Reincarnated As A Gorilla In...

By pengualicious27

183K 5.7K 3.8K

Devan was a 23-year-old primatologist who studied gorillas in the jungles of the Congo Basin in Africa. Growi... More

Chapter 1 - New World
Chapter 2 - Learning
Chapter 3 - Ingenuity
Chapter 4 - Rage of a gorilla
Chapter 5 - Searching
Chapter 6 - New home and training
Chapter 7 - New friend and new weaponry
Chapter 8 - Final trial and First quest
Chapter 9 - First encounter
Chapter 10 - First Battle
Chapter 11 - The second path
Chapter 12 - Awakening of his Rage
Chapter 13 - The Stone Temple
Chapter 14 - Gorillas of the past
Chapter 15 - Ape warriors
Chapter 16 - Spirits of the Apes
Chapter 17 - Learning the Blade
Chapter 18 - The fourth path
Chapter 19 - First human friend
Chapter 20 - The first disease
Chapter 21 - Wystan's journey
Chapter 22 - The final path
Chapter 23 - Battle with the Wraith
Chapter 24 - Returning home
Chapter 25 - The Adventure Begins
Chapter 26 - The city of Bellmount
Chapter 27 - Arlin's parents
Chapter 28 - Enemy of a kingdom
Chapter 29 - Apes Together Strong
Chapter 30 - The giant trees
Chapter 31 - The Zouwu
Chapter 32 - The Onikuma
Chapter 33 - Bear vs Ape
Chapter 34 - The Skinwalker
Chapter 35 - The Apex's Challenge
Chapter 36 - The King of the Jungle
Chapter 37 - Infiltration of Bellmount
Chapter 38 - The Great Escape of Bellmount
Chapter 39 - Preparations
Chapter 40 - Into the Cold
Chapter 41 - New friend?
Chapter 42 - Mammoth herd
Chapter 43 - Gaining Trust

Chapter 44 - The blizzard

2.8K 105 97
By pengualicious27

We were right the small snowfall soon turned into a raging blizzard, and we were caught in the middle of it. The snow blew violently all around us reducing our vision to only about three feet in front of us.

The snow reached up to my wrists and ankles making movement difficult. Everyone else was safely huddled in the backpack to be protected from the extreme cold this storm brought. Not even Naira's fur could keep her warm.

How much longer will this blizzard last?

S.Y.S.T.E.M: About six more hours.


I stumbled as some strong wind managed to knock me off balance, but I quickly steadied myself before continuing on. The lid of the backpack opened enough for Alyssa to pop her head out.

Alyssa: (Honey, are you alright?!)

She had to yell so that I could hear her over the raging storm.

Devan: (I'll be fine, just keep yourself and the others warm while I try to get us out of this storm!)

Alyssa: (Alright!)

She retreated back into the warmth and safety of the backpack as I let out a small sigh.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: User.


S.Y.S.T.E.M: There is an important matter I wish to discuss with you.

I've got nothing else to do so go ahead.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Once you find a troop, how do you plan to get them to join your kingdom?

Hopefully I can convince them.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Words are unlikely to work.

What do you mean?

S.Y.S.T.E.M: You plan to convince the leading silverback to give up his right to rule and mate, so he could instead serve under you? No silverback would agree to that.

I can't just force them to follow me.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: You don't have to. You just need to show them who's the strongest by beating the leading silverback in combat. Once that's done the rest of the troop will recognize your dominance and be willing to follow you.

Fighting a silverback won't be easy.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Indeed, but with your current strength it shouldn't be difficult.

Our conversation ended as my right hand crushed something hard buried underneath the layers of snow. I lifted my hand allowing me to see bone fragments embedded in my knuckles.

I looked down at where my hand was and brushed the snow away revealing that I had crushed the skull of a human skeleton.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Warning detecting multiple hostile entities!

The snow around us started to shift and rise as skeletons began pulling themselves up and out of the ground. Their flesh was either gone or barely hanging on to what remained of their frozen bones, some even had weapons and armor.

Instead of hollow sockets something bright blue was within their eyes. In only a matter of seconds we were completely surrounded.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: This is an unusually high concentration of undead.

A nearby skeleton on my left swung it's blade at my arm managing to cut deep into my flesh. I roared and swung my left arm at the undead warrior causing it to be launched into another skeleton.

