Avengers oneshots

By Srs319

435K 9.5K 6.2K

Welcome welcome welcome. These are mostly gonna be peter sorry not sorry. I know I said I would do a lot of... More

Instagram 1
Another Field Trip
Soul Stone
What if...(1)
Rouge avengers return
Secret Siblings Series(S.S.S): Tony
What if.....(2)
S.S.S: Peter Parker
Phone Call(s)
Activate Civil War Protocol
Fast, Weird, and sticky
The 5 times natasha scared the shit out of the team
S.S.S: Natasha Romanoff
You have a what?!
S.S.S: Bruce Banner
Catching spiderman
S.S.S: Steve
What if...(1) ending 1
S.S.S: Thor
Air Force
A dangerous mix
Swear Jar
Presidential Seal
Instagram 2
Who is it?
Baby Avengers
S.S.S: Clint Barton
S.S.S: Loki
Instagram 3
Rouge avengers return (Version 2)
Racism Rant
The Shadow Spider
Since when?!
Lost {30 prompt Challenge}
Medieval AU
"Why are you in my kitchen?"
Author's note.
4th of July special
What if...(3)
We are Venom
S.S.S: Bucky Barnes
"Did you have to die"
It's up
Alessia Barnes Returns
Online Classes
hOlY gUaCAmOlE
I know what i said but...
Alternate Timeline
Hes dead (real)
Fuck reality
Peter Barton
How would you feel?
Royal Runaway
S.S.S Sam Wilson
What if...(1) ending 2
God help my wayward soul
Whumptober is Here
That would be enough
Peter Parker or Peter Stark?
Instagram 4
K so
S.S.S: Nick Fury
College AU
Peter...Penny Parker?
From Potts to Stark
Agent Parker Identity Reveal
Explaining The Timeline
2 different worlds
A part of the past
Idek what to title this but its an actual chapter
Untouchable (2)
Just Memes
Don't get mad at me guys
Guardian Angel
Agent Parker
Writers block has given me an idea
Just a quick Chapter
If the world was ending
Bizarre Assaassin Duet
A quick rant that is not important to anything at all that you can skip
Breakfast at Taco Bell
Thanksgiving special
Bider Verse
5 times Peter helpled the avengers
Blood in the Water
Avengers Anthem Check
I guess this needs a name....Ummmmm...Chick-Fil-A
I hate you I love you
Holiday Hide and Seek
Idk what to title this but it has greek gods
Kidnapped by Hydra
Cheers to the New Years
Instagram 5
Very very very quick question
Peter Pan
Lost Love
All you had to do was ask
Based off of the Darkest Minds
Don't go digging for dirt....
Twins on a fieldtrip (aka a disaster)
Phone Call (again)
Peter Wayne
Everyone should feel special on Valentines day
Where are your manners?
A sister left behind
Not Enemies but friends (Finished)
Who is this?
Harley and Peter as Stark twins
There was a tiktok-
Peter as the avengers therapist
Little soldier
Prince Diaries
Lol i hate windows
Ok But-
Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime: The mysterous death of Mary and Richard Parker
The box of marbles & the end of the world (2)
Harley and Peter as Stark twins (2)
Foster Kid
So um...I need ideas
Mothers Day but Peppers not his mom
S.S.S: James Rhodes
SpideySilver Paradox
We Have Too Many Protocols for Peter: Clint edition
Instagram 6
Tony Stark breaks the internet (Pride edition)
I may or may not be on temporary Hiatus
Whaaat an A/N?? shocking

The box of marbles & the end of the world

973 35 24
By Srs319


this title may confuse you

sucks to suck, but I wouldn't know

read to find out 

Current Avengers: Tony, Steve, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Loki, Natasha, Sam, Strange, Peter, Rhodey, Bucky, Wanda, Pietro, T'challa, Okoeye, Vision, Hope, Scott, and Shuri.

