Avengers oneshots


435K 9.5K 6.2K

Welcome welcome welcome. These are mostly gonna be peter sorry not sorry. I know I said I would do a lot of... Еще

Instagram 1
Another Field Trip
Soul Stone
What if...(1)
Rouge avengers return
Secret Siblings Series(S.S.S): Tony
What if.....(2)
S.S.S: Peter Parker
Phone Call(s)
Activate Civil War Protocol
Fast, Weird, and sticky
The 5 times natasha scared the shit out of the team
S.S.S: Natasha Romanoff
You have a what?!
S.S.S: Bruce Banner
Catching spiderman
S.S.S: Steve
What if...(1) ending 1
S.S.S: Thor
Air Force
A dangerous mix
Swear Jar
Presidential Seal
Instagram 2
Who is it?
Baby Avengers
S.S.S: Clint Barton
S.S.S: Loki
Instagram 3
Rouge avengers return (Version 2)
Racism Rant
The Shadow Spider
Since when?!
Lost {30 prompt Challenge}
Medieval AU
"Why are you in my kitchen?"
Author's note.
4th of July special
What if...(3)
We are Venom
S.S.S: Bucky Barnes
"Did you have to die"
It's up
Alessia Barnes Returns
Online Classes
hOlY gUaCAmOlE
I know what i said but...
Alternate Timeline
Hes dead (real)
Fuck reality
Peter Barton
How would you feel?
Royal Runaway
S.S.S Sam Wilson
What if...(1) ending 2
God help my wayward soul
Whumptober is Here
That would be enough
Peter Parker or Peter Stark?
Instagram 4
K so
S.S.S: Nick Fury
College AU
Peter...Penny Parker?
From Potts to Stark
Agent Parker Identity Reveal
Explaining The Timeline
2 different worlds
A part of the past
Idek what to title this but its an actual chapter
Untouchable (2)
Just Memes
Don't get mad at me guys
Guardian Angel
Agent Parker
Writers block has given me an idea
Just a quick Chapter
If the world was ending
Bizarre Assaassin Duet
A quick rant that is not important to anything at all that you can skip
Breakfast at Taco Bell
Thanksgiving special
Bider Verse
5 times Peter helpled the avengers
Blood in the Water
Avengers Anthem Check
I guess this needs a name....Ummmmm...Chick-Fil-A
I hate you I love you
Holiday Hide and Seek
Idk what to title this but it has greek gods
Kidnapped by Hydra
Cheers to the New Years
Instagram 5
Very very very quick question
Peter Pan
Lost Love
All you had to do was ask
Based off of the Darkest Minds
Don't go digging for dirt....
Twins on a fieldtrip (aka a disaster)
Phone Call (again)
Peter Wayne
Everyone should feel special on Valentines day
Where are your manners?
A sister left behind
Not Enemies but friends (Finished)
Who is this?
Harley and Peter as Stark twins
There was a tiktok-
Peter as the avengers therapist
Little soldier
Prince Diaries
Lol i hate windows
Ok But-
Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime: The mysterous death of Mary and Richard Parker
The box of marbles & the end of the world
The box of marbles & the end of the world (2)
Harley and Peter as Stark twins (2)
So um...I need ideas
Mothers Day but Peppers not his mom
S.S.S: James Rhodes
SpideySilver Paradox
We Have Too Many Protocols for Peter: Clint edition
Instagram 6
Tony Stark breaks the internet (Pride edition)
I may or may not be on temporary Hiatus
Whaaat an A/N?? shocking

Foster Kid

1.5K 67 21

Ok i was watching 9-1-1

and I was thinking

I've seen alot of stories where Tony adopts peter

But never one where he's a foster kid

There is a difference :)


May and Richard died when Peter was a baby

Pietro didnt die in age of ultron but another made up death

Current Avengers: Tony, Steve, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, Thor, Loki, Strange, Wanda, Vision, Sam, Bucky, Carol, Hope, and Scott.

R.Ships: Stony, WinterWidow, Scope

P.Ships: Everyone gets along about as well as you'd expect

TW: Foster System, A bit of angst, A bit of sadness, Swearing

on to le storee


Third Person POV

The avengers sat around the compound in a bit of a funk. They had all been distant and torn apart since Pietro died on a mission over a year ago. Everyone blamed themselves and eachother. 

