Wrecked | Minsung

By j-onesunshine

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Jisung has a very unfortunate crush on a boy named Lee Minho. Especially when you take into consideration tha... More



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By j-onesunshine

As Jisung had expected, Hyunjin had told Seungmin about their little encounter at the convenience store. Their youngest friend thankfully knew better than to make a big deal out of it, just telling Jisung a small and simple 'I'm proud of you' over text. Seungmin was a smart boy and knew that showing just how happy and excited he actually was for Jisung would only make matters worse.

It was now three days later and finally, the weekend had come. For Jisung it didn't matter what day it was, seeing he was homeschooled and all. However, it did mean his friends were coming. They would do so almost every weekend just so they'd be able to catch up in person and tell Jisung about the things that happened at school that week. It went unnoticed by Jisung that they did this with the sole purpose of not losing their friendship with him. At times, he could be very distant and antisocial and his best friends would force themselves into his live to get him out of that mindset. He had given Seungmin a key to his house, knowing that he could also refuse to hang out at times. It was only because he would be mentally exhausted and knew he'd decline any offers to do something, which is the opposite of what you should do when you're in a slump.

So it came to no surprise that his bedroom door opened, showing his two best friends peeking their heads through the opening. They had knocked, but Jisung had not given an answer. Why?

He was still in his bed, sleeping peacefully with a small smile on his face. The couple contemplated to let him sleep a little longer, knowing Jisung loved his rest. However, the clock already showed it was 12:30 pm. It was time for the boy to wake up, whether he liked it or not. So, the two sneaked over to Jisung before jumping on top of him. It wasn't the brightest idea, but hindsight is always twenty-twenty. Jisung's eyes opened wide as he let out a terrified scream. Seungmin immediately recognized their mistake, giving Jisung a tight hug to apologize.

"Jisung, it's Seungmin and Hyunjin. Sorry we scared you, we just wanted to wake you up." He explained calmly, giving his friend some pats on his head. Jisung calmed down immediately upon hearing Seungmin's honey-like voice. "I-It's fine. I shouldn't have been scared in the first place... I should be over i-it by now."

"Nonesense, we were at fault. Now get your ass up, we're starving and brought waffle mix." Hyunjin said, trying to let the situation pass as quickly as they could. The three made their way down the grand stairs, Jisung staying in his sweatpants and loose black tshirt. There was no one in the kitchen, Jisung not being surprised. His sisters were probably out with Miss Kwon, so the boys had the house to themselves. Turning the music on loud, they started singing and dancing along to Seventeen as waffle mix flew everywhere. None of them really cared, they would clean it up after their small yet grand 3-man performance.

"So," Hyunjin started as the boys sat down at the table, plates filled with waffles and strawberries. "I have some juicy stuff to tell you, Sung." The latter muttered an 'oh boy' under his breath, bracing himself for the ridiculous story Hyunjin was about to tell him this time around. "Remember Taejoon? The guy that Lix dated for a while?" Jisung nodded, looking at Seungmin as the boy gave him that 'here he goes, brace yourself' look. "Well, it turns out he has been putting spy cameras in the girls' and boys' restrooms! At school! Thank god we never pee in those vile places, but it's actually insane!"

"Hmm... glad I don't go there anymore."

"For real! It's an actual investigation, the police is getting involved and everything. It's really wild, I couldn't believe it." Jisung just hummed as he shoved a piece of his brunch down his throat, clearly dissociated. He didn't know hearing Felix' name still affected him this much, his mind going blank as all he could think of was what the boy was doing and if he was okay. Seungmin glanced at Hyunjin who returned a knowing look. It was getting bad again, but they didn't know how to help their friend. After a moment of silence, one of them decided to speak up.



"Have you been taking your medication?" Seungmin asked softly, knowing he was walking a thin line. Sometimes the question upset Jisung so much it'd make him angry, other times it was fine. Hyunjin punched him in the arm lightly, clearly telling the boy he probably went too far.
"I think so." All three boys frowned at that answer, even the boy himself. Honestly, he hadn't even thought about taking it but he also knew he did some things on auto pilot. Maybe he had, maybe he hasn't, he really didn't remember. 