Ships: Pepperony, Claura, Other MCU ships that I can't think of currently

TW: The end of the world, Swearing, 

Using a variation of @theoneandonlyaudrey 's Spencer Luno

She has Light-Darkness manipulation and sound manipulation

on to le storee


Third Person POV 

This story starts with a little girl running through the hallways of her house in suburban New York. Her mom had went to sleep and her Granny and Great G-ma were still awake. She went in the living room where they were talking and cleared her throat.

They looked over at her and motioned for her to come sit with them and the girl egarly climbed on the couch. "Spencer what are you still doing up?" Her grandmother asked the 4 year old. "I wanna hear the story! The one mommy never lets me hear." Spencer said.

"The one about princesses?" Her great grandma asked. "Noooo." Spencer said. "Oh no the one about magicians?" Her grandma teased. "No! The one about the superheros and how the world ended." Spencer sighed. "Alright alright." Her grandparents agreed.

"Around 200 years ago before the world ended, when the skys were always blue and things were a whole lot different, there were superheros. I wasn't born yet but your great great great grandmother told me all about it.

There were 20 main heros." Her great grandma, Aliana said. "Ironman, Captain America, Hawkeye, The Hulk, Thor, Loki, Black Widow, The Falcon, The White wolf (previously the winter soldier), Scarlet Witch, Quick Silver, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Okoeye,  Ada-Ajanna, The Wasp, Ant-man, Dr.Strange, and The Vision." Her grandma, Janice, said.

"One day Thor and Loki's evil sister Hela had attacked their home realm asgard and they destroyed it, took their people, and fled. She was left to fall with asgard in hopes to defeat her once and for all. She, however, survived and followed her brothers to earth." Aliana sighed.

"Hela didn't immediately attack as she needed to re-grow her army and gain some new allies. So she hid for a few months until she found out about a robot named Ultron. Ultron was a robot created by Tony Stark (aka Ironman) and Bruce banner (aka the hulk) in order to protect the earth."

"Ultron unfortunately went wrong and became a murder robot. They destroyed Ultron and unfortunately Sokovia went down with him but pretty much all of Sokovias inhabitants were saved and given homes. Ultron wasn't actually destroyed. 

He ended up escaping through the internet again and rebuilding his body. He then rebuilt his army and gained the trust of Hydra and started supplying them with weapons in hopes they coud weaken the avengers to a point where he could swoop in and take over." Janice explained.

"Hydra agents were kinda bad though so they could never complete the job. When Hela came though, she decided they could use his knowledge of the avengers and his robot army, and her magic and undead soldiers to take down the avengers and rule the world." Aliana continued.

"What happened then?" Spencer asked egarly, even though she already knew the outcome. "Well Hela, Hydra, and Ultron all ambused everywhere in the world at once. The avengers all split up and took on the army and while they were initially successful, it soon became too much for them.

They ended up retreating to the compound but not before Doctor Strange had a talk with Ultron and Hela." Janice said. "What did he say?" Spencer wondered. "Well he sat using the time stone looking at all possible outcomes while they approached him in the empty field..."

"You're the sorcerer supreme? You don't look like much of a threat?" Hela said approaching him. "I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to threaten you. Surrender." Strange said standing up from his trance. "How about you surernder and we'll consider sparing your offspring." Ultron joined the conversation.

"I've seen the future-" "And you saw us victorious." Hela boasted. Strange narrowed his eyes at her, annoyed by the interruption but he continued. "Yes. I saw you victorous." Hela and Ultron smirked smugly. "But not for long." They smiles dropped.

"You guys can't stop us." Ultron said. "Not without help. There will be a girl with powers strong enough to beat yours and with her help, we will beat you."  Strange informed them. "What girl? If its one of your children they'll die." Hela threatened. 

"Not one of ours, a mutant. And they will prevail."  Strange assured. "How will they be able to defeat me if you and your precious team is dead." Ultron said shooting an energy blast at him. He portaled to the compound before the beam could hit him.

When he got back to the compound it was already being attacked and crumbling. They were surrounded with no way out and gathered in the common room.

"Daddy, I'm scared." 5 year old Morgan Stark cried hugging her father with her mother right beside him. "Me too." The barton kids said huging their parents. "And me." 7 year old Cassie Lang whimpered. 

