I'm Your Who-Now?

By TheAntiSocialWolf

1.1K 97 245

"Rosalyn! Why do you think I'm always around you? Why do I get mad at every guy who even looks your way? Why... More

"children of the gremlins" ~1
"fudgecakes" ~2
"oh my cheeseballs" ~3
"flying fish sticks on a pole" ~4
"holy god of the ocean" ~6
"in the name of the cheesiest cracker" ~7
"Shitmuffins" ~8
"where the fork did my bed go?!" ~9
"dancing like hippies" ~10
"I will throw a lightning bolt at your head" ~11
"AH shit" ~12
"blanket burrito" ~13
"heebie-jeebies" ~14
"dang flabbit fucking rabbit" ~15
"weird fireball hell monster thing-a-ma-dude" ~16
"fudgity fudgey fudge" ~17
"full ape shit" ~18
"Nathan" ~19
"poor bag" ~20
"spill the tea sis" ~21
"one with nature and shit" ~22
"woah" ~23
"fireworks" ~25
"what the holy cheese sticks" ~Epilogue
!!Please Read!!

"I'm your who-now" ~24

26 3 9
By TheAntiSocialWolf

"Finally." I said, I've been waiting to hear what the heck a mate is for like ever.

"Ok, so every werewolf has a mate. A mate is like their soul-mate. Their other half, love of their life, they would do anything for their mates, and their mates would do anything for them. A werewolf and their mate have this undeniable connection, or bond, that draws them to each other. They feel sparks when they touch, and they know that they can trust each other right away, they feel safe in each other's arms and they feel loved by one another. A werewolf's mate can either be human or werewolf, but no matter what they are literally made for each other, basically the universe intended for them to be together. However, every mate does have a choice to reject their mate if they do not wish to be with them. I know in a lot of made-up werewolf stories that the rejected mate literally dies without their other half, but that's not the case in real life. The mate who was rejected can go on with their life and be perfectly healthy, but they will never experience a love so powerful as a werewolf and their mate."

"Wow, that's kind of amazing that werewolves have their own soulmate." He chuckled, "Yeah, it is."

"There's one more thing though" I looked at him, silently telling him he has my undivided attention. "Rosalyn Emerson.....you're my mate." He said that with such confidence and love, I nearly passed out. But, wait. I'm his mate?! 

"I-I'm your who n-now?" He smiled at my choice of words and answered with a light chuckle, "Yes, Love. You're my mate.....and the future Luna to Crescent pack." WHAT?!

"W-What. I-I think you have the wrong girl Gray." I could see the happiness and hope in his eyes slowly fade away. "I-I mean, t-there's no way I could be your mate. I'm broken." I muttered the last part to myself, but at this point you'd think I remember that he has heightened senses, well super heightened senses since he's apparently the Alpha! So, of course he heard me.

He rushed over to me, giving me a comforting hug. I could feel the sparks he was talking about earlier, I never really fully payed attention to them until now. "Love, your not broken, why would you think that?" I stared at the ground.

With a sudden boost in anger and insecurity I jumped up, "C'mon Gray! I-I mean I've never had a s-stable relationship. In f-fact both boys fucking c-cheated on me! That a-alone tells you I'm not g-good enough for you! You deserve someone better, stronger, to lead your pack! I-I'm not that g-girl." He looked at me with sympathy and sadness. 

"Love, where is this coming from, you're one of the most strongest girls I know. I mean you street-raced! Racing some of the most dangerous people out there, you were kidnapped by Xavier Spence and still manage to escape alive! You're truly the most bravest, strongest, prettiest, smartest, kindest, loving girl I know." I looked at him with doubt seeping through my mind.

"Xavier Spence was nothing but a coward who thrived off the powers of rumors. He was never any threat. And c'mon Gray, there's no way you'd ever like me like that. I'm just a stupid naïve girl." By now, quiet tears were flowing out of my eyes as I showed my inner insecurities. The side of me that was most weakest, the part of me which never believed I could have a stable relationship. Those two dickheads ruined me when it came to romance. By cheating on me, they made me feel like I wasn't good enough, like I'll never be good enough. I never showed anyone this side of me, not even Nate, my own brother.

Gray unexpectedly jumped off of the couch, "Rosalyn! Why do you think I'm always around you? Why do I get mad at every guy who even looks your way? Why am I so protective over you?" I stared at him, confused as to where he was going with this. 

"I-I uh I don't know? Because your my friend and you care about me?"

"I'm your mate and I care about you, and ugh! Love, you're blind if you think I could never like you like that." He stormed towards me, a determined look on his face.

"Gray, I-I'm confused what are you saying?"

"Just shut up and kiss me." And with that his lips were on mine. I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. Was this really happening right now? Was Gray kissing me? The guy I was undeniably in love with, and who was apparently my soul mate? Does he really feel the same way about me as I do about him?

Before I could respond to the kiss, he slowly pulled away, "Uh Love, I think you accidentally unblocked your thoughts from me." 

