Splinter's Bestie

By Hydranga2

58.5K 1.4K 612

So you know the story of tmnt 2012 right. But what if half of the events never occurred. What if Splinter had... More

The Characters
The Beginning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Training Nova
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Christmas Special
Great News
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
I was Bored and this happened...
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Very Important
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Incorrect Quotes
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Nova and the Family
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Please Read Very Important
Last Chapter

Chapter 14

1K 26 10
By Hydranga2

Season 1 Episode 13: New Girl in Town

Note: This chapter is mostly going to focus on Ruby, her family and Karai, and Tigerclaw. 

But I count it as a chapter because occasionally I'll follow the storyline but I will have to change some things since most of you commented how you wanted Ruby and Karai to be close and wanted Karai to be a good guy. 

Anyway enjoy.

Ruby, Human Ruby, walks along the streets of New York silently reading a book she had brought just recently. She needed a break after destroying a bunch of droids.

A little girl with short black hair runs in a sad panic and bumps into Ruby's leg causing the little girl to fall to her butt and Ruby to look down at her unfazed.

Ruby puts her bookmark in her book and puts the book in her bag at her waist before offering the small little girl a hand to stand herself up.

The little girl hesitant stares between Ruby and the hand before looking into Ruby's eyes, she saw the eyes of someone who won't hurt her, she saw nurturing eyes that only a mother could have.

She shyly takes Ruby's allowing the woman to help her up.

Ruby kneels so she is at eye level with the little girl, "Hello little one is everything alright?" Ruby asks the little girl. 

The little girl feeling like she could be transparent with Ruby shakes her head.

"Daddy's being mean to me again." The little one said  allowing Ruby to gently dry her eyes with soft handkerchief.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asks her gently checking her for injuries.

"He said he's training me to be a kunoichi. So I can defeat his enemy." The little girl told Ruby.

Ruby looks at the little girl's beautiful brownish gold eyes.

"Is he being too hard on you?" Ruby asks, she knew how it felt to have your dad train you to be a kunoichi, but her dad always knew her limits and never pushed her too hard, especially when she was a child. He'd slowly and gradually would make her training harder until she reached where he wanted her to be, better than him.

"I got big owie and daddy hit me and told me to walk it off." The little girl told Ruby showing Ruby a large wound on her back that she missed.

The little girl begins to sway due to blood loss but Ruby was quick to catch her and she quickly rushed home with the little girl resting in her arms.


Ruby makes it to her living room and places the bleeding girl onto the couch, making a mental note to clean it all up later.

She ruses to her kitchen and checks the cabinets for the med kit before rushing into her bedroom to grab her apothecary kit. She grabs a towel from her bathroom and rushes into her living room once more.

Ruby gets to work cleaning and healing the little black haired girl up.

She looks at the girl once she's finished and spots something that her stop and question.

The little girl looked like Tang Shen. Ruby winces at the idea of the little girl being Tang Shen's daughter. "Poor girl", Ruby thought staring down at her.

Ruby then carefully picks the little girl up and places her on the couch in her bedroom, pulling out a spare blanket and pillow for the little girl to lay on. 

Ruby walks into the living room and begins cleaning up the blood off the couch with powers only a clean freak could achieve.

Ruby's cell phone then rings catching her attention just as she finishes cleaning up the blood from her living room couch.

Ruby answers her phone and hears a familiar relaxing deep voice over the phone and smiles.

"Hey dad. How are you?" Ruby asks moving to her bedroom and climbing up the ladder to sit on her bed.

"I'm fine and you, my little rose?" Her dad's voice asks with the loving tone Ruby was familiar with all her life.

"I'm fine, how's mom?" Ruby asks her dad smiling at a picture of her dad and mom next to her bedside on a shelf.

Those are her parents take it or leave it, Ruby gets her red eyes and black hair from her dad but looks like her mom. 

Ruby's parents relationship is similar to Hanji and Levi's but more on the lovey dovey side. And yes we're keeping Levi's height as Ruby's dad's. 

Comment what her parent's names should be.

"She's doing fine, she misses you, you know. Keeps wondering when you'll pop in for a visit." Her dad chuckles over the phone, fondly thinking of his wife.

"I, uh, just found a injured little girl." Ruby says awkwardly, knowing there was no keeping secrets from her dad, he just had these knowing eyes. Her mom would tease about how the red eyes know all and see all.

"A injured little girl? Were you able to help her?" He asks worried, despite his cold straight face and intimidating aura, he actually was cuddly bear. But don't get him angry lmao.

