Side story:the makai yakzuta and the hero(spoiler)

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(It a side story of the Eurasian continent largest gang organisation as I run out of idea on how to proceed the story)

Eurasian underworld,makai city,new empire of Eurasia :

"We got the bastards you wanted, where our payment"

"Your work is admirable as always princess shiro,the head of the makai yakzuta"

The government official would give the permit of allowing the makai to spread their influence abroad from simply the continent of Eurasia.

"Your father is worried about you, prince Kaiser will appreciate you visiting him"

"...yes I understand, I will visit my father pay respects to Aunty,the empress"

Princess shiro would leave and hop on the attack helicopter that was to escort her back to the makai yakzuta HQ.

The makai Yakzuta were the largest gang in all of Eurasia,having a total of 193 million members and having wealth in the trillions as they are secretly a government sponsored organisation, their main role Is to do all the dirty works for the government. Their power and wealth made them powerful, they are similar to yakuza in term of doing legal businesses, their reasons is similar with the difference is the yakzuta can't afford to lose government faith in them by conducting illegal activities. None are stupid to believe they are beyond the laws,every member who joined the makai yakzuta swore loyalty and secrecy to the organisation and the government.

Their new objective was to spread their influence oversea and grow in power,the possibility of the riches of the new world was unimaginable!(hope their dreams don't shatter because they realise how dirt broke the new world is in comparison)

(Anyway I realised no one ever mentioned the genocide the Eurasian empire committed using chemical warfare,like how does one not care about the millions who perish,even I was kinda concern despite being the author of the large amount of death)

The latest achievements the yakzuta was capturing the ravvenar survivors from the destruction of the battleship,the studies the scientists had found was the fact the ravannar empire was weaker than what was believed,2 theories came into mind:
The ravannar empire lost a lot of technology so they are weaker, or the alternative is the ancient enemy they had fought was an alternative version of the ravannar empire, the theory of the ravannar being weaken was more likely as a ravannar survivor expressed his surprise about the Eurasians having lost ravannar technology.

The mere fact the ravannar sailor had said was more than enough to boost morale of the Eurasians, to the point one could say it now pride filled with cockiness,the Eurasian had not only be able to avenge the fallen crew of the destroyers, they find out their old enemy was weaken! This is the golden opportunity to strike the enemy when they are in their weaken state!

15 years later(future)

Eurasian battles against the ravannar empire always resulted in a 30-1 kill ratio for their navy, for every 1 destroyers the ravannar sank, they lose 30 destroyers and cruisers alike. The battleship appeared to be something the ravannar was unable to produce anymore.

The constant victory against the ravannar empire seemed to be in their favour,the final naval battle they belived would happen in the capital of the annorial empire, the battle was brutal as the onslaught lasted for several weeks of constant stalemate, the Eurasian would win the battles and the ravvanar & annorial would strike the weak formation of the fleet causing the Eurasian fleet to cover stop their advance and retreat to support the weak parts of their fleets.

The ravannar mothership arrived,she was even larger than even the biggest MNB,the Eurasian forces which consist mostly of Eurasian war veterans of the Eurasian civil was not really surprised and began sending the typhoons into battle, ironically former king hark was fighting with the Eurasian as a pilot to defend his world and homeland against the ravannar empire.

He  was the first to realised the mothership was about to unleash it power, he sacrificed himself and his typhoon, the ladiria,she was named after his kingdom. He and the ladiria went inside the mothership and ram into the magical core of the mothership,both him and his typhoon was engulfed by the explosion which spread and destroyed the rest of the mothership.

The remaining ravannar and annorial forces surrender to the Japanese and Eurasians collation forces, king hark was remembered as a hero who sacrificed himself to end the ravannar empire.

King hark, the fallen hero was given his own holiday and people would remember his journey from a evil tyrant to the hero who had received redemption and saved the thousands of Eurasian and Japanese sailors by offering his own life to end the war.

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