The Serpent Princess

By Kendallsangelwwheels

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Jughead Jones was frustrated after Betty broke their relationship. Couple years passed and a new student come... More

The New Girl
Getting to Know You
Jughead Valentine's surprise
Rough Day
You Did WHAT?
Confronting Jess and surprise
Jughead's protectiveness
Jessica's nightmare
The next morning
The Reunion
The ceremony during meeting
Josh is back!
The aftermath
Rumor in Riverdale part one
Rumor in Riverdale part two
Jess's surgery
Fred gets hurt.
3 am
Fred is home
Jughead forgive to Jess
Jessica get shot by Black Hood
Mary visited Jess
Talent show and surprise
Officially an Andrews
Black Hood Caught and Revealed
Jess testify
Jughead testify
Archie testify
Fred testify
The results
10 am
jughead morning surprise
Working hard
Junior year.
Senior prom
Accepted to Riverdale University
Move in dorm day
First Months Nightmares
The Next Morning
Archie got shot
Sign up!
Comforting them
The next morning
Songwriting project
Jughead got shot
The next couple weeks
Jug woke up
Kings and Queen Serpents
A special surprise
Next morning
First steps on her own
Birthday celebration part 2
Michelle's story
Interesting science partner
Summer Break
Quality time
Videoing jess
Surgery round 2 for Jess
Talent show day
Junior year
Bro and sis moment
Leaving the Serpents Behind
Deep pain and hurt
The next morning
Forgiving Jughead and Betty
Dance class
The Dance Recital
William's passing
Homecoming at Riverdale University
Duet assignment
Archie boxing
Jess boxing night
The next morning
Jughead sings country
Tumor free
Losing the baby
Surprise from Grandma Marie and breaking the news
Recording a song
Cheer up
Tumor is back
The next morning and rough return to college
Josh's letter
The next morning
End of Junior Year and News
Jess's song
Senior Year
The next morning
A Painful Reminder
A baby's born
Fred Passed Away
The Funeral and the emotional surprise.
Dance Tribute to Fred, Emily and Matt
Asking Archie
Yes to the Dress
The Wedding
The next morning
A Miracle is Born
Archie and Veronica to the rescue
The Next Morning
Grandma Marie Passed Away
Getting Grandma's stuff
Matt's First Day of Preschool
The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree
Meeting Samantha
Trip to the Principal Office
Joaquin and Marie's wedding
Veronica and Archie's day and Surprise!
Two angels were born and bonding with Father in law
A Head Nurse's Secret
Deja vu
Waking up again
Mother's Day Talent Show
Helping mom
Visiting the cementary
Checking on Jess
The next day
Seeing Fred's car
FP nightmare
Telling jess the dream
Everly stood up
A unexpected surprise and confession
Thanksgiving round 2
Walking again
Kidnapped and return
The next morning
Music therapy
Checking on Jess
Wedding anniversary
John and Joanna's Funeral
Mary passed away and a mini reunion and surprises
Mary's Funeral
Getting closure and forgiveness
A shocking new information
The letter
Comforting her Godkids and her kids
Everly's love of dance
Jess, he's gone
The next day
Trigger and Understanding
The memorial
The Father's Day recital and some surprise
Toni Helping Jess
Some big changes
Enrolling the kids, surprise and finding peace
Matthew's surprise for mom
Archie announcement
The game and Then some
Dinner at Hiram's
Teachers Appriciation Day
Tumor come back
Visiting Jughead
Pie eating contest
Hiram's past
A sibling's love
Nightmare came true
Jessica finishes Emily's song

Telling her story

73 0 0
By Kendallsangelwwheels

As the kids slept, Jess came out and sat with Jug, Archie, Joaquin, Veronica and Marie.

"The kids are still asleep. So I guess I will have to tell y'all everything that happened in three years."

Marie said.

"Take your time."

Jess said.

"The day I had disappeared, I was doing grocery shopping and you know that I was going to have you all come over with the kids for dinner. I was getting Jughead's favorite hamburger buns when they just came and grabbed my chair then I screamed not knowing that they have come across the Serpents before. I wished Jug told me so I would have done things differently like wearing my jacket (It was in my bag) you know? But I didn't know. They knocked me out cold and at that moment, I thought my soul left my body (that how hard that hit was) but I came to in my room. When I woke up they made me work nonstop and whenever I did a mistake, it was brutal they beat me to the point where I couldn't defend myself."

Jughead and Joaquin went numb at that part wishing they got her out. Archie choked up at the image played in his mind. She breathe and said.

"You know what kept me going? My faith, family and my kids and my beautiful Godbabies kept me going the whole time. I knew I was going to make it out with whatever positive vibes that I needed."

Veronica and Marie smiled.

Veronica asked.

"Did you ever worry about us?"

Jess said.

"Yes constantly without a doubt. Honestly between Jug and all of our kids, my heart was focusing on Mary and Archie. I knew my Godmother is very protective of me, knowing keeping in mind that I am the only one left she has of my mom aka her best friend. I know that her prayers kept me going!"

Veronica understood as she tried not to cry. She remembered during her visit with her Mother in law in the hospital, she would be praying for Jess to come back home safe and sound.

"Makes sense now to when you asked Jellybean and I the questions: So what did I miss? How are mom and Archie?"

Jess said.


she continues.

