World of antanya

By Destroyers117

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I decided out of boredom to create the entire history/lore of antanya after talking to my friend,which is mos... More

Short timeline(old)
Military equipments(modern only)(old)
Chapter 1(a begining of a world)
Chapter 2(the major crossovers)
Summon japan(crossover)(canceled)
Part2 (japan summon crossover) the forgotten legacy(canceled)
Alterative history of eurasian empire(old)
Summon japan(alternative eurasia)(old)
Eurasian military 2.0(old)
Planning on a second edition of the alterative eurasian summon japan story(old)
Summon eurasia(summon japan fanfic)
Summoning eurasia part2
The fall of rowlia(part3.2)
Summoning eurasia(part 4)
Summon eurasia (Papadila arc part 1) part 5
Summon eurasia(papalida arc part2)part 6
The Eurasian civil war(POV of a soldier)(side story)
Joke chapter
Papalida arc part 3 summon eurasia part 7
Summon eurasia papalida arc part 4
Summon eurasia paplida arc part 5
Japan reaction to the eurasia(side story)
Summon eurasia paplida arc part 8
Summon eurasia demon
Summon eurasia demon arc (final)
Summon eurasia paplida arc part 8
Summon eurasia Fall of paplida part 1
Summon eurasia Fall of paplida the finale
World of antanya crossover humble beginings
Summon eurasia world confernce part 1
Eurasian katyusha (short side story)
Summon eurasia: the second eurasian war
Not a chapter but a suggestion of a new story
Summon eurasia(eurasian continent side story-the techno mechanica religion pov)
Eurasian people info
Not a chapter again(sorry for constant delays)
The world congress summon eurasia(part 2)
The world congress summon eurasia(part 3)(MNB route)
The world congress summon eurasia(part 3)(the 12 tanks last stand part 1 route)
Summon eurasia eurasian world conquest arc part 1(MNB route)
Summon eurasia world conquest arc part 2(mnb route)
Summon eurasia the hunt of the ghost fleet arc
Important news
The rise of the old empire
Joke chapter the global rick roll ;p
One shot: that time i was isekai to antanya
The ravennal attack
Side story:the makai yakzuta and the hero(spoiler)
Joke chapter if papalida asked sakurai empire
Alterative summom eurasian civil war
The map of the city of antanyo
Papalida fate alterative
Alt Summon eurasia civil war pt2
Connection of the hidden past
Eurasian folklores
Species of eurasia
Founder hidden message summon eurasia
Joke chapter, hitler isekai to the antartic federation
Mid winter event- summon eurasia side story
How to create the meta gas
Antanya other worlders population
Merry christmas(side story)
Regained motivation but i wont contiue this
Maybe one funni side story before this is considered axed by me

Battle for gim and the battle rodenius(part3.1)

202 4 3
By Destroyers117

(This is a major difference is the Eurasian aren't completely pacifist and wouldn't hesitate to invade the Rowlian kingdom)

Principality of Kua Toine, western region, 20 kilometers from the border, Town of Gim

Central Calendar year 1639, April 11th, afternoon

Western knight order, 1st and 2nd dragon squadrons

The captain of the western knight order, Moiji, felt uneasy.

The western forces consisted of 2,300 infantry, 200 archers, 500 heavy infantry, 200 cavalry, 100 light cavalry, 24 dragons,30 mages, 200 rifle infantry,15 biplanes.
While the Eurasian had sent 800 light infantry,30 behemoth tanks,40 mammoth tanks,50 armoured transport vehicles and 36 artillery as reinforcement.

Kua Toine had many combat-ready soldiers since they were in a semi-state of emergency, but the enemy forces that they could see all along the border surpassed them. What's more, all of their communications continued to be pointedly ignored by Rowlia.
And the low number of Eurasian forces wasn't helping but the behemoth and mammoth tanks greatly boosted morale due to their massive size and cannons.
Some of the citizens had already started evacuating from Gim, at the government's urging.

"Still nothing from Rowlia, huh?" Moiji asked a communications mage.

"Our messages should be reaching them just fine, but we still haven't received any response back. I can only conclude that they're ignoring our communications."

