Miraculous | Book 3(Old Versi...

By ChanelPradaGirl

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Merci (Thank You)
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Caméléonne (Chameleon: Part 2)
Nouveau Programme (New Schedule)
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Arrière (Backwarder)
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Silencieux (Silencer)
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Onii-Chan (Oni-Chan: Part 2)
Onii-Chan (Oni-Chan: Part 3)
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Oblivio: Part 1
Oblivio: Part 2
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Crasher Partie (Party Crasher)
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Desparada (Part 1)
Desperada (Part 2)
Un voeu (One Wish)
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Timetagger: Part 2
Lilas Roi (King Lilac: Part 1)
Lilas Roi (King Lilac: Part 2)
Chat Blanc (Cat Blanc: Part 1)
Chat Blanc (Cat Blanc: Part 2)
Plaisir et désir (Fun & Desire)
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Félix: Part 2
Coccinelle (Ladybug: Part 1)
Coccinelle (Ladybug: Part 2)
Les jumeaux (The Twins. Short)
Chasseur de cœur (Heart Hunter; Battle Of The Miraculous: Part 1)
Reine Miracle (Miracle Queen; Battle Of The Miraculous: Part 2)
C'est fini... (It's Over...)
Ailette (Fin)

Camp Amour et Drame (Camp Love & Drama)

2.9K 68 94
By ChanelPradaGirl

A/N: This chapter was inspired by @wolfypaws17.

They were gonna do it *Giggles like a teenage girl*
Their first time -doing it- tho should be on a camping trip.
The class goes camping, and Kalianna and Adrien rent out some horses and they go riding away from their class and they find a waterfall and they -do it- next to the fall so no one will hear.

And then, Chloe gets worried about her little Adrikins and she finds them asleep,
-Don't worry, Adrien has his pants on and Kalianna's wearing his shirt. They were smart enough not to sleep completely naked-
And Chloe runs and starts to cry and makes a scene, only to get roasted by Kalianna and she tries to tell everyone else but no one believed her. Mostly just a Kalianna roasting Chloe and her being very overdramatic along with some awkward yet sweet Adrien moments cause who doesn't love our sweet, awkward cinnamon roll.

You don't have to do it, heh, I just wrote -do it-. I don't think I'll ever look at that phrase without remembering this chapter, lol. Anyway, you don't have to do it, *snicker* but it would be nice if you could. Love your writing btw. It's literally the only thing that's keeping me sane in quarantine.


Love, your favorite reader, wolfy ❣️

WOLFY! My girl, you always give me inspiration! Thank you so much!! 😘


Scene: Forest.

"Ugh! There's barley signal out here!" Chloé complained as she waved her phone around in the air.

"Don't worry class, we'll only be here for a day. I just thought a little camping trip would be a nice experience for us." Mr. Damocles said.

"It will be. Chloé just likes to complain." Logan snapped.

"Shut up! Urgh. I should've never come on this ridiculous camping trip!"

"Chloé expire already." Kalianna rolled her eyes.

Miss Bustier looked at the list of fun things that she wanted her class to do. She smiled brightly at everyone. "We're going to have a fun day."


Despite Chloé complaining about not having signal, flirting with Adrien to make Kalianna jealous, insulting everyone, Marinette stumbling over her words and blushing around Adrien, the day was fun.

It was now night and everyone was now gathered around a small bonfire, sharing stories. Ronnie and Juleka were cuddled up to one another, Kalianna and Adrien were sitting next to each other, much to Marinette's dismay.

"... And then... the ghost struck! Separating the group of friends and sent them running through the big creepy mansion!" Alix told with a smirk. "One by one, the ghost picked them off. And they were never to be seen again. To this day, people are still looking for them."

Chloé scoffed nervously. "Please! That wasn't even a scary story!"

"Oh yeah? Is that why you're gripping Sabrina so hard?" Alya asked sarcastically.

Chloé looked down and saw that she was gripping Sabrina's arm tightly. She quickly let go with a roll of her eyes.

