I'm Your Who-Now?

By TheAntiSocialWolf

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"Rosalyn! Why do you think I'm always around you? Why do I get mad at every guy who even looks your way? Why... More

"children of the gremlins" ~1
"fudgecakes" ~2
"oh my cheeseballs" ~3
"flying fish sticks on a pole" ~4
"holy god of the ocean" ~6
"in the name of the cheesiest cracker" ~7
"Shitmuffins" ~8
"where the fork did my bed go?!" ~9
"dancing like hippies" ~10
"I will throw a lightning bolt at your head" ~11
"AH shit" ~12
"blanket burrito" ~13
"heebie-jeebies" ~14
"dang flabbit fucking rabbit" ~15
"weird fireball hell monster thing-a-ma-dude" ~16
"fudgity fudgey fudge" ~17
"Nathan" ~19
"poor bag" ~20
"spill the tea sis" ~21
"one with nature and shit" ~22
"woah" ~23
"I'm your who-now" ~24
"fireworks" ~25
"what the holy cheese sticks" ~Epilogue
!!Please Read!!

"full ape shit" ~18

29 3 12
By TheAntiSocialWolf


Hi y'all, just a warning for the chapter ahead, it might make y'all uncomfortable, so if you don't wish to read semi-descriptive things about a woman on her period then go right ahead and skip this chapter! Also, contains a lot more swearing than usual. But read my A/N at the end so you know the important stuff that happened! Love y'all! 

~Jay <3


You know what sucks? Getting kidnapped. But do you know what makes that experience a lot worse? When Mother Nature decides to grace you with her presence and give you a lil gift called *the menstrual cycle*. So now, I have Xavier fucking Spence tying me to a fucking chair while I have blood seeping from my uterus. There is a problem slightly bigger than the current situation though. The fact that I am one pissy fucker when I'm on my period. Also the fact that my stomach hurts like a bitch AND the fact that I don't give a shit about what I say or to whom I say it to when I'm menstruating. So when Xavier happens to be a lil bit harsh on my wrists as he ties me to this chair, I become majorly pissed. And there is nothing scarier than me when I'm on my period. Or so I've been told, because then again I have one of the world's most powerful and ruthless gang leaders kidnapping me right now. And I doubt he's going to be scared of a small 17 year old girl. I very briefly think about how I'm going to make a really big mistake, like bigger than when I decided to kick him in the nuts. But I ultimately decide to ignore my current thoughts and open my mouth anyways.

"If you do not loosen your grip on my fucking hands I will not hesitate to throw you into a fucking locker!" I growled at him with so much anger and authority I'm pretty sure his henchmen flinched. I vaguely acknowledged the fact that once again I sounded like an actual wolf, more focused on Xavier and his hands tightening on my wrists.

"Are you seriously that fucking deaf fucker?! I said loosen your damn grip on me!!" Whoops? Yeh I'm not really calculating the danger of me talking back to him right now as my stomach feels like it just got hit by a truck and my vagina feels like it's going to combust. And he's the only thing standing in the way of my usual period laziness day. Which included me binge watching supernatural, gushing over how hot Dean is and how sweet Sam is, eating mint chocolate chip ice cream, and crying for no reason when Dean and Sam go on hunting trips. But no. I can't do that right now because XAVIER FUCKING SPENCE KIDNAPPED ME! If it's even possible his glare and grip deepened. I once again ignored the common sense part of my brain and decided to open my mouth yet again. This time though he slapped me across the face before I could even speak. Lemme guess. You thought I would have shut my mouth right then and there didn't you? Heh. Heh. Yeah.....you were very wrong.

"Oh I know you didn't just slap me." I once again growled at him, but this time it seemed like more of a sassy roar. This is seriously not the time to be testing me. I was already mad before because I was stressed about the fucking idgit in front of me while trying to deem whether the secret Nate kept from me was really important or not. And then while I was still a bit peeved off about my brother's secret, since we never keep secrets and I was worried about him, Xavier here decided to kidnap me. Then when I woke up and realized that I was in a chair being tied up, I also realized another thing. That my period must have came while I passed out. So yeah, not a good fucking day Xavier.

"Who do you think you are you little brat?! Talking to me like that! I ought to teach you a lesson for taking my title as the undefeated AND for back talking me!" I could help it. I laughed. Like full out hyena laughed, the high pitch, the loudness, the obnoxiousness, all of it. I probably laughed for a good few minutes while he just stared at me incredulously.

