I'm Your Who-Now?

By TheAntiSocialWolf

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"Rosalyn! Why do you think I'm always around you? Why do I get mad at every guy who even looks your way? Why... More

"children of the gremlins" ~1
"fudgecakes" ~2
"oh my cheeseballs" ~3
"flying fish sticks on a pole" ~4
"holy god of the ocean" ~6
"in the name of the cheesiest cracker" ~7
"Shitmuffins" ~8
"where the fork did my bed go?!" ~9
"dancing like hippies" ~10
"I will throw a lightning bolt at your head" ~11
"AH shit" ~12
"blanket burrito" ~13
"heebie-jeebies" ~14
"dang flabbit fucking rabbit" ~15
"weird fireball hell monster thing-a-ma-dude" ~16
"fudgity fudgey fudge" ~17
"full ape shit" ~18
"Nathan" ~19
"poor bag" ~20
"one with nature and shit" ~22
"woah" ~23
"I'm your who-now" ~24
"fireworks" ~25
"what the holy cheese sticks" ~Epilogue
!!Please Read!!

"spill the tea sis" ~21

31 3 14
By TheAntiSocialWolf

After I dropped Gray off at his house, wait correction, mansion, I began my 30 minute drive home. During the ride I realized how happy I was too finally - almost - figure out the secret my brother was keeping from me. Even if it might be bad, bad enough for him to ignore me, I'm happy to finally be able to talk about it. Sure, I'm absolutely terrified to figure out what almost destroyed our relationship, but I'm sure we can get through it. I think.

Trying to keep the negativity out of my mind, my thoughts drifted to Gray. I know I promised myself no more guys, but I can't help but feel he's different. I can just tell he's not like my previous boyfriends, that he's not going to break my heart. I didn't realize it until now, but I think I'm falling for him. I started to think about all the times we're together, or more accurately, I started thinking about him. We've only known each other for a little over a month, but it feels like I've known him my whole life.

I love his laugh, his smile, the way his eyes light up when he talks about something he loves. The adorable face he makes when he's confused or doesn't understand something. I love how whenever someone insults any of his friends or family, he immediately defends them and gets ready to fight, his fierce loyalty to all of his loved ones. The way he crushes me in his hugs, but at the same time manages to keep a gentle tenderness, like he doesn't want to break me. I love how every movie night we have, we end up cuddling each other on the couch, only to wake up in a compromising and awkward position later. I love the way he smells exactly like nature does after it rains, giving me a sense of comfort I don't think I've felt with anyone else. I love how he always seems to know what upsets me, and always knows how to fix it.

I just love him.

Wait. Nope. I didn't just think that. No. Not at all. I mean I've never even loved my ex boyfriends. How could I possibly love someone that I met barely two months ago?!

You know what? It was just a spur of the moment thought. I was just thinking about the things I like about him. Not love. Because that's weird. And way too hella soon. I mean yeah I feel sparks everytime we touch, like the universe is literally trying to pull us together. But I mean. C'mon! That's crazy! There's no such thing as soulmates. Yeh! I'm just being my usual over thinking self. I'm stressed and worried about what my brother's hiding that all my other thoughts are just going crazy. Yep! That's it!

After my internal monologue of craziness, I take a deep breath to calm my erratically beating heart. My thought process of breathing - yes I had to physically remind myself to breath - was broken when I pulled into the familiar rocky driveway. I unbuckled my seatbelt and walked into my house.

"Honey I'm homeeeeeee" I sung out in my attempted guy voice. It didn't really work out that well. I heard chuckling from the kitchen and decided to follow it. As soon as I walked into the somewhat small room I froze, standing as still as a statue, trying not to laugh at the compromising scene in front of me.

Needless to say, my efforts failed.

I began laughing so loud, I probably sounded like a dying witch. There. In broad daylight, with no concern whatsoever for the attire he was wearing, was my brother. In the girliest apron our mom owns, humming silently as he continued on with baking whatever sweet treat he decided. While wearing one of mom's tank tops, and one of dad's boxers, with a the brightest shade of pink hair. Yes. Pink hair. And let's not forget the princess-like makeup that decorated his face.