"Alright, my turn to tell a story!" Logan grinned.

As he began his story, Adrien tapped his girlfriend's shoulder and he gestured towards the horses that he and she had rented earlier today to go riding.

The two lovers smiled at each other and snuck over to the beautiful horses, everyone was too captivated by Logan's story to see them quietly riding away.

"Oh my God!" Kalianna laughed when they were far away enough. "I can't believe we just snuck away like that."

"Don't worry. We'll go back soon."

The duo stopped when they came upon the waterfall they found earlier. They tied their horses' reins to some tree branches before walking towards the waterfall, taking off their shoes, sitting down, and dipping their feet in the cool water.

Kalianna leaned on Adrien's shoulder, holding his hand. She sighed.

"What's wrong?" Adrien questioned. He instantly knew that his girlfriend was bothered by something when she sighed like that.

"Babe, do you think that Marinette... possibly likes you?"

Adrien laughed. "Why would you think that? Are you jealous~?"

Kalianna nudged him a bit. "Please. No offense but Mar isn't any competition for me. But do you ever think she could be in love with you?"

"In love with me? We barely even hang out. I only see her as a friend and she does too. What makes you think she's in love with me?"

Kalianna shook her head. "No reason. I think I'm just being paranoid. Let's talk about Lila."

"Oh no." Adrien groaned.

"She's totally obsessed with you," Anna mentioned.

"I mean, I wouldn't go that far. She just.. likes me."

"Uh, yeah, no. She doesn't just like you. She wants you for herself. Considering how she threatened me-"

"Wait what?" Adrien's eyes widened. "Lila threatened you? When?"

"It was last year. But you don't have to worry about that." Kali waved her other hand dismissively. "I had it under control."

"Ma Reine you should've told me!"

"And worry you about something that's not even serious? I don't think so. Lila's nothing but an annoying bug that I keep around for entertainment, so when she finally gets exposed I'll squash her into the ground even more and make sure she doesn't get up." Kalianna smirked wickedly.

Adrien shivered. "I don't know why but hearing you talk like that is kinda hot."

"Thank you."

"Is there anyone else you wanna talk about?"

"Oh yeah! Kagami. I don't think she likes me very much." Kalianna pouted.

"Don't say that. I'm sure once you get to know her more you and her will become friends. She's actually really nice."

'Let's hope she doesn't become my rival~.' Kal sing-songed in her head.

"You know," Adrien looked over at his girlfriend with soft eyes. "I wanted to get you out here alone."

Kalianna bit her lip. "Why's that?"

Adrien shifted his body and gently pushed Kalianna down on the ground. "You know why."

⚠WARNING!⚠: This scene is 18+ You can skip if you want.

Kalianna and Adrien frantically kissed each other while they fumbled with peeling off their clothes. Adrien's eyes clouded with lust when he saw the noirette's lavender lingerie set.

"You really are naughty. Wearing lingerie on a camping trip." He smirked and massaged her breasts.

Kalianna gave out soft moans and unbuckled her boyfriend's pants before pulling them down. She leaned up and began biting his neck while rubbing his chest with one hand and palming him with the other.

Adrien groaned in pleasure. He reached back and unclipped Kalianna's bra, sliding off the straps, showing off her perfect-sized breasts.

"I've been itching to see these again." He swiftly leaned down and attached his mouth to her left nipple, causing her to cry out.


"If you can tease me then why can't I?" Adrien slid his other hand down her stomach to her lady parts and started rubbing it gently.

Kalianna cried out again and bit down on his shoulder, palming her boyfriend even faster.

"Mmph~" Adrien pushed her hand away and pulled down his boxers, his 11 inched member sprang up. He looked at his girlfriend with affection and ardor, she looked back at him with the same expression. "Ready?"

"M-hm." Kalianna nodded eagerly.

Adrien pulled off her underwear and slowly entered her. Kalianna gripped his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist, throwing her head back as tears pricked her eyes.