"It'll be okay." Natasha tried to assure. "Is there any way out of this?" Wanda asked pulling strange aside. He sighed and nodded. "I have a spell." He said. "Everyone in a circle!" He shouted to his friends and their familys scattered around the flaming, crumbling structure.

He started to mutter the spell but before he could complete it the building collapsed. 

"That day the world completely lost hope. The heros and their kids had died. There had initally been a rebellion of those with powers but Hela and Ultron quickly shut it down and had all mutants killed."  Alianna said sadly.

"Now Hydra agents patrol the streets and enforce Ultron and Hela's new laws all around the world with the help of Ultrons robot minions. They made their new HQ at Stark Towers as a symbol to anyone stupid enough to try and stop her."

"And they completely cleared out everyone in Wakanda and left that, what remained of the compound, the old Shield HQ, and the avengers old houses as a reminder of what happens when you try and cross them." Janice said.

"B-but what about the prophecy?" Spencer asked. "Nobody even knows if thats what really happened. Some people think that he told her of a prophecy and thats why she killed all the mutants. 

Some people think Ultrons energy beam hit him before he went through the portal. Some people don't think they talked at all. Some even think the avengers or their kids somehow managed to escape." Alianna told the girl. "But nobody will ever really know."

"And with that I think its time for bed missy." Janice picked up the girl and walked her to her bedroom and tucked her in. She gave her a kiss on her cheek and turned to leave. "Grandma." Spencer called.

Janice turned and looked at her. "Do you think the hero's are still out there? Do you think they'll save us?" She asked. "I think that somewhere in the Universe there is someone somewhere who will eventually save us. Even if it takes a thousand years and your old grandma never gets to see it, I would be happy if it happened." Janice said.

"Get some sleep." She left and spencer turned and cuddled her teddy bear falling asleep. She was blissfully unaware of what seemed to be watching her. It looked on in curiosity wondering why it felt drawn to this 4 year old after being dormant for almost 200 years.

 It watched carefully and it saw just a hint of light at her fingertips. It immediately knew why it felt drawn here but it needed to wait just a little bit before it could confront her.

Time skip

Spencer came running down the streets checking her dora watch trying to make it home from her best friends house before curfew. Her freinds mom couldn't drive her because theres no way she would've made it back in time and she couldn't have stayed since she didn't have her moms permission too.

The streets were clear except for the usual Hydra patrolers walking and riding around. 

Ultron and Hela had made sure everyone had a curfew. They wanted everyone to sleep and wake around the same times so nobody was allowed on the street past 10pm. If you were seen outside after that...

Nobody knew exactly what the consequences was but nobody had ever lived to tell the story. 

Spencer was only out this late because it was a friday night and she had forgotten about the curfew. She had 30 seconds left to get home and some Hydra agents stopped amused and watched the girl run, egar to arrest her the second the minute hand hit 10.

The girl ran as fast as her legs could take her and made it to her house wih one second to spare. The agents sighed in disappointment. The people of New York were much too afraid to stand up to them and try and break laws so they never had anything to do anymore.

"Specer! What were you thinking being out this late. They could have caught you and you would have been killed." Spencers mom, Monica, immediately started reprimanding the girl. "I'm sorry. Me, Joey, and Nova lost track of time. Joey ran home too." Spencer quickly defneded herself.

"Go to your room. You're not leaving this house for the rest of the weekend until you can learn how to follow the curfew." Moica sent the girl to her room with no room for argument. Spencer sighed and went.

The young girl closed her door and sat on her bed. She waited and made sure nobody was coming before she put her bag down and turned out the light. 

About a week ago she was looking out the window and she covered her eyes to protect herself from the sun and she saw the light going around her hand. It wasn't like a normal shadow, the light was completely avoided her hand.

She thought it was her imagination until the day after, when the power went out, she could see everyone and everything perfecty clear. After that day she would play around and see what else she could do whenever she had the chance.