"Oh bitch please. You think that's a bad day?! Try having blood coming out of YOUR fucking vagina, while being kidnapped, drugged, TIED TO A FUCKING CHAIR, and trying to figure out the secret your brother is hiding from you and trying to determine if it's something you should be worried about or not?!" I glared at him as I kept talking. "I could be home right now. In my bed with a nice fuzzy blanket completely vibing in my blanket burrito while eating an actual burrito and binge watching some of the hottest guys on TV hunting monsters! BUT NO!! Your petty ass bitch decided that he wanted to kidnap a girl just because she stole his title from him. Like seriously?! You own a fucking gang! Who the fuck cares about some street racing title?!" I breathed out deeply, effectively becoming more pissed off by the second. Xavier honestly looked like a fish out of water. Like he couldn't believe I just back talked him again.

"Yo- Wha- Who-" He abruptly stopped talking and huffed, effectively blowing out a small puff of air. I laughed again.

"Omg wait! Are you the big bad wolf?! Aw is lil wolfie sad he couldn't blow the big house down?" I pouted mockingly towards him, enjoying every second of his annoyed expressions. He honestly looked speechless that I'm currently talking to him like this right now.

"Oh take the surprised look off your face. Literally everyone knows in this whole fucking world to not piss off a menstruating teenage girl. Let alone, me! Because I get really pissed off when I'm on my period. As you can most likely tell. Now for the LAST FUCKING TIME! Loosen your damn grip on me right the hell now!" I growled again. I honestly don't think I've ever been this pissed off before, but then again I haven't had so much drama going on at once before. Xavier unintentionally paled at me as I screamed at him. I think it was how my growl turned into a full out roar, like not even a sassy roar just a pure anger roar. I still sound like a wolf though, can wolves even roar? Wait. Why am I thinking about this? The only way I'd be a wolf is if I was a werewolf and last time I checked, the world was pretty normal, ya know, NOT containing werewolves. I ignored the weird anatomy confusion going on in my body and continued to give Xavier my most deadly death glare. He cowered. Holy shit! Did I seriously just make THE MOST FEARED GANG LEADER COWER?! Damn, victory on my part! Whoop whoop! After my internal dance party of victory I nodded my head to tell Xavier to loosen the damn grip on me. He scurried towards me and loosened my wrists. As he was loosening my wrists, I don't think he realized how loose I, in fact, actually was. So, me being the now semi-smart person I am, decided to, once again, knee him in the nuts and bolt out of the weird basement or storage room I was in. His henchmen cowered at me before I could even give them my full glare, and they immediately stepped aside. I turned to them with a wink and said "smart boys" then I took off running. Trying to ignore my body protesting in pain from my period and from when I hit the ground when I passed out. I could hear Xavier gain back a bit of his manliness and come after me screaming "get back here you little bitch. You can't treat me like that!!" I kept on running. I immediately recognized the airport after at least a mile and a half. So, he didn't even go that far from the airport? Oh, he must've thought that was him being smart, because if someone came looking for me they wouldn't think to look so close to the airport. Damn, that actually is a bit smart, considering he's known for having these very elaborate hiding plans and what not. I'm not going to admit that though. I kept on running until I reached the airport doors, before I could enter I heard anxious shouting.

"Shit! Where is she?! How can her scent just not be here! She was clearly here!! How are we going to find her now?!" Scent? What the fuck?

"I don't know Nathan! She was drugged so her scent became weak until I couldn't smell it anymore. I have no idea where they could have gone!! Her scent doesn't linger anywhere!!" Again, what the fuck? Who intentionally smells someone's scent? That's so weird. Once my adrenaline calmed down a bit, I was able to recognize the voices. Nate and Gray. I completely forgot about them. I was too pissed off at Xavier for kidnapping me while on my period. I casually walked around the corner of the building, walking closer to them.

"What's up boys? Looking for someone?" I smirked cheekily. They both snapped their heads so fast, I'm surprised they didn't get whiplash.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! ROSALYN?!" They both shouted at the same time. Why do they keep doing that to me?

"Woah guys can we please stop with the creepy twin thing who says things exactly at the same time?! And seriously what's up with my first name being called?" I chuckled at them. They both rushed up to me and squeezed me in a bone crushing hug. I whimpered a bit at the pain of my period, and from me falling when I passed out. It seemed like I was in more pain then I should have been simply from those two things though. Oh you've got to be kidding me! I abruptly turned around still aware of the fact that Xavier is trying to catch up to me. I could see him about half a mile away running straight towards me. I jogged up closer to him, and met him halfway, ignoring the shouts of concern and worry laced through the boys' voices. I was aware they were following me as well but I was way more pissed off at Xavier to care. When I got close enough to him, I punched him. Square in the jaw. His head swung back from the force of my punch, I praised myself mentally for having a strong punch, I refocused back into Xavier's, now broken, face.