"Wha- I did?!" I shrieked, as I quickly looked down at my feet, a prominent blush coating my cheeks. He chuckled, the deep sound reverberating around the room. He tilted my head up and leaned in closer, his lips just barely brushing mine. Making my entire body dance with sparks and electricity, "Don't worry Love. I am undeniable in love with you too." With that, he kissed me again. This time I immediately returned the kiss, his tongue swiped across the seam of my lips, asking for entrance. I happily obliged and parted them, our tongues danced together, his, ultimately dominating the kiss. We were now fully making out in the living room, and I've never felt so happy before. 

"Alpha! There's a-" Whoever was talking abruptly stopped as they walked into the room. I pulled away from Gray and looked down at the floor, embarrassed someone had just walked in on us making out. Gray let out a low, intimidating growl. Well, at least that makes a lot more sense now.

"This better be important Mason."

"U-Uh y-yeah. David's at the borderline of our territory. Yelling about the revenge he's going to get on you and someone named Rosalyn. The few guards there are trying to hold him off but it's not working, he's much stronger than them, and brought backup."

"Damn it! Ok, get all of our best fighters and send them to deal with David, I'll join in a moment."

"Gray! What do you mean you'll join them?! You heard Mason! He's stronger and has backup! You can't go what if you get hurt!" He looked at me, a small smile gracing his lips.

"Love, I'll be fine. I've dealt with David before and he threatened you. Nobody threatens my mate." His growl was low and protective, in short it was hot. But I was still worried about him going out there and fighting those dudes off.

"Gray, please. What if you get hurt?"

"I promise Rosie, I'll be fine. I'm bringing some of my best fighters with me and we'll handle him. He broke into your house and threatened you. I'm not letting it go."

I huffed. "Fine, but promise you'll come back as soon as you can." He chuckled and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "I promise. Nathan!" I watched as Nate strolled back into the room. Huh. I didn't even know he left.

Well of course I didn't, I was too occupied doing....other....things.....

"You guys need to stay in here ok? I'll have a few guards come in and protect you."

"Gray we can protect ourselves. I know self defense you know." I said.

"I know, but you've never fought or trained with a werewolf. I don't want you getting hurt either."

I grumbled out a small "fine" and watched as Gray left the room and some other guys came in. I went over and sat on the couch with Nate, who put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a comforting hug.

"He'll be ok sis."

"I hope so." I slowly started drifting into a deep sleep, the weight of the day finally getting to me.


I felt someone gently shaking me. "Sis, c'mon get up. Gray just got back." At the sound of his name, I unexpectedly jumped up and off the couch, making Nate fall on the ground. I chuckled at him and turned around when I smelled Gray's sent, mixed with...blood?! I looked at Gray and saw his busted lip and cuts and bruises all on his face and knuckles.

I gasped and rushed over to him, gently moving his head around to look at his face. "What the hell Gray! I thought you said you'd be fine!" He laughed a bit, but winced when it caused him pain. I lifted up his shirt and gasped again when I saw all the bruises. "Gray!"

"Love, it's fine, I'm ok, and David and his goons aren't coming back. So everything worked out." I growled at him, "You're not fine you idgit!!" He smiled and shook his head, he leaned over and gave me a small kiss on my cheek. "I promise Love, I'm ok." I just shook my head and began dragging him out of the living room.

"Where are you taking me?" I didn't answer as I went into the personal bathroom that was in my room. I grabbed a stool and forced Gray to sit down. I began looking through the cabinets, searching for a first aid kit. "Aha! There you are you little sucker." I could feel Gray's questioning stare on the back of my head. I turned around and grabbed alcohol wipes to clean out his cuts. Gray's eyes widened as he saw the wipes in my hand, "Nooo those things hurt like a bitch." I rolled my eyes and straddled him so I could properly clean the cuts out.....yeah....that's the only reason why....

"Oh hush you big baby." I began cleaning out his cuts, ignoring his hisses of pain, and gently drying them with a paper towel. I then turned to grab his hands and began cleaning them as well, the entire time I could feel Gray's eyes on me, watching my every move. Once I was finished I threw out the wipes and went to get off his lap, but his hands gripped my waist and gently put me back down. I blushed a bit when I could feel it poking my thigh. I glanced up and got lost in his eyes, we both began leaning in and soon enough our lips met in another passionate kiss. After a few more minutes of pure bliss, we both pulled apart to breathe. I hid my face in the crook of his neck and we just stayed there, enjoying each other's presence.

"I love you Rosie."

"I love you too Gray."



^ Because they finally kissed.....here are not one, not two, but THREE gifs to celebrate! Hehe.

Oh and btw the last one, only people who have watched this episode will understand. And I absolutely died during that scene though it was just so fudging funny!! Lmao.

AHHHH OK OK OK!! THEY FINALLY KISSED!!!! THE GRAYSIE SHIP IS SAILING!! (Props to @words_for_food for the ship name! I absolutely love it, and I feel like it fits them perfectly!!)

Also, y'all I am so sorry! I absolutely suck at writing kiss scenes and what not.....also I apologize for the cheesiness..........and the cliché stuff lol. I tried though, I really did...I'm not the best writer as y'all can tell though.

Well, anywho, I hope y'all liked this chapter!! I (attempted to) add a lot of cute shit ;)

Love y'all for reading!

Peace out and eats lots of cotton candy!

~Jay <3

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