She was sitting in her room praticing long after her family went to bed and she heard a knock on her window. She was curious as to why anyone would be knocking on her window because it was hours after curfew.

She looked out the window to see nobody there. She opened it and looked out but still nothing. She shrugged and closed the window and went back to messing with her powers. She heard a noise and looked over to see what looked like a red blanket on her window that she didnt recognize.

She stared at it, wondering where it came from, when it moved. She jumped in suprise and went to scream but it quickly covered her mouth. She stopped screaming and it uncovered her mouth. "Cool." She smiled.

The blanket circled around her happily and went to her door. "You wanna leave?" She questioned opening the door.  It went out but motioned for her to follow. "Oh you want me to follow you." She realized. It did some sort of nod and she ran quietly through the hallways, using her night vision to avoid things.

It brought her to the door under the stairs and went inside. She was confused but followed soon after. She looked around but didn't see the blanket and she was about to leave but she saw a piece of red fabric on the wall and she went to dust it off and a han nanner came up.

She put her hand on it but it didn't work. The blanket must have done something becuse the floor underneath her started going down and something closed and immediately replaced it to make it look normal.

Once she reached the bottom she stepped off and looked around. The blanket was there waiting for her. "What am I doing here?" She asked. It didn't answer but instead wrapped around her and flew her over to a room. 

Inside the room she saw a podium with a box on it and items surrounding it. There was an iron helmate, what looked like bracelets with bullets, a necklace, a watch, a spear, a bow and quiver, a cat helmate, some beads, and a bunch of other weapons and stuff.

There was a book right beside the box in the middle of all the stuff and she went up to it to see a note taped on it. She unfolded the note and read it aloud to herself.

"To whoever finds this note. If you are reading this, it means we lost. It could be 1 year or it could be 1,000 years before someone finds this. I sent the Cloak to take what we left behind and hide it and find someone worthy enough to take our stuff, our knowlegde, out stories, our skills, and spells and everything we know to take our world back.

We left a guide to all the magical and technological items both in this room and scattered around the world, hidden in case of emergency. You truly are humanities last hope. Take your time, make sure you have it all right. -Doctor Strange and The Avengers." 

Spencer looked wide eyed and quickly flipped through the book until she found a page on the blanket. "Cloak of Levitation?" The cloak wrapped around her shoulders. "Why not just call you Levi for short." Spencer opted. The cloak did its own version of a thumbs up and she smiled at it.

She took the book back to her room and over time read through it. The only item unaccounted for in the book was the box. She went back down to the room a week and a half later to investigate what it was. 

It ws a small thin box that was the size of a normal canvas. She opened it up to see a bunch of marbles with names on them. The cloak didn't seem to know exactly what they were either.

"Steven Rogers, Tony Stark, Pepper Stark, Morgan Stark, Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Lila Barton, Cooper Barton, Nathaniel Barton, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Scott Lang, Cassie Lang, 

Peter Parker, May Parker, James Rhodes, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, T'challa Udaku, Shuri Udaku, Okoeye, Nicholas Fury, Phillip Coulson, Maria Hill, The Vision, Hope Van Dyke, Hank Pym, and Janet Van Dyke." She read all the marbles. There were 33 in total.

"This is all the avengers and their family and the director of shield." Spencer recognized. The Cloak nodded. Picked up Tony's and it lit up and started floating to another room in this secret basement. 

She followed it to see a library filled with books and cassette tapes and a section of the library lit up. "Woah." She gasped. She picked up one of the books and saw it was advanced quations on an AI's mechanism.

Another was about an AI's mechanism and another about Ultron himself and how he works. "All of this stuff has been banned for 200 years." Spencer told the cloak. The cloak, however, wasn't behind her. It was over in front of Stranges section and she saw a picture of strange wearing Levi.

"You miss him, don't you?" She asked the seemingly sentient being. It did a nod. "I wish I could bring people back to life. I would if I could." Spencer said. "You know what we can do though?" It perked up as if to ask 'What?'

"We can train like they wanted us too and try and defeat Hela and Ultron." She said. So she did just that.

