Annie x F!Reader (Book 1)

By MaxJerett

30.7K 1.4K 220

Y'all, I am in love with the Warhammer titan. And Annie. I mean who isn't? If you're not; come see me, imma c... More

What Is A Name?
It's Always The Perverts
Curiosity Killed The Cat
The Breakfast Club
Sibling Quarrel
Vent Buddy Applications Needed
My First Girlfriend
Ymir Being A Little Shit
Undetected, As Expexted
Selfish Motives
First Date?
What Did The Bag Do?
Chipping The Tree
Successful Allegiances
Asshats Crashin' My Party
Plans Change
The Truth Shall Set You Free
The Calm Before The Storm
Welcome To Hell
Paralysis Is No Joke!
Lap Dog Titan
Red Flare, Green Flare
Back From The Dead
To Wage A War
Pit Of Vipers
Pig Butcher
Titan-Sized Obsession With Titans
Long Awaited Moments
Honesty Is The Best Policy
Suicidal Maniac
Crucial Crossroads
Tender Moments
Walk Of Shame
Three-Way Rumble
Handcuffs, No Key

Greenthumb, Bitten Tongue

627 34 6
By MaxJerett

Y/n's POV

Erwin, Levi, Eren, Hange, and I were all sitting in a room as Hange tidied Eren up. I was also glaring at Eren from across the room. I was still pissed that he gave Mikasa a scar. Sure, it made her look incredibly hot, but it equally pisses me off.

Hange: Well, that went better than expected. Does it hurt?

Eren: Yeah

Hange: Yeah? Describe it to me!

Eren: Huh?

Erwin: Sorry for all that. But the theatrics did get you placed in our custody.

Eren: No, I understand.

Erwin: I can assure you the pain was worth it. We played our trump card at the perfect time.

Erwin took a knee in front of Eren and held out his hand to shake.

Erwin: You have my utmost respect. Eren, I'm glad you're on our team.

Eren: Me too! Glad to be here, sir!

Levi cut in and sat next to Eren on the couch, making him flinch. I fought back a snicker, and Hange beamed at me.

Levi: So, Eren.

Eren: Sir?

Levi: You don't resent me now, do you?

Eren: N-no. I can see that what you did was necessary, sir.

Levi: Good, then you understand.

Hange: Still, don't you think you went a little too far? I mean, you knocked his tooth out!

Levi: I did what was needed. Nothing more.

He looked me dead in the eye. You see, I had asked Levi to throw in a couple of hits for me. I felt that simply holding Eren in a chokehold wasn't enough of a punishment for fucking up Mikasa's face. Hange's face lit up as she fished a cloth from her pocket. She unfurled it to reveal...Eren's tooth?

Y/n: 'This woman is full of surprises.'

Tybur: 'Oh, I'm sure you'll have a field day with her once she finds out you have Titan abilities too.'

I rolled my eyes.

Y/n: 'Don't fucking remind me. Those days will go on forever!'

Hange: Hey, Eren, let me take a look inside that mouth of yours!

Y/n: 'It's grown back, of course.'

Eren did as she asked.

Hange: Your grew back.

The entire room was surprised, except for me. This had unfortunately caught Levi's attention.

Levi: You don't look too shocked, kid. Why is that?

The entire room looked to me. I shrugged.

Y/n: Titans regenerate unless struck in the nape, right? Why shouldn't the same apply to him?

Eren: said that you had planned what happened back there. Y/n, did they bring you in on this? Was everything you said planned out?

I fought the urge to fidget at his query. His curiosity was genuine, but the fact the Erwin and Levi were watching me insanely closely irritated the fuck out of me.

Y/n: No. What I said...came from myself. I do apologize if what I said may have pissed you off or hurt your feelings.

Eren: But if you weren't there for the battle of Trost, why would your input be important? Armin and Mikasa, I get. But you? You weren't even there.

Tybur: 'He's getting a bit too close.'

Y/n: 'I'm tempted to see how far they're willing to push.'

Y/n: I wanted to be there. If I wasn't, who the hell knows what they would've done with you!

Eren dropped the argument, but the look he gave me said that he wasn't sated. He knew I was hiding something.

Y/n: 'Well, shit. Lotta help the rest of the room was.'

Tybur: 'This is all just a test. Don't forget that.'


At this point in time, Eren, Levi, his acolytes (I liked to call them that), and I were heading to the old Scout regiments castle. One of Levi's acolytes-couldn't tell you his name to save my life-was babbling on and on about the building's history.

Y/n: 'Does he realize that nobody gives a shit? And that he's literally wasting his breath?'

Tybur: 'Relax, just ignore him.'

Y/n: 'Kinda hard to do that when he's got the biggest mouth here.'

Levi: Hey, Kid.

I looked to my left to see Levi eyeing me.

Levi: You've been quiet. Already got someone else to have a conversation with?

I sighed.

Y/n: Why are you so dead set on trying to find out if I've got voices in my head? Which I don't, by the by.

