Abbacchio's Daughter Scenarios

By Polnareffturtle

108K 3.5K 4.4K

Abbacchio daughter scenarios, what's the worst that could happen? Abbacchio of all people. Not the kind of pe... More

Here's how this works
Abbacchio tells the gang that he's adopting you
Abbacchio takes you home
You say your first word
Your first steps
You eat sweets for the first time
You swear for the first time
Polnareff tells you a story
You get really hurt
You try to set up Abbacchio and Bucciarati
Please read this if you want this book to continue
You get a stand
Bruno takes you shopping
You get bullied
You learn what sex is
You accidentally get drunk
Someone Might Die
You Get Your First Period
Q&A Cause My Brain Won't Work Right Now
Abbacchio Finds Out About Your Crush
Abbacchio Gets Married
You and the Gang go Swimming
You Time Travel
You Tell Abbacchio You're Pregnant
You Go to the Beach
You Kill For The First Time
You Meet Jotaro Kujo
Abbacchio and Bucciarati Surprise You
You Get Sick
Abbacchio Breaks the News
A Little Reunion Pt.1
A Little Reunion Pt.2
Abbacchio Takes You on Your First Mission
Your First Breakup
Karaoke Night
Jailbreak Pt. 1
Jailbreak Pt.2
Questions For You!
Jailbreak Pt. 3
Jailbreak: Aftermath and Aftermeth
An Unexpected Engagement
Abbacchio Finds Out
Your Wedding
I'm Sorry

You go on Your First Date

1.2K 57 68
By Polnareffturtle

My Baby is growing up so fast 😩, You're 15

(M/f/n)- Male friend's name

"H-hey mom?" Bucciarati turned to look at you. His smile was warm as the sun. It was one that comforted you. Checking all around you to make sure Abbacchio wasn't around, you gulped and looked back up to face Bucciarati.

"So...I, uhm, probably should have told you this earlier, b-but (m/f/n) asked me out on a date." Your head founds it's way looking down and blushing. Bruno read everything you were feeling like he was Heavan's Door. 

"That's so great (Y/n)! When are you two leaving?" He pulled you into a hug full well knowing that you were embarrassed. 

"Tonight, actually. Please don't tell dad!" 

"I can't just lie to your father, (Y/n), he has to know where you're going too."

"What, so he can snipe (M/f/n) off of the roof?" Bucciarati stood it silence and pondered on this thought, curling his index finger into a hook and bringing it to his chin. 

"You know, there are some things that are done for the greater good. It'll be out secret, okay?" 

"Thanks Mom! I love you so much!" Kissing his cheek, you ran back into your quarters to go get ready. It was 4:00 p.m. and your date was at 6:00 p.m. after all. 

You were dolling up in front of your mirror, combing out your hair, putting a tiny bit of makeup and all of that fun stuff. All of the sudden Mista walked into your room.

"Soooo, whatcha getting all dolled up for?" He methodically fiddled with his gun.

"Oh, I-uhm, I'm going to Libeccio," You weren't going to Libeccio. You shoed Mista into the corner of the room and made him face the wall as you got dressed so you could continue your conversation. You stripped off your pants and shirt and slid on a cute black date dress.

"With who?" The gun man sighed as he picked at his fingernails.

" friend?" Sanguine invaded your cheeks and settled there to dwell a while longer. 

"Ooooooooh, I Seeeeeeeee. Our little miss has found herself a date, hm?"

"Shut up Mista, otherwise when you put your gun back in your pants I'll reach over and pull the trigger." You gave him the okay to turn around and you saw his frightened expression that stuck to his tan face. 

"Well darn, that's a shame!" Guido pouted as he exited your room. "Could've been you and me in a few years (Y/n)!" He chuckled and left you wondering what the hell he was talking about.

"Stupid lovable bastard," you muttered under your breath and left the room, getting ready to leave. Taking a fresh breath of sunset air, you took a glance at Mama Bruno talking to (M/f/n). It seemed he had made a good first impression on your mom. 

"I'll kill you if you hurt her in any way, understand?" Bucciarati kept a friendly face as you approached. 

"Y-yes sir! I swear I'll treat her well!" He promised as you met up with the too. 

"(Y-y/n), you look beautiful." He handed you a red rose with curves so elegant. Taking one more glance at Bucciarati's "I'll snap your neck" blue eyes, (m/f/n) left the doorstep with you next to him. 

"Your dad is really scary," He chuckled as he snaked his hand into yours. You looked into the sunset, excited for the amusement park that you two love birds were going to. You were just hoping that your secret with Bruno would stay safe. 

"Well, that's my mom, and yeah, he is pretty scary when he wants to be!"

"Wait, you have two dads?" He looked at you with an unreadable expression.

"Yeah? Is that a problem?"