With a small difference in numbers, a solid strategy could be used to avoid a route. However, with these conditions, it was going to be a slaughter. What should be done...?

"Even with the behemoth tanks and mammoth tanks could get destroyed by the enemy wyverns as cannons are really inaccurate and we might still lose this battle."

"What did HQ say about our request for reinforcements?"

"We've repeatedly tried contacting HQ, but the only answer we get is 'we are currently in an emergency conference,' they won't tell us anything more specific."

"Fuck! This isn't a picnic! If we have to fight with only the soldiers we have here, with little amount of reinforcements, Gim is already lost! Damn it all...!!!"

With various thoughts swirling in their minds, time passed clouded in uncertainty.

Central Calendar year 1639, April 12th, early morning

20 kilometers from the border, Town of Gim

All of a sudden, red smoke began to rise up at the national border west of Gim. At the same time, a panicked message came in via communication magic.

"A huge number of Rowlian wyverns have invaded Gim! And... thousands of soldiers are pouring in over the border! The invasion has begun! I repeat...!!! Run for your lives—!! Gahh...! ..."

The call ended. Captain Moiji, after seeing the red beacon signifying Rowlia's invasion of Kua Toine, roared out orders.

"1st and 2nd dragon squadrons lift off, engage the enemy wyverns! Light cavalry, scramble to the right flank and disrupt them! 200 cavalry, prepare to raid, standby for orders! Infantry, form ranks with heavies in front! Archers, set yourselves up in the back lines and offer support at maximum range! Mages, if you don't join the offensive, just keep the winds favorable to our position."
"The new rifle regiment shall prepare fortifications and work together with the Eurasian reinforcement while our 1st biplane regiment go support our wyverns forces."

The dragon squadrons took off, twenty-four fully-geared wyverns rising up into the sky. They split into two squadrons, with one staying near the ground while the other ascended to maximum altitude while the new biplane squadron would be supporting the wyverns with their machine guns.

Soon after, the skies in Rowlia's direction became peppered with black dots. After seeing the huge number of growing enemies, Kua Toine's dragon riders felt their hearts freeze.

Kingdom of Rowlia eastern subjugation army, advance force

1st dragon attack wing, size: 75

Kua Toine's dragon squadron bravely and boldly flew forward to meet Rowlia's dragons. Rowlia's seventy-five dragon riders had them in their sights.

"We'll take advantage of our air superiority. Prepare to fire."

The leader, Dragon Rider Captain Aldebaran, intended to wipe them out in one fell swoop. All seventy-five wyverns lined up and opened their mouths. Within, fireballs took shape.

"In five... four... three... two... one... fire!!!"

All seventy-five wyverns fired simultaneously. By adding rotation to their fireballs, firing from inside the mouth would drastically increase the range compared to when fired outside the mouth. Using this trick, they were able to fire before Kua Toine's dragons could even get into range. The twelve Kua Toine dragons suffered direct hits and fell from the sky.

"They've split their forces in two... be on guard."

Shortly after Aldebaran made this order, twelve wyverns in a row came out of the sky from the sun at his back. They attacked as they passed, taking down three Rowlian dragons. The two groups engaged in a melee. Rowlia had five times as many wyverns, so Kua Toine's wyverns quickly fell one after another. It only took a few minutes to completely annihilate them.

"We will now assist the ground forces. All units, provide supporting fire."

The dragon riders descended upon Kua Toine's army.

"D-damn! They have more wyverns, and their riders are more skilled than ours!" Moiji cried, punching the wall. "Our dragon riders have already been wiped out...!"
Then a miracle happened as the the biplane started decimating the Rowlian wyverns with their superior machine gun killing most of the enemy wyverns within minutes.
The biplanes now focused on the Rowlian ground army after their one sided victory against the Rowlian wyvern, raining machine and bombs down on them. The losses were devastating on the Rowlian forces.

