The Deeper The Hate The Deepe...

By myangelicstar

44.5K 1.7K 239

"How you !! I..I don't believe these bullshits. Parth ...Parth!!!,I know this this is... More

1- Mr. Red Shirt
2 - The person behind Krystle's heartbreak
3 -Parth deciding to help
4 - Project With Parth?
5 - A Silly Leaf
6 - Parth's favorite hobby
7 - Thoughts on Love
8 - Commotion in locker room
9 - Sneaking into his bedroom
10 - Slipped again
11 - Sad flashback
12 - Winning Akansha's support
13 - Parth's fear
14 - Akansha's wicked plan
15 - Partners?
16 - Surprise Visit At Green World
17 - Akansha's Panic Attack
18 - Unplanned night of being close
19 - Finding a beautiful spot
20 - Parth to apologize
21 - Caught Red-handed
22 -Truth or Dare
23 - I need you
24 - My savior
25 - Duty of Waking Parth
26 - Need For Money
27 - The Real Fun
28 - Winston Diner
29 - Enlighten Me
30 - A Walk Together
31 - A Tragic Accident
32 - To Dance?
33 - My Childhood
34 - I Love You
35 - Hated Nature
36 - Parth With Jacqueline?
37 - Dare Completed
38 - My Girlfriend
39 - The Prom
40 - Heartbroken
41 - Did I Make A Mistake?
42 - I Hate You
43 - I Am Sorry! I Can't!
44 - Surprise!!!
45 - I Feel Jealous
46 - Trip to U.A.E.
47- In Same Room
48 - The Exhibition
49 - Be Mine
51 - A Final Conclusion?!!
52 - To Explore
53 - Unexpected Surprise!!
54 - Sweet Revenge
55 - Shock For Whom?
56 - Unexpected Reunion
57 - Is she...??!!
Author's Note
New Book!

50 - Just Like Those Old Days!!

619 21 8
By myangelicstar


"I amm sorrrryyy ", the words was spelled out from his mouth like a little breeze. I stared at his tear-filled, guilty face which prickled my heart even more.

"Do you really love me, Parthu? ",I asked in a weakened tone, with tears in my eyes, awaiting his reply.

"I lubb you myyy Kansha ",he exclaimed in a childish, sincere voice warming my heart.

"I love you Parthu ",I confessed my feelings which I had tried to bury deep down in my heart for quite a long time.

His eyes bulged out hearing my words and he looked extremely stupefied.

"Di-- did y-- yu juzt---- ",he stammered with wide eyes.

He is drunk tonight and he won't be able to remember what happened today. Even if he remembers something, I can reject it firmly saying that it was just his imagination. I just wanted to be a little selfish to spend this day with Parthu just like those old, golden days.

"Yes. You heard it right. I love you Parthu ",I confessed.

The next moment I was inside his broad arms, hugging me tight. Warmth and tingles spread all over my body, making me feel alive with passion.

"I lubb you Kanshaaa ",he said in a slow, grunt voice.

My heart melted hearing his warm words.

Just for today. Just live this day Akansha!

"What can we do now? Do you have any ideas in your so-called intelligent mind? ",I asked him in a playful tone.

He started to think as if it was a serious issue with one of his hands resting on my shoulders and the other hand on his chin.

"Don't overthink Parthu. You are beside your Kansha only. So, there is no need for you to think badly about it. I understand you. Just speak what your heart says ",I said to him waiting for him to speak from his heart.

There is a saying that drunk people speak the truth from their heart. Let me just see what he is going to say. I know I am being a little selfish but I couldn't stop myself from taking advantage of him.

"I loveeee being with you ",he said, placing his head on my lap, staring at me, with deep, black, glossy eyes.

My hands went naturally towards his hair, stroking his hair tendrils the same as those old days when we both were together. A nostalgic feeling hit me hard but I controlled myself and looked at Parth to see him staring at me with a confused face.

"Hehehehehehehehe ",he giggled suddenly with no reason, making my hands halt in a confused state.

Has he gone mad?

"What are you laughing about Parthu? ",I asked him, waiting for his reply.

"All thee builldngss are bowwing to us. Theyy somhoww found us but they are keepingg their distance afraid that I would do somethingg to them. I like it ",he said, stumbling with his words.

God! Like seriously?! Buildings? Bowing to us? Those buildings are smaller than the Taj and that's the reason why those buildings are lowered to us. He has really gone crazy.

"Bitch ",he suddenly shouted in an angry, sloppy voice.

Bitch? Is he calling me that way? So, this is how he thought of me?! And me being the fool wished to hear his lovely words. Damn my poor broken heart!

I looked at Parth to see his angry look directed towards another direction.

Another direction?

He was staring at Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world.

"Why is it not bowing to me? ",he pouted.

What. The. Hell..Is. Going. On. Here.?!

Was he just shouting at the Burj Khalifa?? Ugh! Me and my stupid thoughts.

