A Painful Reminder

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So the checkup for Marie was incredible and the baby's heartbeat were incredible to listen to. She invited Jughead and Jessica for the ultrasound as she was now 20 weeks. Jessica prayed before going in to support her best friend. Everything was fine until the heartbeat and Marie's doctor complimented.

"For 20 weeks the heart is so strong!"

Jessica's dr overheard the compliment and sees Jess there supporting her friend and braced for Jessica's response. Jughead knew it was causing a trigger for Jess but she kept her composure so well.

"That is amazing, Marie!"

Jessica choked out.

After it was over, Joaquin and Marie said goodbye and left to go to Pop's as soon as they were out of sight, Jessica broke down and Jughead hold her.

"I know. It was hard to hear those positive words. From the moment Joaquin told me the news I said to him congrats but how would this be affecting Jess? So the first week when I saw you come back to campus feeling exhausted from schoolwork and pt I noticed that you have not seen Marie and I was relieved as I was trying to protect you from seeing her bump forming and right up till the meeting you gently said when the due date? I knew at some point in time like today it was going to cause a trigger."

Jessica's doctor came out and said.

"I'm so sorry that you have to hear that. I informed to my colleague that you were my patient and that you have had an miscarriage at 20 weeks. She would want to apologize to you."

They came back in and she went to Marie's doctor office.

"I'm so sorry for your loss first of all. I am sorry if I had brought you back to that day."

Jessica said sighing.

"I just wanted to be here for my best friend and give her support that she needs. I didn't even realize that she 20 weeks until you said it."

Jughead admitted.

"She had no idea that her friend is expecting when Marie first got pregnant and through that I was trying to protect her from this scenario and she figured it out one evening and she decided to be there for Marie. I just wanted to avoid a trigger for my girl and sadly it happened today."

Jessica dr asked.

"How are you holding up?"

Jessica said.

"I definitely have moments of sadness but I have been strong at all times."

She admits.

"The toughest moment during my grief was telling my lovely grandmother. My grandmother surprised me with a beautiful nursery and she did painted the nursery. For months during that time, I did struggle to break the news, because she is so supportive of Jughead and I. I told her the news on the day she revealed the nursery and I said that we will definitely use it for our child someday."

She showed them the Instagram post the doctors were in awe of the details.

"That amazing!"

Jess smile with pride because she loves her grandmother.

"That was an very difficult period for me knowing that our baby wasn't going to be in the crib."

Jug kisses her forehead.

After saying goodbye they headed back to campus and relax at his and Archie's dorm and Jug could see Jess as she sat in her wheelchair, she was drained and tired from holding her pain and crying afterwards.

"Breathe Baby."

Jess anxious to sip on a drink to numb the pain, she remembers Veronica has brought a case so she went to her fridge at her dorm and came back to Jug's dorm. In that moment, Jug sees Jess's eyes were hurting from sobbing so much. Jug bend down to her level and open her corona she took a sip and relax for once.

He said.

"I'm so proud of you for being there for Joaquin and Marie. It took a lot of strength to do that."

Jess smile.

"We are there for them no matter what. No Serpents stands alone. One of the other law in the Serpents Law."

Jughead was impressed of Jess memorizing the law.

"How did you memorize it, Babe?"

She replied.

"Your Dad taught me from the age of 5, he wanted me to be a Serpent so bad."

Jug was so proud of his Queen.

"You were meant to be, Love."

And gave her a kiss.

Couple minutes later Archie came back to the dorm with sunflowers for his sister after hearing from Veronica through Jug about Jess's day and Veronica mention that Jess is at their dorm. When Archie came in, he sees Jess has fell asleep resting on top of jug's bed and he quietly got a vase and placed the sunflowers in them, then he placed it on Jughead's nightstand then strokes her hair.

"Love you, sis."

He whispered as he tried to be strong for Jess knowing she truly hurting over this as a tear fell from his eyes wishing that he could take her pain away.

Jess mumble.


Archie quietly shush her so she can rest but she gently opened her eyes.

"I miss you, brother."

He gently scooped her up and let her cuddle with him.

"I miss you too, sis."

Then the two slept. When Jessica woke up, she got in her chair and she sees the sunflower with a card that has her name and opened it.

To my sister,

I heard everything that happened today and I thought I would cheer you up with an little bit of sunshine with these sunflowers.

I love you 😘


Jessica smile and gently hugs and kisses him as he slept and whispered in his ear.

"Thank you for the beautiful sunflowers! I can't wait to place it on my desk for they are gorgeous to look at while I study."

She carefully placed the vase between her legs and wheeled towards her dorm. Once she got in her the dorm, she sees that Marie brought Jessica some chocolate as well as iced coffee and thank her for being there at her appointment.

"Oh Marie you didn't have to."

Marie hugs her as she helped Jess with the vase being placed on her desk.

"You deserves it!"

The Serpent PrincessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz