Why Me, Not Her? || Reader In...

By Midnight_Melody906

179K 8.2K 8.5K


Prologue | 0
One | 1
Three | 3
Four | 4
Five | 5
Six | 6
Modern | Special
A Question For You Readers!
> Chapter 7 <
> Chapter 8 <
> Chapter 9 <
> Chapter 10 <
> Chapter 11 <
> Chapter 12 <
> Chapter 13 <
> Chapter 14 <
Character list
Character list pt.2
Fanart β™‘
> Chapter 15 <
> Chapter 16 <
Fanart #2 β™‘
Crush Killer | A Special
Seven-teen | 17
Eighteen | 18

Two | 2

12.5K 479 1K
By Midnight_Melody906

(Your mother ^ Just add in the features I described below)

Draft - System

< ~~~ Draft ~~~ > - Time skip

(Draft) - Me talking

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

~ Legend ~

[N/n] - Nick name

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures used in this story unless stated otherwise, I only own the cover, plot, and my original characters

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

~ Your POV ~

< ~~~ 10 years later ~~~ >

(You're 10)

< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

It had been 10 long years since that fateful day, and you've long figured out you were reborn as your favorite character from 'Won't y♡u be mine?'. Same name, same background and parents, that was more than enough evidence for you. It would be just plain dumb to have brushed it off when it was so obvious.

It's a shame however, that she dies at every route there was due to a certain someone. What got her however into the position that any move she made would cause certain death was becoming a knight, so you swore you would do your best to avoid becoming one. But just in case, you've been training quite a lot to prepare for it if that ever happens. With your luck, that could very well happen.

Well, that was just another thing that you and [Y/n] Porter had in common. Her luck was really bad for how else did she, a female become a knight which was a job for only males at the time and become the heroine's personal knight and butler?  Although the word maid would suit her better because she was actually a she the whole time and nobody knew until they had to dispose of her body.

Truly a pity, am I right? Her luck even left you shocked.

Enough of that now, you were her now so you could only hope your luck improved. As an extra precaution, you were training every day. Not that you had a choice really, training was one of your daily missions and the punishments weren't anything you wanted to experience so you were finishing them up right now.

"[Y/n]! Come back inside, dinners ready!"

Hearing your new mothers voice calling out to you from inside, you stopped your squats and ran towards the cottage you lived in when you heard the familiar *Ding!* to represent it being done.

The humble cottage you lived in certainly wasn't the most amazing one there is, that's what happens when your family isn't exactly the most wealthiest, but it was cozy and had the addition of a loving family. You knew if you had them by your side, you could live anywhere.

"Coming mother, " You shouted in response to her. As you had made it to the front door, you opened it up and pushed it back into place when you closed it. The joints were rusty so closing it was always a hassle, you always had to roughly push it into place.

Your shoes slipped off easily and you ran towards the kitchen with only socks to cover your feet. Without slipping once due to your careful and precise steps, you stopped at the doorway that led to the kitchen for a split second.

You sucked in your breath through your teeth with a single thing running through your mind. It was the same thing you always thought when around her.

I'm so lucky to have her as my mother

Her sun kissed brown locks reached her waist, just a few inches longer than your own hair. You really admired her so that was the reason your hair was as long as it was now, because you wanted to be like her.

She had a slight tan from all the time working in the sun and she was neither too tall nor too short. Whenever she looked at you, you could see her beautiful sea blue eyes that held lots of warmth and love for you in it. You never admitted it, but the way she loved you so much made you guilty beyond words. The number of times you've felt like that was as plentiful as the pale freckles dusting her nose.

I really am too lucky.

"[Y/n], can you go get your siblings for me? Your father and I will set up the table this time."

You nodded at her when your snapped out of your thoughts and walked down towards the door that led to your siblings and your room. The cottage did only have three bedrooms, the last one being used as a storage for the time being until you were older and that would soon be your room. You didn't mind though, your siblings were just as lovely as your mother.

"Lily, Luna it's time to eat."

Lily and Luna are twin sisters and the only way you could tell them apart was their eye color. Lily had the same blue eyes your mother did while Luna had a dark green, the same as your guy's father. It always made you a little sad that you didn't look like your dear family but what control did you have over your DNA? None, so you always shook it off, but you still felt bitter deep inside.