"Don't worry Princess, it'll hurt at first but it'll turn into pleasure soon." He wiped away her tears. "Just tell me when you want me to move okay Princess?"

Kalianna nodded. A minute later, she bit her lip. "You can m-move."

Adrien started moving in and out slowly, but as Kal's moans became louder each time he thrusted, he began going faster.


"Baby~." The boy moaned, sweat already starting to form on his forehead.

"Oooo~." Kalianna grabbed Adrien's face and kissed him hard. The kiss was filled with nothing but love and passion.

Adrien kissed and sucked on her chest and collarbone while ramming into her even faster. The amber-eyed girl moaned loudly, gripping his hair with both hands, her legs tightening around his waist.

"Princess." Adrien groaned, playing with her soft buds. "I-I'm about to-!"

"Me too." Kalianna cut him off with closed eyes.

The two lovers loudly moaned when they both finally orgasmed. Adrien pulled out, panting. He looked down at his breathless girlfriend, his fluids pouring out of her. He laid down on top of her breasts and she played with his hair.

End of 18+ scene

"That *pant* felt so *pant* good," Adrien commented.

"I'll say." Kalianna smiled tiredly and sighed.

Scene: Camp Site.

Miss Bustier and Mr. Damocles finally noticed that Adrien and Kalianna were gone.

"Where's Kalianna and Adrien?" Miss Bustier stood up.

Everyone looked around.

"Umm, where are the horses?" Nino scratched his head.

"They must've taken them out for a ride while we weren't looking." Mr. Damocles figured, cupping his chin.

"Why would they go out in the middle of the night. There could be bears out there!" Ronnie panicked.

"Where even are they?" Juleka quizzed quietly.

"They're probably at that waterfall they found today," Max mentioned.

"One of you should go check on them and bring them back. We need to go to sleep." Miss Bustier said.

Marinette was quick to stand up, she wanted to know what Kalianna and Adrien were doing. "Uh, I could go check on them."

"Ugh. Sit down Dupain-Cheng." Chloé ordered as she pushed Marinette back down on the log she was sitting on. "Knowing you you'll probably trip and fall down somewhere then get lost." She began walking in the direction of the waterfall.

Marinette growled.

"Kids, stay here." Mr. Damcoles commanded. He and Miss Bustier then followed after Chloé.


Chloé swatted a bug away from her as she walked through the forest with Mr. Damocles and Miss Bustier. "Urgh! Why did I even decide to come out here in the first place!"

"The sooner we find Adrien and Kalianna, the sooner we can get back so you'll be in the comfort of your own tent." Mr. Damocles assured.

"This had better be worth it. I only came out here because I was worried about my Adrikins. I could care less about Little Miss Perfect." Chloé hissed under her breath.

The three finally made it to the waterfall and saw the horses tied to the branches. They then saw Kalianna and Adrien on top of each other sleeping.

Chloé smiled and ran up to the two. "Adrikins-!" She gasped and covered her mouth by what she saw.

Kalianna was on Adrien's chest wearing his shirt while Adrien had his arm wrapped around Kalianna and he was wearing just his pants.

"Chloé what's wrong-" Mr. Damcoles saw Kalianna and Adrien. "Oh! Oh my!" He shielded his eyes.

Miss Bustier yelped when she saw the position Kalianna and Adrien were in.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Chloé screeched, waking the lovers up.

"Chloé!" Adrien saw Mr. Damocles and Miss Bustier. "Oh my God." He shielded a surprised Kalianna with his body and she gripped his shoulders.

"Please, put your clothes on! Your own clothes! This is very indecent!" Mr. Damocles continued to shield his eyes.

Chloé ran away back to the campsite, bawling her eyes out.

"Miss Bustier and Mr. Damocles please don't tell anyone!" Kalianna pleaded as she and Adrien got dressed.

"Who would?! I'd be so embarrassed to say I found you two like this!" Mr. Damocles covered a frozen Miss Bustier's eyes.