Rowlian knight order suffered heavy losses from the mob of biplanes harassing them. Their numbers were already reduced by a one third of their original strength. Right then, 50 massive iron beast joined in the battle decimating the Rowlian army from the bombardment from their massive cannons while getting shredded by the many machines guns joined the battle. The behemoth and mammoth tank crew were enjoying this as it was a target practice causing majority of the Rowlian forces to retreat from this brutal onslaught.
"Eat lead fucking Rowlian barbarians, feel the wrath of our glorious motherland!"
4 massive troops transport carrier arrived and started deploying scorpion tanks and grizzly tanks(from halo but they lack they advanced engine and got a small reactor)

The fear spread rather fast as more of these iron beast started arriving across the Rowlian army causing them to surrender or runaway with their lives.

The battle would be remembered as the battle for gim.
With a massive devastating lost for the entire Rowlian land army having over 2 thirds of their army being casualties.
The Rowlian army was greatly demoralised by these heavy casualties.

Central Calendar year 1639, April 25th, Port of Myhak
New world era 25/5/01(Eurasian new world calendar)
In response to the 4,000-ship fleet dispatched by the Kingdom of Rowlia, at the naval base in Myhak's port, Kua Toine's 2nd fleet was finally sending off its new warships. Each ship ignited their engine and gathered in the port. Sailors double-checked the new cannons they had received while also testing their new R9 rifle(it based on the Soviet rifle mosin-nagant model 1891) they would be using to board enemy ships. Unused ammunition were stored away. The equipment against the enemy's wyverns were manned and fully loaded. Biplanes were installed on the old aircraft carrier from the Eurasian ww1 era. In total, there were about 20 ships.

"Isn't this a magnificent sight...," Admiral Pancarre murmured to himself while watching the sea. "But they've got more than four thousand ships...i don't belive our ships is enough to handle 4000 warships...I wonder how many men I can keep alive..."

He chided himself for voicing his true thoughts. There was no sense in giving up early, even in the face of impossible odds.

"Admiral, we've received a message from navy headquarters," reported executive officer Breweye.

"Read it."

"Yes sir!

Tonight, 8 destroyers from the nation of Japan will arrive at Myhak as reinforcements. They request an observer to join them and witness the commencement of hostilities with the Kingdom of Rowlia.
While the Eurasian will directly invade the Rowlian territories and force a quick surrender after the successful battle against the Rowlian forces in grim.
End message."

"What?! Only eight ships??!! Are you sure there isn't some mistake? Shouldn't it be eighty or eight hundred?"
"Plus what about the Imperial Sakurai empire and the Kyoro navy! Aren't they going to support us!?"
"There were no mistakes, sir, and the joint sakurai-kyoro navy are planning to do a manuver around the Rowlian navy and strike their port with 1 mobile naval base and her escort fleet of 2 battleship,4 heavy cruisers,1 aircraft carrier,13 destroyers and 6 light cruisers!"

"Isn't that only just 27 ships all together!?,even if there was some powerful warships amping these numbers even with their fancy class names might be a fraud!"

"I appreciate all offers of support from the Japanese, but... they want an observer? If the Japanese are only sending eight ships, I'm just sending that person to die with them! They're clearly off their rocker. I can't possibly send one of my subordinates over!"

There was an awkward silence.

"...then send me," Breweye stated.


"I'm the best fighter you've got, so I've got the best chance of surviving out of all your officers. But you forget, that monster of a ship was from Japan. Maybe they're not as crazy as you think."

"I'm sorry... I'll leave it to you."

"Yes sir!"

Same day, evening

Breweye could not believe his eyes. The size of the ship was completely a disappointment. When they had first established contact with Japan, the First Navy reported a 200+ meter ship, but he thought they were just exaggerating until he met the Eurasian MNB which were several kilometres long and wide, while being 300m+ tall. But now, even though the ships were stopping offshore in the distance, he could tell that they were ridiculously huge but still humble. They didn't even have sails. A short time later, a metal-looking object with something spinning on top lifted off from atop the ship, the old ships the Sakurai,keyoto and keyoro sold to them could be compared to the 200m ship, their largest capital ship provided from the keyoto navy was the murisakai, a 189 long heavy cruiser which seemed more impressive with her 6 5 inch guns, 3 12 inch guns and her many machine guns made for anti air, or in this case, anti wyvern or anti ship combat.

