Annie x F!Reader (Book 1)

By MaxJerett

32K 1.5K 243

Y'all, I am in love with the Warhammer titan. And Annie. I mean who isn't? If you're not; come see me, imma c... More

What Is A Name?
It's Always The Perverts
Curiosity Killed The Cat
The Breakfast Club
Sibling Quarrel
Vent Buddy Applications Needed
My First Girlfriend
Ymir Being A Little Shit
Undetected, As Expexted
Selfish Motives
First Date?
Chipping The Tree
Successful Allegiances
Asshats Crashin' My Party
Plans Change
The Truth Shall Set You Free
The Calm Before The Storm
Welcome To Hell
Paralysis Is No Joke!
Lap Dog Titan
Red Flare, Green Flare
Back From The Dead
To Wage A War
Pit Of Vipers
Pig Butcher
Greenthumb, Bitten Tongue
Titan-Sized Obsession With Titans
Long Awaited Moments
Honesty Is The Best Policy
Suicidal Maniac
Crucial Crossroads
Tender Moments
Walk Of Shame
Three-Way Rumble
Handcuffs, No Key

What Did The Bag Do?

777 40 23
By MaxJerett

Y/n's POV

It's been about a couple of months? Maybe three months since I started dating Annie. To be honest, she's quite the sweetheart when she wants to be. I've told her time and time again that she doesn't need to go out of her way to make me happy. This is especially if it makes her uncomfortable, but that hasn't done much to deter her. She'll walk as close as our bodies allow, attempt to have a conversation with me, isn't as tense when I'm around, and in private, when it's just the two of us, will even hold my hand.

But as good as that's going, I'm still doing Titan training. Meaning it feels like I was revived, and my limbs are still dead. I struggle with our endurance and strength practices, which isn't good because Shadis called me out, and now it's come to everyone's attention. And you know what that means. Questions.

Armin: Are you sure you can keep going? You're already as tired as it is. You don't want to push yourself too hard, Y/n.

Y/n: Tell me something, Armin. I can trust you to spot me, yes?

Armin: Well, of course you can!

Y/n: Then stop talking and do just that.

Armin: But, Y/n-!

Annie: Move.

Annie shoved Armin out of his spot and stood in it.

Annie: I've got it from here.

Y/n: Annie. You're a sight for sore eyes.

Annie: Keep your eyes off of my body, pervert.

Y/n: That's not what I meant, swear!

Annie: Just do as I say.

Y/n: Why of course, princess.

She kneed me in the side of my head for that.

Y/n: Hey! I'm lifting heavy ass weights!

Annie: And I'm spotting you. Relax.

Y/n: Ugh. I hate it here.

Annie: So, are you going to tell anyone why you're acting the way you are? Or am I going to chase off anyone who asks?

Y/n: I'll tell you because I trust you.

Annie: Hmph.

Y/n: I've been doing extra training at night. In the forest.

Annie: Ok...why, though?

Y/n: I want to be better. I want to be ranked first.

Annie: That would mean surpassing Ackerman.

Y/n: I know.

Annie: Y/n, you could seriously hurt yourself with nobody out there to call for if you need help.

Y/n: No pain, no gain?

Annie: You're insufferable.

Y/n: And yet, you're still here.

Annie: Not for long.

Y/n: Ouch. Just for that, you can sit alone at dinner.

Annie: Suits me, anyway. The boys are complaining I don't spend enough time with them anymore. That, and I think your friends miss you.

Y/n: Woah, hey, I was only kidding.

Annie: I know. But I was serious. Just for tonight, okay?

I frowned to show my distaste.

Tybur: 'You should be happy. This separation gives us more time to converse and plot.'

Annie helped me set the weight back where it belonged on the bench and then leaned over to kiss me on the forehead.

Annie: Let's be honest, we'll miss one another, hm?

I nodded, a frown still etched onto my face.

Annie: It's alright. We'll see each other soon.

She gave me one last forehead kiss and banded together with Reiner and Bertholdt.

Reiner: You look like you're enjoying the whole PDA thing.

Annie: I'm not. It makes my skin crawl. But she's easier when given affection.

Hearing how fast she switched her tone made my stomach clench.

Tybur: 'Sounds like someone's getting attached. I'm not sure that's wise. Though, I'm sure you know this already.'

Y/n: 'Whatever. It's just easy to forget why I'm doing this. Not that whomever I choose to associate myself with is any of your business.'

I got up off the bench and made my way over to the closest unoccupied punching bag. I stared at it for a moment, not knowing how to start, but then I remembered these past few months.

Y/n: 'I'm sick of pretending.'


Y/n: 'I'm sick of Reiner.'


Y/n: 'I'm sick of Bertholdt.'

Punch, punch, punch.

Y/n: 'I'm sick of Annie.'

Punch, punch.