Over the years spencer trained like hell. She praticed her powers after finding out what they were by using one of the books strange left behind. She had Light-Darkness manipulation and Sound manipulation which was cool.

She figrued out how to use her sound manipulation to temporarily mind control people into forgetting things or doing things she wanted which was very useful in this post apocalyptic world.

It wasn't even technically mind control. It made her voice like that of a siren and it made them feel compelled to do what she asked them to do. 

The Casette tapes had different fighting moves, building tutorials, how-to's, magic lessons, and anything else she could need. Lessons on controlling powers, how to get your way, how to get out of any situation, and the list went on.

She especially loved all the dance ones that came in Natasha's section. Dancing was one of her favorite things ever but her mother wanted her to work somewhere for Hela or Ultron in case they ever 'went crazy' to ensure her and her families safety so that meant no dance classes.

She liked dance classes anyway. She had read and watched everything on ultron and knew each and every one of his weaknesses. She also read from an old Norse book she found in the library that Hela's weakness was supposedly her cape.

Her cape gave her strength and without it she would be stuck in the realm of death stripped of her powers and barely able to stand. The problem was, she would never let anyone close enough to it to take it. 

Besides dancing, Spencer loved learning to do all the science and engineering. She didn't find it interesting at first but after figuring out how to create a holo-watch (after 12 tries) when she was 8, she realized she could make entertainment and built as much as she could.

She would get her sorted m&m jars and eat those while watching/reading. Her and the cloak became cool too. She was one of the only people to ever treat it normally. 

They also made a habit of cleaning off the marbles. It was one of the last non destroyed tokens they had left of the avengers and they were dusty when she found them so she didn't want them to stay that way.

The rest of the stuff didn't need to be dusted off since she used them rather often. That's what she was currently doing, actually. Dancing around and cleaning the marbles. She was holding Cassies and dancing around humming 1950 when Levi came up behind hear and she turned around, bumped into it, and shattered the marble.

"LEVI!" She exclaimed. Levi made a sorry gesture and sat on her shoulders. There was a pile of glass pieces on the floor. "Oh no. These are ancient and one of a kind and I dropped it." Spencer groaned sadly. Levi looked sad too.

She went to sweep it up and attempt to put it back together when it started to glow and float. She thought her powers were going haywire but it started to form the shape of a person. She looked confused because she wasn't the one doing it.

There was a light so bright even she had to cover her eyes and when she looked there was a 7 year old girl in a jean jacket and a pink skirt with flesh tone legging and white sneakers standing in front of her. 

The girl initially started screaming but Spencer acted fast and activated her persuasion powers. "Stop screaming." She said, her eyes turning from blue to green. They did that whenever she used her powers.

Cassie stopped screaming and calmed down. "Who are you? Where am I?" Cassie demanded. "My name is Spencer and you're in a secret bunker under my house. Who are you?" Spencer told the girl. "Cassandra Elanour Lang but everyone calls me Cassie. Where is my dad and why do you have the cloak of levitation?" 

"Cassie lang....your supposed to be dead along with all the other avengers and their families." Spencer explained very confused. "My dad is dead? I'm dead? But we were just in the compound and Dr.Strange did a spell but I guess it didn't work because now I'm here and everyone is...is..."

The girl looked really sad and spencer tried to wrap her head around what she was saying. "Okay calm down. We'll figure this out. Follow me." They went to the library and Spencer grabbed one of Stranges spell books and started flipping through it.

"So you came out of a marble that look a lot like these," She showed her the other 32 marbles. "How?" Cassie wondered. "I dropped when I was cleaning it and from the shards came you." Spencer muttered half focused.

"What...what year is it?" Cassie asked tenatively. "2236." Spencer told her. "213 years since Hela and Ultron took over the world."  The girl gasped. "They won?" Spencer nodded. "After you guys all disappeared there was nobody to defend. There was a rebellion with a bunch of mutants but they were all..." Spencer trailed off.

