so much regret.

"H-hi" He nervously greeted her. He already figured that this was his girlfriend but he had no memory of her,he didn't even know her name and he wanted to know.

"I don't mean to be rude...but who are you?" He calmly asked her.

Her face turned from regret and joy into sorrow and confusion.

"D-deku...it's me! Ochako! You're best friend and girlfriend!" She said trying to make him understand and he blushed at girlfriend a bit though.

"I-im sorry but I don't recognize you...not even a little bit" He took a look at his mom and now her face is full of worry as well.

"I'm afraid he's suffering from memory loss and until we get our results back we won't know much more. But it seems that he lost everything after his junior high. " The doctor explained to the two women in the room.

"Oh my god" Inko placed her hands over her mouth as more tears came from her eyes and hit the ground.

Ochako's tears came as well as she looked back at Izuku and she got a idea.

"Y-you really don't remember who I am!? You gotta remember me! We had so many things we did together that you have to remember at least one! L-like when you saved me at the U.A. exam! You have to remember that!" Ochako desperately tried to get him to remember.

"I-i don't remember that. I really don't remember a-

"What about that time we worked together at the sports festival!? We had such a good time and we made an amazing team!" She tried once to make him remember getting more desperate with each second that passed.

"Miss I really can't remember a-

"What about our first date!? You have to remember that! You just have t-

She felt a hand around on her shoulder and she was yanked back gently.

"Ma'am please. I understand that you are upset but that's not going to work. We just need to wait for the results to come back first and see what we can do" The doctor explained after he pulled her back.

Ochako stared at the ground for a few seconds before she went outside the room. She planted her face into her arm leaning against the wall as she bawled her eyes out some more.

Izuku felt horrible. Even though he didn't remember this girl,he still felt horrible watching he cry. And a part of him felt like he did know her,he just couldn't remember her.

"I'm so sorry Izuku" His mom wiped away her own tears.

"Ma'am you can stay with your son until we get the results back. And Mr Midoryia there are some other people here to see you as well if you want to see them" The doctor informed him.

"I guess so"He had a feeling he was going to see some "new" faces.

He got more people than he expected. He barely recognized anyway that came, although he was amazed by a lot of their quirks.

He nearly passed out when some heros like All might or Eraserhead came to see him as well.

But the one person he recognized more than anyone else was Bakugo.

"I'm surprised to see you here Kacchan" Izuku hoped that he was a changed person from what he remembers at least.

"Hmph. Yeah well everyone else came so I might as well" He took a seat beside him.

'Well. I guess he didn't change too much' He thought.

"So I'm guessing that we can by real friends again?" Izuku asked him.

" I wouldn't say friends... but I definitely grew up a bit" Bakugo played with his fingers not looking at Izuku.

" I see. That good" Izuku have off a weak smile.

"Tell me Deku. Is all of your current memories of me being a total dick to you?" Bakugo asked still not looking at him.

"If I'm being honest...yeah. I think the most recent one is where you destroyed my hero notebook and threw it out a window" Izuku's frown went away at the memory of him doing that.

"Damnit" Bakugo got out of his chair and walked to the door.

"I can't handle this shit" He left and he finally let a tear hit the floor once he was out of Izuku's sight.

A few minutes later the doctor came back with a clipboard and his mother.

"So good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?" The doctor asked as he read over the pages.

"I think I will take the good news first" Izuku said.

"So the good news is that you will be able to still make new memories. So you should remember stuff that happens today and from now one. But the bad news is that it seems very likely that you won't be getting what you already lost back. I'm sorry":The doctor apologized after giving the explanation.

"Well. At least I can always make new memories" Izuku tried to stay positive.

"That's the spirit! Now you are cleared to go home,but until further notice you won't be able to leave or do much physical activity. And you will be required to take some medicine and of course get help if something goes wrong. The nurse will come back to get you ready" With that he left leaving just Inko and Izuku.

"You hear that Izuku? You're finally coming home!" Inko said now giving out some happy tears.

"I'm glad but Mom...I feel bad. Is that really my girlfriend?" Izuku asked and she gave a small nod.

"You two were so cute together! You were basically in inseparable and honestly I don't think anyone else was as upset as she was found we all found out you were in a coma. How do you feel about her?" Inko asked.

"I....I don't really remember her so I don't feel much but...I feel something....I can't explain it. I don't remember her but I feel like I do at the same time. I also feel sad because I made her cry" Izuku explained.

"You didn't make her cry honey. It's just a tough time for everyone. And maybe after a few days of rest things will get better" She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the forehead and then the nurse entered with a wheelchair.

"Alright Mr Midoryia. Let's go ahead and get you out of here" She and Inko helped him change into better clothing and got him into the wheelchair.

As he was pushed out of the room he saw that Ochako was sitting across from his room and she hadn't noticed that he was in front of her yet.

"Hey wait. Is it alright if I get up for a second please?" Izuku asked the nurse.

"Well you're not really supposed to...but if you use a cane you can stand for a bit" She offered.

She gave him a crutches and placed it under his arm as she and Inko helped him up.

He took a step forward which was very weird for him but he was able to get right in front of Ochako.

"H-hey" He greeted her.

She looked up at was surprised to see him up from his bed.

"D-deku! W-what are you doing? Shouldn't you be resting?' Ochako asked as she looked up at him from her chair.

"I'm going home but I just wanted to say...I'm sorry" He bowed his head as a apology.

"Sorry? But what are you sorry for?" She asked confused by his apology.

"Several things. For making you cry, for making you see me like this. But mostly for forgetting you. I'm sorry I don't remember." He explained his apology.

And she gave a small chuckle.

"That's just like you Deku. Always being nice to everyone, thinking about others,and being really selfless. That's what made me fall in love with you" She made him turn into a tomato.

"T-thank you" He wasn't entirely sure how to respond to a compliment from a girl.

She stood up from her chair and gave him a small peck on his lips making him even more embarrassed.

" Sorry. I just missed you so much" She apologized for quick and sudden kiss.

"I-i-it is a-alright and it actually felt... Familiar...A-anyway! I'm going home. Do you maybe want to help me there alongside my mom?" He asked her still embarrassed from that kiss.

"I would love to Deku...and is it alright if I still call you that?" She asked hoping that it wouldn't be offensive to him.

"Why do you call me that though?" He asked as he sat back down in his wheelchair.

"Well...I always thought that name gave a " you can do it!" Kind of feel...plus it's kinda cute" She explained.

"YOU CAN CALL ME THAT THEN!"He gave her permission to use his nickname.

And with that He, Ochako, and Inko left the hospital together.

So much angst. And sorry for not much Izuocha til about halfway through.

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