They also both had the same hair color, a dark and rich red color that stopped right above their shoulders. The red coming from your father as well as some freckles on their noses, just like your mother. Overall, they were adorable children and you loved them to bits, the complete opposite of your younger and older siblings from before.

They were absolute spoiled assholes and that was putting it lightly. It made you wonder why your old family (If they could even be called that) could afford to buy every single one of them a $1,000 dollar phone, but not get you a single $5 dollar shirt.

Oh, you knew why. Your lovely guardian angel watching over you made a mistake. Oh, how you wished you could beat them up. At the very least you could daydream about it and freak out the System at the same time, it was a win-win situation for you.


They both stood up from their spot in the corner that had a few toys in it and ran as fast as their three and half year-old feet could take them. Despite them being so young, they were quite intelligent and could mostly understand what you were saying. And of course, they had the energy that all kids did. It was cute but sometimes it was a bit too much.

Once they got to your legs after a while of them waddling, they both hugged one each, while looking up making your cold heart melt from the adorable sight. Your heart felt like jelly and your body felt ready to melt.

""Cawwy us!""

You sweat dropped slightly at them and regained your composure. You bent down and scooped them up in your arms with ease and walked towards the kitchen where the table was. They both held on tightly and patiently as you set them both on a baby chair that your kind neighbor (It was quite a pity when she had passed away, she was always so kind) gave your family.

When they were safely in, you took a nearby towel and wet it to go clean their hands. If you let them do it by themselves, they'd waste all the water and make you wet. You unfortunately knew by experience. If only you guys lived in the Triangle kingdom, then you'd have lots of water, even if that meant a lot more training to even fill up a glass of water.

It hurt your pride deeply when you got knocked unconscious for a whole day when you used your wind to cool yourself down, but since very few people could actually use their magic, your pride was quickly repaired and stronger than ever. And of course, the cycle continued on.

You washed your own hands in the sink after you were done cleaning them up and sat down at your spot at the table, waiting for your mother who was finished up.

"[Y/n] dear, how have you been?"

You looked over to the voice and saw your father, you gave him a small smile which he returned with a bigger one.

"Good father, how was work?"

Your father was very kind and basically like a huge teddy bear, although at first sight you would think he was very serious and gruff with his tall physique with broad shoulders.

"It's nothin' for you to worry about," He smiled and waved his hand as to brush of your question.

"Why don't you just quit, what if some rocks fall on you and injure you?" You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at him with worry in your eyes. He always did that whenever he wanted to avoid a question, and he only did that if he didn't want others to worry.

How could you not worry thought? He's a miner and he mines for gold, gems, and all that other stuff, and lately he's been going deeper and deeper into the cave, but at the very least, the job pays decently.

Kind off.

Not really, but at least he gets paid!

(̶M̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶)̶

"You know I can't. No one else will hire me." His leg got injured and as a result, moving around would cause pain for him and make it difficult to move around so much. That's why being a miner was his only option, they accepted anyone who could do the job.

"Just be careful, 'kay?"

"Sure thing boo." He reached over and put his hand on your hair, ruffling it. Most would probably swat it away, but you leaned into the touch, your father in your past life was always working and never home so you never got much affection from him. Even if he was, they went straight to your siblings and mother, so you're going to soak up as much as you can this time.

"Alright, I'm here so we can start eating."

You all looked up at your mother who sat down at the table after she gave her husband a kiss on the cheek. 

Today you had your mother's special soup with some homemade bread. You could already feel yourself drooling at the thought of eating her food, it was absolutely delicious. If she opened up a restaurant, it would definitely bring in customers, too bad opening a restaurant needs lots of money and time. Money and time you guys sadly didn't have.

You were about to shove a spoonful of the soup into your mouth but stopped when you saw your siblings just staring at you with an expecting look. You raised an eyebrow at them wanting to know what they wanted, but at the same time not talk.

""Fwed us""

You blinked at them, before sighing. You were about to finish eating first before you went to feed them but stopped when you heard a similar *Ding!* making you internally groan and mentally bash your head on the table. Was being able to eat in peace too much to ask for?


Mission 982, feed your siblings!

Rewards: 3 affection/fondness points

Failure to do the mission will result in losing 3 affection points and the System will be suspended for 2 days!

Time: 1 hour

Seeing the punishments, you quickly stood up from your seat and walked towards your siblings and fed them both gently. Once both bowls and bread were finished and they had their cups of water, you sat down in your own chair and started to eat your own food.