"When I was dozing off to sleep, I felt my dad's presence sadly not Fred but my Dad was telling me something had happened back home and you need to get out of here! As soon as you and Jellybean struggled to come out with Mary's condition, I figured out this was what Dad was begging me to come back home to. I remember Dad warns me it might take you back to Mommy's hospital days. I'm thinking come again Dad? What? no this is Godmommy! She will be fine."

Veronica sobbed.

"You have no idea how scared we were to tell you!!!"

Jess understood hugging her.

"It ok. It truly didn't hit me until we got to the floor and walking down the familiar hallway as Veronica was on one side and Jellybean on the other as my legs were cramping as I realized what dad said to me: It might take you back to Mommy's hospital days and it did and I prayed that Mom didn't have my mom's room and when Jellybean said Here we are, Mary's room I looked at the hospital number and I remembered Dad had photos of Mom's room during that time so I checked and sure enough, I felt my heart dropped as I whispered you have got to be kidding me?!? I finally understood what Daddy was warning me."

She passed the photos to Archie. Looking at the photos, Archie remembered his mother's screams when they were settling Mary in her room after her first treatment. Seeing the photos now, he finally understood Mom's pain and grief of wishing Emily was here to help her through it.

"Mom wasn't kidding. I thought Mom was kidding around, until she said."

He cued Joaquin to show Jess the video as he was with them when this happened.

Mary was shaking as Archie try to calm her down thinking that she exhausted from her treatment while he didn't believe his mom and she said.


Jessica felt Mary's words in that moment and choked up knowing that it was all true.

Veronica said comforting her.

"I know it tough."

Jess said to Archie.

"If I had showed you the photos at that time, you would have believed your mom."

Archie was speechless and he definitely sadly believe his mom.

After the video, Jess smiled she simply could not help, but smile and said.

"She was in Momma Grizzly Bear mode at it finest even before you were born. Yep Arch whatever you did, there you go you unleashed the bear in her!"

She turned to Joaquin and said.

"Thank you for filming this, I miss her angry Momma grizzly bear mode as she always had my mom's back and mine on lock!"

Jessica felt bad and hugged Archie.

"I'm sorry, Archie for not being there when everything first happened now I that I connected the dots the day I came home."

Archie said.

"Deep down my mom clearly didn't want you to know period so of course your dad give you a sign."

Jess said.

"It was strong to constantly work hard for The Ghoulies in order to get out."

Archie asked.

"What was your reaction when you saw Mom?"

Jess's eyes watered at the memory as Veronica hugged her.

"Breathe, Jess I know that was a difficult time."

Veronica whispered. Jessica breathe but broke down as Archie comfort her.

"The strongest person I truly admired growing up next to mom, was now a shell of her former self she still had her personality of course but damn chemotherapy did take away of what I remember when I had last seen her before I was kidnapped. Sadly as everyone was trying to avoid to trigger my memories, it did triggered the memory of how I was seeing my mom as I would be visiting her as I always kept a brave face not being aware of what the chemotherapy was doing, but I thought it was helping her for a 10 year old. When I saw Godmommy, everything hit me this time, as an adult fully understanding what the chemo did to my Mommy, hence my strong reaction of wanting to walk out of the room. I wanted to go in the hall, but Jellybean and Veronica chat with me and said.

"She would love to see you!"

I tiredly walked over and fell on my knees and held her hand and she stirred and thinking it was you, but when I said: Godmother, it me! Her eyes opened and I smiled! What made me happy was being home with Mary, but deep down I felt like I was 9 when my mom did started the process."

Archie hugged her.

"I'm sorry that my question made you cry."

Jessica admitted.

"It ok. I had to be strong for you at the time and now when you brought it up, the emotions that I had felt and holding it together for you came back."

Jug asked as she held his hand.

"When Mary hugged you, what was going through your mind?"

Jess smiled as she recalled this so clearly.

"Oh man, I do remember this clear as day. Her hug knocked me out to sleep I swear my mind was like relax you are home, but I wanted to see you, Archie, Joaquin, Marie and our babies= my reasons to survive! Deep down and seconds into her hug, my body was going into relaxed mode within that hug: she was rocking me like a newborn baby."

Veronica said smiling.

"I took a video and photo of you were asleep for a moment."

She showed Jess the photo.

"You looked so peaceful."

Jess said.

"Yep, the exact moment that I just I knew I was at home."

Then Veronica showed her the video.

After Mary realized Jess is found and home: she did embrace her and rocked her side to side like a newborn baby. Jessica relaxed within seconds, and Veronica said to Mary.

"She asleep resting against you right now."

Mary gently looked over, stroking Jess's hair and smiled knowing that her Goddaughter is tired from walking all day she whispered.

"Praise God, Fred, Matt and Emily she is home!"

Jess teared up as she wasn't expecting this.

"I can see it in her face that she was worried and now she can relaxed."

Jughead and Archie had one more question for Jess and so Jug asked.

"Babe I know you said earlier that whenever you did an mistake, it was brutal they beat you to the point where you couldn't defend myself. How gruesome was it?"

Jess whipped out her cell and showed them the photos of her intense injuries. She explained.

"I took out my SIM card from my old cell and kept it in my purse as my mom signaled to take it out and I didn't know why but I did for her and when the members saw my jacket and taken my chair, I was glad I did it."

Archie was floored by the bruises and the cut on her face.

"Oh Jess your braces the wires and the bracket broke!"

Jess nodded.

"Yeah. So tomorrow I will get Invisalign!"

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