The Purple Backpack ✔️

Oleh LyssahTraicey

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Pierra Ivy has had a crush on Andrew for the past three years. When an accidental spill aligns their paths to... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Ten

574 59 12
Oleh LyssahTraicey


I watched Pierra stomp out the door and when she disappeared from sight I dropped back on the seat with a sigh. I rubbed my face feeling both angry and frustrated. That was not how I wanted things to happen between us. I had known the risk when I asked her out yet I could not even stand up for myself. I had no idea how Bishop found out about our date but the fact was that he did and that had been the end of me and Pierra. I had to be grateful that he did not kill me otherwise no one would have been there to take care or my mom and sister.

A woman on her way home from work had seen the incident happen and shouted for help that's why Bishop and his goons fled. I'd woken up the three days later in hospital thankfully with no broken bones except for two ribs. They hadn't touched my face, probably so Pierra wouldn't pick up on what happened. I stayed at the hospital for two weeks and since my ribs hadn't healed well I couldn't climb stairs so I moved to Cass's hostel since he lived on the ground floor. Bishop really had done a number on me but at least he hadn't killed me.

It broke my heart talking to Pierra like that and see her so broken knowing it was my fault but I had my family to think about. As much as it hurt to think about, Pierra was a beautiful girl and would find someone else soon.

"I totally understand why you had to do what you just did and say all that but damn if it wasn't mean."Cass commented next to me and I turned to face him.

"You think I don't know that."I grunted.

"Hey man I mean no trouble."Class argued raising his hands in surrender when he saw the pissed off look on my face.

I just broke the heart of the one girl who meant more to me than I realized. Maybe if I could have told her the truth we have been able to fix things. Maybe she could have talked her brother down like she had offered but there was too much at risk. I had to sell one of my cameras to afford the hospital expenses and pay for the damages on the bicycle. I could not afford a loss like that again.

The door to the parlor opened again and the temperature changed once more. I looked up and came face to face with Bishop. I jumped from the seat my healing ribs protesting the abrupt move. The brute had messed with me and my equipment but he was alone and I had my friends with me this time around and they would defend me.

"Don't bring trouble in here Bishop."Ned warned standing up for me.

Ned was a big guy, almost as heavily built as Bishop covered in tattoos with a short beard and a shaved head making him very intimidating. I knew that Bishop was Ned's customer but Ned would not hesitate to cut him off for my sake. Bishop sized Ned up before chuckling and side stepping him to approach me.

"Don't worry I'm not here to cause trouble. I ran into my sister on the way here on the verge of tears. I'm glad you decided to do as we agreed. Better hurt her feelings now than break her heart later."He said and I had to pocket my hands so I didn't act upon the burning urge in the pit of my stomach and hit him.

Bishop was a twisted fuck and the more the talked, the more I wanted to shove him in a meat grinder and turn it on but I couldn't do that because I wasn't a murder and I didn't want to hurt Pierra more than I already had.

"Dude that's kind of mean. What kind of twisted person does that to his sister?"Cass asked voicing my exact thoughts.

"None of your business besides I didn't come here to discuss family matters with you."He spat and Cass stepped back when he noticed Bishop was getting angry.

Ned turned around and faced Bishop"Then why are you here?"He asked probably resisting the urge to kick him out.

"My birthday is a week and I need a photographer for the event."Bishop stated looking at me.

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when he mentioned that.

"You expect me to shoot your birthday after what you did to me?"I questioned hoping I had heard him wrong.

"I must have said it wrong the first time to make you have a choice or say in the matter. You will be there to cover my birthday. It's in two weeks on the top floor club at Milimani complex. You can bring your little friends as long as they don't interfere with your work. Food and drinks will be free and don't worry about the pay. I'll make it worth your while."Bishop outlined in a threatening tone before turning around and leaving the parlor.

I sat back down feeling as if I was carrying the weight of the whole world on my shoulders. When did my life get so complicated? Before it was just my studies and work, then I had to go ask my crush out who just happened to be the sister of the biggest goon in school. My life felt like a Mexican soap opera and I was the character who got killed for disobeying the mob boss who in my case was Bishop.

"Dude you're not thinking about doing it are you?"Cass asked shoving my shoulder.

"What's there to think about? It's free food, alcohol, chicks and plus he's getting paid."Cliff asked probably thinking about all the girls he would get to hit on at the party.

"Shut up Cliff."Cass scolded and Cliff scowled at him.

"I'll think about it."I replied as I got off the sofa.

"Where are you going?"Ned asked.

"Back to my place. No need to hide out at Cass's place anymore now that I've already dealt with the Pierra issue."I replied heading for the door.

"So no more sleepovers, I'll miss you. You're a cuddler."Cass teased but I just flipped him off without even turning around.

"I'll be back to grab my stuff later."I informed him before disappearing out the door.

With every step I took towards my apartment, my ribs protested in pain but I trudged on wanting to be alone for the first time in a month. I'd been surrounded by my friends ever since the accident as they took care of me but I just needed a breather and some me time to process everything that had happened.