Levi: You keep on saying that, yet you make no effort to hide it. I can see the signs clear as day.

Y/n: Why hide it when you're already aware?

Levi: My thoughts exactly.

Y/n: When I'm giving information on myself, I'll give it freely-no questions asked. But when it comes to Eren, what I know won't come from my lips.

Levi: Why put yourself at risk? Do you not value your life?

Y/n: It's not that. It's just that I'm way more...experienced than he is.

I left what I was trying to say in the air. He's a smart man; if he figures out what I mean, then good-great for him even! If he doesn't, what more does he want me to do? Shout it from the top of the walls?

Levi: So you are, huh? And if I called on you to...assist Eren, you would?

Y/n: Without a doubt. I've already chosen who I'm fighting for.

Levi turned and actually looked at me for the first time.

Levi: Is that so?

Y/n: Look, I know what I'm doing and what I'm capable of. Eren doesn't. This-it's all new to him. I've been dealing with this for quite some time now.

Levi: Kid...

Y/n: I know. And I'll tell you all about it someday, but something tells me I'll need to save it for a better suited moment. It's not a matter of if I'll tell you-it's a matter of when.

Levi: And you give me your word? You'll be 100% honest with us?

Y/n: I give you my word, Captain.

Levi: I'll take that for now, but if I ever feel that you're going back, I'll skewer you.

Y/n: No offense, Captain, but I'm something you can't handle.

He opened his mouth to say something.

Y/n: I swear, you don't have to worry. I want what's best for humanity.

Tybur: 'That's a broad target.'

Y/n: 'And rightfully so. I'm not just fighting for us within the walls. I want what's best for Eldians beyond the walls too.'

Levi: Okay. Know that you have a place beside me, on my squad.

I gaped.

Y/n: Er-you-what? Captain, I-

Levi: Shut up. I said what I said. From now on, you're on my squad. We need you.

Y/n: Need me? You have Eren to-

Levi: We might have Eren, but you said it yourself that you're more skilled than he is. You know what your doing; he doesn't.

Y/n: Captain-

Levi: What I say goes, Y/n. When I tell you to, you move. Understand?

Y/n: Yes, Captain Levi, sir.

Levi: Good. Now, shut up. Ouro's talking.

Y/n: 'Who the fuck names their child Ouro?'

Ouro: Do not be deceived, greenhorn.

Eren: Excuse me?

Ouro: Don't be expecting the royal treatment. Whether you're Titan or human, don't imagine for a second we all share the Captain's enthusi-

He was interrupted as he bit his tongue.

Y/n: I think I could get used to this.


Petra: That's what you get for flapping your jowls on horseback.

Ouro: The rookie needed to know his place. First impressions are important.

Petra: Well, you certainly made an impression on him. No question there.

Ouro: Indeed so. Our exchange went exactly as planned.

Y/n: 'Is he trying to...?'

Petra: What, Uhm...what happened to you? You never used to talk like this. I mean, it's really none of my business, but if you're trying to act like the Captain, it's kind of embarrassing. You and Levi couldn't be less alike if you'd been born separate species.

I held in a snicker.

Y/n: 'This guy can't be serious! Him impersonating Levi? Ha!'

Tybur: 'Laugh in silence, please. If he hears you, he's going to talk your ear off.'

Ouro: If you intend to hound me like a wife, Petra, dear, there's rather more of me you need to be acquainted with before laying claim to the privilege.

Petra: Ha! You wish.

This time, I wasn't fortunate enough to hold back my laugh. They both turned to me.

Ouro: Something amusing, newbie?

Y/n: No, sir! I think-Uh I think I have something stuck in my throat. Sorry.

Ouro: What? Do you think Petra can do better than me?

I looked from Ouro to Petra and back to Ouro again.

Y/n: I don't know? It's-It's not exactly my say.

There was a tense, awkward silence.

Tybur: 'I told you to shut up.'

Y/n: 'Did not! You said to laugh in silence!'

Tybur: 'And you got caught, didn't you? That's not silent, Y/n.'

Gunther: Hey, kid.

I looked at him.

Gunther: You mind tagging?

Y/n: Uh, no! Not at all.

I got up and brushed the dirt off of my pants.

Y/n: Lead the way.

Both Gunther and Eld led me away from Ouro and Petra as they bickered.

Y/n: Hey, I'm gonna go...I don't know. But I'm just a shout away, alright?

Eren: Yeah, don't worry. If I need anything, I'll shout for you.

I gave him a single resolute nod and let the two elites lead me away. When we got to what I think could've been the front entrance, Gunther stopped to examine the ground.

Gunther: Look at these weeds. This place's gone to hell.

Eld: It's been abandoned for years. Bet the insides are in shambles.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Levi.

Levi: In which case we have a problem, don't we? Best grab a broom and get to work.

Y/n: 'Man! I didn't let Zachary put me with the Scouts for this! If I wanted to clean, I'd...I don't know; I'd have stuck around Shadis and cleaned the mess hall. This shit blows.'

