An Unlikely Duo: Book 1

By RogueRapunzel

32.2K 749 68

My own version of Ahsoka and Darth Maul if they were to have their own relationship. I will be switching from... More

A new begining
Visions Part 1
Visions Part 2
2 Souls Tied
Connections Within
A Childhood Forgotten
A New Discovery
The Return of the Gray Jedi
An old Ally
Reunited Part 2
The Broken Man
Conflict Within
The Angry Frog
Windows to 2 Souls
The Darkness Within
Unexpected Events
Sparks Fly
Pleasure (NSFW/ LEMON)
Morning After
The Padawan
Pain in His Eyes
A Gentle Heart
Punishment Part 2 (NSFW/Lemon)
Meeting Maul ** in real life :)**
Photo #2 :)
Photo #3 :)
Photo #4 :)
Photo #5 :)
Dreams to Anothers Past
New Feelings
Tension Part 2
Turning Point
Emotional Bond
A New Look (NSFW)
Another update
A New Strength
A New Kind of Jedi
Vualnerable Past
The Next Step
The bedroom NSFW/LEMON
The Bedroom Part 2 NSFW/LEMON

The First Mission

323 13 0
By RogueRapunzel

Ashoka and Maul headed towards the front of the cave where they saw feral and Ventress in the distance....... Maul gently reached for Ashoka's hand intertwining his fingers in hers. Ashoka blushed as she glanced over at Maul with a small smile "are you being sweet now Maul?...... I didn't know if there was a super sensitive side to you" she said playfully "Maul chuckled don't push it my lady.... I'm just still trying to figure out what normal relationships are like"........ Ventress looked at the pair as they approached crossing her arms " well well aren't you two adorable in matching garments." She said with a sly smile...... Maul glared at her " I'm still considering removing your tongue if you can shut up" .......Feral giggled "Venti i think your the family member everyone acts like they hate but in reality every one needs." Ventress looked over at Feral and smiled "thank you for that Feral"....... Maul rolled his eyes and sighed " brother don't feed her ego its bad enough as it is" .... Ashoka giggled before looking over to Feral "are you ready?.... you've had training in many forms of saber combat as well as force training and your studies have been going well....... how do you feel about looking for your crystal?"....... Feral looked at Ashoka " im a little nervous... what if i dont find one?... what if im not worthy?.." Ashoka place her hand on Fearls shoulder " remember the crystal will call to you if it sings to you then it is yours..... remember no one can help you find it we are simply going with you as support...... trust in yourself and trust in the force." ...... on that note all four boarded the ship to fly to the other side of the planet near some remote mountains..... Ventress looked at Feral "your piloting us there i will be your co pilot, this mission need to be all you." Maul say in the seat behind Ventress and Ashoka made her way to sit behind Feral but felt a force tug at the waist.... she looked back seeing Maul pull her towards him " my lady your sitting here" he said in a low whisper as he pulled Ashoka onto his lap. Ashoka blushed once more " I suppose it would be more comfy." ....... Vent rolled her eyes " ugghhhhh you two make me sick." ..... Ashoka playfully reached out punching Ventress in the arm " you encouraged it you dummy"........ Feral just started getting the ship off the ground now with both Ventress and Feral occupied Maul wrapped his arm around Ashoka's waist and the other hand aggressively grabbed her upper thigh. Ashoka let out a small squeak before covering her mouth and playfully glaring at Maul " can you not Maul... and i see why you like this skirt" she whispered quietly. Maul tightened his grip on her thigh and leaned into her lukke "cant I enjoy what is mine?...besides im just holding you nothing to worry about" he said in a low quiet growl only Ashoka could hear. Ventress started explaining the crystal power thru the force to Feral as they made their way across Dathomir..... Ashoka was trying to
listen but she kept getting distracted as Mauls other hand that continued to travel under her shirt... she grabbed his hand and moved it back down to her waist.... Ventress paused " Ashoka did you hear me?" Ashoka was flustered " which part Ventress?.... sorry i was... i was meditating."........Ventress sighed " is that what were calling it now?.... never mind." ......... as  Feral began to land the ship near the bottom of the mountain Ventress got out of her seat and continued to the back of the ship "are you two love birds gonna come or are you going to (meditate) in the ship."........ Ashoka let out a nervous laugh "yes we will join you both no worries .".........once on the ground Feral got up and smiled at Ashoka and Maul before following behind Ventress..... Ashoka got up and began making her way before she felt another push through the force. She was spun around and was pushed up against the wall where Maul quickly moved towards her ....... he placed one hand on the wall next to Ashoka and the other ran along the side of her face before he leaned in passionately kissing her..... " My lady we could............. right here before they come looking." Ashoka let a mischievous grin curl on her face  "nope i think ill make you suffer and wait." As she maneuvered around Maul practically waltzing towards the back of the ship. Maul pressed his forehead against the wall where Ashoka was just standing and sighed in frustration " fiiiinee" and followed behind her..... Ashoka could tell Feral was nervous, she walked up and took both of Feral's hands " close your eyes Feral...... clear your mind....... let there be no emotions only purpose..... the force is one with you and you are one with the force....... this is all you..... you must trust your instincts.... think of it as if you were hunting a beast."  Feral slowly opened his eyes again... "thank you Ashoka ."....... Feral took a big breath as he began walking along the mountain line..... Maul watched as his brother walked away.... "be strong little brother." He whispered .... Ashoka could tell Maul was nervous for his brother under his intense glare she could see the emotions that flowed beneath the surface. " he will be alright Maul..... I promise."....... For once Ventress was serious "Maul your brother is a fast learner and has grown strong in the force. I believe he will do well just remember we can not interfere with this process." Maul looked at Ventress yes I know...... I just want to make sure he is safe.... Ashoka looked over at Maul once more and placed her hand in his...... " he will be hes your brother and three people all with different skills and mindsets have given him knowledge and shaped his skills." ........Maul smiled " yes this is true...... lets go back in the ship and we will keep an eye out for him in there."

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