Miss Me With That Gay Shit (C...

By GayPanicIsMyShit

11.4K 572 214

What happens when the CEO collaborated with the gayest CEO that ever existed? What kind of gay shit will happ... More

Chapter 1 - Slap
Chapter 2 - Cake and Coffee
Chapter 0.0 - High School
Chapter 3 - Picture
Chapter 4 - Her
Chapter 0.1 - Club Day
Chapter 5: Angry and Love
Chapter 6 - Meeting (1)
Chapter 0.2 - Jacket
Chapter 7 - Meeting (2)
Chapter 8 - Love at First Cup
8.5 - Bark and Quack
Chapter 0.3 - Main Character
Not an update: Recommend
Chapter 9 - Play Date
Special Chapter: Halloween Party!
Chapter 0.4 - Bump!
Chapter 10: Uncalled Sleepover
Chapter 11: Goodmorning!
Chapter 0.4 - Bump! (part 2)
A.N. - Valentine's Special (Ideas)
Valentine's Special - Save Me Some (Author and Reader)
Chapter 12 - I'm Sorry, Not (Part 1)
Chapter 12 - I'm Sorry, Not (Part 2)
Chapter 13 - I'm a Fan

Chapter 0.5: Practice

324 17 4
By GayPanicIsMyShit

Choi Yena's POV

"I loved you, Rosie, I had. You were the world to me. You were the dream I wanted to get, to receive but-" I heard Seungkwan say.

"But you can no longer love me," Yuri said, stopping him mid-way.

"The day you told me that I was just your best friend? That was the day I felt free from wanting you, from the curse that keeps me wrap around your fingers." He said.

"Was my love a curse?" My hamster asked. I sometimes wonder if she experienced being in love because I can see her eyes showing pain.

"It was, to me. One day you will treat me like I am your friend, and later on, tell me you are jealous that I am with someone else? You confused me since the day I showed my true feelings." He said, showing frustration in his voice.

"I am in love with you," Yuri said while walking up to him, cupping his face with her hand.

"And I was," He said while trying to get rid of her hand.

"Can't you love me, now?" Yuri pleads, letting the tears fall, kneeling in front of him.

"I don't want to lose myself just from loving you again." He replied and left her there, crying heavily.

"I always loved you. I always have. I was just scared to lose what we had, to sacrifice our friendship with temporary feelings." Yuri said to herself. Getting Rosie's POV in the story.

I have watched this scene unfold in front of me hundreds of times, but seeing her be broken as Rosie, hurts me. I will never hurt you.

"Bravo!" I heard Jihyo shout, earning claps from Tzuyu. They were amazed.

"I love it! You guys are so good together" Jihyo said while smiling at them.

"Thank you, Eonnie. We practiced very hard for this." Seungkwan replied while giving Yuri a bottle of water.

I wanted to bail out, to be honest. Even it was just acting, I have feelings for her, and I can't stop feeling this pain. I was staring at the floor to even notice that everyone started to leave.

"Hey? Are you okay?" Yuri tapped my shoulder. Startled by the sudden action, I screamed "Present!".

"Uh, yes, you are present." Yuri giggled. Cute.

"Yah, stop! I was taking a nap, okay? It was so boring waiting for you to finish, see this? I lost 2 kilograms because you told me not to go anywhere." I whined.

"Where's the connection?" Yuri asked while packing up her things.

"You and I have a connection," I flirted, winking at her.

"No signal," Yuri replied, ouch, but I can see her smiling.

"Okay then, goodbye Ms. Jo! I will be taking my lunch even though it is dinner time." I marched and walked to the door, not looking at my back whether she followed me or what.

"Wait for me! I will treat you, come on!" Yuri screamed, carrying her things with her. I waited by the door, reaching out my hand to her.

"Holding hands?" Yuri asked.

"No, give me your bag, I will carry it," I responded, trying not to smile.

"Oh, okay." She gave me her bag, but she had her eyes on the floor. Aigoo got embarrassed.

"Since my hand is feeling cold, I will torture you by transferring the coldness to your hand." I took her by the hand and left the area while enjoying our hands intertwined.

"So? Where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere." She whispered.

"Okay then, let's annoy Chaeyeon." Which made her giggled.


"Lee Chaeyeon!" I screamed, immediately someone opened the door.

"Hi, Chaeyeon. Your face got slimmer." I said to her as she welcomes us to her house.

"Dummy! She's Chaeryeong, the pretty sister of Chaeyeon." Yuri smacked my arm and hugged Chaeryeong.

"Whatever, at least I got the Chae, right" I slumped on the sofa and opened the TV.

"Chaeryeong, didn't I told you to review- Oh! Hi, Yena, darling! Glad to see you here, and with your girlfriend." She hugged me. Yep, her parents adore me, especially Momma Lee, as I am funny.

"I am not-"

"She's very flattered," I said on behalf of Yuri who's turning red at the moment.

"Yuri, you didn't tell me you were together now? Chaeyeon just told me, you guys were in the denial stage as of the moment."

"Eomma, shh. Eonnie might hear you down here, and realize you were the reason why Yuri will kill her." Yuri was mad. Dead mad.

Oh well, at least we achieved our tasks, and that's to annoy Chaeyeon. 


Author's note: 

This is not me being active, this is me neglecting my school works and due dates. Whoop! 

Last update for this week, and I hope I can update soon! 

YenYul crumbs, everyone!


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