World of antanya

By Destroyers117

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I decided out of boredom to create the entire history/lore of antanya after talking to my friend,which is mos... More

Short timeline(old)
Military equipments(modern only)(old)
Chapter 1(a begining of a world)
Chapter 2(the major crossovers)
Summon japan(crossover)(canceled)
Part2 (japan summon crossover) the forgotten legacy(canceled)
Alterative history of eurasian empire(old)
Summon japan(alternative eurasia)(old)
Planning on a second edition of the alterative eurasian summon japan story(old)
Summon eurasia(summon japan fanfic)
Summoning eurasia part2
Battle for gim and the battle rodenius(part3.1)
The fall of rowlia(part3.2)
Summoning eurasia(part 4)
Summon eurasia (Papadila arc part 1) part 5
Summon eurasia(papalida arc part2)part 6
The Eurasian civil war(POV of a soldier)(side story)
Joke chapter
Papalida arc part 3 summon eurasia part 7
Summon eurasia papalida arc part 4
Summon eurasia paplida arc part 5
Japan reaction to the eurasia(side story)
Summon eurasia paplida arc part 8
Summon eurasia demon
Summon eurasia demon arc (final)
Summon eurasia paplida arc part 8
Summon eurasia Fall of paplida part 1
Summon eurasia Fall of paplida the finale
World of antanya crossover humble beginings
Summon eurasia world confernce part 1
Eurasian katyusha (short side story)
Summon eurasia: the second eurasian war
Not a chapter but a suggestion of a new story
Summon eurasia(eurasian continent side story-the techno mechanica religion pov)
Eurasian people info
Not a chapter again(sorry for constant delays)
The world congress summon eurasia(part 2)
The world congress summon eurasia(part 3)(MNB route)
The world congress summon eurasia(part 3)(the 12 tanks last stand part 1 route)
Summon eurasia eurasian world conquest arc part 1(MNB route)
Summon eurasia world conquest arc part 2(mnb route)
Summon eurasia the hunt of the ghost fleet arc
Important news
The rise of the old empire
Joke chapter the global rick roll ;p
One shot: that time i was isekai to antanya
The ravennal attack
Side story:the makai yakzuta and the hero(spoiler)
Joke chapter if papalida asked sakurai empire
Alterative summom eurasian civil war
The map of the city of antanyo
Papalida fate alterative
Alt Summon eurasia civil war pt2
Connection of the hidden past
Eurasian folklores
Species of eurasia
Founder hidden message summon eurasia
Joke chapter, hitler isekai to the antartic federation
Mid winter event- summon eurasia side story
How to create the meta gas
Antanya other worlders population
Merry christmas(side story)
Regained motivation but i wont contiue this
Maybe one funni side story before this is considered axed by me

Eurasian military 2.0(old)

458 3 0
By Destroyers117

This bare explains anything but shows the major difference between the alternative and the main Eurasia

(Not my fault I'm terrible at drawing)
The Eurasian military focuses most of their technology mostly on their vehicles and warships as they are quite proud of their missile technology and unlike the gra valkas empire who is really stubborn in believing in their superior technological advantage,the Eurasian military wouldn't hesitate to adopt any technology as long it gives them the upper hand even if it was against technologically less advanced foes with their really weird belief of there someone always better than them and they must catch up with this other country, which in this case in summon japan fanfic they would try to play catch up with technology of the Japanese while also admiring the advanced technology of the ravernal empire which is quite superior compared to the Eurasian continent, these above are the common equipment found within the Eurasian empire caused by stagnation of technology)
(Below is the many different uniforms,equipment and vehicles of different Eurasian alliances)

Standard uniform of the imperial Eurasian alliance(renamed/former name:imperial powers alliance)
They mostly invest in their infantry equipment technology in a way to swarm the enemy with superior advanced infantry which caused the lack of tanks,artillery and many other vehicles these armour came after they managed to make it more mass produced which resulted in lower quality compared to the original prototype armour

Standard uniforms of the eastern Eurasian alliance(formerly unified eastern Eurasian alliance)
They lack the technological advantage that their other rivaling alliances within the Eurasian continent
While on par with the Japanese in term of technology they are quite inferior in terms of equipment and personnel quality

The northern Eurasian alliance(formerly the northern powers alliance)had far superior equipment,tanks and generally in all categories more technology superior and quality wise superior which greatly resulted in low amounts of troops within the military but were considered the best and could theoretically beat japan head to head in term of quality and technology.

Below is the Eurasian air warships(they aren't capable of going to space yet)

Below are the Eurasian mobile naval base(expensive to replace)

Below these are the Eurasian super weapons(really expensive to replace)

The EDET(Eurasian defence and economic treaty)
The biggest threat compared to their neighbours and were the only faction that could theoretically be able to fight the ravernal empire head to head in term of technological comparison and were the only factions that technologically more advanced than japan itself while being more industrial and having a overwhelming numerical advantage which is greatly reduced due them being surrounded by all sides by rivaling factions which had greatly reduced their ability in dealing with external affairs.
They are the main manufacturers of the air warships as their land are rich in raw materials which could be mined.
In the original Eurasian empire they are the main regional territories of the empire and were generally more developed while in this alternative time line they are still the most advanced and most developed faction.
Despite their overwhelming technological advantage they are still on par with the other factions in the Eurasian continent,mostly being due to the enemy like the IEA and UEEA having overwhelming numerical advantage while the NEA having elite special forces even their regular forces were proven to be superior in training would have a kill ratio of 1:23.
Basically it means 23 EDET units are equal to a single NEA unit despite the technological and numerical advantage.
The only main advantage of the EDET is their ability to bring in their industrial capabilities to the front line in the form of the mobile construction vehicle and the mobile naval port which serve as frontline bases.

The major difference in the technological power was due to the improvement of technology due to powerful rivals bordering each other in a competition to be superior.
The Eurasian empire when it was unified didn't have any rivals which caused major technological stagnation for the military as there was a lack of need for a military aside from a defence force.
(The super weapons are really low in numbers being there only 13 that had being built)
(The mobile naval base are also low in numbers but are more common compared to their super weapons counter parts being the existence of at least 23 had been built with at least 17 more planed for construction)
Most Eurasian airforce is mostly made of the sunkoi(Basically Russian suhkoi)

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