Pietro was sent to retireve something out of a compound and someone, nobody is really sure who, failed to communicate that said compound was rigged to explode. Since then nobody had really been the same and everyone recognised it.

They had all moved on from their grief from the most part but they went back to the way they were when the team was first formed, hostile and seperated. Steve and Tony recognized this and knew they had to do something about it.

After all they were walking examples of how being hostile towards eachother can make you miss out on a lot. 

They had been talking for a while about adopting kids but they knew with their dangerous lifestyle that they couldn't afford to keep a kid forever so they decided to foster a kid. This way they would be able to expirence having a kid but the kid would eventually go back to their old homes. 

Hopefully sooner rather than later.

They had done all the legal bits and had finally gottten a child to foster. All they needed to do was tell the team. They had tried to in the past but they couldn't have a meeting with them without someone saying something and causing an argument.

They tricked them all into being in a room together seeing as it was the only way.

Scott wandered into the common room last seeing everyone sitting there. "What are you all doing here?" He asked sitting next to his girlfriend Hope. "Tony and/or Steve all told us they had something to show or tell us to trick us to coming here." Bruce muttered. 

"So why are you all still here?" He asked again. "We figured if they went through all this trouble for the 7th time to get us all in a room that we should hear them out." Loki said. Scott sighed but decided if the rest of them weren't going to leave that he shouldn't either.

Steve and Tony came in less than a minute later. "Good your all here!" Steve smiled. "Not for long. What do you want?" Carol asked. "We have been trying to tell you all something for a long time and its very important." Tony started. "Are you getting married again or something?" Strange asked.

Steve and Tony chose to ignore the snarky doctor and continue on. "After thorough consideration we've decided it would be best to-" "I swear if you try and get us to do team excersizes again, I'm walking out." Sam said. "I second that." Bucky and Natasha chorused.

"If you guys would shut up and listen for a second." Tony snapped. They all held their hands up in surrender and motioned for them to continue. "We have decided it would be best for me and Tony to be forster parents and we officially have a kid coming tomorrow morning." Steve smiled.

Everyone looked shocked. "You what?" They all chorused. They proceeded to voice their concerns and disapproval before Tony shut them up with a whistle. "We aren't doing this for you guys we're doing this for us and we've been considering it for years. 

You can avoid the kid or help out with him, we really don't care but if you have something to say about it remember this is my property so you can accept it or move out." Tony snapped. They all sighed. "Give us details." Hope comprimised. 

"His name is Peter Parker, he's almost 9 months, and his parents just died. His Aunt can't take care of him just yet so he's been put in the system until she is ready too but Child Services says it may take a while since shes caught up in her own grief and struggling with money." Steve explained.

"Is he old enough to sleep through the night?" Bucky asked. Steve and Tony nodded. "Good." They all chorused. "So hide all your deadly objects and get ready for tomorrow." Tony said. They all got up and walked out. "Meet us in the common room at 10 am." Steve called. 

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Tony asked once they were gone. "I hope so." Steve sighed. 

The next day

All the avengers were suprisingly in the common room before even Steve and Tony. The couple was shocked to see them all there when they arrived. "When is this kid coming?" Thor asked. "They'll be here in 2 mintes." Steve said excitedly. "What about the press?"' Vision wondered.

"This is completely private. NDA's have been signed and they're coming through a back route." Tony explained. Everyone nodded in approval. "Oh one more thing before they arrive. Absolutely do not get too attached to this kid. They will have to leave eventually and we can't stop that." Steve advised.

"You don't have to worry about me getting attached." Bucky scoffed. "Yeah I'm just here to make you two look good in front of the social worker." Clint said. Everyone agreed. Tony and Steve sghed. "Whatever." Tony muttered.

"They're on their way up the elevator." Friday said. Tony and Steve got excited and everyone turned their attention to the elevator. The social worker came out holding Peter and everyone silently awed at the boy.

"All the basic items you'll be needing are in the suitcase. If you ever need anything call me, you know my number. There will be scheduled and suprise visits from us to make sure Peter is alright. And we will absoluetly let you know when it is time for the reunification process." The social worker said.

"Thank you Oliver." Steve said. Oliver handed Tony the child and Steve the bag and waved goodbye. "We'll be in contact." Oliver said as the elevator closed.

Everyone crowded around the baby as he stared at his surroundings. "Why is he the single most adorable creature I've ever seen?" Carol wondered. Tony and Steve chuckled at their teammates. "Well we have to take this adorable creature to see his new room. Come on Peter." Tony said.

