The day you changed (Shoey Da...

By klausmose

14.1K 559 410

Joey just moved to LA with his mom and his little brother Jett. They had to move because of how Joey got bull... More

Chapter 1: A new beginning.
Chapter 3: How does he know?
Chapter 4: trust
Chapter 5: Reality is sets in
Chapter 6: Friends
Chapter 7: Tonights the night
Chapter 8: The party.
Chapter 9: 1 Month passed
Chapter 10: All about trust
Chapter 11: New friends
Chapter 12: Here we go again.
Chapter 13: The butterflies
Chapter 14: Im always here for you
Chapter 15: Detention
Chapter 16: Break up.
Chapter 17: The phone call
Chapter 18: My boyfriend.
Chapter 19: Beautiful night
Chapter 20: First date
Chapter 21: Ricky and blood
Chapter 22: Suspended?
Chapter 23: Tree house & secrets.
Chapter 24: Jessica the whole story.
Chapter 25: Secrets will come out.
Chapter 26. Guess who?
Chapter 27: Hello again.
Chapter 28: Plan in action.
Chapter 29: Threats.
Chapter 30: Memory lane
Chapter 31: Trapped.
Chapter 32: A plan?
Chapter 33: Freedom.
Chapter 34: The police.
Chapter 35: Surprise.

Chapter 2: Bully's

685 26 53
By klausmose

Joeys POV.

me and Meghan walked in to the bus and Meghan waved over to some of her friends I guess she guided me to sit down with her

Meghan: Hey guys! this is Joey he's the new here this is Tyler, troy..

Tyler: Umm.. I can introduce myself women, hmp.. Well hello there my name is Tyler! and this is my boyfriend Troye

Troye: Hi!

Matthew: I'm Matthew and this is my boyfriend Nick

Nick: Hey! you seem really nice

Joey: hehe thank you and we have a lot of couples here don't we?

Tyler: you can say that hehe so Joey tell us more about yourself

I told them almost everything about my moving to boston and that I was gay of course I trusted them with this information I just hope it doesn't come out

Joey: so that's basically it

Matthew: I'm glad you told us Joey but just dont let it get out to the school if you don't want to get beat up

Joey: yeah I know.. Meghan told me

Meghan: Guys.. they are here

As Meghan said that came in 4 boys came in and everyone sat still.

Meghan: you see that dude with black hair? that's Anthony Padilla he is a part of the bullys but he isnt as bad as he seems he can't hurt a fly, the bowl haired guy thats Ian hecox he's like Anthony not as bad in fact I was his friend before he started bullying.. Anyways the guy with the bracelets that's Ricky Dillon hes very dangerous he once beated Matthew up so bad he ended in the hospital..

Matthew: Hey!

Meghan: sorry but true

Meghan: Anyways.. The leader you see the guy with kinda redish brown hair? thats Shane Dawson "The big bully king" as the call him bla.. bla..

Meghan talked more about Shane but what is was caught up on was his blue amazing eyes, even tho I couldn't really see them because his hair was covering them while he looked down as he walked hes really cute I gotta admit.. Wait do I have a crush in a bully thats hates the gays more than anything? yes

Shanes POV. (A/N uhh =P)

Shane: Come on Lisa we gotta hurry to the bus!

Lisa: Coming babe!

I saw Lisa run towards me with her bag on the shoulder and smiling she gave me a kiss and I gladly kissed back. Meanwhile the other guys have come to the same stop and we all entered the bus, Just then.. Just then when I stepped in a saw this new guy i guess hes new here because I have never seen him here before hehe new punchbag for me

Ricky: What's up Matthew! did you finally suck your boyfriends sick this weekend?

Matthew: Leave me the fuck alone!!

Ricky: see you when i beat you up faggot!

Matthew slided down his seat and his boyfriend comforted him

Shane: Good one Ricky!

Ricky: heh

Joeys POV.

wow those guys were horrible! now im really scared if my secret comes out..

Joey: Are you okay Matt?

Matthew: Yeah i got used to it now..

Joey: oh..

Tyler: You see Joey Ricky has Matthew as a bully, me Anthony, Troye got Ian, and shane

doesnt really pick on anyone because they other has us so Joey you might get Shane

I gulped

Joey: o..oh, I mean he doesnt know im gay so I might be fine but I'm still terrified..

Tyler: I hope your right..

The bus finally came to the school and we all got out, we all checked out schedules and I had the most classes with Matt

Shanes POV.

Lisa: So I heard that the new guy name is Joey Gracefi.. Graceffa I dont know and he's apparently gay and he moved here from Boston with his mom and little brother 3 days ago

Shane: Babe where so you get all this information?

Lisa: I know people..

Shane: Hehe well looks like I got a new punching bag

Sawyer highfived me and laughed with the others, I looked to my right and I saw Joey he was kinda different that all the other guys that I have bullied there are just something..

We reached the halls I kissed Lisa goodbye as she was walking to her class

I was with Sawyer and Ian we walked towards Joeys locker while he was standing with the the two other fags

Joeys POV.

Matthew: So Joey should we go to our class?

Joey: Yup! let me just grab my stuff then we'll go

Matthew: Okay

Matt said as he kissed Nick goodbye

Joey: okay let's go!

But when i went to lock my locker Shane was behind it..

Shane: Isn't it the one and only Joey Gayceffa?


Hey guys! I hoped you likes this chapter so what do you think so far?

If there are any problems or things you guys want then I will see what I can do =)

But thanks again guys for reading this book! I'm super pumped about this because it's my first ever book! so yeah.. And thanks to Lemonanya! for making my book cover love ya girl ;) Thank you for reading and I love you all <3

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