As the Burj Khalifa was taller than the Taj, he thought that it was not bowing to him.

Even in his drunken state, he doesn't really give up his attitude. He is really something.

"You know what, I love this Burj Khalifa. It's one of my dreams to go to the topmost part of that building ",I said changing the topic.

"Is that so? ",he asked eagerly.

"Yes ",I nodded.

"Fine. Then let's go and conquer it ", he suddenly exclaimed and tried to stand but his body didn't give the strength he needed, which led to the stumbling of his legs.

But I held his arms firmly and made him sit beside me.

"Let's go tomorrow if you are still wishing to conquer it ",I said as he would not remember about all this stuff the next day.

"As y'urr wishh ",he said with a childish, cute smile.

He looked so cute and sweet with his small gestures. How can someone be so sweet and fierce at the same time ?? His eyes have some kind of enchanting power which bewitches me all the time.

I intertwined my arms with his arms and leaned on his shoulders staring at the bright, dark sky.

Home. The feeling of being home hit me hard. Home? When will I be able to meet my parents? I-- I just wanted to meet them and be inside their protective cycle.

By now, I am accustomed to his childish and fierce behavior. So, I eagerly listened to his words which were totally cute and funny.

This is another side of Parth which I discovered just today. The drunk Parth is too funny with so much emotion which could be seen very easily.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Parth clapped his hands loudly.

"You too clap ",he said and I relented to his thought which made the atmosphere from normal to enjoyable.

"I 'll conqerr the who--- ",but I interrupted him from his thoughts by calling him by his name.

"How would it be if we live together in a place full of nature and peace with no tension of busy city life? "

"But-- what 'bout our job? ",he asked, confused.

Damn! He is too sensible even when he is drunk.

"Then, how about we stay in that place for at least once in a year during our busy life? "

"That's coollllll! ",he exclaimed.

"Let's dance!! ",he said standing up, more like stumbling with his steps.

"Parthu ",I held him when he was about to slip up.

"Careful. "

"I love it ",he whispered, staring at me with his glossy eyes.

The wind blew strongly, making some of my hair tendrils fall on my face.

Parth's face suddenly frowned.

"No ",he shouted and touched my face. His fingers slowly touched the hair tendrils. His fingers brushed softly while he adjusted my hair behind my ear. A shiver ran throughout my body under his tingling touch.

My eyes came in contact with a tipsy, inebriated eyes filled with overwhelming emotions.

The distance between us reduced too quickly.


The kiss was fierce with passion and lust. I felt the alcohol taste in his mouth which made me feel giddy. I poured all my love and feelings which made it feel so special to me. He bit my lips earning a moan from me. Soon due to lack of air, our lips got separated intaking a deep breath.

I took in the surroundings to see that I was on the bed strangling him.

Damn! I lost control again.

"Parthu ",I called him but there was no response.

I stared at his face and heard the steady breathing and looked at his calm, innocent, stress-free face.

Now, I and Parth would have been so close if nothing sort of that bet thing would have happened.

"If only he had told the truth to me?! ",my heart saddened when those thoughts appeared in my mind.

I removed his shoes from his foot and covered himself with a blanket. Then I turned off the lights beside the bed and was about to sleep on the sofa but a hand clutched my arms stopping me.

"Please don't go ",Parth whispered in a grumpy voice.

Not able to resist his baby face, I nodded my head.

"I won't go. "

"Stay ",he mumbled.

'Only for today. Parth would surely sleep for a long time. By the time he gets up, I would be far away from him', with that thought in my mind I laid down beside him.

He moved a little closer and laid his head on my neck, his breath tickling me and his arms encircling me.

The last thing I remembered before sleeping was his warmth that made me feel at home and I went into a deep slumber.


The aroma of the food spread throughout the whole place which made my stomach grumble in hunger.

To my utter amazement, when I woke up at 9.30 am, Parth was still sleeping like a cute baby. I then freshened myself and then ordered through room service. I asked for a hangover pill and placed it on the table stand and walked over to the dine to eat my delicious breakfast.

After breakfast, I made myself a cup of filter coffee to satisfy my thirst. I surfed the net seeing the recent, trending gossip to waste my boring time.

Why is he still not waking up? The time is past noon.

Speaking of that brat, Parth comes into the scene rubbing his eyes tiredly with a bed-hair look which made him look more handsome and cute.

My psycho!...

Um... Damn! What am I saying?

Not my psycho. Ugh!

"Morning babe ",he said in a sleepy, grumpy voice which added more handsomeness to his usual self.

My lips were about to wish him but I somehow controlled myself.

I just ignored him and continued surfing on my mobile.

"Did something happen yesterday? ",he asked after a few moments of dead silence.

"What happened? Nothing happened ",I denied his words quickly which made me a little suspicious of my actions.

Damn! Don't overact. Be calm. He won't find anything odd.

"I--- yester--you--i ",he stumbled upon with his words.