He received notice of it beforehand, so he knew it was some kind of vehicle. When it got close, it kicked up strong winds. He boarded the unfathomable vehicle and was taken offshore. The seat was soft and there was almost no shaking as they flew through the air. It was slower than a wyvern, but far more comfortable, and it could carry a large number of people. Soon, their destination, a destroyer, came into view. Seeing its size up close, Breweye's simply looked at the destroyer with a glance before losing interested as it looked less armed than their new destroyers they Brought.

(This thing is powerful, Strategically, larger ships house more crew. You can threaten more enemy ships simply because you have more crew to spare, welll it used to be, ever Since we had received the new warships for our navy, the cannons would obliterate the enemy. War itself had changed completely due to japan and the continent of Eurasia appearance on our world.)

Breweye considered the destroyer based on the Eurasian civil war era destroyers the quatoine had received.

Helicopter destroyer Izumo
Length: 248 meters
Displacement: 19,500 tonnes
Construction cost: 114 billion JPY
With the ability to launch up to 5 helicopters simultaneously, the Izumo was the largest escort ship in the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. They alighted onto the ship, which was spacious enough for two average cavalries to battle each other.

Does it have hidden weapons? How do they fight with a single cannon? Breweye's questions were endless. He went below decks at the direction of the SDF. It was... very bright inside. Was something being burned? Or did they use light magic? Was the entire ship run with magic? Maybe he needs to study the new warships they had received from the Eurasians.

Breweye was brought to the ship's captain.

"I'm Captain Yamamoto."

"Observer from the Principality of Kua Toine, Second Navy, my name is Breweye. We are grateful for your assistance in this endeavor."

"To jump right in, we've determined the location of the enemy force's ships. They're about five hundred kilometers west of our position. They are currently moving slowly, at a speed of five knots. We will depart tomorrow morning and engage them at their position. Once there, we will request for them to turn back or face hostile fire. So, until tomorrow, please be at ease."

Breweye was astonished—they planned to take on the entire fleet of 4,400 ships alone, without cooperating with the Kua Toinan navy! Their ships were clearly enormous and could destroy the enemy with the cannons, but, with only 8 ships, it was still suicidal to go up against such a huge number. He was also wary of the fact the ships might run out of ammunition, and risked capture from the enemy.

Next day, early morning

The destroyer flotilla set off.

Breweye was stressed.

(How many times am I supposed to feel like this?! It's like I'm permanently in a state of worry! The ships the Japanese have are powerful, but the single cannons aren't gonna destroy many ships!)

These ships were so fast! They were currently moving faster than the new Kua Toinan ships top speed. Aside from that... the other ships were pretty far away. Wouldn't it be better to stay in close formation?(eurasian civil war destroyers only goes 17 knots while cruisers are much slower, their speed is caused by the fact they are often larger and are fitted armour than your standard destroyers or cruisers)

The flotilla traveled west at a speed of 20 knots. Eventually, the Rowlian fleet appeared on the horizon.

Kingdom of Rowlia, eastern subjugation navy Vice-Admiral Schaukun

"What a beautiful view."

Ships crawled forward over the vast ocean, their sails billowed with wind. Numbering 4,400, crewed by multiple times as many sailors who would later become the landing party, they were heading for the commercial city of Myhak.

'The only things in sight were ships.' Or... 'the sea had been completely covered in ships.' Perhaps that was a better way to express it.

After spending 6 years preparing, along with the assistance of the Papaldia Empire, their great fleet was finally complete. No force on Rodenius could stop it. In fact, they could even challenge Papaldia with this fleet!

His ambitions began to run wild. But then, cold logic reined in his delusions of grandeur. He remembered that Papaldia had a weapon called a "gunboat" that was rumored to specifically combat enemy ships... It was still too dangerous to challenge one of the Third Civilization's superpowers.

Schaukun gazed out at the ocean to the east... hm? Something was coming towards them. Were they dragons? No ... Wait! What were they?!

It was some kind of manmade, insect-shaped thing, making a loud pounding noise as it got closer. Any person who caught sight of a strange, unidentifiable object flying straight at them would feel a tendril of fear squirm its way into their heart.

