𝐁𝐞𝐑𝐒𝐧𝐝 𝐂π₯𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐃�...

By justlikeyourstories

1M 28.1K 53.3K

"You know what I think, Miss Moore?" He moved closer, the scent of Peppermint, musk and a hint of cigarette... More

Book Dedication
Daddy Malfoy
Midnight Taunt
Unforgiving Showers
And Dont Flirt With Him
Tea, Darling?
Make Me
Petrificus Totalus
On The Table
Use Me
My Favourite Ravenclaw
Golden Girl
Out Of Order
No Control
Empty Blankets
Keep It A Secret
Step Mummy
Happy Birthday
Haunted Memories
Ink Scars
Good Girl
Dont Lie
Beaming With Joy
Wide Blue
Out Of All People
Extended Stays
Crystal Vase
Lit Cigar
Its Mr Malfoy
Hot Water
Madam Puddifoots
Consulting The Folks
Tightened Belt
Magic Minister
Bye Baby
I Love You Moments
Hear Me Now
Forever Yours

Doctor, Doctor

22K 650 1K
By justlikeyourstories

I'm spoiling y'all with chapters at this point 🥱

AnnaLeigh Moore

"What are the properties of a mandrake?" Professor Longbottom asked as he looked around the half dead classroom "C'mon this is 2nd year stuff, guys" he sighed as the class continued to stay quiet.

Professor Longbottom sighed once again and continued with the lesson. I felt bad for him, trying to teach a bunch of lazy 7th years would drive me nuts.

I leaned my elbow on top of the desk as my chin rested in my hand. I tapped my quill against the desk, impatiently waiting for the lesson to end when I heard quiet giggles to my right and of course it was ginger barbie and Albino ferret. Bonnie sat in Scorpius lap as they paid no attention to what was happening.

I was about to say something when the bell rang, indicating the end of the lesson. I quickly stood from my seat, gathering my stuff.

"Don't forget your essay on Devils snare is due next Friday" Professor Longbottom sung out as the students in the class ignored him and hurried out of the greenhouse.

Once I gathered all my stuff I turned to leave my desk when I was pushed over, my books and paperwork flew out of my arms as I fell to the ground, crushing my wrist and hitting my head in the process. I groaned In pain, looking up to see Scorpius chuckle then walk away with Bonnie.

Mr Longbottom rushed over and crouched to my side "My goodness- Miss Moore are you ok?"

My wrist hurt like hell, my head was pounding and I couldn't answer him as I just groaned.

"What's taking so long- Anna!" Kehlani dropped her books and crouched to my side next to Professor Longbottom "What happened?"

"She was pushed" Professor Longbottom gulped "By who I don't know"

Kehlani's eyes squinted as I noticed her cheeks turn red "I know who" she whispered under breath as she helped me stand from the ground.

"She needs to go to the infirmary" Professor Longbottom advised as Kehlani nodded her head before grabbing mine and hers stuff and walking out of the class.

"I do not wanna go to the infirmary" I shook my head as Kehlani was fuming.

"I'm going to fucking kill him and his bimbo" she seethed as a small chuckle fell from my lips "And you have to, Anna you crushed your wrist"

I sighed and looked down to my wrist that was cradled in my other hand, I took in the purple bruise that was already forming on my thumb.

"Fine but you're coming" I demanded and she just nodded as we walked back into the castle.

I sat nervously in a hospital bed, waiting to be tended to whilst Kehlani was by my side. Second period had started but I wouldn't let Kehlani leave me alone.

"I'm fucking failing potions, Anna. I can't be missing lessons" Kehlani groaned as I side way glanced at her.

"Since when do you give a fuck about potions-"

"What happened?" Kehlani and I snapped our heads towards the now open curtain where Draco stood with his arms folded.

"Your ass hat of a son pushed Anna over and she landed on her wrist" Kehlani spat out as I just dipped my head down, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Right. You can go to class, Miss Zabini. I'll write an incursion for you" I snapped my head up towards Kehlani as she started at me, I was silently pleading for her not to leave.

She just smirked and nodded her head, standing form her chair before looking at Draco "Have fun" she snickered before leaving  and closing the curtain behind her.

I'm gonna fucking kill her when I leave.

I glared angrily at the curtain where she had left as I forgot Draco was even there until he cleared his throat.

"She knows doesn't she?" He asked as I didn't say anything and that was all the answer he needed as he just nodded his head and stalked towards me.

"Let me see your wrist" I slowly made eye contact with him as I held out my wrist, wincing in pain as I moved it. He carefully took my small wrist into his large cold hands, examining it closely "It looks like you might of sprained it but I'll run some diagnostics to make sure"

I nodded my head, not saying anything as he carefully placed my wrist back into my other arm, grazing my chest slightly in the process, making chills run up my spine. I gasped quietly as he turned around and left.

The knot in the pit of my stomach returned as I anxiously bounced my leg up and down. I couldn't believe that Scorpius would stood so low as to push me and break my fucking wrist. I fell backwards onto the bed as I sighed heavily out, I didn't know what I was gonna do.

I closed my eyes, incredibly tired of his shit when suddenly I felt a pair of cold hands grasp onto the hot skin of my thighs making me gasp " Up ya come, Darling" he whispered hotly as I swallowed hard and slowly peeled my eyes open.

He stood before me with his hands rested of my inner thighs. I slowly sat up as he took my wrist in his hand and ran his wand across it, a soft blue light flew out of the tip, scanning my wrist for a moment when the soft blue light turned purple.

"You bruised your tissue" Draco conjured a sling and held it in his hand "You won't need a cast but you will wear this, be careful. Je sais, je Vais lêtre (I know I will)" my core throbbed at the way the French just naturally dripped from his tongue. I had never found French to be such an arousing language but it coming form his mouth was irresistible.

"Thank you" I said just above a whisper as I carefully slipped the sling over my shoulder.

"You can stay here for the rest of the day. I'll write you some incursions" he said as I slowly nodded my head, to in pain to argue and sat further back on the bed. My head was pounding and I felt like I was gonna throw up.

I sat up immediately as my stomach swirled "Dra- Mr Malfoy!" I called out as not even a second later he can running in.

"What's wrong?" I made spewing gestures with my hand as he nodded and conjured a bucket, putting in front of my face before sitting down on the bed next to me.

I clutched onto the bucket and spewed into it, Draco rubbing small circles on the bottom of my back as I threw up my breakfast. After I was done I wiped my face with a tissue, taking a sip of the cup of water that sat beside my bed.

"Do you feel sick still?" Draco asked as I just shook my head and held it down "look at me when I'm talking to you and answer with words"

I slowly met his gaze as he held a hard look "No I'm better now. Thanks" I said just barely above a whisper as he nodded and still stood there. An awkward silence shared between us as I put my head back down.

"You know what-" he stalked over to me, grabbing my good hand and flickering his wand. We landed in a large looking room, junk piled everywhere and it smelled like dust. In the middle of the room was a large four poster bed.

"What are you doing-"

He cut off my words as he placed a longing kiss on my lips. Of course I kissed back immediately as I moaned into the kiss. I pulled away and looked at him confused "What are you doing?"

Not another cliffhanger 😱

Also she's not pregnant we don't do pregnancy in case you were wondering.

Word count 1366.

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