Hidden Secrets {season 2}

By f0reverAlways

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You are a young girl very popular with very dark secrets, but what happens when those secrets start to become... More



833 14 2
By f0reverAlways

Season 2: Episode 1 -A Kiss Before Dyeing- {part one}

The jubilee was supposed to be a turning point, a fresh start for the town. But when the sun rose the next morning, and the innocent of the town woke up Riverdale, deep inside, was still dark and twisted. All while Archie Andrews, who didn't have a drivers license, was at that very moment racing down the streets to try and beat the grim reaper. I usually don't believe in miracles, but it was a miracle that he had gotten his dad to Riverdale Genral without wrecking the truck. And once Mrs. Andrews arrived and Mr. Andrews was back home, safe and sound. Archie's vigual began. And his promise to protect his father from harms way, and as long as the man in the hood was still out there, Archie wouldn't break that promise.

I groaned as i rolled over, running into my boyfriends body. I lifted myself up seeing a sleeping Jughead, who looked peaceful.

The memory of last night started to come back, as i grinned to myself. I looked around his room and noticed the worn Serpents jacket slung on a hook, i smiled a little remembering him taking it from Tall-Boy.

Jughead rolled over with a yawn, wrapping his arms around my bare waist. I smiled to myself as I combed my fingers through his raven coloured hair.

"Good morning." Jughead mumbled into me.

"Good morning to you too." I say smiling down at the boy. Jughead lifted himself on one arm and looked at me and smiled.

"You know you are pretty? Right?" He smiled as he slowly leaned in to kiss me. The kiss was a lot slower and passionate than the ones we shared before. One of my hands went up to his cheek as we continued to kiss. I moved so that i was straddling him and was fully hovering over.

Things started to get heated quite quick and then my phone rang. Jughead groaned dipping his head back. I sighed and walked over picking up my phone seeing it was Archie who was calling me.

"Hello?" I said slightly annoyed.

"Y/n/n, i really need you here. I-i don't know what else to do." Archie said into the phone, his voice cracking at the end. He sounded panicked.

"Arch? What's wrong?" I asked, now worried. He never acted like this. The last time he was like this is when he found out his parents were splitting up.

"I-it's my dad... he got shot. We are at the hospital, b-but i really need you and y/n... please help me." He begged over the phone. "I need to call Jughead. Are you with Jughead."

"Hey, hey, calm down. it is okay. Breath. Relax. I'm with Jug. We got to get dressed and then we are on our way." I say trying to assured the red head. "In the mean time, try to call everyone else, Jug and I will be there soon. Okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Please get here soon." And then we hung up. I looked over at Jughead who had a confused look on his face.

"Archie needs us, Fred's been shot."

And with that the two of us start to get dress and grab our jackets and run out the door.

"I am taking my bike! It will be faster!" I call out putting my helmet on.

"Oaky, i am taking mine as well!" Then the boy and i drive off to the hospital.

Jughead and i rushed into the hospital, we were the first ones there. We pushed open the doors and the Veronica and Betty fell into step with the two of us. Archie came into view and they all stopped.

"Archie?" Betty called out softly. The redhead turned around and he took a deep breath. The group rushed forward and wrapped their arms around him, not caring about the blood.

"I'm so sorry." Betty said softly. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Archie nodded, running a hand through his hair. Veronica pulled out a chair and motioned for him to sit.

"I-i came out of the bathroom, and there was this guy, a thief in a hood. He had a gun pointed at Pop and... and then he pointed it at my dad and pulled the trigger." He explained shakily.

"Oh my god, Archie." Veronica frowned, taking his not broken hand.

"And then he...." Archie started, trailing off. He looked up to Veronica and then the rest of the group. I tilted my head confused not understanding.

"And then he, what?" I asked.

"The he bolted." Archie said shaking his head. "And then i was holding my dad, Pop called an ambulance but it wasn't coming fast enough. So, i drove here, i should've of waited, i- maybe i made it worse."

"No, no, no, are you kidding me?" I asked with a small smile. "You saved his life."

"She's right." Jughead nodded. "First Cheryl, and now your dad. Keep this up man and you'll need a superhero name. Like pureheart the powerful." Everyone chuckled slightly. The mood was quickly dropped when Alice Cooper walked up to the group.

"There isn't any knew information on your dad, he will be in there for a while." Alice told the boy. Hermione bent down next to Archie and sighed.

"Archie, have you called your mother about any of this yet?" She asked. Archie shook his head and sighed.

"No, no i haven't." He said running his hand over his face. "I'll be back." Archie walked away from the group and i sighed taking a deep breath, I looked back up to see Alice glaring at me.

"Yes?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Mom, don't please." Betty begged.

"Don't what?" Jughead frowned.

"Well, of course i can't help but wonder if your Southside associates and that crazy family of yours had anything to do with what happened to Fred." Alice shrugged.

"Don't do this." Hal whispered.

"Oh my god, you are crazy, no, no, you are insane." I said shaking my head. "Hey, at lease you can't blame FP."

"Oh my god, i can't handle this." Veronica said, leaning her head on Betty's shoulder. I rolled her eyes, walking away towards the entry hall to try and get away from the group.

This is crazy. What and the world are we going to do, there is another 'killer' on the loose, i think to myself. This is one whacked up town.

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