"No! I think that's really cool! Having two dads sounds awesome." It was weird having someone like you even though you had two dads. Lots of people out there had tried to bully you for it, but you didn't accept their crap. Usually you would sucker punch them for it.

"Heh...thanks." You nudged his arm. The sweet moment was ruined when a strange man with shaggy black hair and a fake black mustache caught up with the two of you on his bicycle. He was struggling to ride the bicycle which was honestly just sad. An orange cloth wrapped messily around his hair slipped off and got caught on his tires, causing him to face plant onto the floor. Blood started leaking out from where he face planted. (M/f/n) grabbed your hand and the two of you began walking a little faster.

Arriving at the amusement park, the darling boy that had asked you out paid for tickets. Everything was so big and crowded it almost overwhelmed you. It wasn't often when you got to be in a crowd of people since you were always at the mansion. 

"So, waddya wanna do first?" (M/f/n) asked as he looked straight over at the cotton candy stand. The two of you locked eyes and looked back over at the cotton candy stand.

"Heck yeah!" 

It was so big. So puffy and light. It was like they had put pink coloring, sugar, and a cloud together. Burying your face into it, your tongue felt it dissolve in a pleasant way, leaving a delightful aftertaste. 

"Thank you so much. I needed this," you ripped off another piece of pink puffiness with a grin.

"Yeah, no problem. He said.

"Hey, you wanna kill ourselves?"

"Sounds like fun to me." 

Now, the Zipper was a fun ride, but it required courage. To stand in that line and watch puke fall from the spinning carts made you feel uneasy, but it was nothing you couldn't handle. Your duo was seated in a cart and then the ride began. 

Spinning and rotating made you dizzy and laugh. (M/f/n) wasn't feeling so well. He was laughing uneasily, still having fun though, so that was a plus. Not more then two seconds later did pink puke fill the floor of the cart and began leaking.

"Oh crap! You good?" The spinning began again.

"Yeah, I'm good! Just giving a little treat to the folks under us!" You were having the time of your life but then you caught a glimpse of something. A red and white cap, tan abs, and six little yellow dots. It was probably just your imagination.

Next was the twister, then a log ride ending up with the both of you soaked, the scrambler to dry you two off, and then for the finale of your night, the Ferris wheel. The sky was getting dark and the neon colored lights of the amusement park complimented the sparkling stars with their soft glow. Sitting at the the very top of the Ferris wheel sat the date, you, and (M/f/n). 

Like a sly dog, he snaked an arm around your shoulder. You leaned into his shoulder, and finale of the few moves required for a classic romantic move. You looked at each other, leaned in, and then felt the presence of someone behind you. 

"Enjoying my daughter, (M/f/n)?" Abbacchio was pointing a gun at the back of his head. He didn't move one inch. He didn't even blink.

"Okay first of all how the hell did you get up here, dad?" You looked back at him, looking angry like a little angry chihuahua.

"I climbed, obviously."

"Hmmmmm, DISTRACTION!" You threw a bag with holes filled with mayonnaise at him, grabbed your date, and used Creed to climb down the Farris wheel. You landed in some bushes nearby and (M/f/n) was shocked.

"Please! Don't freak out." You covered his mouth. 

"Okay...I'm not freaking out, but how the hell are we not dead?!"

"Ciao," Fugo was staring down upon him with a fork in hand. The two of you ran as fast as your legs could carry you until you were hiding behind an abandoned hot dog cart. 

"Look, okay you're not gonna get it, but my family and I have these weird ghost like things that we can summon and they all have their own abilities! Mine is called Creed and he's really really fast and agile-,"You were trying to get the words out as fast as possible but he just shushed you.

"Shut up, (Y/n)! Just shut up and let me kiss you!" He gently yet swiftly brought your face close to his and unexpectedly, your lips met.

"I love you, okay? Let's do this again soon." He stood up and made his escape from your family. You felt like the world all around you didn't exist. The feeling that was manifesting within you felt like warm chocolate, melting on swirled fresh strawberries. It was the best feeling you had ever experienced. 

You found your family, and returned home with them, thinking about him the entire way. You made sure not to talk to your dad or any of them in order to make them feel bad for making your date not as enjoyable as it could have been. Upon reaching home, you went into Abbacchio's quarters only to see your mom sitting on the couch.

"(Y/n), I am so sorry. I swear I wasn't the one to tell him-,"

"It's okay mom! I still had a nice time, and I know it wasn't you. It was probably Mista. Don't worry, I know where dad keeps his tasers, handcuffs, guns, and whacky stick things for payback."

He smiled at the reassurance and you gave him a big hug before the two of you got to work on brainstorming of how to beat the living crap out of Mista and Fugo for being retards. The plan involved forks, beanbags, koolaid, handcuffs, rope, and knives. 

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