The table was quiet and while eating, you decided to look at your status for anything new having nothing better to do.

Open 'Status'

*Status opening!*

< Status >

< [Y/n] Porter >

> First born child of Bella Lynda-Porter and Ryan Porter, siblings to Luna and Lily Lynda-Porter <

> Say/think 'More' for other titles <

Level: [018/200]

Intelligence: [024/200]

Strength: [022/200]

Charm: [016/200]

Agility: [025/200]

Stamina: [032/200]

Persuasiveness: [024/200]

Mana/Magic control: [019/200]

'Status' close

*Status closed*

It was the same as before, so you started to focus on your meal and scooped up the last bit of the soup with the bread.

Hey [N/n]-chan!

What do you want System?

Ouch, how cold. Is that anyway to treat me ;^;

After everything you made me do, yes.

Wah!~ How mean :(

Anyways, a piece of advice, you should train your swordsmanship more, as well as other weapon handling ;)

What, why?

*You are not permitted to ask that question, update the system for an answer.*

You still never told me how to do that System

*You are not permitted to ask that question, update the system for an answer.*

I hate you, besides, that wasn't even a question

*You are not permitted to ask that question, update the system for an answer.*

Love you too darling <3


You rolled your eyes in irritation and stood up ignoring the small red hue that settled on your cheeks before taking all the dishes to go wash them. It wasn't every day when someone told you they loved you that wasn't part of your family, so nobody could really blame you.

Putting them inside the sink, you grabbed the sponge and poured a bit of soap in it, getting ready to wash them.

"Oh, [Y/n]. You can leave those, I'll do them." Your mother called out from beside you, giving you a little nudge so she could do them.

"It's alright mother, you go rest." You stood in your spot unmoving, and you mother sighed when she saw you wouldn't budge.

"If you say so dear, I'll be playing with the twins if you need me"


Mission 983, wash the dishes!

Reward: 2 fondness/affection points _ 'Washing dishes/household chores' skill will level up

Failure to do the mission will result in suspension of the System for 2 days and 'Washing dishes' skill will go down a level!

Time: 45 minutes

You started to wash the dishes, getting faster and better at it the longer you did it. It was proof of that skill leveling up.

Soon all the dishes were washed, dried and put back in their proper place all under than the time limit.

Phew, I still have 13 minutes left.


Mission completed!

Good job! :D

You ignored the System and started walking towards the front door, planning to do some more training before the sun fully set. 

Don't ignore me! D:

"Mother! I'm going out!"


Hearing a faint 'Okay, be safe', you opened the door and walked out towards and into the forest beside your house. It really benefited you; the forest was a great place to train, and it provided privacy from others.

Around 20-30 minutes later you stopped in front of some thick bushes and pushed them aside, ignoring the thorns and sticks that scratched you, but not enough to draw any blood. The number of times you've gone through here made you skin a little tougher and wouldn't get cut as easily. It wasn't like you had iron skin, no, it was just a bit tougher than the rest for now.

Once you made it out of the bushes, you found yourself in a wide field that had a little pond in it filled with little life in them. You found this place 3 years ago when the System made you explore the forest if you wanted to know.

Walking towards the trees that surrounded this place like a fence, you pulled out a handmade wooden sword that was hidden underneath the large roots of the trees. You had gotten this sword from your father on your 8th birthday when your father saw you watching the trainees from the knight's camp, so it was special to you being one of your very first gifts.

Once it was safely in your hands, you walked towards the middle of the field and got into a stance, the same one the trainees used in the knight's camp. There was a little gap in the fence that was around the training area, so you would go there and peek through whenever classes were in session. But you were planning to practice some kendo or maybe fencing tomorrow.

Having a different way of sword fighting will give you an advantage in an unexpected situation since they won't be able to predict your next moves, but you'll only be using them when you really need it. Can't give away all of your cards right away.

This made you kind of grateful. You never really thought that you would for the angel who was watching over you to make a mistake but if they hadn't, you would have probably never joined so many clubs and wouldn't have learned any of these things. Even if you were pretty bad at it inside the club, but somehow you were great when you were outside of the club, and nobody was around you. It confused you then, but now you understood why.

The same thing went for your grades, no matter how much you studied, you only ever got a barely passing grade, but outside of class you suddenly remembered everything you studied about. If anything, your grades were even worse when you actually tried, so you basically gave up at school. 

