Just Internet Friends {m.g.c}

By IrwinsLaughing

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Friend /frɛnd/ noun a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of... More

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By IrwinsLaughing

From: Mikey :D

Knock knock


To: Mikey :D

Who's there?


From: Mikey :D



To: Mikey :D

Daisy who?


From: Mikey :D

Daisy me rollin dey hatin


To: Mikey :D

seriously, how do so many teenage girls love you so much?


From: Mikey :D

You love me though don't you Ri *Kissy emoji*


To: Mikey :D

Narr I'm sorry


From: Mikey :D

no Ri dont leave me i love you babe *heart eye emoji* *kissy emoji*


To: Mikey :D

Nah feck you


From: Mikey :D

but but Ri *crying emoji*


To: Mikey :D

I hate seeing your bubble thing cry but that's how it is


From: Mikey :D

why are we friends?


To: Mikey :D

because you love me


From: Mikey :D

no I dont


To: Mikey :D

Michael you just told me that you did


From: Mikey :D

well I take it back


To: Mikey :D

you cant take it bakc when Ive already recieved it


From: Mikey :D

dont make me come over there and kill your flowers


To: Mikey :D

youre just jealous that Luke got me flowers and not you :P


From: Mikey :D

oh yeah because i sooo want roses dont I ?


To: Mikey :D

well they match your hair


From: Mikey :D

its not the same shade


To: Mikey :D

Michael, white is white


From: Mikey :D

Michael, white is white


To: Mikey :D

dont mimick me over text


From: Mikey :D

soz not soz


To: Mikey :D

why are you being so rude today?


From: Mikey :D

nothing, nevermind


Michael had been rude to me all day. I thought that when he sent that joke he was trying to be nicer to me but apparently not. It wasn't like Michael to be like this with me, he's usually all jokes and laughter and he's never pissed off at me so I didn't understand his words. I didn't understand where all this negativity has come from.


From: Luke <3

Hey, wanna come to the studio with me ? *grin emoji*


To: Luke <3

Sure what time?


From: Luke <3

How about now? I'm outside your house.


To: Luke <3

I'll come let you in whilst I get changed then because I'm in my pajamas *Laughing emoji*


From: Luke <3

Come in your pajamas it's fine!


To: Luke <3

Theres not going to be any of my favourite band members there is there?


From: Luke <3

I can't tell you that it would ruin the surprise!


To: Luke <3

That's it I'm changing.


From: Luke <3

Can you let me in then? It's kind of cold out here...


To: Luke <3

shit yeah, the front door is open, come straight in.


I quickly changed into my daisy skirted dress, pulled on some floral patterned tights. Grabbing my shoes and jacket I ran downstairs to find Luke awkwardly stood infront of my front door with my dad standing infront of him with his arms crossed. Shit.

"Ariel, this boy says that he knows you." My dad said turning around to face me.

"Yeah, this is Luke dad." I told him as I squeezed around to be able to face him and stand next to Luke.

"Oh, so this is Luke?" he asked raising hi eyebrows as he glanced over to look at the boy stood next to me again. "He's ruder than what you lead on Ariel."

"What do you mean? What has he done?" I asked furrowing together my eyebrows in confusion. Luke isn't rude, I bet he felt awkward just walking into my house eventhough I told him to.

"He just thought it was ok to just walts into my house." my dad informed me.

"I told him to come in daddy, he's done nothing wrong."

"Well where is he taking you?"

"I'm taking her to meet some friends of mine." Luke interrupted, but my the look my dad gave him he quickly added, "Sir."

"I do hope that you're not going to be gang raping her, I've seen stuff like that on the news." My dad told Luke squinting his eyes unsure of what to think of the blonde who was now tugging his lip ring with his thumb and index finger. To say that I was embarrassed by what my dad said was an understatement, my dad needed to stop watching the news so much.

"Dad!" I groaned. Annoyed at my Dad's over protective nature I pulled on Luke's arms towards the door, "I'll be safe don't worry."

On the opening of the door I felt the cold wind hit me but I didn't let that stop me from pulling Luke out of the awkward tension of my front hallway. That was not how I wanted Luke to meet my Dad, or my Dad to meet Luke but I suppose that I can't change what just happened.

"I thought we were going to the studio?" I asked confused as to why he told my dad that we were meeting some of his friends. I already knew his friends didn't I?

"Doesn't mean that some of my friends aren't going to be there, Ri." he chuckled looking down at me with a small glint in his eyes that I seem to be noticing a lot more recently and I didn't know what it was but I really liked it.

"But I know your friends." I told him almost making it seem like a question as I raised an eyebrow at him. This only made him laugh harder at me causing me to frown.

"I have more than three friends Ri." Luke laughed wrapping his arm around my shoulder as he showed me his rented car. The simple Ford Fiesta was parked on the public pathway and I must say that Luke's parking skills were terrible.