"Yeah, she's resting up right now. Is there something you need?" Ruby asks wanting to change the subject, her father catching on changes the subject and the two talk over the phone for a while then at some point her mother joins in on the conversation, her thick accent relaxing Ruby significantly.

Ruby was so engrossed in her conversation that she didn't notice the little girl wake up and stare up at her in wonder.

'Why isn't my family like that?' The little girl wonders hanging her head in sadness. The lad's family obviously loved her dearly and showed it through how they spoke even.

"Oh you are awake?" Ruby asks the little girl causing her to lift her head in surprise she notes that Ruby had finished her call and was charging her phone.

The little girl nods shyly.

"Do you remember your name?" Ruby asks the little girl climbing down from her perch on her bed.



Ruby, mutant/ present, looks down at a picture of herself and Karai at the carnival, she gave Karai the childhood her mysterious father refused to give her, she trained her in a similar way that Ruby's father trained Ruby. Karai even met Nova and the two became close sisters.

She wandered how Karai was doing now. Karai's dad had moved Karai away upon noticing that she was sneaking out. Karai and Ruby had trouble keeping in contact but Ruby held a lasting effect on Karai.

Ruby had long since connected the dots that Karai was Saki and Tang Shen's daughter, but she didn't know whether Saki was training/ raising Karai himself.

Ruby looks away from phone as she ended the call with Tigerclaw checking in on how he was doing. He had informed her he met a pretty and smart lass who had won his heart in short time.

Let me know if I should make a oc mutant girl for Tigerclaw. Or make another story, a tigerclaw x oc if you will. 

Ruby looks up from her phone upon hearing Leo enter the lair.

Her red eyes widen at the redness in Leo's.

"Leo's back!" Mikey said before noticing his red eyes also, "And he's been crying." Mikey jumps out the rolling chair and runs up to Leo hugging him, "Aw, you missed us" Mikey coos.

Leo rolls his eyes and pulls Mikey off of him. "I got hit with blinding powder." Leo tells him.

Ruby raises an eyebrow, his eyes were far too red to be tears so she believed him.

"Sure. Big softy." Mikey teases.

"And where have you been?" Raph asks sassily placing his hands on his hips. Ruby sighs sensing a argument walks into the living room.


Leo sighs at the Space Heroes episode, "Boy, relationships are complicated-" He turns the tv off.

"I second that." Ruby states from where she sat next to him. Splinter walks in.

"Leonardo, where are your brothers?" Splinter asks noticing they weren't here.

"I have no idea." Leo says half heartedly.

"What do you mean you have no idea?" Splinter asks confused.

"Raph thinks he can lead the team better than me, so I let him." Leo told him waving a dismissing hand over his shoulder.

"IS it seriously that easy?" Ruby teases causing Leo to shrug and go back to resting his head on her lap.

"That is not your decision to make." Splinter tells him walking over.

Leo sits up annoyed and turns to look at Splinter over his shoulder, "Why not, sensei. I've had to make every other decision, and I'm tired of it. Those guys have no idea what kind of pressure I'm under, and all they do is complain. Is it too much to ask for a simple thank-you?" Leo vents crossing his arms.

"Of course it is. Leadership is not about being appreciated. It is about responsibility. It doesn't matter if the burden is heavy. it matters that you carry it." Ruby tells Leo wisely as she gently cups his face in her hands.

"Plus, if giving up the title of being a leader was that easy, I would have gotten rid of your father and Saki years ago. They were serious pain in the necks" Ruby teases causing Leo to smile.

"Hey!" Splinter says offended. He then turns to Leo, "Go find your brothers.

*** The stuff with Karai, Leo, Mikey, Donnie and Raph happen***

Leo goes home quickly to tell Ruby about Karai.

"Mom can I speak with you alone?" Leo asks in a begging tone causing Ruby to raises an eyebrow.

They head to Leo's room to talk.

"I met this girl-" Leo begins, Ruby's eyes sparkle, "Tell me everything!" She gushes.

"Well she's really cool." Leo begins, Ruby excitedly nods.

"She's also a Martial artist." Leo continues.

Ruby nods her smile broadening.

"And, uh she's in the Foot Clan." Leo says wincing expecting Ruby to yell at him.

He peeks an eyes open upon noticing her going silent.

Ruby has a brief flash into Leo's head and sees a familiar girl.

"Well, I don't know what to say. Tell me what is your heart telling you compared to your brain?" Ruby asks Leo.