Y/n: 'I'm sick of all of this damned training.'

Punch, punch.

Y/n: 'I'm sick of Annie's crystal clear eyes.'

Punch, punch, punch.

Y/n: 'I'm sick of her shy little smile.'

Punch, punch, punch.

Y/n: I'm sick of that small laugh she'll give me when I say something genuinely funny.'

Punch, punch, punch, punch.

Y/n: 'I'm sick of Reiner and Bertholdt lying to her.'

Punch, punch, punch, punch, punch.

Tybur: 'You need to calm down, your drawing attention to yourself!'

Y/n: 'Yeah?! Well, I'm sick of you too!'

Punch, punch, punch, punch, punch.

Y/n: 'Train for this! Train for that! Endure this!'

Punch, punch, punch, punch, punch.

Y/n: 'Why did I have to catch feelings for someone who will kill me once she realizes I'm supposed to fight against her?!'

Punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch.

Y/n: 'Why do I have the urge to fight for her? To protect her?'

Punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch.

Eren: Hey, Y/n? Maybe you should-

Y/n: Dammit!

I shoved him off as he grabbed my arm. I distanced myself to calm a bit and put my hands over my face.

Y/n: 'Just breath. Breath. Steady. Deep breaths.'

Armin: Y/n...?

Y/n: I'm-I'm fine. I just got myself a little too worked up. I'm gonna go...shower before dinner.

I walked out before they could ask any more questions.

Tybur: 'Want to tell me what that was all about? What has gotten into you?'

Y/n: 'What's gotten into me? How about the fact that ever since you popped into my head, I've been fighting some war that could probably end the whole damn world?! Didn't you ever stop to think that maybe this would be a bit much?!'

Tybur: 'Do you expect me to believe that this just about the impending war? I'm literally in your head.'

Y/n: 'To hell with the war, then! Let's talk about the fact that there's now a possibility that I'll be forced to kill the woman I love! That's my issue!'

Tybur: 'Oh, so now you love her? If I had known you had the potential to fall for her, I would never have supported your little plot.'

Y/n: 'You told me it was a good plan. That it was sound. And now that I'm exercising a little humanity and fell for the FUCKING ENEMY, it's all my fault? No. No way.'

Tybur: 'Is this why you refuse to combat them? Because you "love" her now?'

Y/n: 'I didn't want to combat them because I had shit of my own to take care of. These stupid fucking feelings are recent.'

Tybur: 'How recent?'

Y/n: 'A month ago...'

Tybur: 'I thought that I felt a shift in how you treated her. You do know that this complicates things, right?

Y/n: 'Don't you think I know that?! Do you think I'd be making a big deal of it if it didn't!?'

Tybur: 'Y/n...'

Y/n: 'Don't, alright? Just...Just let me be. Please.'

Let's just say that the shower didn't help anything. I still felt like shit. The creak of the cabin door opening caught my attention.

Mikasa: I've known you long enough to see that you need someone to talk to. So what is it? Spill.

Y/n: It's Annie, I-

Mikasa: Did she do anything to hurt you? If so, I'll fucking feed her to the Titans.

Y/n: No! She's doing perfect, believe me.

Y/n: 'And that's the issue.'

Y/n: Also, I don't think feeding her to the Titans will do much of anything.

Mikasa: Huh? What are you talking about?

Y/n: Nothing. Forget I said anything.

Mikasa: Okay...but then if she didn't do anything wrong, what's the issue?

Y/n: Mika...I'm going to talk, and I just need you to listen, okay? Because I am so sick of nobody willing to hear me out.

Mikasa: Of course, Y/n. Go on.

Y/n: At the start of our relationship, I didn't have feelings for Annie. I just-I don't even know why I said yes. The main issue is that I actually have feelings for her at this point, and it's really bad.

Mikasa: Wait, bad, how? Isn't that a good thing? You guys seem so happy together.

Y/n: That's the thing! We shouldn't be! I shouldn't feel this way for her!

Mikasa: I don't get it. Do you feel ashamed? Y/n, it's okay to love her. Love is love.

Y/n: I can't even tell you that! Fuck, this shit sucks! This is so fucked!

Mikasa: Woah, Y/n, calm down. Just...tell me what you can, yeah?

Y/n: Well, I don't know what I can tell you.

Mikasa: Y/n? You're scaring me.

Y/n: I'm sorry, I don't mean to. You'll know everything soon enough, I swear it.

Tybur: 'That's not a good idea, you could put her at risk.'

Y/n: 'I am not going to lie to her.'

Loud knocks at the door caught our attention.

Ymir: You guys secretly fucking in there or something? It's time for dinner, let's go!

Y/n: If she turns up dead, you know it was me.

Mikasa lightly punched me in the shoulder and chuckled.

Mikasa: Who're you kidding? I'd be an accomplice.