"Were you in a rush or something?" I asked looking at the car that had the boot sticking out onto the road.

"Sure lets say that." he said rubbing the back of his neck looking slightly ashamed of his parking skills.

"Hey! Don't be embarrassed." I laughed, " I don't have a driving liscence, I've failed it three times now."

"Well that's made me feel better, I only failed mine twice." he winked and opened the passenger side door for me. Doing a slight bow in mochary of his gentleman action which made him chuckle as he closed the door behind me. I watched him as he walked around the front of the car and sat at the drivers seat.

Luke took his keys out of his back pocket and stuck out his tongue slightly as he tried to find the right key to stick into the ignition. When he managed to find it and start the car I immediately looked away from his face realising that I was looking at the definition of his jawline and the slight stubble that I could see on his chin.

"So you're taking me to the studio?" I asked for confirmation of our destination.

"We are indeed, princess." He said glancing at me before looking back to the road. The nickname 'princess' made me feel awkward as no one has ever had a nickname or me, and I couldn't decide whether it was a good or a bad awkward.

The rest of the ride was silent, and for me it was awkward. I never like silence, which is why Michael is amazing as he hates silence too and always needs to talk to me and keep the conversation going, that was kind of how we're so close. I loved the way Michael would just say terrible jokes to make me feel better or just say stupid shit to fill the air.

"Well," I said trying to fill the tension in the car. "I don't think this is fair that I'll know so many of your friends and you only know one of mine." I sulked back in my seat and Luke shook his head at my childish behaviour.

"Well how about next week we go and you take me to meet your friends?" He suggested and I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, but I hope you're ok with going up to the north of England, my bestfriend lives in Leeds." I told him but then remember something that I should probably tell him in advance. "How do you feel about clairvoyants?"

"Well, I like the song." He said smirking slightly and I sighed in frustration.

"Stop with your Iron Maiden humour and tell me what you think of them." I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"Well I've never met one and I'm not sure if I believe in all that shit." he shrugged his shoulders not thinking that it's a big deal.

"Please don't say that stuff around, Charlie because she's a clairvoyant and she takes non believers very seriously." I told him with a serious and stern tone in my voice.

"Ashton thought that he was a clairvoyant once becuase he thought he saw his great grandma in town... It ended up just being his grandma." Luke laughed back at this memory which made me smile at how much fun the guys seem to have together. It made me wonder why most of my friends like that live all around England and not just in London.

"Well, I think Ashton and Charlie will get along amazingly then." I laughed thinking about sticking them two in a room together. Charlie automatically likes people that understands her gift and doesn't call her insane or that she's not right in the head because she thinks that she can talk to the dead.

I always understood her and I always believed that what she was saying that she was true, she helped me get through the loss of my Mum when she died of Chondrosarcoma (a type of cancer in her femur).

Charlie was there for me. I was so thankful for her throughout that whole process of her death that I'm now ok to talk about it.

"We're here, sugar." Luke turned to wink at me before getting out of the car. Quickly not wanting him to open the door for me I got out the car and walked around the front to meet the frown on his face. He obviously didn't like it that I wouldn't let him open the door on my side of the car. I found it quite cute to be honest.

"So who out of your friends am I meeting?" I asked as he took my hand and dragged me into the building infront of me.

"Well, have you ever heard of Benji and Joel Madden?" He asked smirking at me as my jaw dropped from the mention of two of my punk idols that are in the building that I'm now stood in the lobby of.

"Where?! Oh my god, Luke if you don't tell me where Joel Madden is I swear to god." I said looking around frantically for Joel. Only Michael knows my love for Joel Madden and Good Charlotte and only he would understand why I would be freaking out at the information that I'm going to be meeting two out of five members of Good Charlotte.

"Did someone ask for me?" I hear a deep voice say to my right and I turned around to find Joel fucking Madden leaning against a door frame with a confused look on his face as he looked to me and then to the boy stood behind me.

"I think I'm going to scream." I mumbled staring at the two Madden brothers in awe. I held my mouth shut not wanting to embarrass myself by screaming or saying something stupid infront of two of my idols.

"Joel, Benji, I want you to meet, Ri. She will be joining our writing today." Luke smiled at the two and walked through the door leaving me gobsmacked in the lobby.

"Should she be following you?" Benji asked looking over his shoulder where Luke was walking down the corridor.

"Joel, I'm sure that Ri would love you to escort her to the room." Luke laughed as he saw me still standing in the same position in awe at the two men. Slowly I saw Joel walk towards me and he wrapped his arm around my body as he escorted me towards one of the rooms at the end of the corridor.

"Does she speak, Luke?" Benji asked which made Luke laugh and nod his head.

"Most of the time she never shuts up." Luke told them, "She's probably just nervous because she's a big fan of you guys." he shrugged as he watched me with a grin on his face. I sat down next to Luke and just stared at both Benji and Joel admiring both of their movements.