"Uh...Um....." there was a long pause as I couldn't continue my sentence without breaking into laughter once again. And my brother still not having a care in the world, as he began singing Taylor Swift. As I tried to quickly sober myself up, but ultimately failing as my laughter lasted for about 10 minutes, I continued on with what I was saying before.

"I-Is there s-something your t-trying to tell m-me?" I asked, desperately trying to contain my laughter. But, well, c'mon. It's me we're talking about here, so, of course, I burst out laughing once again. I catch a glimpse of my brother and see him staring at me like I was the one that was crazy.

"Uh, Sis. You ok?" I looked at him incredulously. Am I okay?! Seriously?! Says the one who's dressed like, like, I don't know! Some weird crazy person. I'm not the weird crazy person here, at least this time, anyway. 

"You're kidding me right?" I asked him.

"Seriously, are you ok?"

"Do you not see what you are wearing?!" Alright, it's official everyone. My brother has lost it. He looked down at his attire and a small blush crept along his cheeks as he puffed out a breath of air. Aw, he looks like a chipmunk.

He grumbled as he said, "This was the only clean laundry. I didn't feel like washing clothes." I stared at him. I kept staring at him. I burst out laughing again.

I quickly regained my composure. "You seriously looked like a chipmunk! Oh my gosh!" He grumbled again and crossed his arms like a cranky toddler about to throw a temper tantrum. I walked up to him and squished his cheeks, like what adults do to babies. He grumbled for like the thousandth time, and swatted my hands away. I chuckled again as I continued with my questions. "Ok fine, that explains the wardrobe. But uh, what about your hair? Or your makeup? Or your sudden infatuation with Taylor Swift music?" Cue the blush again. 

"U-Ummm. It uh might have uh been a dare? Yes. A dare." I stared at him curiously, not at all believing what he was telling me right now. I gave him the are-you-serious look and he glanced down at his feet.

"F-Fine. Ace and Jenna might have uh did this to me when I fell asleep in art." I laughed so hard that I fell onto the ground clutching my stomach. If this is how I die, I will be perfectly content.

"W-Why would they do that?" I asked in between my laughs. He looked down at his feet again and mumbled his response.

"Cause they were mad I was ignoring you." I sobered up pretty quickly and went up to give him a hug. I could see the regret in his eyes and I wanted to make sure he knew I wasn't mad anymore. Or at least, yet. It depends on the big secret.

"As much as I am loving this view, I'm sorry they did that, you didn't deserve it." Ok, he totally deserved it, but I didn't want to be a complete idgit.

He returned my hug eagerly and squeezed me tighter, his way of showing he's sorry. "No. I did deserve it. I shouldn't have been such a dick to you." 

I sighed, "Nathan. I already told you, I forgive you. You don't have to be sorry anymore."

"I will always be sorry for ignoring you. I shouldn't have pulled away and I shouldn't have kept this from you." He gave me a tighter squeeze, and I relished in the comforting brotherly hug we didn't do too often. We both knew we loved each other, we just didn't show it in the physical way. Unless you count a few punches here and there as a way of showing love. Then we do it quite often.

"Ok, before we go into the whole deep convo, um that still doesn't explain the apron or Taylor Swift." Welcome back blush. Hehe. He still looks like a chipmunk.

"First of all. I decided on baking brownies as an apology. Um, I don't really have a reason as to why I wore this specific apron, and I just like Taylor Swift, ok?" I chuckled and nodded my head, showing him I was letting the subject drop.....for now. Hehe. He blew out a breath of relief and went to grab the brownies out of the oven. He sent them on the counter then took off the apron and sat down next to me.

"Ok, um let's talk?" By the way he turned into a high pitched question, I could tell he was nervous. I gave him a comforting squeeze on his hand. "You don't have to be nervous Natey boy. I promise I won't get mad or upset at whatever your going to tell me." He looked down and I faintly heard him whisper, "Wait until I actually tell you." I got momentarily concerned but I let it slide since we did need to have this conversation, whether we liked it or not.

