Command Me

By Docked

277K 11.9K 1.1K

First book in the Command Me series. Cover by @Claire007Murphy More

New Management
A Little Problem
First Incident
Happy Employees
A New Routine
An Accident
Bad News x2
High Roller
Marv's Rage
New Rules, New Hire
No Means No
Midnight Ride
Pick One
A Plan
Let's See How This Goes

A New Friend

8K 418 70
By Docked

"Today's the day, ladies."

"Battle for Lost."

"God, that sounds so dumb..."

"Shut up."

"Lets see who comes out on top."

"Or bottom. Lost seems like a top."

"Oh, she is."

"Nicci, stop rubbing it in."

"I can't help it. After tonight I'll have someone to talk about it with. Share every dirty, sexy detail and-"

"Who do you think she'll pick?"

"Whoever rubs up on her the most, i'm guessing."

"I hope she picks me."

"Good luck trying to get her. You're way too sweet."

"Fuck you. How's that for sweet?"

"She would have had sex with me last night if I let her."


"When was this?"

"Last night, dipshit. I just said that."

"Well, what happened?"

"You know that new guy Mike?"

"Ugh, yes. He kept hitting on me."

"Me too."

"Yeah, well, he followed me to my car last night."

"What a fucking creep."

"What did he do?"

"He pushed me against my car and was all over me, the drunk bastard."

"The fuck?"

"That asshole."

"Did he... Go further?"

"No, thank god. Lost came out to help me just in time. She warned him off first but he didn't listen. He was super drunk."

"Then what?"

"Mike hit Lost in the face with his elbow. Made her bleed."

"Shut up!"

"It's true."

"What did she do to him?"

"She was pissed. She smashed his face in my car window. Shattered the glass. It was intense."

"Bastard deserved it."

"Good for her."

"Did she kill him?"

"No. She told me to go get Marv. Marv yelled at him then went back inside. She told him not to anything like that again."

"That's it?"

"When Lost almost raped someone, she flipped her shit."

"Yeah, whats up with that?"

"Well, I'm assuming Mike won't live throught the next incident. Marv will probably have Lost take care of him."

"Still, I can't believe she didn't do worse to him."

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it."

"Ugh. I'm staying far away from Mike."

"Yeah, definitely. Are you girls ready? The club's opening soon."

"Who wants to wake up Lost this time?"


As I do every day when I wake up, after taking a shower and brushing my teeth and giving my good mornings to the girls, I check to make sure the club is ready to open. The bouncers nod at me as I pass, and Ben gives me a smile and a friendly handshake, stopping me to chat for a second about nothing important. When he's done, I move on, fingering the stages as I stroll by, heading for the bar. Will gives me a wave and Carlos gives me a thumbs up to let me know everything is good on their end. Mike is sitting way at the end on his own, his head down and his leg jiggling nervously. I stare at the make of his head and, as if knowing what I was thinking, he turns to face me, an apologetic expression etched into his features. I give him a scowl, sniffing the air and smelling his blood. The cut on his forehead opened when his forehead scrunched. Dismissing him, I turn in my heel and head for the stairs, wanting to see if Marv is okay. I know I don't have to but seeing her will make me forget about Mike.

Schooling my features into neutral, I stupidly open Marv's office door without knocking. My mistake strikes me when I'm two strides into the room, and I open my mouth to apologize, but Marv is nowhere to be seen.

But the room isn't empty, either.

A woman I've never met before sitting on Marv's couch, her eyebrows raised at me, her eyes taking in my collar and chain. Though she doesn't seem a threat, anger immediately takes over and I growl a feral growl at her. She is in Marv's space, while Marv isn't, and thats enough for me. I lick my bared teeth as my muscles tighten for a fight.

The woman says nothing, doesn't even react to me. Her eyebrows remain raised but now there's a hint of a smirk on her lips. I grow angrier and stalk towards her, unsure but ready.

She scoffs at my actions and rolls her eyes. "Marv!" she yells in the direction of the small, adjoining bathroom. "I think your, uh, pet is here."

Taking a whiff, I catch Marv's scent coming from the bathroom. I should have been aware of her sooner but this steange woman took my whole focus. I relax slightly, knowing Marv is around and alive, but remain wound up, just in case.

A minute later, Marv walks out of the bathroom, wiping her hands on a towel. "Pet!" she scolds, when she sees the way i'm growling at the woman on the couch. "Knock it off. She's a friend." She throws the towel into the bathroom and strides towards me. When she's within distance, she slaps me, hard.

I'm shocked at her actions, not sure what earned me a slap. I wasn't even going to attack. "Sorry, Mistress," I apologize, though not certain what for.

"Wow," the woman on the couch says. "She didn't even get angry with you for that. Impressive. She'll really do anything you want?"

"Oh yeah," Marv chuckles. "She's all mine. Why do you think she wears this collar and chain?" She pulls on my chain for effect, cauaing me to lean forward.

"I thought it was just for shock value." The woman laughs, her deep eyes sparkling. "She actually wears that because you told her to? I don't know many who'd be willing to be humiliated like that. Where do I find someone like her? I could sure use someone like that. I mean, I'm the one that's on the streets."

Marv tugs on my chain, leading me towards the side of her desk. She puts a finger under my chin and tickles to make me lift up on my tip toes and purr. God, she feels so good. Her eyes are hard and her smile is devilish, but still I purr.

"Kneel, Pet," she commands.

I get on my knees eagerly and wait for the next command. At least know I know why she had slapped me and why she's using me like a prop. She wants to show me off.

"She's one of a kind," she says, lowering herself into her chair. "I couldn't tell you were to find someone like her, if there is someone similar. I stumbled upon her myself. Pure chance. And no, you can't have her. Just because the streets are more dangerous means nothing. She is mine."