Time Skip

The team didn't really see Peter the next couple of weeks since Tony and Steve took a while getting him settled in. They saw him again next when Tony and Steve needed someone to watch the kid.

"I have a meeting and Steve has a mission so can you guys get along and babysit for like 4 hours?" Tony pleaded. "Fine." Natasha agreed. Steve handed off Peter, muttered a quick thank you, and they both ran off.

Peter looked at all the adult in the and they all looked at him. "What are we supposed to do?" Loki asked. "Entertain the kid? I don't know." Hope said. "Um he can't walk or talk yet so what do we do?" Bruce asked.

"Let me see him." Vision said reaching out for him. Natasha handed him over and Peter stared at Vision. He reached out and grabbed his nose and squealed in delight. Everyone chuckled at the kid and vision went to grab a basketball from the toy area.

He sat Peter down and sat across from him. "What are you doing?" Strange wondered. Vision rolled the ball to the boy and he caught it. Vision motioned for him to roll it back and he did. Vision clapped at the boy before rolling the ball to Wanda who had sat across from vision.

Wanda rolled it back to Peter and Peter rolled it to Loki who was still standing up. "It looks like Peter would like you to participate." Vision said. Peter clapped as if agreeing with Vision. Loki sighed but sat down with them. He rolled the ball to Sam and Bucky who were just watching.

"If I must participate, so must the rest of you." Loki said. All the avengers agreed and sat in a circle around Peter. They took turns rolling the ball around to eachother for about a half hour before deciding they should change activity before the boy got bored.

Clint came up with the next activity seeing as it was something he used to do with his kids. He grabbed one of Peters toys that squeaked and squeaked it a bit before hiding it behind his back. "Where's the toy?" Clint asked Peter.

Peter frowned at Clint before crawling over to him and grabbing the toy from behind his back. Everyone looked suprised that he found it so fast and they all took turns hiding it in increasingly difficult places to see if he could find it and he did every time.

That developed into a game of hide and seen. Someone put Peter in a baby safe hiding spot where they could easily see him and the team would walk around looking for Peter before looking in his hiding spot and act suprised to see him there.

Tony and Steve walked in on everyone pretending to discuss where Peter was. "What do you mean where's Peter?" Steve panicked. "Calm down Stevie they;re probably playing hide and seen." Tony rationalized. Steve thought about what his husband said and calmed down knowing he was probably right.

The team pointed to where Peter was and let Tony and Steve go and get him. "Did you enjoy your time with your aunts and Uncles?" Steve cooed at the baby. Peter babled for a while before yawning. "I think its bed time." Tony said. "I'll put him to bed, you guys just relax." Scott offered taking him.

All the other avengers silently raged that he asked before they got the chance too. Tony and Steve agreed happy to have one night off after weeks of being parents. They were also happy to see that the team got along for a few hours thinking that this was a good idea after all.

Line Break

As Peter got older the team became more and more involved in his life. When he started showing signs of taking his first steps the team all decided to make it fun.  They had all come together as a family again and they had been having their first argument in months.

Who was Peters favorite. Besides Tony and Steve that is.

So Steve and Tony agreed to stand on the top floor of the training room while the rest of the team all held toys they had previously brought and tried to coax Peter into walking to them. Peter stood looking at all his foster aunts and uncles teying to decide who to go to.

He took a wary step towards them and they all got even more energetic. Peter walked shakily towards different people but changing his mind and going somewhere else but changing his mind again and going to someone else. 

He ended up walking towards Natasha and Wanda, the two people who helped out with him the most when Tony and Steve were gone (partially because they were the scariest and wouldn't let anyone take Peter from them). He was close to choosing between either one of them when Fury walked in.

Peter saw him and ran as much as he could towards him. The team looked betrayed. "He's never even met you!" Natasha outraged. "Thats what you guys think. His parents brought him to Shield often and I take the title of godfather very seriously." Fury chuckled.

The team rolled their eyes but went with it anway. 

It was worse when it was time for Peter to say his first word. They would spend every hour of every day trying to get him to say their names first. Whether it was Mr.Papa Steve or Mr.Dada Tony or Ms.Aunt Natasha or Mr.Uncle Loki, the team had no chill.

It shouldn't have been a suprise to them when he actually said his first word. They shouldn't have even competed. "Come on Peter you can do it!" Tony encouraged. "M-m-mmmmmmm." Peter started.

