Papalida fate alterative

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This is basically an alternative future of the papalida if japan didn't got transferred to the new world with the Eurasian victory over their defeated empire.

A papalidan man wrote in his diary the life under the devils of Eurasia
"The situation is grim,our very home had become our own prison...our own graveyard,we are forced day and night to work in the factories,mines and farms,our children were taken away from us into education camps which turns them into mindless soldiers who interrogate us,slaughter us and enslaved us. Our very children became our very own oppressors. Everyday people would try to escape and get caught. The unfortunate ones to be caught were publicly executed by firing squads,the less fortunate ones were forced into death camps."

"3 years had passed since they took our youths away and turned them into mindless soldiers, my fate was to be sent into the death camps,the Eurasian watch guards doesn't even bother hiding the facts to us, they told us we are merely walking corpses waiting to die, their words aren't wrong, I, myself and so many others are skin and bones, people might mistake us as skeletons by this point. This is my final goodbye, may papalida be free from the Devils in human skins."

The papalidan man put his diary away and began his 13 hour long work before his eventual transfer to the death camps ,his diary was eventually discovered many years later in the complex gulag, the man fate was written that he was sent to the death camp,most likely the infamous papalida camp, a ironic camp named after their country to slaughter their own people.

Historians argued the death ranged from the hundreds of thousands minimal while maximum would be in the millions which perished by war crimes committed by the Sakurai empire.

The war crimes of the Sakurai empire were so horrific that many compared them to the ancient mugual empire which slaughtered millions 8,900 years ago, the mythical nomadic tribes of the eastern Eurasian deserts which formed one of the most powerful empire known in Eurasian history.

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