Curse you stupid angel thing for making my life like that.

What? You had every right to be salty, so you were. Just one punch, that was all you wanted and then after you'd hug them because without their mistake, you wouldn't be living such a happy life right now. (In the future, you'd change your mind about the hug and could only dream about beating them into a pulp.)


Mission 984, do 2,500 swings!

Reward: 'Swordsmanship' Skill will level up _ A special chest

Failure to do the mission will result in suspension from the System for 20 days and 'Swordsmanship' skill stats will turn to zero, forever!

Time: 2 hours and 20 minutes

Seeing the rewards, a grin graced your [Lip color] lips and you quickly started your swings in the proper stance and way.

Chests were hard to get even if they are just common, special ones were even harder to get. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack, but legendary ones are literally near impossible. Try imagining a huge pile of needles and you had to find a very specific one. In fact, the only reason you even knew these chests even existed was because the System told you! 

So yeah, you were pretty determined to finish this mission and the punishments helped motivate you, you rather liked knowing how to use a sword thank you very much. You could, of course use other weapons amazingly but the sword always felt the best.


(2 hours later)


Pants left your lips as you wiped some sweat from your brow. You only had 13 more to go and you'd be done with this mission. The System was merciful enough to count it for you, if you wanted to know how you knew.


Mission completed!


You yelled and started to jump up and down before falling on the ground on your back from exhaustion. For a while, you just stared at the starry sky and let your racing heart slow down. Your arms twitched every now and then and they felt numb beyond words, but you only felt satisfaction and pride for yourself.

Open the chest!

*Special chest opening*

> [Rare] Sword [Growth type]

> [Rare] Masters guide to swordsmanship book

> [Common] Boots specifically made for you [Growth type]

> 500 points

> [Rare] 5 Stamina replenishing potion

> [Rare] 5 Unbreakable daggers

> [Common] New coat [Growth type]

> [Ultra Rare] Enchanted summer and winter cloak [Growth type]

Wow, these are actually really nice!

Going through all of that was worth it and now you had an actual sword! But you wondered what growth type meant, did it mean those items would evolve with you or something else?

You're welcome~ Oh and growth type just means that it will grow with you, not power/rank wise, just that it'll literally physically grow as you get bigger to fit you

Oh, thanks.

You were now extremely excited and couldn't wait to pull out your sword and try it out, but before you did you stopped when you heard the System speak up once more.

You better get goin' home before you parents get worried [N/n]-chan ;) It's already dark!

Realizing that the System was right, and it was already nighttime, you jumped up from where you were laying and quickly put your wooden sword away back in its normal spot. As soon as it was hidden, you ran out the bushes and towards your home, ignoring the ding and message that said your pain resistance and stamina went up a level or stat.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, they're going to kill me!

Stopping at the door, you quieted opened it up and took off your shoes by the door as slowly as you could before quietly tip-toeing towards the living room so you could get to your room, hoping they didn't notice how long you were gone for, but it was in vain since the moment you stepped through the hallway, you got squashed by your mother who was hugging you.

Read as squeezing.

"[Y/n]! Why were you out so late?! Why are you covered in scratches and sweat?!"

"Iumpu phine." (I'm fine) You mumbled against her stomach, not being able to say proper words.

"Don't worry me like that again!" Your mom released you and grabbed your shoulders with unshed tears in her beautiful blue eyes, making guilt swell up in your chest. It wasn't your fault, blame the System! (̶H̶e̶y̶!̶)̶

If the rewards weren't as great and punishments not as bad, you would have probably ignored it depending on the situation but who knows when you'll ever get a chest again!

"Your mom is right [Y/n], you should have come back sooner. You know how dangerous the forest can be, especially at night." Your dad was standing behind your mom with his arms crossed across his chest and his eyebrows were furrowed together, disappointment was practically written all over his face.

"Sorry father..."

You held your arm and looked to the side in shame, you could handle yourself perfectly well but you knew they were only looking out for you, so you just apologized rather than arguing with them. Besides, for them to look at you with such... disappointment made your mood plummet to the ground, all previous signs of your previous good mood gone.

You didn't want them to stress out even more by fighting, especially for your mom. You couldn't have her sickness getting worse. There wasn't a cure and even if there was one, you guys probably didn't have the money to pay for it.