"Order your food and take the painkillers; you will feel better. "

He nodded his head still in a confused state and walked back to the room, more probably to freshen up.

I exhaled a deep breath as I was a little nervous to breathe when I saw Parth.

The smell of freshly bathed fragrance of Parth reached my nostrils making me aware of his presence. Even though he affected me a lot, I tried my best to avoid him.

"Did I do something yesterday? ",he asked suddenly when I was about to move out but his words halted my steps.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down.

"You were drunk yesterday. I took you to the room and-- ",I paused to look at his features which enlightened hearing my words.

"And? " ,he asked curiously..

"---And you fell into a deep slumber. I then removed your shoes and covered you with the sheet ",I said, praying silently for him to believe my lie.

"Oh? ",he asked confusedly.

"Then I went to sleep on the couch. I didn't take advantage of you. If you have any weird thoughts, it must be your dream. Don't overthink it ",I reasoned myself for him to think whatever he felt was just a dream.

"But--- why do I feel like something else has happened last night? ",he asked, locking his eyes with me.

"I-- I-- I mean -- what are you speaking? It's all bullshit. Don't splutter nonsense ",I stammered with my words making me look flustered with emotions.

Damn! Where are my acting skills when I need it the most?

"Do you love me Kansha? ",he asked seriously, waiting impatiently for my answer.

'Yes.' Words got stuck in my throat and I couldn't speak a single syllable.

"I was just drugged; I don't have amnesia. Even though most of the events are still a blur to me, in due time my mind would surely recollect what had happened the previous night. "

"Now tell me something Kansha. Will you give me another chance? ",he asked sincerely, his deep, black eyes burning in mine.

No answer came out from my mouth.

"Fine ",he shouted loudly, making me take a step back in fear. "Fine. Be like this forever ",he said and walked outside the suite room closing the door with a huge thud.

What the hell just happened now?


The stars are shining brightly in the dark sky; It's past ten thirty but still there is no sign of Parth. Where the hell did he go?

When he is with you, you hate it. But now he is not with you, why am I not enjoying my privacy?


Why are you always affecting me in one way or another way?

Tring.. tring...

My phone rang, making me come out from my thoughts.

'Parth' , the caller id rang. I let out a deep breath of satisfaction as I am glad that he decided to call me.

"Where the hell are you? Tell me now ",I shouted on the phone.

"Mam, sorry to inform you. A serious accident has occurred. The person belonging to this phone is seriously injured. He is currently in a life-danger situation. Do come to AVECA hospital as soon as possible ", the stranger's voice spoke and the line went dead making my heart forget to beat for a second.

'Person belonging to this phone is seriously injured', the voice ringed in my ear continuously.

Parth? No! It can't happen. He is a steel body; a psycho; a strong person. Nothing can happen to him.

I-- I ne--- need to see him, right now!

AVECA hospital? But where is it? How am I supposed to find this hospital in such a vast country?

I ran outside like a mad woman and stopped the moving taxi and entered inside it. I then instructed the driver to go to the AVECA hospital.

I will kill you if something happens to you, Parth.

I love you Parth.

I truly love you!

Don't leave me.

I will kill you with my bare hands if you die without hearing my words.

What does he think of himself? Why did he wander alone in an unknown place?

No. It's my fault.

It's all my fault! I must have stopped him when he was about to walk off. But me being the dumb I am, didn't stop him.

Why? Why? Why?

He is physically and mentally strong. Or else he would have given up on the love I have for him. He will surely survive.

That stranger didn't specifically explain about the accident.

I cried.

I prayed.

I prayed for his well-being.

"Brother, please drive the taxi fast ",I urged the driver, my eyes flowing with tears thinking about all the worst scenarios.

Soon I reached the AVECA hospital. I paid the fare and ran fast towards the reception table.

"Where is the emergency accident that had happened just a few hours before? ",I asked loudly in a pathetic, weak voice.

"Are you a relative of that patient? That patient looked so horrible. He looked like a young man. I hope he survives this ",the receptionist said looking at my disheveled state.

I nodded my head hysterically like a mad woman.

"I am. Show me the way ",I shouted. All the mannerism ran out of me. Only thing in my mind is to see him as quickly as possible.

"Operation Theatre is second right. Tha-- ",she was about to say something else too but my legs ran in its own instruction towards the second right.

The smell of the hospital hit my nostrils heavily but nothing stopped me from dragging my legs to the operation theatre.

The scene in front of me made me still for a moment.

My heartbeat forgot to beat for a moment looking at the scene in front of me!



Hello my dear readers! How is the update? What did Akansha witness in front of her?

Stay tuned to what happens next!!

The story is slowly moving towards the end!! I am excited for it!

See you guys in the next chapter!!

If you love this chapter, do vote and comment your thoughts about the chapter and please do share this story to your friends too if you like this book.

Thank you so much for your support!!

With Love,

S. M. Skyler.

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