We both walked out of the barracks and to the mess hall.

Eren: Hey man, we cool?

Y/n: Of course, dude. I told you, I was just really worked up. I didn't mean to take it out on you. I'm sorry.

Eren: It's all good! I just wanted to make sure.

Armin: I'm sorry, too. Me badgering you was probably annoying.

Y/n: Nah, it just means you care. I appreciate that, 'min.

Once I opened the door to the barracks and held it open for them, Christa showed up.

Christa: Y/n, thank the walls you're okay! I was so worried when you stormed out! Are you sure you're alright?

Y/n: I'm fine, Christa. No need to worry about me.

I patted her on the head as I passed and made my way over to the food line. I was fucking starving. One positive thing about Titan training is that it's increased my appetite and allowed me to put down so much more food than before. Unfortunately, that also means I've put on some additional mass. That part is all good, though, because I exercise regularly. To put it simply, I'm heavy as all hell but get to still look good.

Marco: Hey, Y/n! What do you want for today?

Y/n: Ah, Marco! I see you're still on meal duty. I miss you, bud! As for what I'm going to eat, surprise me.

Marco: I miss you too, Y/n. My shifts with others are so bland, and I think it's because I talk a bit too much.

Y/n: Nonsense! It's you we're talking about! Don't think like that, man!

Marco: Okay, okay. I hear you. Thanks for the pep talk.

Y/n: Thank you for the food, and no problem! That's what friends are for.

I grabbed my tray and kept it moving to the table.

Y/n: 'It's been a bit since I've sat here. Are things different now?'

Connie: Y/n's here! Man, have I missed you! How's it been with your girl?

Sasha cut in with a light slap to the back of his head.

Sasha: Why would you ask that!? They're clearly fine, you idiot!

Connie: Ah, my bad. I didn't mean anything by it.

Y/n: No sweat, Con-man. But forget about me, how you guys been, huh?

Sasha: Jean's been moping around ever since Marco's been placed on meal duty.

Jean: I have not! Stop telling people that!

Connie: Oh, yeah, and Sasha here isn't a total foodie.

Eren: Relax, horse face. It's okay to miss someone.

Jean: I do not have a horse face!

Y/n: So everything's normal. That's a relief.

Mikasa: Of course it's normal. These guys never shut up and love to argue about the same crap day after day.

Ymir: That's why I love you, Mikasa. You tell it like it is!

Connie: Wait until she tells you how ugly you are!

Ymir: I'm gonna kill you, baldy!

Christa: Guys, can we please go one day without you trying to bite each other's heads off?

Sasha: I don't think anyone can bite off Connie's head. It's way too big.

Mina: Guys, enough! I think Christa's right. It's always something.

Connie: My head isn't big; it's normal-sized and just looks that way because of my hair!

Y/n: I'm sorry, what hair?

Christa & Mina: Y/n!

I laughed so hard I needed to lean on Armin for support.

Armin: You okay, Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm all good. I really missed you guys. Sorry I was gone for so long.

Jean: Hey, it's okay. We get that you wanted to sit with Annie.

Connie: Yeah, all jokes aside, we're glad you're back.

Mina: I know I said give her a chance, but that didn't mean leave us in the dust! We exist too.

Sasha: Mhmm, what she said! Tell it, girl!

Y/n: I'm sorry, okay? I'll manage my time better. Promise.

Mikasa: That's all we ask of you, Y/n.

Mikasa patted my head.

Armin: We want you to be happy, just don't forget about us.

Ymir: I, for one, could do without you, though, so...feel free to like, not come back or something.

I simply smiled at her before getting up to walk around to her end and side of the table.

Y/n: Aw, c'mon, Ymir. Do you really expect me to buy that? I know you missed me, buddy.

Ymir: Like hell I did! Sit back down, weirdo!

Y/n: Okay, but first...

I licked her cheek and bolted back to my seat.

Ymir: That is so fucking GROSS!!

Y/n: I wonder if you and Marco taste the same or something. Since you both have freckles.

Christa: That'll shut you up.

Connie: Bahahaha! I think you're into something, Y/n!

Ymir: Ugh! Just you wait, you bald asshat! I'm gonna end you!

I stopped laughing abruptly as I heard what Christa said, and I'm guessing since nobody commented, I was the only person who heard her. I mean, it seemed so out of character for her.

Sasha: So, are we not gonna talk about how she's been eating all of her food? That's my job!

Eren patted her on the shoulder to calm her as he slid his tray over to her. Luckily, Mikasa was too distracted to notice and stop him.

Mikasa: You alright? You stopped laughing.

I awkwardly chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck.

Y/n: Yeah, my lungs were getting sick of me.

Y/n: 'What the hell is up with Christa? She always seems like such a sweetheart, and she and Ymir are inseparable. What's with that?'

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