A hand ruffled your hair, and you looked up to see your father smiling at you making you smile a small smile as well, his smiles were contagious. But yours wasn't as genuine as his, you could still see that he was unhappy with you in his eyes.

"Just... don't come home so late ever again, okay?"

You nodded at your dad and kept your head low. You knew you were in trouble and that didn't make you feel good at all, but you were glad you weren't banned from going to the forest. How else were you going to train?

"Just go get ready for bed [Y/n], your siblings are already sleeping so try to be quiet. We'll talk about this later." You nodded once more because you didn't trust your voice to not tremble at the tone of her words. Your mom was a lot harsher on these types of things, but you understood her reasonings with you being the same as her and all.

Doing all the necessities, you walked out the bathroom and towards your shared room. Seeing both of your siblings were sleeping and slightly snoring, you walked towards the closet and crouched down towards a box in the corner.

Picking out an oversized grey t-shirt and black sweatpants, you put them on, putting the outfit you used for training in your inventory. You had gotten the outfit from a mission so you could put it there unlike your other outfits you got in real life.

The dark blue covers were pulled over you and you closed your eyes, planning to check your stats and abilities before sleeping in hopes that it would distract you. 


*Status opening*

< Status >

< [Y/n] Lynda-Porter >

> First born child of Bella Lynda-Porter and Ryan Porter, siblings to Luna and Lily Lynda-Porter <

> Say/think 'More' for other titles <

Level: [020/200]

Intelligence: [024/200]

Strength: [024/200]

Charm: [017/200]

Agility: [026/200]

Stamina: [033/200]

Persuasiveness: [024/200]

Mana/Magic control: [019/200]

When did my other stats level up System?

Well, I don't think you really want to hear a *Ding!* every time it happens so that's why you didn't hear one to signal it did :)

He sounded different than usual, it was softer and chirpier, and you knew it was because he didn't want to ruin your mood more, so you didn't point out his terrible way of comforting you and opted to tease him instead.

Wow, you actually did something smart for once

How mean [N/n]-chan! I can take that away and make the punishments even more severe than they already are! >:(

Okay, okay, jeez. At least you acknowledge it

I'm ignoring you now >:I

'Abilities' (̶H̶e̶y̶!̶ ̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶i̶g̶n̶o̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶,̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶w̶a̶y̶ ̶a̶r̶o̶u̶n̶d̶!̶)̶

*Abilities opening*

> Abilities <

Swordsmanship: [044/200] - {Way above average, could beat most people}

Knife and Dagger Wielding: [042/200] - {Way above average, could beat most people}

Pain resistance: [17/200] - {Slightly above average, more than normal people}

Hearing: [030/200] - {Above average, better than most people}

Sight: [030/200] - {Above average, better than most people}

Taste: [050/200] - {Master}

Household chores (Dusting, sweeping, cooking, etc.): [050/200] - {Master}

Crafting: [017/200] - {Slightly above average}

Poker face: [027/200] - {Above average, better than most people}

< Think/Say 'More abilities' for more >

You shuddered slightly at your taste ability in horror. You still remember when the System made you try literally everything in the forest and house. The rewards weren't even that great, but the punishments were horrible. Not being able to use the System for 5 years and having all your stats and abilities turn to zero as well as all your stuff in the inventory go bye-bye was a bit too much in your opinion, but apparently not for the System.

Hey! At least now you know when someone wants to poison you! >:I Besides, you're gonna need the skill in the future

You make me level up my skills for this so-called future, yet you don't even tell me what happens, besides didn't you say you were ignoring me?

You had a feeling why, but you didn't want to acknowledge it, so you didn't.

Well, I can't tell you everything, the plot would be ruined if I did so, plus the Author is so scary when she's mad, so please don't tell her I said anything! D:

And I changed my mind, you're simply too cute to ignore! o(≧∀≦)o


*You are not permitted to ask this question, update system for an answer*




After that... weird conversation with the System, you fell asleep, dreading to see the mission and punishments tomorrow.


Hope you liked this chapter and feel free to give your opinion ^^

Word count: 3125

(Okay, I promise that in the next chapter the plot will actually start and not be just a filler or something like that!)


(̶I̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶)̶


We do not support actual yandere behavior, this story is purely for our entertainment and yours as well, should you know someone who shows those types of behavior, do not hesitate to seek help.

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