If these things are dead why are they waking up now?

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Normally the undead can't survive in the sunlight which might explain why they were underneath the snow. This blizzard has completely shrouded the area in darkness allowing them to awaken and roam unharmed.

Another skeleton got on my back and opened the backpack only to be met with a giant rock fist, courtesy of a tiny Wystan. The skeleton was sent flying as the rock fist shrunk back down into the backpack.

Wystan: Learn to knock!

The skeletons began to slowly close in on us and I could see more bright blue eyes within the blizzard. Taking a look at my map I saw hundreds of red dots in all directions slowly making their way toward us.

Unbeknownst to me a skeleton with a bow and arrow was further within the blizzard. I only realized the archer's presence when an arrow soared through the raging winds and into my right shoulder.

Damn it! Not again.

I tried to fight the skeletons off but it seemed for every one I destroyed five more rose up in it's place. Two more arrows came at me with one embedding itself into my left leg while the second hit the backpack.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: There are far too many undead here for you to fight. I suggest getting yourself and your family to safety instead.

Heeding System's advice I knocked two skeletons away before trying to run through the horde of undead. The blizzard didn't help our situation as my vision was still impaired by the violent blowing snow. Arrows continued to zoom past me with many hitting my back and legs.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Wind speed is increasing. It will begin to get colder and your fur won't keep you warm forever. You must find shelter soon.

Anything nearby we could use?

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Scanning... There is a cave nearby.

How far?

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Two miles to your right. I'll mark it's location on the map.

A red marker appeared on my map along with a trail of glowing particles leading me to the cave. But before I could follow the trail a wall made of human skulls erupted out of the ground in front of me.

I couldn't stop myself in time so my body collided with the surprisingly strong skulls. The sudden stop and impact with a hard surface disoriented me for a second.

Since I stopped running the undead were able to quickly catch up with us. I shook my head to get rid of my dizziness before turning around to fight off the encroaching skeletons.

But they just stopped their advance and stood there unmoving. I tried to climb the skull wall, but the moment I touched the skull wall the skeletons took a step forward. I slowly took my hand off the wall causing the skeletons to back up to their original positions.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Warning powerful entity approaching, proceed with caution.

The skeletons in front of me moved out of the way revealing a shadowy figure. I could feel blood begin to drip down my back and legs but I continued to stare at the unknown figure.

???: Oh, what's this? I don't believe I've seen this kind of beast before.

The figure lifted it's hand causing the raging wind to avoid us, allowing my vision to be restored back to normal. I now had a clear view of the unknown entity, and I was surprised.

Is that another wraith?

S.Y.S.T.E.M: No, that is a lich.

The lich slowly glided toward us causing me to growl and slam my fist in front of her. But she didn't even flinch, instead she stared directly into my eyes with her cold dead ones.

Lich: How strange, for a mere beast your soul is rather... unique.

Her statement surprised me and from the sinister smile forming on her face she must've noticed.

Lich: Ah, so you can understand me.

She slowly scanned my body before her eyes landed on the backpack. I stood on my hind legs and tried to back away only for the skull wall to remind me I was trapped.

Lich: I can sense more souls within that container and one of them is human.

Green smoke began to radiate out of her right hand as she slowly glided over the snow.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: User avoid her hand at all costs. One touch and she'll extract your soul.

I thought you had defenses in place to protect my soul?

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Yes, your soul, but there's nothing stopping her from taking everyone else's. And before you try to fight that thing I must warn you that you're in no condition to battle a lich.

The lich was getting closer and the skeletons continued to keep us trapped.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: I urge you to retreat.

Last time I didn't I got my left arm ripped off, so time to tactically retreat!

Before I could try to get us out of there, the lid of the backpack flew open and Wystan and Alyssa popped out. Their sudden appearance caused the lich to stop and watch as Alyssa picked Wystan up.

Wystan: Toss me!

Alyssa: (Soar high little talking rock!)

She threw him high into the air and as he was soaring he yelled out in pure joy, but he was soon dropping back down to the earth. As Wystan was coming down his body began to expand until he was back to his original size.

Wystan: Wystan smash!

He lifted his arms up high before smashing them down on a large group of skeletons. His attack caused the skeletons to swarm him and divert the lich's attention to himself.

Wystan: Run, master! I shall hold them off!

