Eurasian katyusha (short side story)

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A old woman would grab an old music box with an small girl on it.
She would twist the key behind the small music box and it started playing Katyusha.
She would listen to the music and remember when she first received it 70 years ago from her mother.
She could remember what had happened 90 years ago,back in 1922 when she was only 10 years old when the Eurasian civil started.
The announcement on the city of Kieva when the rebellion had happened, her father went to war to protect their home from the war and only for letters,toys her father had made and his favourite book was all that was left of him... he never came back as he was announce dead along side his entire platoon.
A young boy would comfort her and she would fall in love with him and spent everyday with him along side her mother to ease the pain of losing her dad.

Kieva,republic of Ukran,Eurasia:
When 8 years had past when her father had past.
She would entered the market to see her beloved love of her life and she was prepared to confess to him.
But instead of the happy love life with the person she loved and the to end,the person she loved Joined the war and she couldn't give her letter and gift to him so she asked her older brother who was also joining the ukran army to give them to him.

A few weeks had past and a man who wasn't her brother holding her letter and gift apologised and reported that both her brother and her beloved both perished side by side against the rebel army.
She cried and cried as she lost 2 more people she held dear,she wanted revenge and hated the bastards who followed the rebels ideals who were nothing less but butchers and traitors to the Eurasian continent as whole,backstabbers who don't deserve mercy.
She would join the army and fought as the commander of the rocket artillery brigade of the iron legion of the Eurasian coalition forces.

Her name was katyusha and the fearsome rocket artillery bore in her name which became a legend.
A woman who lost her loved one filled with anger terrorised her foes with her music of death from her instrument the katysuha rocket artillery.

Back to present
The latest hover rocket tank armed with Armageddon missiles themselves were named after the fearsome woman.
(This was greatly inspired by the animation of katysuha by planya ch :p)

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