Tybur: 'Stop complaining.'


Y/n: 'We've been cleaning for who knows how long!'

Tybur: 'What did I say about complaining?'

Y/n: 'And what did I say about this shit blowing? One of the supposed strongest soldiers present day, and he's a fucking neat freak!'

Tybur: 'Y/n.'

Y/n: 'I mean, seriously, ODM gear is used to fight Titans, not clean!'

Tybur: 'Y/n!'

Y/n: What?!

Levi: Oh? And just who are we yelling at?

Y/n: 'Shit...'

Tybur: 'Sorry about that.'

Levi: You know, I think that voice of yours is-

Y/n: A voice in my head. I'd rather we not speak on it.

He looked at me in silence for a minute.

Levi: How about we be serious?

I sighed.

Y/n: What more do you want to hear, Captain? It's a voice.

Levi: Does it see what you see? Hear what you hear?

Y/n: Not "it"...

Levi: Excuse me? Speak up.

Tybur: 'Y/n, leave it be. It's alright.'

Y/n: I said, not "it" as in the voice isn't an "it".

Levi: Then, by all means, enlighten me.

Y/n: She's more of a who.

Levi: I'm sorry, "she"? There's a woman in your head?

Y/n: I thought you knew? You've been on my ass about it the entire time.

Levi: Yes, because I said I've seen it in Erwin. As in, he hears his own voice. Not...whatever the hell you're talking about.

Tybur: 'I told you to leave it be.'

Y/n: 'We know I never listen 100% of the time!'

Levi: Yet you still do it... it's there. You pause, freeze. I bet you don't hear anyone else while..."she" speaks, do you?

Y/n: I guess not? My friends already say I zone out a lot. But, it's just...she talks quite frequently. She's really had my back through some things.

Levi: I see. And does "she" have a name?

Y/n: 'It's your call, Lara.'

Tybur: 'Go on.'

Y/n: Her name is Lara. Lara Tybur.

Levi: Hm. That's odd. I've never heard of the name Tybur before.

I chose to let him chew on that in silence.

Y/n: And yes, she sees what I see and hears what I hear.

Levi: Hmph.

Just then, Eren came into the room.

Eren: I'm don't with the upstairs, sir.

He eyed me as he moved closer to Levi.

Tybur: 'He most definitely suspects something.'

Y/n: 'I know. He'll find out someday. They all will.'

Tybur: 'Are you prepared for the aftermath? The destruction?'

Y/n: 'I'll have to get back to you on that.'

Levi: Our safest option.

He looks at me.

Levi: Your abilities are far from being under control.

Eren looked at me too.

Y/n: 'What the fuck is he looking at me for? He's not being discreet! Fucking asshole is gonna get me into some serious shit.'

Levi: I'll check your work. Take over here. I want it spotless.

Eren: Yes, sir.

He looked at me and was about to say something but was interrupted.

Petra: Oh, Eren. Try not to look so discouraged.

She had startled him.

Y/n: 'Ha!'

Tybur: 'Quiet. You don't want a repeat of last time, do you?'

Y/n: 'No...'

Petra: Sorry. I hope you don't mind me calling you Eren. I notice the Captain does, and, well, he pretty much sets the tone for the rest of us.

Eren: Whatever. It's just that I, uh...well...

Y/n: 'Y'know...Petra's kinda hot.'

Tybur: 'What.'

Y/n: 'I enjoy your company, but is there any way you can go away for, like, 5 minutes? I don't need you shaming me.'

Tybur: 'So you've forgotten about Annie?'

Y/n: 'Nor do I need you reminding me of that. Seriously, can you go away? Just for a minute.'

Tybur: 'You can only escape me through death.'

Y/n: '*Sigh* Well, shit.'

Petra: The most popular version involves Erwin. They say he dragged him to the scouts kicking and screaming.

I could hear Levi's footsteps approaching, and I looked at Eren to see if he showed any signs of hearing them. If he heard anything, he didn't show it.

Tybur: 'Maybe you should warn them?

Y/n: 'Hey, all shifters have heightened senses, right? Why hasn't Eren been displaying all that?'

Tybur: 'Did you not just hear me? You're focused on the wrong-'

Levi: What's going on?

Y/n: 'Ohhh. Oops, my bad.'

Levi: And you. The commander's requested your presence.

Tybur: 'I already know what you're going to do, and I strongly advise against it.'

Y/n: Which one?

Levi's eyes narrowed, and I could see that his grip on the broom tightened.

Y/n: 'Shit. Should've listened.'

Tybur: 'I told you not to do it!'

Y/n: 'I wouldn't have cared if he didn't look so pissed!'

Tybur: 'He always looks like that? How can you even tell?'

Y/n: 'Dating with Annie for months at a time helps you see shit like that.'

Levi: Commander Erwin, you smartass.

Y/n: Right. I'll just...

I moved past Eren giving him an encouraging shoulder pat, moved past Petra, giving her a small smile, and I just moved as quickly as possible to get past Levi.

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