"To be honest, I'm jealous that she asked for Joel." Benji laughed sitting across from us, "I like the feeling of being the favourite." This made me feel bad that I let Benji know that Joel was my favourite and I had to speak up to clear the air, I suppose.

"Awh no I love you both equally Benji." I tried to make him feel better but he just laughed. Why are they all laughing at me today?

"How very thoughtful of you." He grinned looking back down at a piece of paper on the table then pushed it towards Luke. "We got this so far but we thought we'd need you - the lyrical genius - to help us on this one."

"How very flattering of you." Luke placed one of his hands over his heart acting as if he was swooning over Benji's words.

I peeked over Luke's shoulder to see what was written already:

Hey, pretty girl, what's your name?What's your number?
I've got the keys to my dad's yellow hummer
There's a party you can come if you wanna go tonight
Alright, see you later

Wrapped up lateTook a minute but I found my mates
She was there acting cool so I made her wait
Wasn't long, couple songs , 'til I headed her way to say
Damn, you look amazing

"Guys, I think this is where the chorus should start yeah?" Luke said looking at them both. "Do you know what you want the chorus to sound like? Musically?"

"Well yeah we have that bit, here listen." Joel said then Benji picked up the guitar and started strumming a few chords to a really good rhythm.

"Ok so we can have fun? The beat picks up?" Luke said looking up to the two waiting for them to nod. I really didn't expect for song writing to be this serious, I thought that all musicians had fun whilst writing. Well, maybe this was fun for, Luke. Who am I to judge how he has fun? "Ok give me a few minutes."

It took him more like ten minutes for him to write down lines, and he did it so effortlessly. It was like he didn't even try, I was mesmerised by how easy he made it look to think of lyrics.

"It's captivating, isn't it?" Joel asked me noticing how I was staring at Luke in wonder, "Watching Luke in his element. He's really good at it too, not as good as Michael, but really good." Michael can write songs? I'm gonna have to get him to show me some time when he's not being a rude jerk to me.

"Ok, I think I have your chorus guys." Luke said looking up from the paper. "Play the music so I can sing it and see if it fits."

"I'm gonna hear you sing?" I asked him with my eyes wide. I remember when I first asked him if I could hear him said and he said no, some other time and now he's going to sing and let me listen with Benji and Joel Madden in the room, today couldn't possibly get better.

I watched as Luke rolled his eyes, "Yes, Ri, you're going to hear me sing." he chuckled before turning back to the paper and nodding his head at Benji:

"Last night what a blur,Woke up lying next to her,
Last night made a mess,
Doesn't get better than this,
Falling from the bar,

Twenty-five texts and a call from mum,It must've been good 'cause I,

can't remember"

"Shit dude! Yeah that's great." Joel nodded his head liking the sound of the chorus. I must say I was incredibly impressed with Luke.

But what really shocked me was Luke's voice. Seriously was Luke, Lucifer? The fallen angel? Because I swear that only angels could sound like that. There is no joking behind that thought, like at all.

"Luke! You can fucking sing!" I exclaimed hitting Luke's arm numorous times to gain his attention.

"Well I should hope so, you know being a lead singer of a band and that." Luke laughed looking at me with that same glint in his eyes from earlier and once again it makes me slightly uncomfortable. Luke's eyes were a really light blue, almost seeming cold. I couldn't help but compare them to Michael's green ones. They seemed colder and more sharp than Michael's warm and welcoming ones. I don't know why I compared them, Michael is my bestfriend it's not like he likes me anything more than that, I'm not in a fucking All Time Low fanfiction, no I was in reality and I have to face the fact that Michael was my bestfriend and a great guy like Luke seemed to really like me.

I heard a cough from my left and noticed that both me and Luke were staring at eachother and I blushed from embarrassment of both of them seeing that. Whilst I slapped myself internally for thinking about Michael whilst staring at Luke.


From: Charlie ~\o/~



To: Charlie ~\o/~

I'll be on my first train there, don't worry I'll be there tonight. Take deep breathes and remember music lots of music.


"Luke, I really need to go." I whispered into his ear which caused him to look at him in confusion.


"Charlie needs me and I need to find a train to Leeds tonight to get to her." I whispered again beginning to stand up. "It was such an honour to meet you guys, it's like I met the kings of the punk world or something." I giggled, blushing at how idiotic I'm being. "But I really have to go so sorry."

"Hey, it's ok!" Joel said as they both pulled me in for a hug giving me a worried look but I shook it off I didn't have the time to explain, my bestfriend needed me.

"I'll drive you to the train station." Luke said looking down at his phone, concetrating on something before smiling then looking up, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the studio.

This is fanfic is going to be the first in a series called "English Love Affairs" I'm going to post the Prologue and stuff for the next book in the series and it's going to be called Clairvoyant, so yes look out for that on my profile :-D

Don't be a silent reader!

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