Jess's surgery

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Jessica went to the doctors and had a checkup and found out that she needed surgery for both legs for tendon release and hip surgery. Jughead was at her side during prepping and waiting for the doctor. The nurses were all ready for to roll her stretcher to the OR.

Jessica kiss Jughead and asked all of the Southside to entertain her man and play worship. During the 2 hours surgery all they did was prayed. At about 1 pm Jessica was done. The nurses had settled her in her bed and the nurse brought Jughead and everyone in as she was still asleep cause of the anesthesia then showed him the cast so he knows what to expect for recovery. Couple minutes the anesthesia wears off and she woke up.

"Hey baby."

He bend down to her level and kisses her.

Jessica wince in pain.

"It's hurts like hell."

Jughead felt helpless.

"I wish I could take it all away."

Over her stays Jughead was dedicated in caring for her he slept next to her even and everyone took turns in helping her as Jughead took a shower or went home to pack and come back.

One night Jessica struggle to sleep as the pain was intense and she doesn't rest on her back she always sleeps on her side. Jughead was aware of the hospital rules, but he couldn't bare to see Jessica so miserable. He called Fang to guard the door in case a nurse disturb Jessica's sleep and of course on his way up Fang brought Jessica a balloon for her room.

Determined Jughead carefully get in her bed to at least give her comfort and stroke her hair. He sang to her and tried his hardest to distract her from the pain but eventually at 3 am, she finally fell asleep resting on his chest as it may look uncomfortable as the cast was keeping her legs and hips straight,  but in all honesty she was finally comfortable and just being able to cuddle with her was worth it. He took a photo and put it on Instagram and caption it.

Serpentprince: Finally my lady is comfortable and tucked out asleep. Today was tough: poor Baby all day she was in constant pain and Lord I know she smiled throughout the day, but ik inside she miserable because of pain. Second I don't know how the hospital would not let us cuddle but I would do anything for her. Shoutout to Fang22 for guarding the door so she can rest for once.

Fang commented

Fang22: Anything for our Princess 👑

Unfortunately the silent didn't last the noise from the hospital was calling for code blue. Jug silently curse as Jessica opened her eyes.

"Baby..." she mumbled.

Jughead held her close trying to cover her ears.

"I'm here love."

Thankfully fatigue kick in again as she began to doze off resting against him. Jug was relieved.

After a couple of hospital stays she was able to go home. And Jug took care of her.

AN photos are the example of Jug did for Jessica

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