<<This is the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. Your country authorized a attack on the Kua Toinan town of Gim. Due to that incident, we cannot allow your fleet to proceed. Turn back at once. I repeat———>>

There was a person riding inside the object and somehow talking to us...

Someone shot an arrow at it. After that, it turned around in the sky and flew away to the east.

A short time later, a small island came into view. The island was... moving...? Impossible! Was that a ship?!

The island-sized ship approached at a frightening speed, then turned to match the speed and direction of the fleet. It positioned itself alongside the frontmost row of ships, about 300 meters away.

<<Turn around immediately, or we will fire on your fleet! I repeat, turn around immediately, or we will fire on your fleet!!!>>

While their ship was truly enormous, they were picking a fight with 4,400 ships. Vice-Admiral Schaukun ordered the fleet to attack.

The fleet turned to the right and began to close in on the escort ship. Once they were within 200 meters, the ships in range began shooting fire arrows at the enemy ship. Ballista had a maximum firing range of 100 meters, so they were not used.

Even though they seemed to have no effect whatsoever, the enemy ship still moved out of range of the fire arrows. It speedily traveled about 3 kilometers away from the fleet then turned around.

"Haaaahahahahahahaaa, look at them run!!!"

The sailors, out of earshot, insulted and jeered at the enemy ship. Vice-Admiral Schaukun felt his worries melt away at the sight.

"Heh, they ran away. Even at that size, with only a single ship, there was nothing they could do anyway. But... it was very fast for such a big ship. To think they could achieve that speed even without any wind..."

"We've taken fire. Engaging the enemy fleet. Ready the main gun!"

In the bow of the Aegis BMD-equipped destroyer Myoukou, a 127mm rapid fire gun turned to point at the opposing fleet. The sharp-eyed Schaukun watched the movement curiously.

"What's that stick thing?"

A moment later, there was a thunderous boom. They were only 3 kilometers away; to the Myoukou, they were still in close range.

"What happened? Did they blow themselves up?" Schaukun wondered to himself.

Right after that thought, the ship at the front of the fleet exploded. Pieces of wood, other ship parts, and human remains rained down on the surrounding closely-packed ships. The shell had hit the ship that was firing arrows. The remains sank under their own weight, taking with them anyone on board who happened to survive the blast.

"What?! What the hell happened?! Were we attacked from that distance?!?"

Having never experienced this level of firepower before, everyone was flabbergasted.

"This isn't good! But... we're barely in wyvern range. Communications! Request wyvern assistance! We've engaged the enemy's flagship!"

"Hopefully they're so shocked that they'll just withdraw..."

The captain of the Aegis ship Myoukou, Unabara, wanted to avoid unnecessary casualties. He was putting on a show, to make them understand they were outmatched and convince them turn back. Even if he were to be labeled a pacifist, he sincerely wished they would just go home. In fact, because they were in disarray, because they were slowing down and acting cautious, he thought, perhaps...

"Hooo... all right, so that demon power can't be used again right away," Schaukun sighed in relief, coming to this mistaken conclusion due to the lack of a follow-up attack. "Slow down the fleet. Attack in concert with wyvern air support!"

Kingdom of Rowlia, Wyvern Headquarters
"We receive call from the navy to send in wyverns to support their attack against the enemy warship!"

"Tell them we don't have any wyverns to support them we are under heavy bombardment from enemy iron wyverns and warships!"

A massive explosion happened destroying an entire ship and many more wyverns falling from the sky as large chunks of cooked meat from the endless amounts of missile/light magic bombarding them.

Back to the Rowlian navy

"Bad news admiral! Our headquarters is under attack by the enemy surprise attack they can't send any wyverns and need reinforcement!"

"Shit! We need to turn back and support our army back home, all ships return back to base! Headquarters is under attack by the enemy!"

As they were speaking the Japanese had started firing at the Rowlian navy hoping to scare them back to port while being unaware of the major assault on the enemy naval headquarters and they started rescuing the survivors from the retreating Rowlian fleet.
The batt was in the Japanese victory and was remembered as the battle for the rodimus sea.

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