He stomped his foot on the ground causing stone spikes to erupt out the ground and destroy several skeletons. The skeletons around us tried to attack, but Alrin popped out with a ball of bright light in his hands.

As they tried to close in Arlin threw the ball in the air causing rays of light to shoot out and engulf the skeletons in fire. Before I could question what was happening Alyssa got on my shoulders and shook my head.

Alyssa: (Start running! The magical small rock can't hold them off forever!)

I hesitated for a second before smashing my fist into the skull wall breaking it. The lich turned back to us and pointed her boney finger at me.

Lich: Bring me their souls!

The skeletons tried to attack us, but the ball of light continued to destroy any that got too close to us. This resulted in the skeletons throwing their weapons and shooting arrows at me as we retreated.

Wystan was continuing to fight off the skeletons allowing me time to run toward the cave location. As the blizzard once again reduced my vision I heard the booming voice of Wystan let out a war cry behind us.

Wystan: For the king and queen of the jungle!

I continued to blindly push through the blizzard as the ball of light Arlin made dissipated. We had to rely on my map to guide us to the cave as no matter how hard I tried I couldn't see even a foot in front of me.

Is Wystan behind us?

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Negative, he is still keeping the skeletons and lich busy.

He'll be alright, right?

S.Y.S.T.E.M: ...Maybe. Although Wystan doesn't possess a soul he's not immortal, he can still be killed.

I pushed the thoughts of Wystan potentially dying away as we began to near the cave entrance. Alyssa was still on my shoulders hugging my head and from all her shaking it seemed not even my fur was helping.

Devan: (You should get back into the backpack.)

Alyssa: (It was getting too cramped in there for all three of us.)

I didn't press the matter further as we finally arrived at the entrance of the cave. I entered the cave and immediately my vision returned.

Alyssa let out a sigh of relief as she basked in the protection the cave provided us from the blizzard. Naira hopped out of the backpack while Alrin poked his head out.

Naira: Finally, that damn blizzard came earlier than I thought.

I slowly walked to the center of the cave before removing the backpack and placing it front of me. Alyssa jumped off my shoulders as Arlin tried to climb out the backpack only to struggle and fall back in.

I let out a light chuckle before reaching into the backpack and pulling Alrin out by his leg. He just looked around the cave before looking up at me still upside down.

Arlin: T-This cave should keep us warm.

Since I stopped running my adrenaline began to go down allowing me to feel all the pain I've been pushing through.

Devan: Yeah, it should.

My eyelids began to grow heavy and I felt the sudden urge to go to sleep. Arlin looked up at me concerned as my grip on his leg began to loosen.

Arlin: D-Devan, are you a-alright?

That question quickly got both Alyssa's and Naira's attention as they ran over to us. I quickly placed Arlin down before I fell to my knees, it felt like I couldn't breath and the feeling of sleeping became stronger.

Alyssa ran to my side just as I dropped on the cold frozen ground.

Alyssa: (Honey! Hey, don't close your eyes!)

Since I fell on my front everyone could see the arrows and weapons littering my legs and back. Blood began to slowly pool under me as I closed my eyes.

Devan: (I just want... to take a short... nap...)

I couldn't hear their screaming voices as everything was muffled before slowly turning dark.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Scanning... scan complete:


Temperature- Dangerously low

Blood loss- Major

Legs- Moderate damage

Lower back- Major damage

Conclusion: Immediate medical attention required.

Permission to intervene: Granted

S.Y.S.T.E.M: -... --- --- ... - .. -. --. / .. -- -- ..- -. . / ... -.-- ... - . -- / .- -. -.. / .. -. -.-. .-. . .- ... .. -. --. / .--. .-. --- -.. ..- -.-. - .. --- -. / --- ..-. / .--. .-.. .- - . .-.. . - ...


Before y'all turn me into a cooked bird I've got a good excuse this time. I was making a fourth book to fill in the last week. It'll be about Game of Thrones, hopefully you'll like it. Also I'm going to be going through and fixing things in this book soon.

Here's my schedule for April:

Week 1 (5th-9th): Reincarnated as a Gorilla

Week 2 (12th-16th): The Xeno-Hero

Week 3 (19th-23rd): The Deadliest Droid

Week 4 (26th-30th): The Wolves' Shadow (title work in progress)

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