Leo looks down in thought, "Well my heart says she's different and that I can trust her. But my head says she's in the Foot Clan, and the Foot is our enemy. But her eyes held something similar to yours but hers were tortured, you know." He tells Ruby

Ruby rubs her chin just as Nova comes running in, home from school. Ruby after a moment nods, "Go for it but please be careful." She tells him petting his head.

Leo eagerly runs out the lair to go meet up with Karai.

Meanwhile with Karai and Shredder.

Karai walks into the lair with a smile from her battle with Leo. She found it fun to hang out with someone her age for once.

She quickly wipes it from her face and bows to Shredder who sat on his throne.

"Karai, I have learned that you had the opportunity to dispatch Leonardo." Shredder's voice cuts through the throne room.

Karai winces, she didn't want to hurt Leo but she obviously can't voice this to Shredder.

"Really?" Karai asks.

"But you let him go instead." Shredder finishes.

Karai quickly comes with an excuse, "That's not true. He escaped." Karai tells him.

"I find that hard to believe." Shredder says.

"He escaped from you didn't he?" Karai mocks her inner Ruby kicking in and Shredder for a moment saw her before seeing Karai once more.

Shredder growls, "Enough!" He shouts standing from his throne.

Karai knowing she messed up quickly hangs her head in submission.

Shredder stalks up to her and unsheathes his sword he points it at her neck, "Next time you see Leonardo, you must finish him. Understood?" He demands.

Karai winces, "I understand Father." Saying father left a bad taste in her mouth as she hangs her head in fear.

Karai leaves Shredder's lair and stands on a random rooftop. She looks down at the locket Ruby gave her years ago, just before Saki decided to relocate Karai.

Karai tears up missing Ruby more through each passing day. Ruby had been the only person who held compassion for her.

"Please, I need a sign, what do I do?" Karai asked the stars her thoughts being on Ruby wishing she had her wisdom. 

Screen panes to Ruby who is looking at a picture of herself and Karai, when she and her parents took Karai to the Lotus clan carnival.

Ruby hears Raphael call out help and rushes out of Nova's bedroom where she had put the little girl to sleep and into the living room where the boys minus Leo and Splinter were.

Her eyes widen at the sight of the injured Mikey.

"Set him down. Where is Leonardo?" Splinter asks as Ruby checks on Mikey, beginning the process of healing him.

"I don't know. Sensei, this is a disaster, and it's all my fault." Raph says staring down solemnly at Mikey.

"Yeah it kind of is..." Ruby said causing Splinter to nudge her.

"I don't know what happened. I just froze up and I have no problem risking my own life, but risking my brothers?" Raph says regrettably.

Ruby having no mercy cuts Splinter off before he could comfort Raph, "Now you see the price of leadership, responsibility-"

Raph knowing Ruby was being hard on him for a reason nods, "Yeah, I hate it." He tells her.

"SO you understand Leonardo's burden?" Ruby asks him tilting an ear.

"We need him back. I need him back." Raph said sadly.

"Then go get him." Ruby said bluntly letting Mikey stand to his feet and carrying him to his room.

"But mom, I don't know where he is." Raph said worried.

"He's going to the Byerly Building. April texted me." Donnie said before realizing April texted him before he could get excited about it he was met with Ruby's annoyed red eyes.


Leo and Raph return home with Raph looking annoyed. 

Ruby sighs, "These kids never learn." Ruby said as she and Splinter walk in their room.

Splinter grabs Ruby's arm, "Wait, I actually need to talk to you." He tells her. Ruby looks at him confused.

"You've been in a bad mood recently, is everything alright?" Splinter asks her.

Ruby lowers her head in thought. A lot had happened this week, which was a sad week for already. It was the week she met Karai and also the week she had to say goodbye to the little girl. That was the first reason for her bad mood the other being her dad had gotten sick recently and her mom called in to let her know and although it's just a common cold she couldn't help but worry nonetheless. Then the boys began fighting, Nova has been misbehaving in school, Splinter was the same but Ruby felt lost.

Ruby relays this to Splinter who patiently listens.

"You've had to tough week it seems." Splinter says stroking his beard. He suddenly smiles, "But I have an idea on what we could do to make it better." 

Ruby looks at him confused, he just brightens his smile, quickly grabs her hand and happily drags her out the lair.

"Well be back later." He told his sons in passing.

"Ok..." They says unsure on what was happening and based on their mom's face she was confused too.

Okay, question guys, I know this chapter is short and all but should I set Karai and Leo up? You know since I'm making her a good guy and she's not Splinter's daughter.

Be sure to leave a comment I always read them even if I don't always respond. Always looking for a good way to improve my stories. Enjoy your day and stay safe.

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