"You little bi-"

"I swear if you call me a bitch right now, I will punch something way more valuable than your face." I spoke eerily calm, but with a threatening undertone. Even Nate and Gray took a cautious step back, but not too far as I was currently telling off one of the "most dangerous" people ever. Which in reality that title doesn't exactly fit him. I think it's mostly rumors he created to make himself feared. I spoke up again. "It is one thing to fucking drug me and then tie me to a fucking chair but if you seriously hit me while I was passed out then YOUR the one who should watch YOUR back. You chose the wrong fucking day to mess with Rosalyn Emerson." This time I growled again. Effectively making him take a step, or 5, back.

"I don't know how your the most feared gang leader. Your just a petty little coward." With that being said, I walked up to him, punched him yet again, and kicked him once more in the groin. The I turned around to face the boys, and noticed that the cops were running towards us.

"Holy shit. Is that Xavier Spence?! On the ground...whimpering?!" Both cops' mouths dropped open.

"Don't give him too much credit he's just a wimp." I glared at him again and then turned to the cops.

"He drugged, hit, and kidnapped me within the span of the last few hours." The cops immediately ran towards Xavier, who still had a broken jaw and surprised look on his face. Barely realizing what was happening right now.

"Damn Rosie, I guess you didn't need our help after all. But are you ok?! Did you say hit?!"

"Sis what happened?! Seriously, are you ok?!"

They both ran towards me and gave me another hug. This time being more careful of my pain.

"Yeh yeh I'm fine. He's just a coward who doesn't know anything about being "dangerous" besides throwing in a few punches and slaps." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm so confused, he always had this big reputation of being the most dangerous. How did you get away from him?!" I looked towards Nate, as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I chuckled a bit before answering him. 

"Yeh. Apparently the "big bad wolf" couldn't handle a 17 year old girl on her period." I rolled my eyes yet again and chuckled at the big bad wolf thing because of what I said before. Grayson gawked at me, along with the officers as they were cuffing Xavier. Nathan just stood there with pride for me.

"Damn." Was all Gray said. Nate and I chuckled at him, since we both knew how vicious I could get once a month.

"Yeah, he's lucky I didn't go full ape shit and do more physical damage. Although I think his ego took a few big hits." We all laughed once again and made our way towards the car. I turned towards Nate as he was putting our luggage in the car.

"Nate. I'm sorry for flipping out earlier on the plane. I guess that should have been enough warning that my period was coming." We both chuckled at the last part, but I continued talking, "I know we don't have to tell each other everything, but I was just worried and stressed because of Xavier and I felt a bit hurt that you were keeping something from me. We always tell each other everything and I guess I didn't realize that maybe we don't share everything. But either way, I shouldn't have gone all crazy on you when your allowed to have your secrets. And I can't exactly say that I don't keep secrets because I didn't tell you when Xavier found me in my dressing room." I looked at him apologetically while he gave me a small smile.

"I understand sis. And I'm sorry for keeping something from you, I promise I'll tell you soon. Just not now with everything that's just happened. But right now we need to get you to the hospital, so we can make sure your ok, then we can finally get home and get some rest." During the last part my eyes widened.

"Shit! Nate! We can't go home! Our parents will immediately figure something's wrong if we come back, first, at this late in the night, and second, when we told them we were staying for another week!" His eyes widened too when he realized that I was right. If we come home now, and in this condition, then our parents will immediately know something's up. Plus, I really don't want to make them feel guilty for not realizing what we were involved in sooner. Knowing them, they'll beat themselves up for being so oblivious, when in reality, we're just really good at keeping things from them. I don't necessarily know if that's a good or bad thing though. Oh well.

Gray interrupted our conversation, "Don't worry guys, you're both still welcomed to stay with me for the week." We both turned towards Gray with relieved expressions.

"Oh thank gosh. Thank you Gray!" I smiled and ran up to hug him.

"Anytime, Love." Yep. There goes the butterflies flying away in my stomach at that nickname again. It's 100 times better than princess. I internally shivered at the thought of it. Ewwww.



First of all. I love how this gif just fits perfectly for the chapter lmao. Also I'm very sorry if this chapter made anyone uncomfortable but I just had the idea and thought it would be funny! So, if y'all didn't read this chapter because of that then basically what happened was: Rosie was majorly pissed, talked back a lot, managed to escape, punched Xavier in the nose, and "down below", and in the face once more, anddddd down below again, got Xavier arrested *internal whooping*, had a heart to heart with Nate, decided to stay with Gray for the week so their parents wouldn't get suspicious for them coming home when they said they'd be gone for another week, and that's basically it! For those of you who did read it, I really hoped you liked it! I tried to make it as funny as possible given the situation lmao, I think I succeeded, but y'all will be the judge of that lol.

Sooooo with that said, I don't have anything else to say lol. Once again, hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! 

Peace out and eat lots of candy canes! (we're just going to ignore that it's not the Christmas season - or whichever holiday y'all celebrate - and enjoy them anyway lol)

~Jay <3

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