"What about mutants born since then?" Cassie wondered. "Babies are all put through the test and if they have the mutant gene Hela and Ultron have Hydra agents execute them. She says its painless, nobody can ever be too sure though." Spencer sadly said.

"What about the Tower and Wakanda or even our houses." Cassie said. "All left by Ultron and Hela how they were when you guys supposedly died as a symbol to the world to never go against them. Wakanda was cleared out but its rumored they couldn't get into the heart of it.

I've gone to see it once by accident. I got some books and tools and I got to admire the palace workshop. It was clear of people though. So they either died off or the rumors were false." Spencer hummed.

"What about the compound and tower?"Cassie questioned not really prepared to hear what the answer could be, but wanting to know anyway. "The compound is nothing but a pile of burnt rubble. She left it as it was and let the fires burn out eventually. The tower is their main HQ...as a symbol." Spencer showed her a picture.

Cassie gasped at how different it looked. It was green, black, and dark red and had Hela and Ultrons names on it. "What happens to anyone who tries to question their authority or angers them in any way?" Spencer avoided the question and went to check out another spell book. Cassie got the hint and changed the subject.

"What are you looking through the spell books for?" She asked going to help her out. "I was trying to find what spell Stephen used to surpress you in the marble. I'm wondering if theres any way the rest of your family miraculously survived.

Levi doesn't seem to know and I never catalogged these so we have to do it the old fashioned way." Cassie let her do her thing and after a few days of no sleep, a few trips upstairs so her mom and grandma wouldn't get suspicious, and a pile of spell books she finally found the spell.

"Cassie! I know how to bring them back." Spencer said coming into the chilling room that was in the unnecessarily large bunker where Cassie had been staying. "How?" Cassie asked excitedly getting up. Spencer motioned for her to follow and she did.

Levi got so excited it lifted Spencer off the ground and flew her to the room. "All we have to do is break the marbles in this room. There was a spell put on it by someone and if you break them in here, those trapped will be released." Spencer explained.

Cassie looked skeptical. "Who do you want me to do?" Spencer said. "Um...Do the kids first." Cassie said. Spencer and Cassie grabbed Lila, Cooper, Nathniel, Peter, and Morgans marbles first. "On the count of 3?" Spencer nodded.

"1..." Cassie started. "2..." Spencer continued. "3!" They both threw the marbles down and they were just a pile of glass. "Oh my goodness what if it didn't work." Cassie started worrying. "Just give it a second." Spencer hushed the girl.

Sure enough a few seconds later they all lit up and Cassie and Spencer covered their eyes and they all stood in front of them. They, like cassie, initially screamed. "Stop screaming." Spencer said using her powers again. They all stopped screaming and looked at her.

"Where are we?" "Who are you?" "What happened?" "Where are our parents?" "Why do you have the cloak of levitation?" "Did we win?" Came all their questiones. "You're in a bunker under my house that is thankfully sound proof. I'm Spencer. Long story. Long story. Long story. No." Spencer answered.

"Guys!" Cassie gave them all hugs. "Cassie!" They all had a group hug for a minute before spencer cleared her throat. "I'll explain later but first, break all those marbles in this room." Spencer said.

Morgan grabbed the whole box and threw it on the floor. "...that's one way to do it." Peter said. After a few seconds they all had to cover their eyes and soon all the avengers stood before them. Thankfully not all of them were screaming. They all started hugging eachother and talking.

"Strange what the hell did you do?" Tony asked. "I saved all of our lives." Strange defended. Levi excitedly went to strange and gave him a sort of hug. Strange smiled at the cloak before going back to his conversation.

"Where are we?" Fury demanded to the doctor. Strange shrugged. "I may be able to help you with that." Spencer spoke up. "Who are you?" Maria asked. "My name is Spencer Luno, I'm 14, and I have never been happier to see anyone in my entire life." 

Thats um

thats it

thats the end of the story

no part 2 

thats just it

ill leave what happened up to your imagination 

have a nice day :D

peace out gender neutral scouts 

im kidding part 2 will be up in either 12 or 24 hours

depends on how I'm feeling

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