"Come on. Ms.Aunt Carol." She encouraged. "Mmmmmm misssssss....mmmmmm." Peter tried. Everyone kept engouraging him. "Mmmmmmmm miss Fwiday!" Peter squealed. Everyone looked shocked. "It looks like I'm his favorite. At the end of the day AI's are superior." Friday boasted.

"I knew I should've kept you disabled in Peters room." Tony pouted. "Then who would notify you when he awoke but didn't cry? Or tell you what he wanted based on his scans?" Friday sassed. "Shut up." 

Everyone chuckled and went on the competiton to be his second word. Vision won that title...

Even after that the team still got to enjoy a lot of milestones with Peter. Tony had put him in a private preschool with permission from the state and they got to see him learn the alphabet and different songs and make friends and it was adorable.

Peter loved to sneak off to the lab. The team didn't find out about it until he was 3 and cassie (who had moved into the tower with scott for  a while) accidentally snitched. Friday and Cassie let Peter play around in the lab with Friday tellling him how to do certain things and Cassie keeping the team busy.

One day cassie off handedly mentioned something about a chemistry expirement she shouldn't have otherwise known about and Tony and Bruce got suspicious. They went down to Tonys lab only to find him locked out.

"Friday open the door." Tony said. You could feel the reluctance from the AI as she slowly unlocked the door. They went in to see that some of Tonys beakers and non leathal chemicals were out on his desk but it was otherwise empty. They went to leave until they heard a small sneeze from under the desk.

They checked and Peter was hiding under it. "Peter! What are you doing in my lab? You know its dangerous." Tony scolded picking up the boy. "Ms.Friday and Cassie let me. Ms.Friday let me do fun stuff and she never let me hurt myself." Peter explained. Tony knew he couldn't stay mad at the boy and told him to let Tony know from then on when he went to the lab.

The boy agreed and they had come to an arrangement. 

Peter had taken after Tony and Steve quite a bit. Peter also knew they weren't his biological parents but he didn't know the whole details of foster care. 

The team had seemingly forgotten that Peter would have to leave. At first they were waiting for the reunification notice not liking all the child proofing the tower had to go through. But now they all enjoyed having the boy around and they were happy to watch him grow up.

Until the day came when they got that dreaded notice. All it was was a letter in the mail from child services addressed to Tony and Steve.

They thought it was going to be another pop in but when they actually read the letter their hearts broke. They called a team meeting after Peter was asleep.

"What do you want?" Bucky groaned tiredly. "Yeah we were just about to go to sleep." Natasha muttered. Everyone agreed tiredly.  "I-it's about Peter." Tony said timidly. "Are you taking him to disneyworld again?" Loki asked. "Or is CPS coming for another visit?" Strange wondered.

"Neither. His aunt is...she's..." Steve trailed off. "Did something happen to her?" Cassie asked with a yawn. "They're ready to start the reunification process." That woke everyone up real quick. "Wha- they can't just do that!" Wanda said.

"They can. He was never actually ours." Tony sighed. "But we're his family in every sense of the word. We watched him take his first steps, we were his first words, we comfort him when he has nightmares, we're the ones who love him. His aunt has been MIA for 4 years, never once visited." Thor said. 

"Well we can't do anything about that. He was always going to go back to her theres nothing for us to even try and do about it." Steve said. "So Peter's leaving forever?" Cassie asked. Everyone turned to the 10 year old having forgot about her. "Sorry honey but he has too." Scott said.

"Now I have to tell Laura and the kids too." Clint remembered. "They're gonna be heartbroken." Bucky pointed out. Clint nodded. "How long do we have?" Sam asked. "4 months." Tony said. "First trial home visit starts next week and he'll be gone for a week." Steve read.

"So thats it. We can't do anything about this?" Sam asked. Tony and Steve nodded sadly.

In the next 4 months the team spent all the time with Peter they could. They showered him with gifts and everyone spent plenty of time with him. The day before he left Nobody could sleep and Peter still didn't understand what was going on.

Everyone went off to their own rooms but Steve and Tony stayed in the common room trying to stay awake to prolong tomorrow coming. Peter wandered in way past his bedtime. "What are you doing up bud?" Tony asked. "I don't wanna leave." Peter pouted. 

"You have to." Steve said. "But Ms.May can't cook and she doesn't play games and she doesn't even have a lab." Peter whined. "Peter its not about what she has or doesn't have. Your the last of her family you have to stay with her." Tony tried to explain.