"Alright... well, make sure to take them tonight alright?" Hyunjin chimed in. If his friend had taken them, it wasn't good to make him take them again. So, instead of telling Jisung to take them right now it was best to wait until the next scheduled time.
"Yeah, will do. You'll be here until tomorrow anyways... Also, why did you ask?"

"You're spacing out a bit... but it's okay, you know we don't mind." Jisung nodded, his frown turning into a pout. He just wanted to be social, yet he didn't even realise he was being the complete opposite. Instead of using words, he decided to hug Hyunjin who was sitting right beside him. The latter always loved physical affection, so he didn't hesitate in hugging his best friend back. Seungmin smiled as he watched the exchange happen, not being fond of being touched too much. He accepted it from Hyunjin because that was his favorite person in the whole world, but that was pretty much the only exception.

"Do you guys want to watch a movie in the theater?" Jisung asked, figuring it would be a good activity if he wasn't being mentally present. It wouldn't need him to talk, so if he felt tired he could just fall asleep. Luckily, his friends agreed and they moved over to the other side of the house, entering the theater room with a bunch of snacks. They all took a seat on the front couch, settling in comfortably as the couple cuddled up together on the left side. Jisung just smiled as he went to pick a movie. They decided on 'Avengers Infinity War', even though they had already already seen it, it still remained iconic. Jisung zoned out again halfway through, thinking about anything and nothing at the same time.
A random thought went through his head as he remembered the boy he had met when he was forced to leave the house earlier that week.
After the dinner he had eaten that day, Miss Kwon had come home and told him she was proud of him for going outside, especially because he'd done it mostly for his little sisters. He'd thanked her halfheartedly and left to go to his room after she assured him she'd send the twins to bed. As he had been changing into his pyjamas, the note had fallen out of his jeans. Before throwing it away, he had added the number to his phone, naming the contact 'Weird Lee Minho'. So, not focused on the movie anyways and somewhat bored, he grabbed his phone and texted the stranger.

Han Jisung

This is Han Jisung, the boy that was hyperventilating on a convenience store floor
Thank you for helping me that day, I appreciate it greatly
3.27 pm

He put his phone away and looked at his friends, finding them heavily invested in the movie. He turned to look back at the screen and noticed it was the scene in which Tony, Dr. Strange and Spiderman meet the Guardians of the Galaxy for the first time. He let out a soft chuckle, the scene being one of his favorites in the entire movie. Something about Peter Quill not knowing Missouri was on Earth was hilarious to Jisung, although to be fair, he couldn't point it out on a map if he was asked either. He felt his phone buzz suddenly, picking it up to look at it. He wasn't surpised to see it was the mysterious Lee Minho, as his only two friends were sitting right next to him. His parents barely texted him unless they told him they were coming home, which was never.

Weird Lee Minho

Hey Jisung (or should i say hyperventilating convenience store boy?)
Glad to hear from you!
It was no big deal, im happy to have helped
Why the sudden text?
3.33 pm

Han Jisung

Honestly no clue
I was kind of bored and my only friends are sitting beside me
So there wasnt anyone to text
Hope I didnt distract you from something important
3.35 pm

He focused back on the movie, deciding that even though he was bored, it was rude to be on your phone whilst watching with others. He was surprised the two boys beside him hadn't gotten angry at him for his bright screen, but he decided not to disturb them. He felt the phone buzz beside his leg again, but tried his best to pay attention to what was happening on the screen. After what felt like an eternity to the boy, the movie finally ended. He slightly regretted suggesting one that was so long, but at least it had killed a lot of time. By this point, it would almost be dinner time again,  although he wasn't sure if Seungmin and Hyunjin would be hungry due to all the snacks they'd eaten.

