First Months Nightmares

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September comes and Jessica was getting dropped off at her dorm with her Dad, Archie and Jughead.

"Ok this is it."

Jessica says feeling confident that Angel would be caring for her.

She goes in and Angel threw a party welcoming her back for good and she went through the ropes of caring for Jess to show Fred and the guys she is definitely capable of this.

At first the moment for Jess was a sigh of a relief, but the next day the person Jess thought she got along with Angel didn't care for one second and was rough with Jess getting her dressed and helping her with transferring into the chair. Jess was frightened her trust and faith for her roommate were vanished.

"I can't believe I have you for a roommate! I can't party drink and everything because I'm stuck with you."

Angel muttered.

Just then Archie came in to greet his sister.

"Good morning ladies! Don't you look gorgeous Jess."

Angel put on a act and said.

"I just need to put finishing touches with her hair."

Jess realize she was having an idea with what she is dealing with.

Archie said.

"I have got to get to class. Good luck sis!"

Jess watched Archie leave knowing Angel would go back into her old ways.

So classes went well but when Jess asked Angel for help, Angel's real colors were shown as she make out with her boyfriend and leaving Jess in her chair every night no shower, sleep or anything. This was going on throughout the semesters Jughead was noticing something was clearly not ok despite being overwhelmed with hw and schoolwork but he is getting really concern seeing the stress on her and decided to chat with Angel.

"Are you treating my girl ok?"

Angel acted nice.

"Of course! You do act like I do not care for your lady. She is so overwhelmed with hw and exams."

Archie honestly was taking Angel's side.

"She does an incredible job."

For Jess it was stressed.

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