The ravennal attack

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As the holy mistrial empire were preparing for their defence of their homelands against a potential Eurasian assault... something happened, not in a good way for the Eurasians or the holy mistrial empire. The return of the ravannal empire had begun their invasion of the new world.

Off the coast of the annonrial empire waters,28th IEN air warships patrol fleet, takuta
(IEN/imperial Eurasian navy)
"Captain! There a large magical energy signature 3 o clock!"

As the 5 Eurasian air destroyers prepared the missiles and their 200cm guns at the direction of the magical portal, a massive warship had appeared and began bombarding the fleet with pure highly dense pure energy of magic which cut through 2 of the destroyers armour like butter as the Kai ten and the mazua exploded mid air hailing debris into the sea.

The surviving 3 destroyers began returning fire with all their available missiles and shells they could pound the ravannar warship only to see the warship had stopped all their rounds with magical force field. The IEN destroyers quickly used all their available warships to keep firing as he noticed the ship not firing back when it shields are up. He used this advantage to inform the Eurasian imperial government about the return of the ravannar empire, he refused any reinforcement as he planned to lure the ravannar ship into the waiting guns and nukes of the nearby MNB class devastation, the only class of MNB to be armed with nuclear missiles.

Ravannar empire super dreadnaught:

"Look at this barbaric heavy cruiser that is trying to copy out superior technology! Low life can't imagine the raw power of our warships! Our super dreadnaught is basically unsinkable in this pathetic world!"(eyes you guys know what happens when a ship is called unsinkable, plus they got their fact wrong as they actually fighting destroyers,not cruisers.)

"We should quickly destroy these barbaric cruisers like we had done to the first two heavy cruisers before we begin our conquest of reclaiming what is rightfully ours!"

The ravannar battleship began following the "cruisers" in attempt to sink them before they continued their path to destroy the primitive not realising the grim reaper is waiting to collect their souls.

"Commander there a massive fortress underneath us! And it fired a massive missile at us!"
"It will be fine, our battleship is unsinkable! A primitive missile ain't gonna do jack shit to our shields!"

Little did they know the missiles was a tzar class nuclear missile.

The tzar nuclear missile was about to hit their shield as the to be continued played and the world freezes for epic moments before the "unsinkable battleship sinks".

[to be continued]

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