"Before you go and spill the tea, can you please go change?" I gave him a desperate smile and he looked down at his outfit before remembering what he was currently wearing. He blushed yet again, gave a brief nod, and rushed upstairs.

As I was waiting for him to come back down, I got a text on my phone. I looked as my screen lit up and a huge smile broke onto my face.

Gray 💖

Don't worry Love. Take deep breaths and hear him out. You guys will get through this, I know it. And I'm here for you if you need to talk afterwards.

I smiled brightly towards his text as I sent him a quick thank you. He's not even here and he knows just what to say to make me feel better. Just as I hit send my brother comes back downstairs with his actual clothes on. I knew they were dirty since he said he didn't do the laundry, but it was better than *shudder* what he had on before. Yes, it was hilarious, but still, seeing your brother dressed like that is gonna leave a scar.

"Alrighty my dear idgit of a brother, time to spill the tea sis." He chuckled, I knew that if I said something stupid it would bring his mood up a little.

We moved to the couch to get comfy and I waited patiently as he worked up the courage to tell me whatever he's been hiding. I gave his hand another squeeze, silently telling him that it's okay. He took a deep breath and said the last words I expected to hear from him.

"Rose you're adopted."

I blinked.

I blinked again.

I blinked a third time.

I laughed.

I look at my brother through the tears that began spilling. Yes, I was laughing so hard that literal tears were spilling from my eyes. I didn't even know that was actually possible. I took note of his rigid sitting position on the couch, and his expression that was a mix between surprise and concern.

Yeh, I would be too if my sister was acting like this after finding out that she was adopted. I quickly regained my composure so I could talk.

"Seriously Nate? That's what you were so worried about?!" He looked at me incredulously. Yeh, fair enough. 

"Um. I'm confused. I thought you would be I don't know, like upset or something? Mad that I hid this from you for so long?" He looked honestly shocked that this was my reaction. I internally rolled my eyes.

"Nathan come on. It's pretty obvious I'm not related to you guys." If it was even possible, his expression showed more shock. Like eyes-widening-out-of-there-eye-sockets-shocked.

"Wh- Uh- How- You knew?!" He stared at me in disbelief. Again, I can't blame him.

"Well, no not for a fact. But I think deep down I knew it was true. I mean I always tried to convince myself that it was just genetics and that was why I look so different from you and mom and dad. But honestly, I think I just knew and didn't want to admit it to myself. But seriously. Why were you so worried to tell me. I mean I'm still your sister. Mom and dad are still my mom and dad. Nothing could change that." He looked at me with a hopeful look before it disappeared. Well, now I was confused, why does he still look guilty?

"Nate, what's wrong?"

"Uh, there's uh more to that." 

"Like what? About my birth family? I mean, I don't really care to meet them. They might have had a good reason to give me up or a bad reason, but either way you guys are my family. I don't need to see them." He gave me a sad smile. 

"It is about them, but not exactly what your thinking." I stared at him confused again.

"What do you mean?"

He took a deep breath. "Fuck it. I'm just going to say it. Sis, you're a-" He abruptly got cut off as the front door to the house literally flew open, like off-its-hinges open. Then, in walked a buff bulky guy, maybe in his mid 20's? I don't know, anyway not important right now. What's more important is that he looked royally pissed.

Shit. What is happening?!



And I welcome Crowley y'all!

AHHHHHH cliffhanger!! Lol. Did you guys expect Rose to think that she loves Grayson?? Or did y'all forget about that lil scene because of everything else?? (Honestly, I briefly forgot that I wrote that lol).But we finally got half of the truth out of Nathan! Whoop! Who was surprised by Rose's reaction?! Hehe.

Honestly, I ended up changing how the chapter was going to end. So yes, we've got some more drama cominggggggggg!

Apparently, I really like writing drama stuff haha.

Anywho, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!

Vote/comment/share if you please! Thank y'all for reading!!

Peace out and eat lots of waffles!

~Jay <3

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