The Funeral and the emotional surprise.

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It was the day of the service and Archie was ready to read a beautiful eulogy to honor his father that Fred would be proud.

"My dad was a man who is dedicated to his family. He was always there to give me advice when I needed to hear. He was also the person who always never give up in finding his goddaughter and I never forget how he would constantly made reference of Jess and at that time, Jess was already a student at Riverdale High and unbeknownst of our parents connection and us being each other's God children's, we are each other's best friends as I was unaware that my dad was referring to my best friend as his Goddaughter and it wasn't until I found the photos and I saw the resemblance of Jess."

The photos was on the screen as Jess held Jug's hand as she realized the grief she held back for Archie and the rest of the family, it was finally catching up to her.

"I remember asking him who is this person and I never forgotten the smile as I showed him the photos as he spoke of Jess and how he and Matt were best friends and that was his Goddaughter. I knew I had to ask Jess if he remembered dad in order to reunite them. Sure enough she was indeed his little girl once she confirmed that our Dad was her godfather. I never forgotten the look on his face once he saw her and embraced her as if my Godfather introduced her for the first time. He had never given up in finding her."

Jess wiped her tears away as she had no idea how important the reunion was in Fred and Archie's point of view.

"Jess I'm so glad you are in our family and we love you so much."

He ended with.

"We love you dad, rest easy till we meet again."

Jess wheeled up to the podium.

"For as long as I can remember Fred was the best Godfather and father a girl could ever ask for. From the time I was born, he was so dedicated in being there for me for every moment of my life. From taking me to PT, OT and Speech with Mary, my mom as well as my godmother to taking part in every parent teacher meeting with my parents, he was incredible. Whenever they had class and I was there since they couldn't find a daycare or nursery, dad knew how to keep me calm and entertained me all while their teacher was lecturing on whatever topics it was said for class. As I had surgeries, he was always there to help with homework or finding a way to distract me from dealing with pain. There's was highs and lows in life and Dad got me through it all dealing with the loss of both of my parents and other scenarios that happened in the year when we had reunited."

She paused as she teared up.

"I will admit that I will miss him everyday. It is definitely hard for me as I have been through this before, but I would never ever thought about losing my second father and I am heartbroken for the fact that he or my father, Matthew as well for my mom, Emily will not be at my wedding. I will incorporate them in our wedding if there a will, there is a way."

She ended with.

"Love you Goddaddy, you are with your best friend again. Till we meet again."

Archie teared up and hugged her as she sat with Jughead.

Before the burial they were going through the will Fred wrote and gave them some stuff to Archie and Jessica. Then the lawyer said.

"Jessica,  your father has an special surprise for you as he did it at the last moment. Your father Matt and Fred made a promise that if ether would passed away, they would have an plot next to each other. So we move your parents body back to Riverdale and have them in a new family plot right next to the Andrews family plot."

He showed photos of the installment and the mark of the headstones.

"He was so tired of seeing you travel by bus and train to New York every time you were visiting your parents because you were coming back home exhausted."

Archie agreed.

"I was there when he added this to the will and he did not want to break the promise of your father."

Jess teared up as she was speechless and Archie hugged her.

"Dad want to give you a peace of mind."

Jess wheel to the casket and said.

"Thank you, Daddy. I will be visiting you, Momma and Poppa everyday."

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