"But your my family. I don't wanna leave you." Peter cried. "You can sleep with us tonight." Steve offered. Peter recognied he was chaning the subject but didn't try and change it back. "Ok." He agreed. They turned on sesame street and fell asleep on the couch.

Friday woke them up the next day and they got ready. The social worker was there by noon. "Bye Peter." Everyone said. "Bye." He waved. "I love you Papa. I love you Daddy." Peter gave his foster parents a hug. "We love you too." They said.

"Time to go now." The social worker said. "Can Cassie come?" Peter asked. "No cassie can't come." Scott said. "But I wanna play with cassie and she said she'd take me to the park." Peter pouted. "Here you can keep the teddy I won you at the carnival." Cassie said handing him the giant bear.

"Ok." He sighed. "Now we really have to go." The social worker pressed. Peter sighed sadly but left out anyway. Once he was gone everyone just stood there. Nobody knew what to do with themselves after the last 4 years were just...gone. 

They all got called for a mission and when they came back it was late so they went straight to bed. The next day was a monday and Tony and Steve awoke at the same time. "Who's turn is it to wake him up?" Tony asked. "I think Natasha's." Steve asnwered.

"You get his backpack, I'll get his breakfast?" Tony asked. "Bucky's on backpack duty, let's make breakfast together." Steve smiled. The couple got up nd went downstairs to start breakfast when they saw the whole team sitting sadly on the couch.

"What are you guys...oh yeah." They stopped remembering he's gone. "This is going to take a bit getting used too." Clint said. Everyone agreed. "Just so we're all on one accord, we're never doing this again right? My heart can't take it." Tony said.

Everyone agreed. "Wanna go watch the bee movie and be sad that he's gone?" Bruce suggested. "Thought you'd never ask." "I'm down." "Chipotle is on the way." They all got up to go to the movie room. 

They were all sad they'd probably never see him again but happy they got to know him when they did and give the start of his life the kick off it deserved.

The end fuckers

I need to go chug more coffee because im tired

I have too many chapters that are closed to being finished that I just wont finish because I'm tired

have a nice day :)



Coffee can wait

Bonus Scene :)

Time Skip- 10 years

A teenager approached the avengers compound a bit nervous. He hadn't been here in ages and he wasn't sure the people he wanted to see would want to see him, let alone remember him. 

His aunt had taken a lot of convincing to let him come here but after promising to clean the whole house for a month, she caved seeing how much he wanted this. He went inside on the mid summer morning suprised to see it was rather empty.

"Can I help you young man?" Friday asked. "Um yeah. I really need to see the avengers...and Cassandra too." He said. 

"You have a visitor." Friday said to the avengers. "Weapons or Powers?" Tony asked. "None detected." Friday confirmed. "This isn't some really buff guy or secret assassin is it?" Sam asked. "Nope." "Let them up." Carol said. 

"You may proceed up the stairs and to the right." Friday said. The boy smiled and went up the stairs. The avengers were all looking over at the door and looked shocked to see a kid. "How did a fan get on our property?" Bruce asked. "Fury needs better shield agents." Strange muttered.

"I-I'm not a fan." The boy stuttered. "Then why are you here?" Cassie inquired. "You knew me a long time ago and I wanted to talk to you again." The boy tried to explain. "Uh-hu. What's your name kid?" Tony asked. 

"Right. My names Peter. Uh, Peter Parker." The boy smiled. Everyone looked shocked. "No freaking way." Thor said. Peter smiled at his old family. None of them knew what to do or say. "You've grown up." Tony smiled. 

"And I still go to the school you put me in on a Biomedical and Chemical engineering scholarship." Peter said proudly. "How long are you gonna be here?" Bucky asked. "All day. My aunt has to go somewhere for a while and Uncle Fury's picking me up whenever you guys next meeting is." Peter explained.

"Is your favorite Ice cream still midnight carmel?" Wanda asked. Peter nodded. "Then we shall have ice cream as we catch up." Cassie declared. "You still owe me a trip to the park." Peter pointed out. "We'll do it at the park then." Vision said.

"Last one to the garage is paying." Clint said running off. Everyone raced off and after a little bit of sabatoge, Wanda ended up paying.

I ended up chugging a mountain dew

spelling mistakes can kiss my [Redacted]

Peace out girl scouts 

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