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Don't worry,I'm not ending the story. But personally I believe it about time this story officially becomes it own separate independent story.

It will have all the summon Eurasia story within it,this story will still be updated as usual,think of this as a prototype before the official release of the true offical summon Eurasia.

The few I'm gonna publish as it own separate routes and branches of the prototype.

Summon the Eurasian empire(would be delayed by a lot)

Summon Eurasia(offical)(offical version is gonna take a while due to having to start from scratch and trying to ensure it a much better version than the prototype,yes all the warships will be there)

Keyoto and her escort fleet isekai(already released but on hold because I went brain dead so it updates is gonna be incredibly slow to the point it 1/4 of getting a update per week)

And maybe I might publish the more,let say American version so let the other continent have a spotlight
Like Australasia which is basically north America on steroids in term of population and military
Or the Slavic continent or heck even the continent of south Australasia which is basically Germany and France culturally and ethically, but worship technologies or Christianity.

Here their titles and short description

Summon the dynasty
The ancient dynasty which ruled as a superpower for 10,000 years were summoned to another world.
Will this world feel the wrath of the superpower or will they befriend the superpower

Summon of the crusade and the kriegmen
The continent of south Australasia were at war, Franco's and her allies were fighting a war against their enemy the techno republic(formerly known as the atomic empire)
Will these two ethnic groups destroy each other or,will they conquer this new world as brothers and sisters?

Summon the wings of liberty
URA and her allies canadia and mexica were transported to another world,encountering the Americans(usa) and the Japanese in this new world,will these 2 giant symbols of democracy police this world or will they return to their isolationist past?

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