The three of them decided to head back to the living room, finding Miss Kwon in the large kitchen that was attached to the room, whilst his sister sat at the kitchen island. All three greeted Miss Kwon as well as the children before the maid ushered them to sit down at the island as well.
"I made chicken noodle soup for dinner, would you boys want some?" All of them happily agreed, Hyunjin asking if she could put a little less noodles in his. His stomach was already full, but everyone in the room knew better than to deny Miss Kwon's delicious cooking.

"So, what have you three been up to this afternoon, Jisung?" She asked the boy directly, watching him quietly eat his soup as he wasn't invested in the conversation the four others were having that much. He looked up at her and asked if she could repeat what she had said, apologizing for not paying attention. She told him it wasn't a problem and asked again, to which he simply answered 'we were watching a movie'.

"How about we play some boardgames after dinner, Seungminnie brought Carcassone and Jenga!" Hyunjin beamed, looking past his boyfriend and right at Jisung. In all honesty, the boy just wanted to sleep,  however he knew that he would just be a buzzkill to their sleepover if he did that. Besides, he noticed how the games mentioned weren't very difficult to focus on. If things were repetitive, such as taking turns after one another, Jisung could follow along easier if his mind was cloudy like it was now. He nodded at his friends in approval, telling them he'd love to play some Carcassone. Hyunjin cheered happily as he gulped down the last remainder of his chicken soup before standing up and running to the hallway, where Seungmin and his own stuff was still laying near the stairs. He brought back both boxes containing the games, then patiently waiting for Jisung and Seungmin to finish their dinner.

It didn't take long and soon enough, the boys sat down at the dining room table, preparing the river to which they would have to align pieces. Seungmin was the one to do it this time, usually being good at creating a 'fair' starting map. In the meantime, Jisung glanced at his phone again, finally reading the messages he had received from Minho.

Weird Lee Minho

No worries i wasnt doing anything important
Im glad youre not txting me because you werent feeling good
If you want, we can be friends :]
3:45 pm

Han Jisung

I dont think you want to be friends with me
I have a lot of issues that will probably push you away eventually anyways
But I appreciate the offer hyung
7:02 pm

Weird Lee Minho

The ones with issues deserve friends more than anyone else
We can start simple, like asking each others fave colors
7.02 pm

Jisung was surprised to receive an instant reply. The older must've been on his phone, therefore immediately responding. The boy smiled slightly at the screen as he reread the messages. It seemed like 'Weird Lee Minho' wasn't that weird after all, instead being very kind and maybe even patient as well. Jisung remembered how the boy had said he was studying to help people with mental health issues, those goals seeming to match the boy quite well. He typed out a quick response, not wanting to keep Hyunjin and Seungmin waiting any longer.

Han Jisung

Alright then, you convinced me
Im still with friends now though
Lets text again tomorrow
7.03 pm

He moved his attention back to his friends whom had their eyebrows raised slightly as they were staring directly at him. He tilted his head in confusion as he put his phone face down onto the table, reaching for his glass of water, hoping they'd explain their staring. Thankfully, they did.
"Who were you texting Sungie?" Seungmin asked, grabbing the first piece to attach to one of those he had placed earlier. Jisung was about to tell them it was Minho, when a voice inside of him told him not to. He didn't know why, but he felt like listening to them.

"Just my mom, she asked me how I was doing as well as Two-Chae. Just sent a quick update." His friends nodded before Hyunjin grabbed the next piece, placing it next to a city before claiming it as his own. Jisung moved on to his turn, unsure why he was so happy they had  believed his little white lie like that. They'd know about his potential new friend soon enough, but until then he decided to keep it a secret for just a tiny bit longer.


Any thoughts?

For anyone unfamiliar with 'Carcassone', it's a game in which you place down squared pieces of a river. It can either have a city attached to it or just green grass depending on the piece's outer corner. Players take turns picking a piece from the piles and attach them to the board, either claiming a city or a road. Try to connect roads until you get to a crossroad, or close a city to get points! Most points wins! Sorry for the shit explanation, but it's a pretty relaxing and fun game. :] i play it all the time with my sister.

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