Jessica get shot by Black Hood

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It was a good day at school and Jess was doing PT just walking with her therapist when suddenly she felt a weird presence as if it something she knows she shake it off and kept moving. The next thing she felt a strong pinch in her back and another plus another. Her PT Sarah noticed her back  And blood going through her shirt and panics as Jessica weakly walked to the side of the wall. Jessica noticed her stomach and hand.

"Ugh! Sarah where's Archie or Jughead?"

She felt everything going numb as she tried to keep herself holding up as Fang sees her and holds her but instead she slide down against the wall and she felt like she couldn't breath.

"I'm gonna get help!"

Sarah run to find Archie. As Fang stayed with Jess, she weakly grabs her cell and message Archie and Jughead.

"Guys.... I'm scared I can't move everything feeling numb. I can't breathe help...please? Fang is with me."

Archie was walking to social studies when his cell gave a notification he then panic as he read her message.

Remembering she in PT, he ran to PT office and found Sarah. Sarah took him to the hallway. Bracing himself for what he was going to see, he prayed that it was not serious. Once he got there he froze. It was eerily similar to how his Dad was but this was his sister at heart.


She was gasping for air as Archie try to stop the bleeding. He said calmly knowing from her text her body is numb but wanted to see for himself.

"I'm here. Can you grab me?"

She tried to move her head, arms and legs and she couldn't just couldn't.

"It ok I'm going to call 911 just stay with me."

She was alert for a good amount of time just looking at Archie.

Jughead was in math when he saw Jessica message and run to find Jess.

"Where are you?"

Halfway through the call Archie was doing Jughead made it for Jessica and tried not to cry seeing the sight in front of him. Jessica was really trying to hold on and the next thing the room started spinning. She felt like she couldn't keep her eyes open that when she began to lose consciousness trying to shake it off and Jughead noticed right away.

"Hold on Love you got this."

He turned to Archie.

"Are they coming? She losing consciousness and lord she trying so hard to hold on."

She looks at Archie and Jug one last time and then darkness took over her vision and her head dropped signaling that she no longer can hold her head up.

NO stay awake!!!" Jughead screamed.

Archie noticed Jessica's eyes slowly closed as well while watching her head drop down he mumbled.

"No no no."

Jug head got down try to stop the bleeding then get all the Serpents together.

"More tissues!"

Jughead said.

The ambulance finally came and took Jessica as Jughead went with Archie they followed the ambulance. Archie called his Dad.

Fred answers.

"Hello son."

Archie was crying.

"We're on our way to the hospital."

Fred said.

"What going on?"

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