I couldn't believe that after what happened, Bishop actually wanted me to be the photographer for his birthday. Pierra would definitely be there so what was he playing at. Maybe he was testing me to see if I really could stay away from her. I did need the money since I'd already lost one camera but was I desperate enough to work for the man who tortured me. It was such a messed up dilemma that's why I needed time to think.

The stairs were the hardest part and I felt as if my ribs were breaking all over again but I eventually made it to the top. Just as I inserted the key to let myself in, Brian my next door neighbor opened his and popped his head out. The guy was always high so his eyes were halfway closed so he was struggling to make see who I was.

"I told you he isn't here.... Oh Andrew it's just you, I thought it was that chick that always comes to look for you. Wait she gave me her number and asked me to tell her when you came, should I text her and tell her you are here?"Brian asked and I immediately knew who he was talking about.

Cass had told me that Pierra was asking about me in class but I didn't know she came to my place to seek me out.

"No it's cool, we already talked."I informed Brian and he gave me a thumbs up.

"Dude the chick is crazy over you but it seems you're not interested. Can I have her instead?"He asked and my blood boiled in my veins.

"Stay away from her Brian."I warned through gritted teeth.

"Sheesh, sorry I just thought you weren't interested. I'll delete her number. Anyway good to see you again."He replied before getting back into his room and closing the door.

I let myself into my room and immediately opened the window because of how stuffy it was. I took a seat with a grunt getting mad at myself for almost blowing up on Brian over Pierra. I didn't have a say in her life anymore after what had transpired between us but it didn't mean that I didn't care anymore. She could do better than Brian, hell she could do better than me but I was selfish and wanted her all to myself yet I knew that I couldn't have her.

I turned on my monitor before I reached around my neck and unhooked the chain holding my flash drive in place. All my equipment was back at Cass' place but I'd transferred all the pictures in my cameras from our date into the flashdrive using Cass' laptop. Once everything had loaded up I started going through the photos ignoring all the ones she had taken of me. They were good and I would get to editing them for her sake but only after I was done editing hers.

Finally I got to the pictures I had taken of her and clicked on one. It was one of the last ones I had taken and she looked like a goddess in it. She had picked a sunflower from the field and held it in front of her face covering her mouth so that all you could see were her eyes. The sun was setting behind her casting her in a beautiful glow as the field of flowers behind her enhanced her beauty.

She really was the most beautiful girl in my world and yet she would never be mine. I consoled myself with the fact that even if we were not meant to be I would always have that one date with her. It had been one of the best days of my life and I was happy that I got to share it with her. Cass had been right, even if I had gotten my ass whooped for it and lost my camera I did not regret going out with her. I was happy I took that risk and would forever treasure the memories created in that abandoned estate with my beautiful Ivy.

My phone rang in my pocket distracting me from my thoughts and I picked up when I saw it was my sister calling.

"Dreeeewww."She sang excitedly and I laughed.

My friends called me Andy, my family called me Drew, while everyone else called me Andrew. I wondered what nickname Pierra would have come up with if we had continued dating. Nobody called her Ivy so she would have been Ivy to me.

"Hi Alice, it's been a while. How is my annoying little sister?"I asked feeling homesick just from hearing her voice.

I missed my family and home whenever I was in school but I couldn't afford to visit often even if they were only a two hour drive away.

"Still annoying but not very little anymore. I miss you. When are you coming to visit?"She whined.

"Soon, classes are just at peak right now."I replied knowing I couldn't as well tell her that I couldn't afford a trip home at the moment.

"Okay I'll be waiting. Are you okay Drew? You sound weird."She asked and I had to give it to my little sister for being so keen and knowing me so well.

I couldn't tell her about my accident because she'd tell my mom who would insist on coming to see me which was the last thing I wanted.

"Yeah I'm okay, I just feel tired. It's been a long week."I excused hoping she would let it go as I didn't want to tell her the real truth.

I didn't exactly lie, it had been a long month actually not week but she didn't need to know that.

"Sorry to hear that. Can I call later then after you get some rest?"She asked.

"No it's okay, we can talk now. Did you need something?"I inquired hoping I could afford whatever she needed.

"I'm sorry to bother you with this Drew but mom just bought a new bale and paid the rent so I couldn't ask her. I need some revision books and a new geometrical set."She requested.

"Hey, it's okay, don't feel guilty. I was the one who asked you to call me in case you ever needed anything. Just do the total of everything you need and I'll send you the money."I informed her and smiled when I heard her cheer on the other side.

"Thank you Drew. You are the best big brother ever."She praised.

"I better be and at this rate your dowry will be very expensive. I've got to get back some of my money."I teased and she laughed.

"It's still a long way before you get to enjoy it but it's all yours when the time is right."She replied and I smiled.

"We'll talk later Alice. Say hi to mom and make sure to text me the amount."I instructed.

"I will. Take care Drew. I love you."

"I love you too."I replied hanging up the phone.

I slumped back on the chair taking a deep breath knowing Alice would not be texting me a small amount. A month before I would not have batted an eyelid if she had asked but the accident put me in a bad place financially. Looks like I would take the job Bishop offered after all. He had said I didn't have a choice but after Alice's call I had the motivation I needed to take the work. It meant I'd see Pierra but I would do my best to avoid her so as not to create any more problems for us. Once bitten, twice shy. 


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