"Have you two been seeing each other secretly?" Miss Bustier asked in a quiet tone.

"Y-Yeah," Adrien responded. "Please don't say anything. We're not ready to go public yet."

"Are you two done?" Mr. Damocles probed.

"M-hm." Kalianna nodded.

Mr. Damocles uncovered his eyes and Miss Bustier's and sighed. "... We won't. Right Miss Bustier?"

All Miss Bustier could do was nod vigorously. What could she say? That she wasn't gonna allow her students to continue their relationship just because she found them on top of each other? No! She wasn't that type of teacher!

The group went back to the campsite with the horses and saw Chloé telling everyone about what she saw.

"I saw them half-naked on top of each other! I swear!"

"What the heck are you babbling about?" Kalianna asked.

"Don't play dumb!" Chloé pointed an accusing finger at her. "You and Adrien did it together!"

"Chloé, shut up. Look at me and Adrien's clothes. They're literally still intact. All we did was hang out by the waterfall, I don't know what you're so worked up about."


"You saw nothing ya blonde bimbo. You just overreacted because you saw us by the waterfall together."

"I believe Kalianna. We would've heard if Adrien and her did... that together." Alya commented.

"Which they totally didn't." Marinette chuckled nervously.

"Miss Bustier and Mr. Damocles where there too! Tell them!" Chloé demanded.

"Ms. Bourgeois I'm going to need you to calm down. You must've been hallucinating because all me and Miss Bustier saw was Kalianna and Adrien by the waterfall together chatting." Mr. Damocles lied.

Miss Bustier nodded in agreement.

"So that just proves Chloé's nothing but a liar then." Max frowned.

"No surprise that she'd lie to try and get Kalianna in trouble there." Kim rolled his eyes.

Chloé looked at the principal and her teacher in disbelief. "Your.. your LYING FOR HER?!"

"That's enough Chloé. No one's lying for anyone." Miss Bustier tried to calm the situation.

"I saw them together! I saw them on top of each other!!"

"So which one is it?" Kalianna stepped up to Chloé.

"What do you mean which one is it?!"

"You said you saw me and Adrien sleep together. Then you said you saw we were on top of each other. So which one is it Chloé?"


"Get your story straight wannabe barbie. I think all that bleach you've been putting in your hair is starting to sink into your brain and making it even smaller than it already is."

Chloé looked at Adrien, who had his arms folded. "Adrikins... how could you?"

Adrien looked away. "How could you? I-I can't believe you would actually lie like this."

"Well, she is the reason why half of Paris has been akumatized." Kali told facts.

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" Chloé looked at Sabrina. "Sabrina! You believe me don't you?"

"I do." Sabrina stood by Chloé's side.

"Ha! See?! Someone believes me!" Chloé exclaimed smugly.

"She's your minion. Of course, she'd believe you." Logan snarled.

As everyone spewed insults at Chloé while she acted overdramatic, Ronnie saddled up to Kalianna.

"So, did you two really do it or no?" Ronnie whisper-asked.

Kalianna blushed, then smirked at him. "These lips are sealed."

"So that's a yes then?"



While everyone slept, Kalianna snuck out of her tent and went into Adrien's.

The blonde-haired boy woke up out of his sleep when he felt a warm body next to him under his sheets. "Kalianna is that you?" He asked groggily with closed eyes.

"No, it's me Adrikins!"

Adrien scrambled up when he heard the high-pitched voice and looked at a giggling Kalianna. He smiled, messing with his hair. "You gave me a heart attack."

"I know." Kalianna cuddled up next to him and he wrapped his arm around her waist.

The noirette squeaked when she felt her boyfriend grab her butt. She looked up at him only to see him smirking down at her. She bit her lip.

'I'm so glad I didn't bring Sunny along.'

'I'm so glad I didn't bring Plagg along.'

Scene: Agreste Mansion.

Sunny and Plagg were on Adrien's bed chilling.

'I'm so glad they didn't bring us along.'

Word Count: 2,658

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