"Lucky you," the woman muses. "Can she do anything special? She doesn't look like she can do much."

"Oh, Kit, you have no idea. Haven't you heard the rumors?"

"Of course I've heard the rumors. But they're just that, rumors. I like proof," Kit says, crossing her legs.

Marv touches her chin for a moment, thinking. Her eyes slide to me and she winks. "What kind of proof?" she finally asks.

"Well, I've heard about her eye trick. How about you show me that? If it's even real."

Marv rolls her eyes, nods, then gets up from her chair to stand beside me. "It only works if she's angry or horny," she bluntly tells Kit, with her hand on my head. Her fingers scratch lightly and I push up to meet her.

Kit claps once in amusement. "I would love to see the little cutie horny. Glowing eyes would be a plus."

Marv laughs and walks over to Kit. "Okay, but you have to help. Promise you won't get attached?"

Kit rolls her eyes as Marv stands before her, hands on hips. I'm curious, so I watch the memories and thoughts that roll through Kit's mind. Her and Marv used to date, or something, way back when. They'd hook up but were never exclusive. They still did, rarely, but they both knew the deal. No feelings, no whining.

Marv settles on Kit's lap, pulling her skirt up to sit comfortably, and it snaps me out of Kit's mind. "Watch, Pet," she instructs without looking at me.

"I thought we were getting her horny, not each other," Kit questions, but grabs Marv's hips anyway.

Marv chuckles lightly and leans down. "She can smell arousal," she murmers.

As I watch Marv kiss Kit, I shift uncomfortably. Kit's dark hands roam over Marv's back, and Marv bucks against Kit's body. I lick my lips as arousal slowly fills the room. I take in a deep breath, basking in both womens individual scents. Letting out a low growl, I grip the floor, trying hard not to dig my nails in. I desperately want to please Marv myself. I'm not envious of Kit, I'm actually glad Marv is enjoying herself, but it's in my nature to want to be the one to give my Mistress pleasure. I want to join, maybe. I just want to be one of the sources of Marv's happiness.

Kit peeks around Marv's body to look at me when I growl louder, and she gasps. "So the rumor is not just a rumor."

"No, it's not," Marv says, crawling off of Kit's lap. She sucks her teeth and gives me a look that makes me almost pant with need. She smooths down her skirt and walks to me, standing close.

I whimper softly, wanting to please Marv. Her scent is stronger with her so close and I can almost taste her. My knees shift, my body instinctively wanting to get closer to hers.

"Why is she whining like that?" Kit asks from the couch, fixing her pants. I didn't even notice I was whining.

"All she wants is to please me," Marv says in a whisper. "It's what she lives for. She can smell my arousal and wants to do something about it. Isn't that right, Pet?" she asks, grabbing my chain. Smirking and angling her hips towards me, she tangles her fingers in my hair. The slight tug she gives my short locks makes me give the barest of moans.

"Yes, Mistress," I sigh dreamily, licking my lips while still looking at her crotch.

Marv laughs at me and pulls on my chain, wanting me to stand up. "Too bad. The clubs about to open and I need you to watch the place," she says, still giving me that sexy smirk. "Now go. Kit and I have some business to talk about."

I look nervously at Kit, not wanting to leave Marv alone with someone I don't really know. But mostly I want to continue being basked with Marv's attentions. It's more than intoxicating.

Marv flicks the back of my head in irritation. "Go on, Pet. I won't tell you again."

I'm up quicker than humanly possible. Saddened, I drag my feet the whole way to the door, still not wanting to leave. Kit starts to speak before I fully exit Marv's office and a twinge of hope that she wants me to stay flutters in my chest.

"You still haven't shown me her rumored strength or agility."

Marv huffs and rolls her eyes. I'm definitely not staying. "Fine. Pet, jump down to the first floor," she commands.

I start for the balcony outside of the office just as Kit stands up from the couch and walks to the door to watch me. I climb up on the balcony without hesitation then step off to free fall. Will and Carlos yelp as I fall, but I easily land cat-like on the first floor, unharmed in any way. Will curses as I look up to the second floor to see if Marv wants me to do anything else.

"I can't believe she did that without even questioning you," Kit mumbles, impressed and a little scared at my loyalty. Her unblemished, dark face has lost a bit of color.

Marv ignores her comment and calls for Carlos to join her up on the second floor. After shaking his surprise off, and getting a smack from Will, Carlos moves as quickly as he can to Marv.

"I want you to jump off the balcony," Marv tells Carlos when he's beside her.

Carlos' eyes widen in shock. He starts fumbling with his words, not sure how to tell Marv that he doesn't want to. He really, really doesn't want to.

"Dont worry," Marv laughs. "Lost will catch you. You'll be fine."

Carlos looks down at me and I wave at him. He smiles nervously at me, still not wanting to jump. I urge him to do it and promise that he'll be fine. Shutting his eyes, Carlos puts all of his faith in me. He trusts in my abilities.

When he gathers his strength, he does as Marv asks. He takes deep breaths, reciting a prayer, then jumps with a scream. I jump up a little to try and lessen his impact on my arms and catch him smoothly. When we land, I hold him until he cracks open his eyes.

"Impressive," Kit says from above.

Carlos sighs heavily and thanks his God, then me. I put him down on his feet and shoo him away back to the bar with Will. I watch Will clap Carlos on the back, amusement in his eyes. I tilt my head back up to Marv with a questioning look on my face, wondering if I have to do anything more.

"Good job, pet," she says, making me light up. "That'll be all. If I need you, I'll call for you, so listen out for me." She walks back into her office with Kit, who smiles at me, then shuts the door behind them.

Heart racing with excitement, I listen to Will and Carlos talk for a moment, then settle by the bar and wait for the place to fill with customers. A smile remains on my face as I think about Marv praising me.

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